(ns metabase.lib.order-by
   [metabase.lib.aggregation :as lib.aggregation]
   [metabase.lib.breakout :as lib.breakout]
   [metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
   [metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality]
   [metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
   [metabase.lib.options :as lib.options]
   [metabase.lib.ref :as lib.ref]
   [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.order-by :as lib.schema.order-by]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(lib.hierarchy/derive :asc  ::order-by-clause)
(lib.hierarchy/derive :desc ::order-by-clause)
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/describe-top-level-key-method :order-by
  [query stage-number _k]
  (when-let [order-bys (not-empty (:order-by (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)))]
    (i18n/tru "Sorted by {0}"
               (i18n/tru "and")
               (for [order-by order-bys]
                 (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number order-by :long))))))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method ::order-by-clause
  [query stage-number [tag _opts expr] style]
  (let [expr-display-name (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number expr style)]
    (case tag
      :asc  (i18n/tru "{0} ascending"  expr-display-name)
      :desc (i18n/tru "{0} descending" expr-display-name))))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method ::order-by-clause
  [query stage-number [tag _opts expr]]
  (assoc (lib.metadata.calculation/display-info query stage-number expr)
         :direction tag))
(defmulti ^:private order-by-clause-method
  {:arglists '([orderable])}
  :hierarchy lib.hierarchy/hierarchy)
(defmethod order-by-clause-method ::order-by-clause
  (lib.options/ensure-uuid clause))

by default, try to convert x to a ref and then order by :asc

(defmethod order-by-clause-method :default
  (when (nil? x)
    (throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Can''t order by nil") {})))
  (lib.options/ensure-uuid [:asc (lib.ref/ref x)]))
(mu/defn- with-direction :- ::lib.schema.order-by/order-by
  "Update the direction of an order by clause."
  [clause    :- ::lib.schema.order-by/order-by
   direction :- ::lib.schema.order-by/direction]
  (assoc (vec clause) 0 direction))

Create an order-by clause independently of a query, e.g. for replace or whatever.

(mu/defn order-by-clause
   (order-by-clause orderable :asc))
  ([orderable :- some?
    direction :- [:maybe [:enum :asc :desc]]]
   (-> (order-by-clause-method orderable)
       (with-direction (or direction :asc)))))

Add an MBQL order-by clause (i.e., :asc or :desc) from something that you can theoretically sort by -- maybe a Field, or :field clause, or expression of some sort, etc.

You can teach Metabase lib how to generate order by clauses for different things by implementing the underlying [[order-by-clause-method]] multimethod.

(mu/defn order-by
  ([query orderable]
   (order-by query -1 orderable nil))
  ([query orderable direction]
   (order-by query -1 orderable direction))
    stage-number :- [:maybe :int]
    orderable    :- some?
    direction    :- [:maybe [:enum :asc :desc]]]
   (let [stage-number (or stage-number -1)
         new-order-by (cond-> (order-by-clause-method orderable)
                        direction (with-direction direction))]
     (lib.util/update-query-stage query stage-number update :order-by (fn [order-bys]
                                                                        (conj (vec order-bys) new-order-by))))))
(mu/defn order-bys :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.order-by/order-bys]
  "Get the order-by clauses in a query."
  ([query :- ::lib.schema/query]
   (order-bys query -1))
  ([query :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int]
   (not-empty (get (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number) :order-by))))
(defn- orderable-column? [{:keys [base-type]}]
  (some (fn [orderable-base-type]
          (isa? base-type orderable-base-type))
(mu/defn orderable-columns :- [:maybe [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
  "Get column metadata for all the columns you can order by in a given `stage-number` of a `query`. Rules are as
  1. If the stage has aggregations or breakouts, you can only order by those columns. E.g.
         SELECT id, count(*) AS count FROM core_user GROUP BY id ORDER BY count ASC;
     You can't ORDER BY something not in the SELECT, e.g. ORDER BY user.first_name would not make sense here.
  2. If the stage has no aggregations or breakouts, you can order by any visible Field:
     a. You can filter by any custom `:expressions` in this stage of the query
     b. You can filter by any Field 'exported' by the previous stage of the query, if there is one; otherwise you can
        filter by any Fields from the current `:source-table`.
     c. You can filter by any Fields exported by any explicit joins
     d. You can filter by and Fields in Tables that are implicitly joinable."
  ([query :- ::lib.schema/query]
   (orderable-columns query -1))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int]
   (let [breakouts          (not-empty (lib.breakout/breakouts-metadata query stage-number))
         aggregations       (not-empty (lib.aggregation/aggregations-metadata query stage-number))
         columns            (if (or breakouts aggregations)
                              (concat breakouts aggregations)
                              (let [stage   (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)
                                    options {:include-implicitly-joinable-for-source-card? false}]
                                (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query stage-number stage options)))
         columns            (filter orderable-column? columns)
         existing-order-bys (->> (order-bys query stage-number)
                                 (map (fn [[_tag _opts expr]]
       (empty? columns)
       (empty? existing-order-bys)
       (vec columns)
       (let [matching (into {}
                            (comp (map lib.ref/ref)
                                  (keep-indexed (fn [index an-order-by]
                                                  (when-let [col (lib.equality/find-matching-column
                                                                  query stage-number an-order-by columns)]
                                                    [col index]))))
         (mapv #(let [pos (matching %)]
                  (cond-> %
                    pos (assoc :order-by-position pos)))
(def ^:private opposite-direction
  {:asc :desc
   :desc :asc})
(mu/defn change-direction :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Flip the direction of `current-order-by` in `query`."
  ([query :- ::lib.schema/query
    current-order-by :- ::lib.schema.order-by/order-by]
   (let [lib-uuid (lib.options/uuid current-order-by)]
     (lib.util.match/replace query
       [direction (_ :guard #(= (:lib/uuid %) lib-uuid)) _]
       (assoc &match 0 (opposite-direction direction))))))
(mu/defn remove-all-order-bys :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Remove all order bys from this stage of the query."
   (remove-all-order-bys query -1))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int]
   (lib.util/update-query-stage query stage-number dissoc :order-by)))