(ns metabase.lib.query
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [remove])
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.lib.cache :as lib.cache]
   [metabase.lib.convert :as lib.convert]
   [metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
   [metabase.lib.expression :as lib.expression]
   [metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
   [metabase.lib.normalize :as lib.normalize]
   [metabase.lib.options :as lib.options]
   [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
   [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.temporal-bucket :as lib.temporal-bucket]
   [metabase.lib.types.isa :as lib.types.isa]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [weavejester.dependency :as dep]))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/metadata-method :mbql/query
  [_query _stage-number _x]
  ;; not i18n'ed because this shouldn't be developer-facing.
  (throw (ex-info "You can't calculate a metadata map for a query! Use lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns-method instead."
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns-method :mbql/query
  [query stage-number a-query options]
  (lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns query stage-number (lib.util/query-stage a-query stage-number) options))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :mbql/query
  [query stage-number x style]
  (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number (lib.util/query-stage x stage-number) style))
(mu/defn native? :- :boolean
  "Given a query, return whether it is a native query."
  [query :- ::lib.schema/query]
  (let [stage (lib.util/query-stage query 0)]
    (= (:lib/type stage) :mbql.stage/native)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :mbql/query
  [_query _stage-number query]
  {:is-native   (native? query)
   :is-editable (lib.metadata/editable? query)})
(mu/defn stage-count :- ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero
  "Returns the count of stages in query"
  [query :- ::lib.schema/query]
  (count (:stages query)))

Returns whether the query is runnable based on first stage :lib/type

(defmulti can-run-method
  {:arglists '([query card-type])}
  (fn [query _card-type]
    (:lib/type (lib.util/query-stage query 0))))
(defmethod can-run-method :default
  [_query _card-type]
(defmethod can-run-method :mbql.stage/mbql
  [query card-type]
  (or (not= card-type :metric)
      (let [stage        (lib.util/query-stage query 0)
            aggregations (:aggregation stage)
            breakouts    (:breakout stage)]
        (and (= (stage-count query) 1)
             (= (count aggregations) 1)
             (or (empty? breakouts)
                 (and (= (count breakouts) 1)
                      (-> (lib.metadata.calculation/metadata query (first breakouts))
                          ;; extraction units change `:effective-type` to `:type/Integer`, so remove temporal bucketing
                          ;; before doing type checks
                          (lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket nil)
(mu/defn can-run :- :boolean
  "Returns whether the query is runnable. Manually validate schema for cljs."
  [query :- ::lib.schema/query
   card-type :- ::lib.schema.metadata/card.type]
  (and (binding [lib.schema.expression/*suppress-expression-type-check?* true]
         (mr/validate ::lib.schema/query query))
       (:database query)
       (boolean (can-run-method query card-type))))

Returns whether the query can be saved based on first stage :lib/type.

(defmulti can-save-method
  {:arglists '([query card-type])}
  (fn [query _card-type]
    (:lib/type (lib.util/query-stage query 0))))
(defmethod can-save-method :default
  [_query _card-type]

TODO FIXME -- boolean functions should end in ?

(mu/defn can-save :- :boolean
  "Returns whether `query` for a card of `card-type` can be saved."
  [query :- ::lib.schema/query
   card-type :- ::lib.schema.metadata/card.type]
  (and (lib.metadata/editable? query)
       (can-run query card-type)
       (boolean (can-save-method query card-type))))
(mu/defn can-preview :- :boolean
  "Returns whether the query can be previewed.
  See [[metabase.lib.js/can-preview]] for how this differs from [[can-run]]."
  [query :- ::lib.schema/query]
  (and (can-run query "question")
       ;; Either it contains no expressions with `:offset`, or there is at least one order-by.
       (every? (fn [stage]
                  (or (seq (:order-by stage))
                      (not (lib.util.match/match-one (:expressions stage) :offset)))))
               (:stages query))))

Add :base-type and :effective-type to options of fields in x using metadata-provider. Works on pmbql fields. :effective-type is required for coerced fields to pass schema checks.

(defn add-types-to-fields
  [x metadata-provider]
  (if-let [field-ids (lib.util.match/match x
                        (_options :guard (every-pred map? (complement (every-pred :base-type :effective-type))))
                        (id :guard integer? pos?)]
                       (when-not (some #{:mbql/stage-metadata} &parents)
    ;; "pre-warm" the metadata provider
    (do (lib.metadata/bulk-metadata metadata-provider :metadata/column field-ids)
           (options :guard (every-pred map? (complement (every-pred :base-type :effective-type))))
           (id :guard integer? pos?)]
          (if (some #{:mbql/stage-metadata} &parents)
            (update &match 1 merge
                   ;; TODO: For brush filters, query with different base type as in metadata is sent from FE. In that
                   ;;       case no change is performed. Find a way how to handle this properly!
                    (when-not (and (some? (:base-type options))
                                   (not= (:base-type options)
                                         (:base-type (lib.metadata/field metadata-provider id))))
                     ;; Following key is used to track which base-types we added during `query` call. It is used in
                     ;; [[metabase.lib.convert/options->legacy-MBQL]] to remove those, so query after conversion
                     ;; as legacy -> pmbql -> legacy looks closer to the original.
                      (merge (when-not (contains? options :base-type)
                               {::transformation-added-base-type true})
                             (-> (lib.metadata/field metadata-provider id)
                                 (select-keys [:base-type :effective-type]))))))))
(mu/defn query-with-stages :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Create a query from a sequence of stages."
  ([metadata-providerable stages]
   (query-with-stages (:id (lib.metadata/database metadata-providerable)) metadata-providerable stages))
  ([database-id           :- ::lib.schema.id/database
    metadata-providerable :- ::lib.schema.metadata/metadata-providerable
   {:lib/type     :mbql/query
    :lib/metadata (lib.metadata/->metadata-provider metadata-providerable)
    :database     database-id
    :stages       stages}))
(defn- query-from-legacy-query
  [metadata-providerable legacy-query]
    (let [pmbql-query (-> (binding [lib.schema.expression/*suppress-expression-type-check?* true]
                            (lib.convert/->pMBQL (mbql.normalize/normalize-or-throw legacy-query)))
                          (add-types-to-fields metadata-providerable))]
       (query-with-stages metadata-providerable (:stages pmbql-query))))
    (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e
      (throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Error creating query from legacy query: {0}" (ex-message e))
                      {:legacy-query legacy-query}

Implementation for [[query]].

(defmulti ^:private query-method
  {:arglists '([metadata-providerable x])}
  (fn [_metadata-providerable x]
    (or (lib.util/normalized-query-type x)
        (lib.dispatch/dispatch-value x)))
  :hierarchy lib.hierarchy/hierarchy)
(defmethod query-method :query ; legacy MBQL query
  [metadata-providerable legacy-query]
  (query-from-legacy-query metadata-providerable legacy-query))
(defmethod query-method :native ; legacy native query
  [metadata-providerable legacy-query]
  (query-from-legacy-query metadata-providerable legacy-query))
(defmethod query-method :dispatch-type/map
  [metadata-providerable query]
  (query-method metadata-providerable (assoc (lib.convert/->pMBQL query) :lib/type :mbql/query)))

this should already be a query in the shape we want but: - let's make sure it has the database metadata that was passed in - fill in field refs with metadata (#33680) - fill in top expression refs with metadata

(defmethod query-method :mbql/query
  [metadata-providerable {converted? :lib.convert/converted? :as query}]
  (let [metadata-provider (lib.metadata/->metadata-provider metadata-providerable)
        query (-> query
                  (assoc :lib/metadata metadata-provider)
                  (dissoc :lib.convert/converted?)
        stages (:stages query)]
    (cond-> query
       (mapv (fn [[stage-number stage]]
               (-> stage
                   (add-types-to-fields metadata-provider)
                      (opts :guard (every-pred map? (complement (every-pred :base-type :effective-type))))
                     (let [found-ref (try
                                        #(= :type/* %)
                                        (-> (lib.expression/expression-ref query stage-number expression-name)
                                            (select-keys [:base-type :effective-type])))
                                       (catch #?(:clj Exception :cljs :default) _
                                        ;; This currently does not find expressions defined in join stages
                      ;; Fallback if metadata is missing
                       [:expression (merge found-ref opts) expression-name]))))
             (m/indexed stages))))))
(defmethod query-method :metadata/table
  [metadata-providerable table-metadata]
  (query-with-stages metadata-providerable
                     [{:lib/type     :mbql.stage/mbql
                       :source-table (u/the-id table-metadata)}]))
(declare query)
(defn- metric-query
  [metadata-providerable card-metadata]
  (let [card-id (u/the-id card-metadata)
        metric-first-stage (-> (query metadata-providerable (:dataset-query card-metadata))
                               (lib.util/query-stage 0))
        base-query (query-with-stages metadata-providerable
                                      [(select-keys metric-first-stage [:lib/type :source-card :source-table])])
        base-query (reduce
                    #(lib.util/add-summary-clause %1 0 :breakout %2)
                    (:breakout metric-first-stage))]
    (-> base-query
         0 :aggregation
         (lib.options/ensure-uuid [:metric {} card-id])))))
(defmethod query-method :metadata/card
  [metadata-providerable card-metadata]
  (if (or (= (:type card-metadata) :metric)
          (= (:lib/type card-metadata) :metadata/metric))
    (metric-query metadata-providerable card-metadata)
    (query-with-stages metadata-providerable
                       [{:lib/type :mbql.stage/mbql
                         :source-card (u/the-id card-metadata)}])))
(defmethod query-method :metadata/metric
  [metadata-providerable card-metadata]
  (metric-query metadata-providerable card-metadata))
(defmethod query-method :mbql.stage/mbql
  [metadata-providerable mbql-stage]
  (query-with-stages metadata-providerable [mbql-stage]))
(defmethod query-method :mbql.stage/native
  [metadata-providerable native-stage]
  (query-with-stages metadata-providerable [native-stage]))
(mu/defn query :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Create a new MBQL query from anything that could conceptually be an MBQL query, like a Database or Table or an
  existing MBQL query or saved question or whatever. If the thing in question does not already include metadata, pass
  it in separately -- metadata is needed for most query manipulation operations."
  [metadata-providerable :- ::lib.schema.metadata/metadata-providerable
  (lib.cache/attach-query-cache (query-method metadata-providerable x)))
(mu/defn ->query :- ::lib.schema/query
  "[[->]] friendly form of [[query]].
  Create a new MBQL query from anything that could conceptually be an MBQL query, like a Database or Table or an
  existing MBQL query or saved question or whatever. If the thing in question does not already include metadata, pass
  it in separately -- metadata is needed for most query manipulation operations."
   metadata-providerable :- ::lib.schema.metadata/metadata-providerable]
  (query metadata-providerable x))
(mu/defn query-from-legacy-inner-query :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Create a pMBQL query from a legacy inner query."
  [metadata-providerable :- ::lib.schema.metadata/metadata-providerable
   database-id           :- ::lib.schema.id/database
   inner-query           :- :map]
  (->> (lib.convert/legacy-query-from-inner-query database-id inner-query)
       (query metadata-providerable)))

Convert the pMBQL a-query into a legacy MBQL query.

(defn ->legacy-MBQL
  (-> a-query lib.convert/->legacy-MBQL))
(mu/defn with-different-table :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Changes an existing query to use a different source table or card.
   Can be passed an integer table id or a legacy `card__<id>` string."
  [original-query :- ::lib.schema/query
   table-id :- [:or ::lib.schema.id/table :string]]
  (let [metadata-provider (lib.metadata/->metadata-provider original-query)]
    (query metadata-provider (lib.metadata/table-or-card metadata-provider table-id))))
(defn- occurs-in-expression?
  [expression-clause clause-type expression-body]
  (or (and (lib.util/clause-of-type? expression-clause clause-type)
           (= (nth expression-clause 2) expression-body))
      (and (sequential? expression-clause)
            (some #(occurs-in-expression? % clause-type expression-body)
                  (nnext expression-clause))))))

Tests whether predicate pred is true for an element of clause clause of query-or-join. The test is transitive over joins.

(defn- occurs-in-stage-clause?
  [query-or-join clause pred]
   (some (fn [stage]
           (or (some pred (clause stage))
               (some #(occurs-in-stage-clause? % clause pred) (:joins stage))))
         (:stages query-or-join))))
(mu/defn uses-segment? :- :boolean
  "Tests whether `a-query` uses segment with ID `segment-id`.
  `segment-id` can be a regular segment ID or a string. The latter is for symmetry
  with [[uses-metric?]]."
  [a-query :- ::lib.schema/query
   segment-id :- [:or ::lib.schema.id/segment :string]]
  (occurs-in-stage-clause? a-query :filters #(occurs-in-expression? % :segment segment-id)))
(mu/defn uses-metric? :- :boolean
  "Tests whether `a-query` uses metric with ID `metric-id`."
  [a-query :- ::lib.schema/query
   metric-id :- ::lib.schema.id/metric]
  (occurs-in-stage-clause? a-query :aggregation #(occurs-in-expression? % :metric metric-id)))
(def ^:private clause-types-order
  ;; When previewing some clause type `:x`, we drop the prefix of this list up to but excluding `:x`.
  ;; So if previewing `:aggregation`, we drop `:limit` and `:order-by`;
  ;; if previewing `:filters` we drop `:limit`, `:order-by`, `:aggregation` and `:breakout`.
  ;; (In practice `:breakout` is never previewed separately, but the order is important to get the behavior above.
  ;; There are tests for this.)
  [:limit :order-by :aggregation :breakout :filters :expressions :joins :data])
(defn- preview-stage [stage clause-type clause-index]
  (let [to-drop (take-while #(not= % clause-type) clause-types-order)]
    (cond-> (reduce dissoc stage to-drop)
      clause-index (update clause-type #(vec (take (inc clause-index) %))))))
(mu/defn preview-query :- [:maybe ::lib.schema/query]
  "*Truncates* a query for use in the Notebook editor's \"preview\" system.
  Takes `query` and `stage-index` as usual.
  - Stages later than `stage-index` are dropped.
  - `clause-type` is an enum (see below); all clauses of *later* types are dropped.
  - `clause-index` is optional: if not provided then all clauses are kept; if it's a number than clauses
    `[0, clause-index]` are kept. (To keep no clauses, specify the earlier `clause-type`.)
  The `clause-type` enum represents the steps of the notebook editor, in the order they appear in the notebook:
  - `:data` - just the source data for the stage
  - `:joins`
  - `:expressions`
  - `:filters`
  - `:breakout`
  - `:aggregation`
  - `:order-by`
  - `:limit`"
  [a-query      :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   clause-type  :- [:enum :data :joins :expressions :filters :aggregation :breakout :order-by :limit]
   clause-index :- [:maybe :int]]
  (when (native? a-query)
    (throw (ex-info "preview-query cannot be called on native queries" {:query a-query})))
  (let [stage-number (lib.util/canonical-stage-index a-query stage-number)]
    (-> a-query
        (update :stages #(vec (take (inc stage-number) %)))
        (update-in [:stages stage-number] preview-stage clause-type clause-index))))
(mu/defn wrap-native-query-with-mbql :- [:map
                                         [:query ::lib.schema/query]
                                         [:stage-number :int]]
  "Given a query and stage number, return a possibly-updated query and stage number which is guaranteed to be MBQL and
  so to support drill-thru and similar logic. Such a query must be saved, hence the `card-id`.
  If the provided query is already MBQL, this is transparent.
  Returns `{:query query', :stage-number stage-number'}`.
  You might find it more convenient to call [[with-wrapped-native-query]]."
  [a-query      :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   card-id      :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.id/card]]
  (or (and (lib.util/native-stage? a-query stage-number)
           (if-let [card (lib.metadata/card a-query card-id)]
             {:query        (query a-query card)
              :stage-number -1}
               (log/warn "Failed to wrap native query with MBQL; card not found" {:query   a-query
                                                                                  :card-id card-id})
      {:query        a-query
       :stage-number stage-number}))

Calls [[wrap-native-query-with-mbql]] on the given a-query, stage-number and card-id, then calls (f a-query' stage-number' args...) using the query and stage number for the wrapper.

(defn with-wrapped-native-query
  [a-query stage-number card-id f & args]
  (let [{q :query, n :stage-number} (wrap-native-query-with-mbql a-query stage-number card-id)]
    (apply f q n args)))

Given a query, ensure it doesn't have any keys or structures that aren't safe for serialization.

For example, any Atoms or Delays or should be removed.

(defn serializable
  (-> a-query
      (dissoc a-query :lib/metadata)
(defn- stage-seq* [query-fragment]
    (vector? query-fragment)
    (case (first query-fragment)
      [{:source-card (get query-fragment 2)}]
      (mapcat stage-seq* query-fragment))
    (map? query-fragment)
    (concat (:stages query-fragment) (mapcat stage-seq* (vals query-fragment)))
(defn- stage-seq [card-id a-query]
  (map #(assoc % ::from-card card-id) (stage-seq* a-query)))
(defn- expand-stage [metadata-provider stage]
  (let [card-id (:source-card stage)
        expanded-query (some->> card-id
                                (lib.metadata/card metadata-provider)
                                (query metadata-provider))]
    (stage-seq card-id expanded-query)))
(defn- add-stage-dep [graph stage]
  (let [card-id  (:source-card  stage)
        table-id (:source-table stage)
        from-id  (::from-card   stage)]
      (cond-> graph
        card-id  (dep/depend [:card from-id] [:card  card-id])
        table-id (dep/depend [:card from-id] [:table table-id]))
      (catch #?(:clj Exception :cljs :default) _e
        (throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Cannot save card with cycles.") {}))))))
(defn- build-graph [source-id metadata-provider a-query]
  (loop [graph (dep/graph)
         stages-visited 0
         stages (stage-seq source-id a-query)]
      (empty? stages)
      (> stages-visited 50)
      (throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "The chain of dependencies is too long to save card.") {}))
      (let [[stage & stages] stages]
        (recur (add-stage-dep graph stage)
               (inc stages-visited)
               (concat stages (expand-stage metadata-provider stage)))))))

Returns nil if the card with given card-id can be overwritten with query. Throws ExceptionInfo with a user-facing message otherwise.

Currently checks for cycles (self-referencing queries).

(defn check-overwrite
  [card-id new-query]
  (build-graph card-id new-query new-query)
  ;; return nil if nothing throws