(ns metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause
   [malli.core :as mc]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(comment metabase.types/keep-me)

Set of all registered MBQL clause tags e.g. #{:starts-with}

(defonce ^:private  tag-registry
  (atom #{}))

Given an MBQL clause tag like :starts-with, return the name of the schema we'll register for it, e.g. :mbql.clause/starts-with.

(defn tag->registered-schema-name
  (keyword "mbql.clause" (name tag)))
(def ^:private invalid-clause-schema
  [:fn {:error/message "not a known MBQL clause"} (constantly false)])

Build the schema for ::clause, a :multi schema that maps MBQL clause tag -> the schema in [[clause-schema-registry]].

(defn- clause-schema
  (into [:multi
         {:dispatch common/mbql-clause-tag
          :error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _]
                      (if-let [tag (common/mbql-clause-tag value)]
                        (str "Invalid " tag " clause: " (pr-str value))
                        "not an MBQL clause"))}
         [::mc/default invalid-clause-schema]]
        (map (fn [tag]
               [tag [:ref (tag->registered-schema-name tag)]]))
(defn- update-clause-schema! []
  (mr/def ::clause

create an initial empty definition of ::clause


whenever [[tag-registry]] is updated, update the ::tag and ::clause schemas.

(add-watch tag-registry
           (fn [_key _ref _old-state _new-state]

Register the schema for an MBQL clause with tag keyword, and update the :metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause/clause so it knows about this clause. Optionally specify the [[expression/type-of]] that this clause returns, inline, if the clause always returns a certain type; otherwise you can implement [[expression/type-of]] separately.

(define-mbql-clause :is-null :- :type/Boolean [:tuple [:= :is-null] ::common/options [:ref :metabase.lib.schema.expression/expression]])

(mu/defn define-mbql-clause
  ([tag :- simple-keyword?
   (let [schema-name (tag->registered-schema-name tag)]
     (mr/def schema-name schema)
     ;; only need to update the registry and calculated schemas if this is the very first time we're defining this
     ;; clause. Otherwise since they're wrapped in `:ref` we don't need to recalculate them. This way we can avoid tons
     ;; of pointless recalculations every time we reload a namespace.
     (when-not (contains? @tag-registry tag)
       (swap! tag-registry conj tag)))
  ([tag         :- simple-keyword?
    _arrow      :- [:= :-]
    return-type :- ::expression/base-type
   (define-mbql-clause tag schema)
   (defmethod expression/type-of-method tag

TODO: Support options more nicely - these don't allow for overriding the options, but we have a few cases where that is necessary. See for example the inclusion of string-filter-options in [[metabase.lib.filter]].

Helper intended for use with [[define-mbql-clause]]. Create an MBQL clause schema with :catn. Use this for clauses with variable length. For clauses with fixed argument length, use [[tuple-clause-schema]] instead, since that gives slight better error messages and doesn't love to complain about 'potentially recursive seqexes' when you forget to wrap args in :schema.

(defn catn-clause-schema
  [tag & args]
  {:pre [(simple-keyword? tag)
         (every? vector? args)
         (every? keyword? (map first args))]}
   (into [:catn
          {:error/message (str "Valid " tag " clause")}
          [:tag [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} tag]]
          [:options [:schema [:ref ::common/options]]]]

Helper intended for use with [[define-mbql-clause]]. Create a clause schema with :tuple. Use this for fixed-length MBQL clause schemas. Use [[catn-clause-schema]] for variable-length schemas.

(defn tuple-clause-schema
  [tag & args]
  {:pre [(simple-keyword? tag)]}
  (into [:tuple
         {:error/message (str "Valid " tag " clause")}
         [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} tag]
         [:ref ::common/options]]

Even more convenient functions!

Helper. Combines [[define-mbql-clause]] and the result of applying schema-fn to tag and args.

(defn define-mbql-clause-with-schema-fn
  [schema-fn tag & args]
  (let [[return-type & args] (if (= (first args) :-)
                               (cons (second args) (drop 2 args))
                               (cons nil args))
        schema               (apply schema-fn tag args)]
    (if return-type
      (define-mbql-clause tag :- return-type schema)
      (define-mbql-clause tag schema))))

Helper. Combines [[define-mbql-clause]] and [[tuple-clause-schema]].

(defn define-tuple-mbql-clause
  [tag & args]
  (apply define-mbql-clause-with-schema-fn tuple-clause-schema tag args))

Helper. Combines [[define-mbql-clause]] and [[catn-clause-schema]].

(defn define-catn-mbql-clause
  [tag & args]
  (apply define-mbql-clause-with-schema-fn catn-clause-schema tag args))

For REPL/test usage: get the definition of the schema associated with an MBQL clause tag.

(defn resolve-schema
  (mr/resolve-schema (tag->registered-schema-name tag)))