Malli schemas for possible drill-thru operations. Drill-thrus are not part of MBQL; they are a set of actions one can take to transform a query.
For example, adding a filter like | (ns metabase.lib.schema.drill-thru (:require [metabase.lib.schema :as-alias lib.schema] [metabase.lib.schema.binning :as lib.schema.binning] [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common] [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression] [metabase.lib.schema.extraction :as lib.schema.extraction] [metabase.lib.schema.filter :as lib.schema.filter] [ :as] [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata] [metabase.lib.schema.order-by :as lib.schema.order-by] [metabase.lib.schema.ref :as lib.schema.ref] [metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr])) |
(mr/def ::pivot-types [:enum :category :location :time]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.type [:fn {:error/message "valid drill-thru :type keyword"} (fn [k] (and (qualified-keyword? k) (= (namespace k) "drill-thru")))]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type ::drill-thru.type] [:lib/type [:= :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru]]]) | |
A drill thru that contains a column | (mr/def ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:column [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]]]) |
there are three "object details" drills: | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.object-details.dimension [:map [:column [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]] ;; we should ignore NULL values for PKs and FKs -- do not add filters on them. [:value [:and :some [:fn {:error/message "Non-NULL value"} #(not= % :null)]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.object-details.dimensions [:sequential {:min 1} [:ref ::drill-thru.object-details.dimension]]) | |
(mr/def [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/pk]] [:dimensions [:ref ::drill-thru.object-details.dimensions]]]]) | |
(mr/def [:merge [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column] [:map [:fk-target-field-id]]]) | |
(mr/def [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/fk-details]] [:column [:ref]] [:object-id :any] [:many-pks? :boolean]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/zoom]] [:object-id :any] ;; TODO -- I don't think we really need this because there is no situation in which this isn't `false`, if it were ;; true we'd return a `` drill instead. See if we can remove this key without breaking the FE. [:many-pks? [:= false]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.quick-filter.operator [:map [:name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string] [:filter [:ref ::lib.schema.expression/boolean]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.quick-filter [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/quick-filter]] [:operators [:sequential ::drill-thru.quick-filter.operator]] [:column [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]] [:value [:maybe :any]] [:query [:ref ::lib.schema/query]] [:stage-number number?]]]) | |
(mr/def [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/fk-filter]] [:filter ::lib.schema.expression/boolean] [:table-name :string] [:column-name :string]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.distribution [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/distribution]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.pivot [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/pivot]] [:pivots [:map-of ::pivot-types [:sequential [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]]] [:stage-number number?]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.sort [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/sort]] [:sort-directions [:sequential ::lib.schema.order-by/direction]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.summarize-column.aggregation-type [:enum :avg :distinct :sum]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.summarize-column [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/summarize-column]] [:aggregations [:sequential [:ref ::drill-thru.summarize-column.aggregation-type]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.summarize-column-by-time [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/summarize-column-by-time]] [:breakout [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]] [:unit ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/unit]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.column-filter [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/column-filter]] [:initial-op [:maybe ::lib.schema.filter/operator]] [:column [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]] [:query [:ref ::lib.schema/query]] [:stage-number number?]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.column-extract [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/column-extract]] [:query [:ref ::lib.schema/query]] [:stage-number number?] [:extractions [:sequential [:ref ::lib.schema.extraction/extraction]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.combine-columns [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/combine-columns]]]]) | |
TODO FIXME -- it seems like underlying records drills also include | (mr/def ::drill-thru.underlying-records [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/underlying-records]] [:row-count number?] [:table-name [:maybe string?]]]]) |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.automatic-insights [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/automatic-insights]] [:lib/type [:= :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru]] [:column-ref [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.ref/ref]]] [:dimensions [:ref ::context.row]]]]) | |
(mr/def [:enum :quarter :month :week :day :hour :minute]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.timeseries [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries]] [:dimension [:ref ::context.row.value]] [:next-unit [:ref]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.latitude [:merge [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column] [:map [:semantic-type [:fn {:error/message "Latitude semantic type"} #(isa? % :type/Latitude)]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.longitude [:merge [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column] [:map [:semantic-type [:fn {:error/message "Longitude semantic type"} #(isa? % :type/Longitude)]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.county-state-city [:merge [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column] [:map [:semantic-type [:fn {:error/message "Country/State/City semantic type"} #(some (fn [semantic-type] (isa? % semantic-type)) [:type/Country :type/State :type/City])]]]]) | |
(mr/def>binned-lat-lon [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic]] [:subtype [:= :drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic/country-state-city->binned-lat-lon]] [:column ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.county-state-city] [:value some?] [:latitude [:map [:column [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.latitude]] [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]]]] [:longitude [:map [:column [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.longitude]] [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.binned-lat-lon->binned-lat-lon [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic]] [:subtype [:= :drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic/binned-lat-lon->binned-lat-lon]] [:latitude [:map [:column [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.latitude]] [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]] [:min number?] [:max number?]]] [:longitude [:map [:column [:ref ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.column.longitude]] [:bin-width [:ref ::lib.schema.binning/bin-width]] [:min number?] [:max number?]]]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic [:and [:merge ::drill-thru.common [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic]] [:subtype keyword?]]] [:multi {:dispatch :subtype :error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _] (str "Invalid zoom-in.geographic drill thru subtype" (pr-str value)))} [:drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic/country-state-city->binned-lat-lon>binned-lat-lon] [:drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic/binned-lat-lon->binned-lat-lon ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic.binned-lat-lon->binned-lat-lon]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru.zoom-in.binning [:merge ::drill-thru.common.with-column [:map [:type [:= :drill-thru/zoom-in.binning]] [:min-value number?] [:max-value number?] [:new-binning ::lib.schema.binning/binning]]]) | |
(mr/def ::drill-thru [:and ::drill-thru.common [:multi {:dispatch :type :error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _] (str "Invalid drill thru (unknown :type): " (pr-str value)))} [:drill-thru/pk] [:drill-thru/fk-details] [:drill-thru/zoom ::drill-thru.zoom] [:drill-thru/quick-filter ::drill-thru.quick-filter] [:drill-thru/fk-filter] [:drill-thru/distribution ::drill-thru.distribution] [:drill-thru/pivot ::drill-thru.pivot] [:drill-thru/sort ::drill-thru.sort] [:drill-thru/summarize-column ::drill-thru.summarize-column] [:drill-thru/summarize-column-by-time ::drill-thru.summarize-column-by-time] [:drill-thru/column-filter ::drill-thru.column-filter] [:drill-thru/column-extract ::drill-thru.column-extract] [:drill-thru/combine-columns ::drill-thru.combine-columns] [:drill-thru/underlying-records ::drill-thru.underlying-records] [:drill-thru/automatic-insights ::drill-thru.automatic-insights] [:drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries ::drill-thru.zoom-in.timeseries] [:drill-thru/zoom-in.geographic ::drill-thru.zoom-in.geographic] [:drill-thru/zoom-in.binning ::drill-thru.zoom-in.binning]]]) | |
Context | |
There are basically 5 shapes that contexts can come in, see this thread and for more info. | Drill Context Shape | column | value | row | dimensions | |---------------------|--------|-------|-----|------------| | Column Header | ✔ | | | | | "Raw" Cell | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | | "Aggregated" Cell | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | Pivot Cell | | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | Legend Item | | | | ✔ | Testing shows that the above table is still mostly correct, with the exception of Pivot Cell clicks, which instead
have the following shapes, where TODO: are these differences a bug in the pivot table implementation, or is the above table just out of date? | Drill Context Shape | column | value | row | dimensions | |---------------------|--------|-------|-----|------------| | Pivot "Dim" Cell | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | | | Pivot "Agg" Cell | | | ✔ | ✔ | | |
(mr/def ::context.row.value [:map [:column [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]] [:column-ref [:ref ::lib.schema.ref/ref]] [:value [:fn {:error/message ":null should not be used in context row values, only for top-level context value"} #(not= % :null)]]]) | |
Sequence of maps with keys These are presumably in the same order as the returned columns for the query stage | (mr/def ::context.row [:sequential [:ref ::context.row.value]]) |
(mr/def ::context [:map [:column [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]] [:column-ref [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.ref/ref]]] [:value [:maybe :any]] [:row {:optional true} [:ref ::context.row]] [:dimensions {:optional true} [:maybe [:ref ::context.row]]] [:card-id {:optional true} [:maybe]]]) | |