This stuff is used for informational purposes, primarily to record QueryExecution entries when a query is ran. Pass them along if applicable when writing code that creates queries, but when working on middleware and the like you can most likely ignore this stuff entirely.

   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))

Schema for info.context; used for informational purposes to record how a query was executed.

(mr/def ::context
   ;; do not decode, since this should not get written to the app DB or come in from the REST API.
   {:decode/normalize identity}
(mr/def ::hash
  #?(:clj bytes?
     :cljs :any))

Schema for query :info dictionary, which is used for informational purposes to record information about how a query was executed in QueryExecution and other places. It is considered bad form for middleware to change its behavior based on this information, don't do it!

TODO - this schema is somewhat misleading because if you use a function like [[metabase.query-processor/userland-query]] some of these keys (e.g. :context) are in fact required

(mr/def ::info
   ;; do not decode, since this should not get written to the app DB or come in from the REST API.
   {:decode/normalize identity}
   ;; TODO -- not 100% sure info should be getting normalized, because we're not supposed to be saving this map
   ;; anyway, right?
   ;; These keys are nice to pass in if you're running queries on the backend and you know these values. They aren't
   ;; used for permissions checking or anything like that so don't try to be sneaky
   [:context                 {:optional true} [:maybe [:ref ::context]]]
   [:executed-by             {:optional true} [:maybe]]
   [:action-id               {:optional true} [:maybe]]
   [:card-id                 {:optional true} [:maybe]]
   [:card-name               {:optional true} [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]]
   [:dashboard-id            {:optional true} [:maybe]]
   [:alias/escaped->original {:optional true} [:maybe [:map-of :any :any]]]
   [:pulse-id                {:optional true} [:maybe]]
   ;; Metadata for datasets when querying the dataset. This ensures that user edits to dataset metadata are blended in
   ;; with runtime computed metadata so that edits are saved.
   [:metadata/model-metadata {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential [:map-of :any :any]]]]
   ;; Pivot QP runs multiple queries, and in the dataset api, we need to have access to the original query
   ;; so that we can pass it to the pivot.qp for downloads on unsaved questions
   [:pivot/original-query    {:optional true} [:maybe [:map-of :any :any]]]
   ;; `:hash` gets added automatically for userland queries (see [[metabase.query-processor/userland-query]]), so
   ;; don't try passing these in yourself. In fact, I would like this a lot better if we could take these keys xout of
   ;; `:info` entirely and have the code that saves QueryExceutions figure out their values when it goes to save them
   [:query-hash              {:optional true} [:maybe [:ref ::hash]]]])