Malli schema for binning of a column's values.

There are two approaches to binning, selected by :strategy: - {:strategy :bin-width :bin-width 10} makes 1 or more bins that are 10 wide; - {:strategy :num-bins :num-bins 12} splits the column into 12 bins.

(ns metabase.lib.schema.binning
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(mr/def ::strategy
   {:decode/normalize lib.schema.common/normalize-keyword}
   :bin-width :default :num-bins])
(mr/def ::num-bins
  "Number of bins to use."
(mr/def ::bin-width
  "Bin width (size of each bin)."

the binning options that goes in a :field ref under the :binning key

(mr/def ::binning
  "Schema for `:binning` options passed to a `:field` clause."
   {:doc/title "`:binning` options"}
    {:decode/normalize lib.schema.common/normalize-map}
    [:strategy [:ref ::strategy]]]
   [:multi {:dispatch (fn [x]
                        (keyword (some #(get x %) [:strategy "strategy"])))
            :error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _]
                        (str "Invalid binning strategy" (pr-str value)))}
    [:default   [:map
                 [:strategy [:= :default]]]]
    [:bin-width [:map
                 [:strategy  [:= :bin-width]]
                 [:bin-width [:ref ::bin-width]]]]
    [:num-bins  [:map
                 [:strategy [:= :num-bins]]
                 [:num-bins [:ref ::num-bins]]]]]])
(mr/def ::binning-option
   [:lib/type [:= :option/binning]]
   [:display-name :string]
   [:mbql [:maybe ::binning]]
   [:default {:optional true} :boolean]])