Schemas for the various types of filter clauses that you'd pass to :filters or use inside something else that takes a boolean expression.

(ns metabase.lib.schema.filter
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
   [ :as id]
   [metabase.lib.schema.literal :as literal]
   [metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
   [metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as temporal-bucketing]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))

Helper intended for use with [[define-mbql-clause]]. Create a clause schema with :tuple and ensure that the elements of args at positions specified by the pairs in compared-position-pairs can be compared.

(defn- tuple-clause-of-comparables-schema
  (fn [tag & args]
    {:pre [(simple-keyword? tag)]}
     (apply mbql-clause/tuple-clause-schema tag args)
      {:error/message "arguments should be comparable"}
      (fn [[_tag _opts & args]]
        (let [argv (vec args)]
          (or expression/*suppress-expression-type-check?*
              (every? true? (map (fn [[i j]]
                                   (expression/comparable-expressions? (get argv i) (get argv j)))
(mr/def ::default-filter-operator
  "Filter operators that should be supported by any column type. Note that the FE allows only `:is-empty` and
  `:not-empty` for string columns."
  [:enum :is-null :not-null])
(mr/def ::string-filter-operator
  "String filter operators supported by the FE. Note that the FE does not support `:is-null` and `:not-null` with string
  columns; `:is-empty` and `:not-empty` should be used instead."
  [:enum :is-empty :not-empty := :!= :contains :does-not-contain :starts-with :ends-with])
(mr/def ::string-filter-options
  "String filter operator options. Only set for `:contains`, `:does-not-contain`, `:starts-with`, `:ends-with`
  [:map [:case-sensitive {:optional true} :boolean]]) ; default true
(mr/def ::number-filter-operator
  "Numeric filter operators supported by the FE."
  [:enum :is-null :not-null := :!= :> :>= :< :<= :between])
(mr/def ::coordinate-filter-operator
  "Coordinate filter operators supported by the FE. Note that the FE does not support `:is-null` and `:not-null` for
  coordinate columns."
  [:enum := :!= :> :>= :< :<= :between :inside])
(mr/def ::boolean-filter-operator
  "Boolean filter operators supported by the FE. Note that `:!=` is not supported."
  [:enum :is-null :not-null :=])
(mr/def ::specific-date-filter-operator
  "Specific date filter operators supported by the FE."
  [:enum := :> :< :between])
(mr/def ::exclude-date-filter-operator
  "Exclude date filter operators supported by the FE."
  [:enum :!= :is-null :not-null])
(mr/def ::exclude-date-filter-unit
  "Temporal extraction units supported by exclude date filters."
  [:enum :hour-of-day :day-of-week :month-of-year :quarter-of-year])
(mr/def ::time-filter-operator
  "Time filter operators supported by the FE."
  [:enum :is-null :not-null :> :< :between])
(mr/def ::time-interval-options
  "Options for `:time-interval` operator. Note that `:relative-time-interval` does not support these options."
  [:map [:include-current {:optional true} :boolean]]) ; default false
(doseq [op [:and :or]]
  (mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause op :- :type/Boolean
    [:args [:repeat {:min 2} [:schema [:ref ::expression/boolean]]]]))
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :not :- :type/Boolean
  [:ref ::expression/boolean])
(doseq [op [:= :!= :in :not-in]]
  (mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause op :- :type/Boolean
    [:args [:repeat {:min 2} [:schema [:ref ::expression/equality-comparable]]]]))
(doseq [op [:< :<= :> :>=]]
  (mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause-with-schema-fn (tuple-clause-of-comparables-schema #{[0 1]})
    op :- :type/Boolean
    #_x [:ref ::expression/orderable]
    #_y [:ref ::expression/orderable]))
(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause-with-schema-fn (tuple-clause-of-comparables-schema #{[0 1] [0 2]})
  :between :- :type/Boolean
  ;; TODO -- should we enforce that min is <= max (for literal number values?)
  #_expr [:ref ::expression/orderable]
  #_min  [:ref ::expression/orderable]
  #_max  [:ref ::expression/orderable])

sugar: a pair of :between clauses

(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause-with-schema-fn (tuple-clause-of-comparables-schema #{[0 2] [0 4] [1 3] [1 5]})
  :inside :- :type/Boolean
  ;; TODO -- should we enforce that lat-min <= lat-max and lon-min <= lon-max? Should we enforce that -90 <= lat 90
  ;; and -180 <= lon 180 ?? (for literal number values)
  #_lat-expr [:ref ::expression/orderable]
  #_lon-expr [:ref ::expression/orderable]
  #_lat-max  [:ref ::expression/orderable]  ; north
  #_lon-min  [:ref ::expression/orderable]  ; west
  #_lat-min  [:ref ::expression/orderable]  ; south
  #_lon-max  [:ref ::expression/orderable]) ; east

null checking expressions

these are sugar for [:= ... nil] and [:!= ... nil] respectively

(doseq [op [:is-null :not-null]]
  (mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause op :- :type/Boolean
    [:ref ::expression/expression]))

:is-empty is sugar for [:or [:= ... nil] [:= ... ""]] for emptyable arguments :not-empty is sugar for [:and [:!= ... nil] [:!= ... ""]] for emptyable arguments For non emptyable arguments expansion is same with :is-null and :not-null

(doseq [op [:is-empty :not-empty]]
  (mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause op :- :type/Boolean
    [:ref ::expression/expression]))

N-ary [:ref ::expression/string] filter clauses. These also accept a :case-sensitive option. Requires at least 2 string-shaped args. If there are more than 2, [:contains x a b] is equivalent to [:or [:contains x a] [:contains x b]].

[:does-not-contain ...] = [:not [:contains ...]]

(doseq [op [:starts-with :ends-with :contains :does-not-contain]]
  (mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause op :- :type/Boolean
    [:schema [:catn {:error/message (str "Valid " op " clause")}
              [:tag [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} op]]
              [:options [:merge ::common/options ::string-filter-options]]
              [:args [:repeat {:min 2} [:schema [:ref ::expression/string]]]]]]))

SUGAR: rewritten as a filter clause with a relative-datetime value

(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :time-interval :- :type/Boolean
  ;; TODO -- we should probably further constrain this so you can't do weird stuff like
  ;;    [:time-interval {} <time> :current :year]
  ;; using units that don't agree with the expr type
   [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} :time-interval]
   [:merge ::common/options ::time-interval-options]
   #_expr [:ref ::expression/temporal]
   #_n    [:multi
           {:dispatch (some-fn keyword? string?)}
           [true  [:enum {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} :current :last :next]]
           ;; I guess there's no reason you shouldn't be able to do something like 1 + 2 in here
           [false [:ref ::expression/integer]]]
   #_unit [:ref ::temporal-bucketing/]])
(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :during :- :type/Boolean
   [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} :during]
   #_expr  [:ref ::expression/temporal]
   #_value [:or [:ref ::literal/] [:ref ::literal/string.datetime]]
   #_unit  [:ref ::temporal-bucketing/]])
(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :relative-time-interval :- :type/Boolean
   [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} :relative-time-interval]
   ;; `relative-time-interval` does not support options to eg. include/exclude start or end point. Only int values
   ;; are allowed for intervals.
   #_col           [:ref ::expression/temporal]
   #_value         :int
   #_bucket        [:ref ::temporal-bucketing/]
   #_offset-value  :int
   #_offset-bucket [:ref ::temporal-bucketing/]])

segments are guaranteed to return valid filter clauses and thus booleans, right?

(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :segment :- :type/Boolean
   [:= {:decode/normalize common/normalize-keyword} :segment]
    {:dispatch string?}
    [true  ::common/non-blank-string]
    [false ::id/segment]]])
(mr/def ::operator
   [:lib/type [:= :operator/filter]]
   [:short [:enum
            := :!= :inside :between :< :> :<= :>= :is-null :not-null :is-empty :not-empty
            :contains :does-not-contain :starts-with :ends-with :time-interval :relative-time-interval]]
   ;; this is used for display name and it depends on the arguments to the filter clause itself... e.g.
   ;; number_a < number_b
   ;; gets a display name of "less than" for the operator, while
   ;; timestamp_a < timestamp_b
   ;; gets a display name of "before" for the operator. We don't want to encode the display name in the `::operator`
   ;; definition itself, because it forces us to do i18n in the definition itself; it's nicer to have static
   ;; definitions and only add the display name when we call `display-name` or `display-info`.
   [:display-name-variant :keyword]])