Helpers for working with :ident fields on columns.

(ns metabase.lib.metadata.ident
   [clojure.string :as str]))

Given the DB name and a table with :name and optional :schema, returns a string prefix for the :idents of fields in this table.

(defn table-prefix
  [db-name {tbl-name :name, :keys [schema] :as _table}]
  (str/join "__" ["field"
                  (or schema "!noschema!")

Given a database name, table with :name and optional :schema, and column with :name, construct the :ident for Fields from the user's DWH. (Other kinds of columns get randomly generated NanoIDs as :idents.)

(defn ident-for-field
  ([prefix {col-name :name :as _column}]
   (str prefix "__" col-name))
  ([db-name table column]
   (ident-for-field (table-prefix db-name table) column)))

Generates and attaches an :ident to a column, if it doesn't already have one.

Either takes a prefix for the database, schema and table, or the DB name and table.

(defn attach-ident
  ([prefix-or-fn column]
   (if (:ident column)
     (let [prefix (if (ifn? prefix-or-fn)
                    (prefix-or-fn column)
       (assoc column :ident (ident-for-field prefix column)))))
  ([db-name table column]
   (cond-> column
     (not (:ident column)) (assoc :ident (ident-for-field db-name table column)))))

Generates and attaches an :ident to each of the columns, if it doesn't have one already.

2-arity version takes a function from table IDs to the :ident prefix for that table.

1-arity version takes the same function and returns a transducer.

If you want to memoize or cache the calls to prefix-fn, you need to handle that externally! Some callers just have a map or constant value, so caching inside this function is redundant and wasteful.

(defn attach-idents
   (map #(attach-ident (prefix-fn (:table-id %)) %)))
  ([prefix-fn columns]
   (sequence (attach-idents prefix-fn) columns)))

Returns the ident for an implicitly joined column, given the idents of the foreign key column and the target column.

Remember that :ident strings should never be parsed - they are opaque, but should be legible during debugging.

(defn implicitly-joined-ident
  [fk-ident target-ident]
  (str "implicit_via__" fk-ident "__->__" target-ident))

Returns the ident for an explicitly joined column, given the idents of the join clause and the target column.

Remember that :ident strings should never be parsed - they are opaque, but should be legible during debugging.

(defn explicitly-joined-ident
  [join-ident target-ident]
  (str "join__" join-ident "__" target-ident))