Malli schemas for possible drill-thru operations.

Drill-thrus are not part of MBQL; they are a set of actions one can take to transform a query. For example, adding a filter like created_at < 2022-01-01, or following a foreign key.

(ns metabase.lib.schema.drill-thru
   [metabase.lib.schema :as-alias lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.binning :as lib.schema.binning]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
   [metabase.lib.schema.extraction :as lib.schema.extraction]
   [metabase.lib.schema.filter :as lib.schema.filter]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.order-by :as lib.schema.order-by]
   [metabase.lib.schema.ref :as lib.schema.ref]
    :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(mr/def ::pivot-types
  [:enum :category :location :time])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.type
   {:error/message "valid drill-thru :type keyword"}
   (fn [k]
     (and (qualified-keyword? k)
          (= (namespace k) "drill-thru")))])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.common
   [:type     ::drill-thru.type]
   [:lib/type [:= :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru]]])

A drill thru that contains a column

(mr/def ::drill-thru.common.with-column
    [:column [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]]])

there are three "object details" drills: :pk, :fk-details, and :zoom. Originally, all three had :column and :object-id (value), but since we want :pk to handle multiple PKs (thus multiple columns and values) we changed it to instead have a list of :dimensions (similar in shape to ::context.row, but without requiring :column-ref). I didn't change the other ones so as to avoid unintentionally breaking something in the middle of the drills epic. We should revisit these shapes in the future. See for more information. -- Cam

(mr/def ::drill-thru.object-details.dimension
   [:column [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
   ;; we should ignore NULL values for PKs and FKs -- do not add filters on them.
   [:value  [:and
             [:fn {:error/message "Non-NULL value"} #(not= % :null)]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.object-details.dimensions
  [:sequential {:min 1} [:ref ::drill-thru.object-details.dimension]])
    [:type       [:= :drill-thru/pk]]
    [:dimensions [:ref ::drill-thru.object-details.dimensions]]]])
   [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
    [:type      [:= :drill-thru/fk-details]]
    [:column    [:ref]]
    [:object-id :any]
    [:many-pks? :boolean]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom
    [:type      [:= :drill-thru/zoom]]
    [:object-id :any]
    ;; TODO -- I don't think we really need this because there is no situation in which this isn't `false`, if it were
    ;; true we'd return a `` drill instead. See if we can remove this key without breaking the FE.
    [:many-pks? [:= false]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.quick-filter.operator
   [:name   ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
   [:filter [:ref ::lib.schema.expression/boolean]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.quick-filter
    [:type         [:= :drill-thru/quick-filter]]
    [:operators    [:sequential ::drill-thru.quick-filter.operator]]
    [:column       [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
    [:value        [:maybe :any]]
    [:query        [:ref ::lib.schema/query]]
    [:stage-number number?]]])
    [:type   [:= :drill-thru/fk-filter]]
    [:filter ::lib.schema.expression/boolean]
    [:table-name :string]
    [:column-name :string]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.distribution
    [:type [:= :drill-thru/distribution]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.pivot
    [:type   [:= :drill-thru/pivot]]
    [:pivots [:map-of ::pivot-types [:sequential [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]]]
    [:stage-number number?]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.sort
    [:type            [:= :drill-thru/sort]]
    [:sort-directions [:sequential ::lib.schema.order-by/direction]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.summarize-column.aggregation-type
  [:enum :avg :distinct :sum])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.summarize-column
    [:type         [:= :drill-thru/summarize-column]]
    [:aggregations [:sequential [:ref ::drill-thru.summarize-column.aggregation-type]]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.summarize-column-by-time
    [:type     [:= :drill-thru/summarize-column-by-time]]
    [:breakout [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
    [:unit     ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/unit]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.column-filter
    [:type         [:= :drill-thru/column-filter]]
    [:initial-op   [:maybe ::lib.schema.filter/operator]]
    [:column       [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
    [:query        [:ref ::lib.schema/query]]
    [:stage-number number?]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.column-extract
    [:type         [:= :drill-thru/column-extract]]
    [:query        [:ref ::lib.schema/query]]
    [:stage-number number?]
    [:extractions  [:sequential [:ref ::lib.schema.extraction/extraction]]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.combine-columns
    [:type         [:= :drill-thru/combine-columns]]]])

TODO FIXME -- it seems like underlying records drills also include :dimensions and :column-ref... see [[metabase.lib.drill-thru.underlying-records/underlying-records-drill]]... this should be part of the schema

(mr/def ::drill-thru.underlying-records
    [:type       [:= :drill-thru/underlying-records]]
    [:row-count  number?]
    [:table-name [:maybe string?]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.automatic-insights
    [:type     [:= :drill-thru/automatic-insights]]
    [:lib/type [:= :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru]]
    [:column-ref [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.ref/ref]]]
    [:dimensions [:ref ::context.row]]]])
  [:enum :quarter :month :week :day :hour :minute])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.timeseries
    [:type      [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries]]
    [:dimension [:ref ::context.row.value]]
    [:next-unit [:ref]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.latitude
   [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
    [:semantic-type [:fn
                     {:error/message "Latitude semantic type"}
                     #(isa? % :type/Latitude)]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.longitude
   [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
    [:semantic-type [:fn
                     {:error/message "Longitude semantic type"}
                     #(isa? % :type/Longitude)]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.county-state-city
   [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
    [:semantic-type [:fn
                     {:error/message "Country/State/City semantic type"}
                     #(some (fn [semantic-type]
                              (isa? % semantic-type))
                            [:type/Country :type/State :type/City])]]]])
    [:type      [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic]]
    [:subtype   [:= :drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic/country-state-city->binned-lat-lon]]
    [:column    ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.county-state-city]
    [:value     some?]
    [:latitude  [:map
                 [:column    [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.latitude]]
                 [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]]]]
    [:longitude [:map
                 [:column    [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.longitude]]
                 [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]]]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.binned-lat-lon->binned-lat-lon
    [:type      [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic]]
    [:subtype   [:= :drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic/binned-lat-lon->binned-lat-lon]]
    [:latitude  [:map
                 [:column    [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.latitude]]
                 [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]]
                 [:min       number?]
                 [:max       number?]]]
    [:longitude [:map
                 [:column    [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.longitude]]
                 [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]]
                 [:min       number?]
                 [:max       number?]]]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic
     [:type    [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic]]
     [:subtype keyword?]]]
   [:multi {:dispatch :subtype
            :error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _]
                        (str "Invalid zoom-in.geographic drill thru subtype" (pr-str value)))}
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.binning
    [:type        [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.binning]]
    [:min-value   number?]
    [:max-value   number?]
    [:new-binning ::lib.schema.binning/binning]]])
(mr/def ::drill-thru
   [:multi {:dispatch :type
            :error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _]
                        (str "Invalid drill thru (unknown :type): " (pr-str value)))}
    [:drill-thru/pk             ]
    [:drill-thru/fk-details     ]
    [:drill-thru/zoom                     ::drill-thru.zoom]
    [:drill-thru/quick-filter             ::drill-thru.quick-filter]
    [:drill-thru/fk-filter      ]
    [:drill-thru/distribution             ::drill-thru.distribution]
    [:drill-thru/pivot                    ::drill-thru.pivot]
    [:drill-thru/sort                     ::drill-thru.sort]
    [:drill-thru/summarize-column         ::drill-thru.summarize-column]
    [:drill-thru/summarize-column-by-time ::drill-thru.summarize-column-by-time]
    [:drill-thru/column-filter            ::drill-thru.column-filter]
    [:drill-thru/column-extract           ::drill-thru.column-extract]
    [:drill-thru/combine-columns          ::drill-thru.combine-columns]
    [:drill-thru/underlying-records       ::drill-thru.underlying-records]
    [:drill-thru/automatic-insights       ::drill-thru.automatic-insights]
    [:drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries       ::drill-thru.zoom-in.timeseries]
    [:drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic       ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic]
    [:drill-thru/zoom-in.binning          ::drill-thru.zoom-in.binning]]])


There are basically 5 shapes that contexts can come in, see this thread and for more info.

| Drill Context Shape | column | value | row | dimensions | |---------------------|--------|-------|-----|------------| | Column Header | ✔ | | | | | "Raw" Cell | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | | "Aggregated" Cell | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | Pivot Cell | | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | Legend Item | | | | ✔ |

Testing shows that the above table is still mostly correct, with the exception of Pivot Cell clicks, which instead have the following shapes, where Pivot "Dim" Cell means one of the Row/Column cells of the pivoted table, corresponding to the breakout dimensions of the query, and Pivot "Agg" Cell means one of the aggregated "measure" cells of the pivoted table.

TODO: are these differences a bug in the pivot table implementation, or is the above table just out of date?

| Drill Context Shape | column | value | row | dimensions | |---------------------|--------|-------|-----|------------| | Pivot "Dim" Cell | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | | Pivot "Agg" Cell | | | ✔ | ✔ |

(mr/def ::context.row.value
   [:column     [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
   [:column-ref [:ref ::lib.schema.ref/ref]]
   [:value      [:fn
                 {:error/message ":null should not be used in context row values, only for top-level context value"}
                 #(not= % :null)]]])

Sequence of maps with keys :column, :column-ref, and :value

These are presumably in the same order as the returned columns for the query stage

(mr/def ::context.row
  [:sequential [:ref ::context.row.value]])
(mr/def ::context
   [:column     [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]]
   [:column-ref [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.ref/ref]]]
   [:value      [:maybe :any]]
   [:row        {:optional true} [:ref ::context.row]]
   [:dimensions {:optional true} [:maybe [:ref ::context.row]]]
   [:card-id    {:optional true} [:maybe]]])