Conditional expressions like :case and :coalesce.

(ns metabase.lib.schema.expression.conditional
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
   [metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
   [metabase.types :as types]))

For expressions like :case and :coalesce that can return different possible expressions, determine the best return type given all of the various options.

the logic for calculating the return type of a :case or similar statement is not optimal nor perfect. But it should be ok for now and errors on the side of being permissive. See this Slack thread for more info:

(defn- best-return-type
  [x y]
    (nil? x)
    ;; if the type of either x or y is unknown, then the overall type of this has to be unknown as well.
    (or (= x ::expression/type.unknown)
        (= y ::expression/type.unknown))
    ;; if both types are keywords return their most-specific ancestor.
    (and (keyword? x)
         (keyword? y))
    (types/most-specific-common-ancestor x y)
    ;; if one type is a specific type but the other is an ambiguous union of possible types, return the specific
    ;; type. A case can't possibly have multiple different return types, so if one expression has an unambiguous
    ;; type then the whole thing has to have a compatible type.
    (keyword? x)
    (keyword? y)
    ;; if both types are ambiguous unions of possible types then return the intersection of the two. But if the
    ;; intersection is empty, return the union of everything instead. I don't really want to go down a rabbit
    ;; hole of trying to find the intersection between the most-specific common ancestors
    (or (when-let [intersection (not-empty (set/intersection x y))]
          (if (= (count intersection) 1)
            (first intersection)
        (set/union x y))))

believe it or not, a :case clause really has the syntax [:case {} [[pred1 expr1] [pred2 expr2] ...]] :if is an alias to :case

(doseq [tag [:case :if]]
  (mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause tag
    ;; TODO -- we should further constrain this so all of the exprs are of the same type
    [:pred-expr-pairs [:sequential {:min 1} [:tuple
                                             {:error/message "Valid [pred expr] pair"}
                                             #_pred [:ref ::expression/boolean]
                                             #_expr [:ref ::expression/expression]]]]
    [:default [:? [:schema [:ref ::expression/expression]]]])
  (defmethod expression/type-of-method tag
    [[_tag _opts pred-expr-pairs _default]]
    ;; Following logic for picking a type is taken from
    ;; the [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.annotate/infer-expression-type]].
     (fn [[_pred expr]]
       (if-some [t (expression/type-of expr)]

TODO -- add constraint that these types have to be compatible

(mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause :coalesce
  [:exprs [:repeat {:min 2} [:schema [:ref ::expression/expression]]]])
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :coalesce
  [[_tag _opts & exprs]]
  #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:reduce-without-init]}
  (reduce best-return-type
          (map expression/type-of exprs)))