JavaScript-facing interface to MBQL Lib v2.

Generally, these functions wrap [[lib.core]] with conversion of inputs from JS data structures, and occasionally from legacy MLv1 formats as well. Outputs are usually CLJS data structures intended to be treated as opaque in the FE. Returned lists are converted from CLJS sequences to JS arrays (of opaque CLJS values).

On the TypeScript side, lint rules restrict importing this file to only the frontend/src/metabase-lib/ directory. That directory contains TS wrapper functions which add types and replace mangled Clojure names with idiomatic TS ones; those wrappers are what get imported and used by the wider FE.

Terms and types

A reference of what is meant in these docs by "column", "query", etc. Most of the CLJS maps have a :lib/type key, the values are indicated here. TS types are also indicated as eg. Lib.ColumnMetadata.

  • query means a modern pMBQL query, represented as a CLJS map (:mbql/query, Lib.Query)
  • legacy query and MLv1 query mean the previous form of MBQL, represented as a JSON object
  • column means the full details of a column - its name, types, etc. (:metadata/column, Lib.ColumnMetadata)
    • Columns can come from several sources: source tables, cards/models, previous stages of this query, aggregations, etc.
    • field means specifically a column which really exists in the data warehouse
  • clause means a fragment of MBQL describing part of a query, such as an aggregation, breakout, join, etc.
  • ref means a reference to a column.
    • Often these are misleading called a "field ref", since they are represented as a [:field ...] clause in both legacy MBQL and pMBQL.
    • Refs are a code smell - they are an internal detail of MBQL structures that has leaked into many places in legacy. All mention of refs should be eliminated from this interface eventually.

Code health

This API surface grew mostly organically during the development of MLv2 and porting the query builder to use it. The result is that the API is not as systematic or clean as it could be. There are functions which are very specific to a particular use case in one part of the FE, and functions which support legacy compatibility but should be removed as those features are ported.

Health info is surfaced on each function, using these categories:

  • Healthy: No issues; use these functions without concern.
  • Smelly: This function isn't going away, but it needs some cleanup or improvement. Eg. maybe it's badly named.
  • Special use: Exists to support a specific use case; new calls should generally be avoided. Ask if unsure.
  • Legacy: Exists to support interop with legacy MLv1 queries, columns, field refs, etc. Can be used if needed, but there will be notes on preferred alternatives that should be used if possible.
  • Deprecated: No new calls; remove existing calls as practical; remove this function if there are no callers. Docs will give an alternative to calling these functions that should cover all cases.

Over time, the Deprecated functions will be removed, and the Legacy ones will become obsolete and get removed as legacy uses are ported to MLv2.

Display Info

The library functions typically return opaque CLJS data. We want to hide the library's internals, but we want it to be easy for the FE to consume queries, columns, aggregations, etc. and render them in the UI.

This is accomplished using display-info; see that section for more details.

(ns metabase.lib.js
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [goog.object :as gobject]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.js :as mbql.js]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.lib.cache :as lib.cache]
   [metabase.lib.convert :as lib.convert]
   [metabase.lib.core :as lib.core]
   [metabase.lib.drill-thru.common :as lib.drill-thru.common]
   [metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality]
   [metabase.lib.expression :as lib.expression]
   [metabase.lib.field :as lib.field]
   [metabase.lib.join :as lib.join]
   [metabase.lib.js.metadata :as js.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
   [metabase.lib.normalize :as lib.normalize]
   [metabase.lib.order-by :as lib.order-by]
   [metabase.lib.query :as lib.query]
   [metabase.lib.schema.util :as lib.schema.util]
   [metabase.lib.stage :as lib.stage]
   [metabase.lib.types.isa :as lib.types.isa]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.memoize :as memoize]
   [metabase.util.time :as u.time]))

This ensures that all of metabase.lib.* is loaded, so all the defmethods are properly registered.

(comment lib.core/keep-me)

Return a nice description of a query.

Code health: Single use, smelly. Name is not idiomatic Clojure. Could it be merged with display-name-method?

(defn ^:export suggestedName
  (lib.core/suggested-name query))

Convert the provided metadata container to an MLv2 metadata provider.

Code health: Smelly. Name is not idiomatic Clojure.

If the metadata is already an MLv2 metadata provider, it is simply returned. If it is a JavaScript Metadata instance, it is wrapped with an MLv2 adapter.

(defn ^:export metadataProvider
  [database-id metadata]
  (if (lib.metadata.protocols/metadata-provider? metadata)
    (js.metadata/metadata-provider database-id metadata)))

Creates an MLv2 query from the provided input: either a table or card metadata, or a legacy MLv1 query in JSON form.

Code health: Healthy.

There are two arities for this function:

With two arguments metadata-provider and table-or-card-metadata, creates an MLv2 query for that table or card.

With three arguments database-id, metadata-provider, and query-map, expects the query-map to be an MLv1 legacy query in JSON form. The query is converted to MLv2 form based on the metadata and the provided database-id (which is not always included on the query-map).

Caching Attaches a cache to metadata-provider so that subsequent calls with the same database-id and query-map return the same query object.

It would be simpler to attach the MLv2 query to a (non-enumerable) property on the query-map, but the query-map might have been Object.freeze'd by Immer. So instead we attach a two-level cache to the metadata-provider. The outer key is database-id, and the inner cache is a JS WeakMap, using the query-map itself as the key. This cache is efficient to check, and because it uses a WeakMap it does not retain legacy queries if they would otherwise be garbage collected.

If the metadata gets updated, the metadata-provider will be discarded and replaced, destroying the cache.

(defn ^:export query
  ([metadata-provider table-or-card-metadata]
   (lib.core/query metadata-provider table-or-card-metadata))
  ([database-id metadata-provider query-map]
   ;; Since the query-map is possibly `Object.freeze`'d, we can't mutate it to attach the query.
   ;; Therefore, we attach a two-level cache to the metadata-provider:
   ;; The outer key is the database-id; the inner one i a weak ref to the legacy query-map (a JS object).
   ;; This should achieve efficient caching of legacy queries without retaining garbage.
   ;; (Except possibly for a few empty WeakMaps, if queries are cached and then GC'd.)
   ;; If the metadata changes, the metadata-provider is replaced, so all these caches are destroyed.
    (str database-id) metadata-provider query-map
    #(->> %
          (lib.core/query metadata-provider))
    {:force? true})))

Converts namespaced keywords to strings like "foo/bar".

[[clj->js]] supports overriding how keyword map keys get transformed, but it doesn't let you override how values are handled. So this function runs first to recursively transform keywords in value position into strings.

As examples of such a value, (get-in card [:template-tags "some-tag" :widget-type]) can be :date/all-options; and the :base-type of a column might be :type/Text.

TODO: Lots of utilities and helpers in this file. It would be easier to consume the API if the helpers were moved to a utility namespace. Better would be to "upstream" them into metabase.util.* if they're useful elsewhere.

(defn- fix-namespaced-values
    (qualified-keyword? x) (str (namespace x) "/" (name x))
    (map? x)               (update-vals x fix-namespaced-values)
    (sequential? x)        (map fix-namespaced-values x)
    :else                  x))

Coerce an MLv2 query (pMBQL in CLJS data structures) into a legacy MLv1 query in vanilla JSON form.

Code health: Legacy. This has many legitimate uses (as of March 2024), but we should aim to reduce the places where a legacy query is still needed. Consider if it's practical to port the consumer of this legacy query to MLv2.

(defn ^:export legacy-query
  (-> (lib.query/->legacy-MBQL query-map)
      fix-namespaced-values (clj->js :keyword-fn u/qualified-name)))

Adds a new, blank stage to the provided query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export append-stage
  (lib.core/append-stage a-query))

Drops the final stage in the query, even if it's not empty. If there is only one stage, this is a no-op.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export drop-stage
  (lib.core/drop-stage a-query))

Drops all stages which are empty from a-query. To be fully clear, this does not only drop empty final stages, it drops all empty middle stages as well.

No-op if there are no empty stages. Note that the first stage is never empty, since it contains eg. :source-table.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export drop-empty-stages
  (lib.core/drop-empty-stages a-query))

When a query has aggregations in stage N, there's an important difference between adding an expression to stage N (with access to the colums before aggregation) or adding it to stage N+1 (with access to the aggregations and breakouts).

Given a-query and stage-number, this returns a JS object with query and stageIndex keys, for working with "what it returns". If there is already a later stage, that stage is reused. Appends a new stage if we were already looking at the last stage.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export as-returned
  [a-query stage-number card-id]
  (let [{a-query :query, :keys [stage-number]} (lib.core/wrap-native-query-with-mbql a-query stage-number card-id)]
    (if (and
         (empty? (lib.core/aggregations a-query stage-number))
         (empty? (lib.core/breakouts a-query stage-number)))
    ;; No extra stage needed with no aggregations.
      #js {:query      a-query
           :stageIndex stage-number}
    ;; An extra stage is needed, so see if one already exists.
      (if-let [next-stage (->> (lib.util/canonical-stage-index a-query stage-number)
                               (lib.util/next-stage-number a-query))]
      ;; Already an extra stage, so use it.
        #js {:query      a-query
             :stageIndex next-stage}
      ;; No new stage, so append one.
        #js {:query      (lib.core/append-stage a-query)
             :stageIndex -1}))))

Returns a JS Array of column metadata values for all columns which can be used to add an ORDER BY to a-query at stage-number.

To add an ORDER BY, pass one of the columns to [[order-by]].

Cached on a-query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export orderable-columns
  [a-query stage-number]
  ;; Attaches the cached columns directly to this query, in case it gets called again.
   (keyword "orderable-columns" (str "stage-" stage-number)) a-query
   (fn [_]
     (to-array (lib.order-by/orderable-columns a-query stage-number)))))

Display Info

The FE routinely needs to know some information about opaque CLJS values in order to render the UI. To get that information, it calls [[display-info]], providing the query and stage for context along with the value it wants to know about: (display-info a-query stage-number x) or in TS ML.display_info(query, stageIndex, x).

Life of a `display-info` call

  • FE calls [[display-info]] in this namespace
  • Which calls [[lib.core/display-info]], defined in metabase.lib.metadata.calculation.
  • Which delegates to a multimethod display-info-method
  • This has implementations for many different MLv2 values - queries, stages, aggregations, expressions, columns, etc.

These implementations return their info in CLJS form, as a map! That's because display-info calls are sometimes nested, eg. a column group's display-info includes the display-info for each column in the group.

Conversion to JSON happens only at the last moment, in [[display-info]] in this namespace.

Caching in detail

display-info calls are frequent, often duplicated, and sometimes expensive to compute. Therefore caching pays off, and we invest a fair bit of complexity here for the sake of performance.

The outer surface is [[display-info]] in this file. It has a [[lib.cache/side-channel-cache]], so if display-info is called multiple times on the same opaque CLJS value, it will be cached "end to end".

[[display-info*]] is the inner implementation. It calls [[lib.core/display-info]] to get the CLJS form, then [[display-info->js]] to convert it to JS.

JS conversion in the tricky cases (maps and seqs) are handled by separate, LRU-cached functions [[display-info-map->js]] and [[display-info-seq->js]]. Keywords are converted with [[u/qualified-name]], so they retain their namespaces, eg. "type/Text".

[[display-info-map->js]] converts CLJS maps to JS objects. Keys are converted from :kebab-case-keywords to "camelCaseStrings". Values are recursively converted by [[display-info->js]]. (Note that this passes through the LRU caches for nested maps and seqs again! This is important since many inner pieces are reused across eg. columns.)

[[display-info-seq->js]] converts CLJS sequential? things to JS arrays, recursively calling [[display-info->js]] on each element. (Back through the LRU caches just like map values above.)

Subtlety: identity vs. value caching

It's possible for visible-columns on two different queries to return columns which are =. Since the different queries might cause different display names or other values to be generated for those = columns, it's vital that the caching of display-info is per-query.

The [[lib.cache/side-channel-cache]] caches attached to individual column instances are implicitly per-query (since visible-columns always generates new ones even for the same query) so they work here.

In contrast, the CLJS -> JS conversion step doesn't know about queries, so it can use =-based LRU caches and be correct.

(declare ^:private display-info->js)

Converts idiomatic Clojure keys (:kebab-case-keywords) into idiomatic JavaScript keys ("camelCaseStrings").

Namespaces are preserved. A ? suffix in Clojure is replaced with an "is" prefix in JavaScript, eg. :many-pks? becomes isManyPks.

(defn- cljs-key->js-key
  (let [key-str (u/qualified-name cljs-key)
        key-str (if (str/ends-with? key-str "?")
                  (str "is-" (str/replace key-str #"\?$" ""))
    (u/->camelCaseEn key-str)))

Converts idiomatic JavaScript keys ("camelCaseStrings") into idiomatic Clojure keys (:kebab-case-keywords).

A "is" prefix in JavaScript is replaced with a ? suffix in Clojure , eg. isManyPks becomes :many-pks?.

(defn- js-key->cljs-key
  (let [key-str (if (str/starts-with? js-key "is")
                  (str (subs js-key 2) "?")
    (-> key-str u/->kebab-case-en keyword)))

Converts a JavaScript object with "camelCase" keys into a Clojure map with :kebab-case keys.

(defn- js-obj->cljs-map
  (-> an-object js->clj (update-keys js-key->cljs-key)))

Converts a Clojure map with :kebab-case keys into a JavaScript object with "camelCase" keys.

(defn- cljs-map->js-obj
  (-> a-map (update-keys cljs-key->js-key) clj->js))
(defn- display-info-map->js* [x]
  (reduce (fn [obj [cljs-key cljs-val]]
            (let [js-key (cljs-key->js-key cljs-key)
                  js-val (display-info->js cljs-val)] ;; Recursing through the cache
              (gobject/set obj js-key js-val)
          #js {}
(def ^:private display-info-map->js
  (memoize/lru display-info-map->js* :lru/threshold 256))
(defn- display-info-seq->js* [x]
  (to-array (map display-info->js x)))
(def ^:private display-info-seq->js
  (memoize/lru display-info-seq->js* :lru/threshold 256))

Converts CLJS [[lib.core/display-info]] results into JS objects for the FE to consume. Recursively converts CLJS maps and sequences into JS objects and arrays.

(defn- display-info->js
    ;; `(seqable? nil) ; => true`, so we need to check for it before
    (nil? x)     nil
    ;; Note that map? is only true for CLJS maps, not JS objects.
    (map? x)     (display-info-map->js x)
    (string? x)  x
    ;; Likewise, JS arrays are not seqable? while CLJS vectors, seqs and sets are.
    ;; (So are maps and strings, but those are already handled above.)
    (seqable? x) (display-info-seq->js x)
    (keyword? x) (u/qualified-name x)
    :else        x))

Inner implementation of [[display-info]], which caches this function's results. See there for documentation.

(defn- display-info*
  [a-query stage-number x]
  (-> a-query
      (lib.stage/ensure-previous-stages-have-metadata stage-number)
      (lib.core/display-info stage-number x)

Given an opaque CLJS value (in the context of a-query and stage-number), return a plain JS object with the info needed to render UI for that opaque value.

The info returned depends on what kind of value x is; see [[metabase.lib.metadata.calculation/display-info]] for details.

The JS objects returned by this function have all keys spelled as "camelCaseStrings". Note that this spelling differs in a few cases from legacy, where there's a mix of snake_case and "kebab-case" mixed in.

Code health: Healthy

Caches the result on x, in case this gets called again for the same object.

(defn ^:export display-info
  [a-query stage-number x]
  ;; Attaches a cached display-info blob to `x`, in case it gets called again for the same object.
  ;; TODO: Keying by stage is probably unnecessary - if we eg. fetched a column from different stages, it would be a
  ;; different object. Test that idea and remove the stage from the cache key.
   (keyword "display-info-outer" (str "stage-" stage-number)) x
   #(display-info* a-query stage-number %)))

Create an ORDER BY clause and return it, independently of a query.

orderable can be another [[order-by-clause]], a column, etc.

direction is optional; if provided it should be either a keyword :asc or :desc, or string "asc" or"desc". The default is :asc.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export order-by-clause
   (order-by-clause orderable :asc))
  ([orderable direction]
   (lib.core/order-by-clause (lib.core/normalize (js->clj orderable :keywordize-keys true)) (keyword direction))))

Add an ORDER BY clause to a-query. Returns the updated query.

orderable and direction are the same as the arguments to [[order-by-clause]].

Code health: Smelly. This should be refactored to accept an [[order-by-clause]]; that is how [[aggregate]] and other analogous functions work. But don't hesitate to add calls to this function.

(defn ^:export order-by
  [a-query stage-number orderable direction]
  (lib.core/order-by a-query stage-number orderable (keyword direction)))

Get the ORDER BY clauses in a-query at stage-number, as a JS array of opaque values.

Returns an empty array if there are no order-bys in the given stage.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export order-bys
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/order-bys a-query stage-number)))

Flip the direction of current-order-by in a-query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export change-direction
  [a-query current-order-by]
  (lib.core/change-direction a-query current-order-by))

Returns a JS array of opaque columns representing the columns that can be used as breakouts in the given stage of a-query.

Pass one of these values to [[breakout]] to add it to the query.

Code health: Healthy

Caches the result on the query by stage.

(defn ^:export breakoutable-columns
  [a-query stage-number]
  ;; Attaches the cached columns directly to this query, in case it gets called again.
   (keyword "breakoutable-columns" (str "stage-" stage-number)) a-query
   (fn [_]
     (to-array (lib.core/breakoutable-columns a-query stage-number)))))

Get the list of breakout clauses in a-query at the given stage-number, as a JS array of opaque values.

Returns an empty array if there are no breakouts in the query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export breakouts
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/breakouts a-query stage-number)))

Add a breakout clause to a-query. Returns the updated query.

breakoutable should have come from [[breakoutable-columns]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export breakout
  [a-query stage-number breakoutable]
  (lib.core/breakout a-query stage-number (lib.core/ref breakoutable)))

Given a breakout-clause from [[breakouts]], returns the column corresponding to breakout-clause.

That column will include any temporal bucketing or binning settings on the breakout.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export breakout-column
  [a-query stage-number breakout-clause]
  (lib.core/breakout-column a-query stage-number breakout-clause))

Binning and Bucketing

Metabase supports a few styles of "rounding" in breakouts, to group rows of raw data into meaningful units.

The two fundamental kinds of rounding are binning and temporal bucketing.


Binning groups a column's values in one of two ways, by either controlling number of bins, or the width of each bin.

Fixed number of bins

Any numeric column can be grouped into a fixed number of bins (say, 10), by dividing the range of the column's values into n equal slices. For example, if a column's values range from 0 to 2000, :num-bins 10 would split it into 10 slices each 200 wide: 0-200, 200-400, 400-600, etc.

Aside: Fixed-width bins are different from quantiles! Quantiles would be slicing the other way: put an equal number of rows into each bin, and let the endpoints between the bins vary.

Fixed width bins

When we understand the units in which the column is defined, we can give each bin a fixed width, and return as many bins as necessary to hold all the rows. This is currently supported only for latitude and longitude columns.

Retrieves the binning settings for a-column-or-clause. Returns nil if binning is not set.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export binning
  (lib.core/binning a-column-or-clause))

Given a-column-or-clause and a binning-option, return a new column/clause with its binning settings updated.

If binning-option is nil, removes any binning options currently present on a-column-or-clause.

binning-option should be one of the opaque values returned by [[available-binning-strategies]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-binning
  [a-column-or-clause binning-option]
  (lib.core/with-binning a-column-or-clause binning-option))

Returns a JS array of available binning strategies for a-column-or-clause, in the context of a-query and optionally stage-number. Defaults to the last stage.

The list contains opaque values, which can be passed to [[display-info]] for rendering, or [[with-binning]] to attach them to a-column-or-clause.

Code health: Smelly. Stage numbers are required parameters nearly everywhere in this interface, and this function should be consistent.

(defn ^:export available-binning-strategies
  ([a-query x]
   (-> (lib.core/available-binning-strategies a-query x)
  ([a-query stage-number x]
   (-> (lib.core/available-binning-strategies a-query stage-number x)

Temporal Bucketing

The other way to "round" a column's value is by units of time. This is a very common use case: looking at monthly total sales, etc.

One subtlety is that some units are cyclic and others are truncated. For example, :month-of-year ranges from 1 to 12 and puts data points from March 2024, March 2020, and March 1978 all in the same bucket. In contrast, :month truncates the date values to midnight on the first day of the month, so it treats March 2024 separately from March 2020.

For the purposes of the library, both styles are treated the same way: the unit is specified by name and passed on to visualizations and to the query processor, which are responsible for interpreting the meaning of the unit.

Get the current temporal bucketing setting of a-clause-or-column, if any. Returns nil if no temporal bucketing is set.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export temporal-bucket
  (lib.core/temporal-bucket a-clause-or-column))

Add the specified bucketing-option to a-clause-or-column, returning an updated form of the clause or column.

If bucketing-option is nil (JS undefined or null), any existing temporal bucketing is removed.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-temporal-bucket
  [a-clause-or-column bucketing-option]
  (lib.core/with-temporal-bucket a-clause-or-column bucketing-option))

Get a list of available temporal bucketing options for a-clause-or-column in the context of a-query and stage-number. (Defaults to the last stage.)

Returns a JS array of opaque values, which can be passed to [[display-info]] for rendering and [[with-temporal-bucket]] to set the bucketing on a clause or column.

Code health: Smelly. Most functions required stage-number, make it required here too for consistency.

(defn ^:export available-temporal-buckets
  ([a-query x]
   (-> (lib.core/available-temporal-buckets a-query x)
  ([a-query stage-number x]
   (-> (lib.core/available-temporal-buckets a-query stage-number x)

The temporal bucketing units for date type expressions.

(defn ^:export available-temporal-units
  (to-array (map clj->js (lib.core/available-temporal-units))))

Manipulating Clauses

These three functions work on any kind of clause - aggregations, filters, breakouts, custom expressions, order-by.

They are also intended to be smart, and leave the query in a good state. For example, removing a custom expression will also remove anything that depended on it, recursively. Moving or replacing a clause will update any references to it in other places (eg. an aggregation based on a custom expression that was just renamed).

Removes the target-clause from the given stage of a-query.

Use this to remove any clause (aggregations, breakouts, order by, filters, custom expressions, joins) from a query.

The deletion cascades, recursively removing any other clauses that depended on the removed clause, such as a filter based on a custom expression.

Does nothing if the clause can't be found.

Code health: Healthy.

(defn ^:export remove-clause
  [a-query stage-number clause]
   a-query stage-number
   (lib.core/normalize (js->clj clause :keywordize-keys true))))

Replaces the target-clause with new-clause in the query stage.

Does nothing if the target-clause cannot be found.

Code health: Healthy.

(defn ^:export replace-clause
  [a-query stage-number target-clause new-clause]
   a-query stage-number
   (lib.core/normalize (js->clj target-clause :keywordize-keys true))
   (lib.core/normalize (js->clj new-clause :keywordize-keys true))))

Exchanges the positions of two clauses of the same kind. Can be used for filters, aggregations, breakouts, and expressions.

Returns the updated query. If it can't find both clauses in a single list, emits a warning and returns the query unchanged.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export swap-clauses
  [a-query stage-number source-clause target-clause]
   a-query stage-number
   (lib.core/normalize (js->clj source-clause :keywordize-keys true))
   (lib.core/normalize (js->clj target-clause :keywordize-keys true))))
(defn- unwrap [a-query]
  (let [a-query (mbql.js/unwrap a-query)]
    (cond-> a-query
      (map? a-query) (:dataset_query a-query))))
(defn- normalize-to-clj
  (let [normalize-fn (fn [q]
                       (if (= (lib.util/normalized-query-type q) :mbql/query)
                         (lib.normalize/normalize q)
                         (mbql.normalize/normalize q)))]
    (-> a-query (js->clj :keywordize-keys true) unwrap normalize-fn)))

Normalize the MBQL or pMBQL query a-query.

Returns the JS form of the normalized query.

(defn ^:export normalize
  (-> a-query normalize-to-clj (clj->js :keyword-fn u/qualified-name)))

Comparing queries

There are a few places in the FE where we need to compare two queries, typically to check whether the current question has been changed and needs to be saved.

This currently only works for legacy queries in JSON form. At some point MLv2 queries will become the source of truth, and the format used on the wire. At that point, we'll want a similar comparison for MLv2 queries.

TODO: These equality checks only seem to clean and check the last stages - does that really suffice?

(defn- prep-query-for-equals-legacy [a-query field-ids]
  (-> a-query
      ;; If `:native` exists, but it doesn't have `:template-tags`, add it.
      (m/update-existing :native #(merge {:template-tags {}} %))
      (m/update-existing :query (fn [inner-query]
                                  (let [fields (or (:fields inner-query)
                                                   (for [id field-ids]
                                                     [:field id nil]))]
                                    (-> inner-query
                                        ;; We ignore the order of the fields in the lists, but need to make sure any
                                        ;; dupes match up. Therefore de-dupe with `frequencies` rather than `set`.
                                        (assoc :fields (frequencies fields))
                                        ;; Remove the randomized idents, which are of course not going to match.
                                        (dissoc :aggregation-idents :breakout-idents :expression-idents)))))))
(defn- prep-query-for-equals-pMBQL
  [a-query field-ids]
  (let [fields (or (some->> (lib.core/fields a-query)
                            (map #(assoc % 1 {})))
                   (mapv (fn [id] [:field {} id]) field-ids))]
    (lib.util/update-query-stage a-query -1
                                 #(-> %
                                      (assoc :fields (frequencies fields))
(defn- prep-query-for-equals [a-query field-ids]
  (when-let [normalized-query (some-> a-query normalize-to-clj)]
    (if (contains? normalized-query :lib/type)
      (prep-query-for-equals-pMBQL normalized-query field-ids)
      (prep-query-for-equals-legacy normalized-query field-ids))))
(defn- compare-field-refs
  [[key1 id1 opts1]
   [key2 id2 opts2]]
  ;; A mismatch of `:base-type` or `:effective-type` when both x and y have values for it is a failure.
  ;; If either ref does not have the `:base-type` or `:effective-type` set, that key is ignored.
  (letfn [(clean-opts [o1 o2]
             (cond-> o1
               (not (:base-type o2))      (dissoc :base-type)
               (not (:effective-type o2)) (dissoc :effective-type))))]
    (if (map? id1)
      (= [key1 (clean-opts id1 id2) opts1]
         [key2 (clean-opts id2 id1) opts2])
      (= [key1 id1 (clean-opts opts1 opts2)]
         [key2 id2 (clean-opts opts2 opts1)]))))
(defn- query=* [x y]
    (and (vector? x)
         (vector? y)
         (= (first x) (first y) :field))
    (compare-field-refs x y)
    ;; Otherwise this is a duplicate of clojure.core/= except :lib/uuid and :ident values don't have to match.
    (and (map? x) (map? y))
    (let [x (dissoc x :lib/uuid :ident)
          y (dissoc y :lib/uuid :ident)]
      (and (= (set (keys x)) (set (keys y)))
           (every? (fn [[k v]]
                     (query=* v (get y k)))
    (and (sequential? x) (sequential? y))
    (and (= (count x) (count y))
         (every? true? (map query=* x y)))
    ;; Either mismatched map/sequence/nil/etc., or primitives like strings.
    ;; Either way, = does the right thing.
    :else (= x y)))

Returns whether the provided queries should be considered equal.

If field-ids is specified, an input MBQL query without :fields set defaults to the field-ids.

Currently this works only for legacy queries in JS form! It duplicates the logic formerly found in query_builder/selectors.js.

Code health: Legacy. New calls are acceptable if necessary. Eventually this will be replaced with an equivalent function that compares two pMBQL queries in CLJS form, but that needs pMBQL queries to be the source of truth on the wire, rather than legacy.

(defn ^:export query=
  ([query1 query2] (query= query1 query2 nil))
  ([query1 query2 field-ids]
   (let [ids (mapv js->clj field-ids)
         n1 (prep-query-for-equals query1 ids)
         n2 (prep-query-for-equals query2 ids)]
     (query=* n1 n2))))

Column Groups

In many places in the FE we show a list of columns which might be used to filter, aggregate, etc. These are shown in expandable groups by source: source table/previous stage first, then explicitly joined tables, then implicitly joinable by different FKs.

Given the list of columns returned by a function like [[orderable-columns]], groups those columns by source, in the appropriate shape for rendering in the Query Builder.

Source is any of:

  • source table/card/model
  • previous stage
  • explicitly joined table
  • implicitly joinable for each foreign key

For example, given a sequence of columns like this:

 ;; implicitly joinable]

the groups would be:

[{::columns [
 {::columns [

Groups have the type :metadata/column-group and can be passed directly to [[display-info]].

Use [[columns-group-columns]] to extract the columns from a group.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export group-columns
  (to-array (lib.core/group-columns column-metadatas)))

Return the columns in this column-group.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export columns-group-columns
  (to-array (lib.core/columns-group-columns column-group)))

Temporal unit descriptions

These return localized strings describing a temporal unit, interval, or relative date range.

There's complex logic here, and it can be shared with BE for static viz, CSV downloads, etc.

Get a translated description of a temporal bucketing unit.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export describe-temporal-unit
  [n unit]
  (let [unit (if (string? unit) (keyword unit) unit)]
    (lib.core/describe-temporal-unit n unit)))

Get a translated description of a temporal bucketing interval.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export describe-temporal-interval
  [n unit]
  (let [n    (if (string? n) (keyword n) n)
        unit (if (string? unit) (keyword unit) unit)]
    (lib.core/describe-temporal-interval n unit)))

Get a translated description of a relative datetime interval.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export describe-relative-datetime
  [n unit]
  (let [n    (if (string? n) (keyword n) n)
        unit (if (string? unit) (keyword unit) unit)]
    (lib.core/describe-relative-datetime n unit)))


Adds an aggregation to a-query, returning the updated query.

Construct an-aggregation-clause by calling [[aggregation-clause]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export aggregate
  [a-query stage-number an-aggregate-clause]
  (lib.core/aggregate a-query stage-number (js->clj an-aggregate-clause :keywordize-keys true)))

Return a JS array of aggregations on a given stage of a-query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export aggregations
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/aggregations a-query stage-number)))

Given an aggregation-clause from [[aggregations]], returns the column corresponding to that aggregation.

Returns nil (JS null) if the aggregation is one like :count that doesn't have a column.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export aggregation-column
  [a-query stage-number aggregation-clause]
  (lib.core/aggregation-column a-query stage-number aggregation-clause))

Returns a standalone aggregation clause for an aggregation-operator and a column.

For aggregations requiring an argument, column is mandatory, otherwise it is optional.

Get a list of valid aggregation operators with [[available-aggregation-operators]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export aggregation-clause
  [aggregation-operator column]
  (if (undefined? column)
    (lib.core/aggregation-clause aggregation-operator)
    (lib.core/aggregation-clause aggregation-operator column)))

Get the available aggregation operators for the stage with stage-number of the query a-query.

These are opaque values that can be passed to [[display-info]], or to [[aggregation-clause]] to construct an aggregation.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export available-aggregation-operators
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/available-aggregation-operators a-query stage-number)))

Return a JS array of columns which aggregation-operator can be applied to.

The columns are valid for the stage of the query that was used in [[available-aggregation-operators]] to get aggregation-operator.

(defn ^:export aggregation-operator-columns
  (to-array (lib.core/aggregation-operator-columns aggregation-operator)))

Used when editing an aggregation. We need to show the list of possible aggregation operators with the selected one highlighted, and if it has a column, also the list of applicable columns with the selected one highlighted.

Given a list of agg-operators from [[available-aggregation-operators]], goes through the operators and marks the operator used in agg-clause as :selected? true.

If that operator needs a column, also searches the columns and marks the column from agg-clause as :selected? true as well.

Returns the same list of agg-operators with those adjustments made.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export selected-aggregation-operators
  [agg-operators agg-clause]
  (to-array (lib.core/selected-aggregation-operators (seq agg-operators) agg-clause)))


Filters work in a similar way to aggregations and order-by, but are more complex since they can have several parameters, which can be columns, several types of literal value, etc.

The basic flow is: [[filterable-columns]] returns the list of columns which can be used for filtering, which include the applicable filter operators. Call [[filter-clause]] with the operator, column and any more arguments, and pass that clause to [[filter]].

Returns a JS array of columns available for filtering a-query on the given stage.

The columns have extra information attached, giving the filter operators that can be used with that column.

Cached on the query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export filterable-columns
  [a-query stage-number]
  ;; Attaches the cached columns directly to this query, in case it gets called again.
   (keyword "filterable-columns" (str "stage-" stage-number)) a-query
   (fn [_]
     (to-array (lib.core/filterable-columns a-query stage-number)))))

Returns the filter operators which can be used in a filter for filterable-column.

filterable-column must be column coming from [[filterable-columns]]; this won't work with columns from other sources like [[visible-columns]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export filterable-column-operators
  (to-array (lib.core/filterable-column-operators filterable-column)))

Given a filter-operator, column, and 0 or more extra arguments, returns a standalone filter clause.

filter-operator comes from [[filterable-column-operators]], and column from [[filterable-columns]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export filter-clause
  [filter-operator column & args]
  (apply lib.core/filter-clause filter-operator column args))

Returns the filter operator used in a-filter-clause.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export filter-operator
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (lib.core/filter-operator a-query stage-number a-filter-clause))

Adds a-filter-clause as a filter on a-query.

(defn ^:export filter
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (lib.core/filter a-query stage-number (js->clj a-filter-clause :keywordize-keys true)))

Returns a JS array of all the filters on stage stage-number of a-query.

Logically, the WHERE clause (or equivalent) of the query is the conjunction of these filters.

If there are no filters on this query, returns an empty list.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export filters
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/filters a-query stage-number)))

TODO: find-filter-for-legacy-filter is dead code and should be removed.

TODO: find-filterable-column-for-legacy-ref is dead code and should be removed.


Custom expressions are parsed from a string by a TS library, which returns legacy MBQL clauses. That may get ported to Clojure someday, but perhaps not - it's quite standalone and there's no use case for that logic in the BE.

MLv2 expression clauses are constructed with [[expression-clause]] from an operator and list of args, typically coming from that parser. An expression clause can be attached to a query with expression.

When rendering expressions, the FE calls [[expression-parts]], which returns a kind of AST for the expression. This form is deliberately different from the MBQL representation.

Returns a standalone expression clause for the given operator, options, and list of arguments.

(defn ^:export expression-clause
  [an-operator args options]
  (-> (lib.core/expression-clause
       (keyword an-operator)
       (js->clj options :keywordize-keys true))

Returns an AST for an-expression-clause.

Each clause is transformed to a JS object like:

  operator: "=",
  options: {"case-sensitive": true, "include-current": false},
  args: [column, 7],

Note that the args can contain nested expressions in the same form.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export expression-parts
  [a-query stage-number an-expression-clause]
  (let [parts (lib.core/expression-parts a-query stage-number an-expression-clause)]
     (fn [node]
       (if (and (map? node) (= :mbql/expression-parts (:lib/type node)))
         (let [{:keys [operator options args]} node]
           #js {:operator (name operator)
                :options (clj->js (select-keys options [:case-sensitive :include-current]))
                :args (to-array (map #(if (keyword? %) (u/qualified-name %) %) args))})

Creates a string filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[string-filter-parts]]. To avoid mistakes the function requires options for all operators even though they might not be used. Note that the FE does not support :is-null and :not-null operators with string columns.

(defn ^:export string-filter-clause
  [operator column values options]
  (lib.core/string-filter-clause (keyword operator)
                                 (js->clj values)
                                 (js-obj->cljs-map options)))

Destructures a string filter clause created by [[string-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape. To avoid mistakes the function returns options for all operators even though they might not be used. Note that the FE does not support :is-null and :not-null operators with string columns.

(defn ^:export string-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/string-filter-parts a-query stage-number a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column values options]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator (name operator)
           :column   column
           :values   (to-array (map clj->js values))
           :options  (cljs-map->js-obj options)})))

Creates a numeric filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[number-filter-parts]].

(defn ^:export number-filter-clause
  [operator column values]
  (lib.core/number-filter-clause (keyword operator)
                                 (js->clj values)))

Destructures a numeric filter clause created by [[number-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape.

(defn ^:export number-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/number-filter-parts a-query stage-number a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column values]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator (name operator)
           :column   column
           :values   (to-array (map clj->js values))})))

Creates a coordinate filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[coordinate-filter-parts]].

(defn ^:export coordinate-filter-clause
  [operator column longitude-column values]
  (lib.core/coordinate-filter-clause (keyword operator)
                                     (js->clj values)))

Destructures a coordinate filter clause created by [[coordinate-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape. Unlike regular numeric filters, coordinate filters do not support :is-null and :not-null. There is also a special :inside operator that requires both latitude and longitude columns.

(defn ^:export coordinate-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/coordinate-filter-parts a-query stage-number a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column longitude-column values]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator        (name operator)
           :column          column
           :longitudeColumn longitude-column
           :values          (to-array (map clj->js values))})))

Creates a boolean filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[boolean-filter-parts]].

(defn ^:export boolean-filter-clause
  [operator column values]
  (lib.core/boolean-filter-clause (keyword operator)
                                  (js->clj values)))

Destructures a boolean filter clause created by [[boolean-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape.

(defn ^:export boolean-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-boolean a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/boolean-filter-parts a-query stage-boolean a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column values]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator (name operator)
           :column   column
           :values   (to-array (map clj->js values))})))

Creates a specific date filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[specific-date-filter-parts]].

(defn ^:export specific-date-filter-clause
  [operator column values with-time?]
  (lib.core/specific-date-filter-clause (keyword operator)
                                        (js->clj values)

Destructures a specific date filter clause created by [[specific-date-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape.

(defn ^:export specific-date-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/specific-date-filter-parts a-query stage-number a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column values with-time?]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator (name operator)
           :column   column
           :values   (to-array (map clj->js values))
           :hasTime  with-time?})))

Creates a relative date filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[relative-date-filter-parts]].

(defn ^:export relative-date-filter-clause
  [column value unit offset-value offset-unit options]
  (lib.core/relative-date-filter-clause column
                                        (keyword unit)
                                        (some-> offset-unit keyword)
                                        (js-obj->cljs-map options)))

Destructures a relative date filter clause created by [[relative-date-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape.

(defn ^:export relative-date-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/relative-date-filter-parts a-query stage-number a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [column value unit offset-value offset-unit options]} filter-parts]
      #js {:column      column
           :value       value
           :unit        (name unit)
           :offsetValue offset-value
           :offsetUnit  (some-> offset-unit name)
           :options     (cljs-map->js-obj options)})))

Creates an exclude date filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[exclude-date-filter-parts]].

(defn ^:export exclude-date-filter-clause
  [operator column unit values]
  (lib.core/exclude-date-filter-clause (keyword operator)
                                       (some-> unit keyword)
                                       (js->clj values)))

Destructures an exclude date filter clause created by [[exclude-date-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape.

(defn ^:export exclude-date-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/exclude-date-filter-parts a-query stage-number a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column unit values]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator    (name operator)
           :column      column
           :unit        (some-> unit name)
           :values      (to-array (map clj->js values))})))

Creates a time filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[time-filter-parts]].

(defn ^:export time-filter-clause
  [operator column values]
  (lib.core/time-filter-clause (keyword operator)
                               (js->clj values)))

Destructures a time filter clause created by [[time-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape.

(defn ^:export time-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-boolean a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/time-filter-parts a-query stage-boolean a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column values]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator (name operator)
           :column   column
           :values   (to-array (map clj->js values))})))

Creates a default filter clause based on FE-friendly filter parts. It should be possible to destructure each created expression with [[default-filter-parts]]. This clause works as a fallback for more specialized column types.

(defn ^:export default-filter-clause
  [operator column]
  (lib.core/default-filter-clause (keyword operator) column))

Destructures a default filter clause created by [[default-filter-clause]]. Returns nil if the clause does not match the expected shape or if the clause uses a string column; the FE allows only :is-empty and :not-empty operators for string columns.

(defn ^:export default-filter-parts
  [a-query stage-boolean a-filter-clause]
  (when-let [filter-parts (lib.core/default-filter-parts a-query stage-boolean a-filter-clause)]
    (let [{:keys [operator column]} filter-parts]
      #js {:operator (name operator)
           :column   column})))

Returns true if arg is an MLv2 column, ie. has :lib/type :metadata/column.

Code health: Smelly. When is this called and why does the FE need to know? The values are supposed to be opaque, and we should see if there's a better way to get the needed information.

TODO remove once all filter-parts are migrated to MBQL lib

(defn ^:export is-column-metadata
  (and (map? arg) (= :metadata/column (:lib/type arg))))

Field selection

Queries can specify a subset of fields to return from their source table or previous stage. There are several functions provided to inspect and manage that list of fields.

Get the list of fields currently set on a-query as a JS array.

Returns [] if the fields are not set.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export fields
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/fields a-query stage-number)))

Set the fields list for a-query to new-fields, a list of columns as returned by [[fieldable-columns]].

This replaces any existing fields list. If new-fields is an empty array or nil (JS null or undefined), then the fields list on the query is cleared.

Code health: Healthy. But depending on what you're doing, it might be easier to call [[add-field]] and [[remove-field]].

(defn ^:export with-fields
  [a-query stage-number new-fields]
  (lib.core/with-fields a-query stage-number new-fields))

Return a JS array of columns that are valid to set in the fields list of a-query.

Cached on the query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export fieldable-columns
  [a-query stage-number]
  ;; Attaches the cached columns directly to this query, in case it gets called again.
   (keyword "fieldable-columns" (str "stage-" stage-number)) a-query
   (fn [_]
     (to-array (lib.core/fieldable-columns a-query stage-number)))))

Adds a given column (as returned by [[fieldable-columns]]) to the fields returned by a-query.

Exactly what this means depends on where the column comes from:

  • Source table/card, previous stage of the query, aggregation or breakout:
    • Add it to the fields list
    • If no fields list is set, it defaults to returning all fields, so do nothing.
  • Implicit join: add it to the fields list; the query processor will add the necessary join.
  • Explicit join: add it to the fields list on the join clause.
  • Custom expression: Do nothing - expressions are always included.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export add-field
  [a-query stage-number column]
  (lib.core/add-field a-query stage-number column))

TODO: There's a mismatch here around aggregations and breakouts. They are treated like normal fields in add-field but remove-field throws if you try to remove an aggregation or breakout, since they're always included. I think the behavior of remove-field is the correct approach - removing a breakout or aggregation like this was resulting in a broken query, see #34321. That being the case I think add-field on aggregations and breakouts should also throw, since it's still a programming error. Expressions should probably go the same way - throw on both sides. Whichever way this goes, the code and docs here and in metabase.lib.field should be up to date.

Removes the field (a ColumnMetadata, as returned from eg. [[visible-columns]]) from those fields returned by the query. Exactly what this means depends on the source of the field: - Source table/card, previous stage, aggregations or breakouts: - If :fields is missing, it's implicitly :all - populate it with all the columns except the removed one. - Remove the target column from the :fields list - Implicit join: remove it from the :fields list; do nothing if it's not there. - (An implicit join only exists in the :fields clause, so if it's not there then it's not anywhere.) - Explicit join: remove it from that join's :fields list (handle :fields :all like for source tables). - Custom expression: Throw! Custom expressions are always returned. To remove a custom expression, the expression itself should be removed from the query.

(defn ^:export remove-field
  [a-query stage-number column]
  (lib.core/remove-field a-query stage-number column))

Visible and Returned Columns

These two sets of columns are fundamental.

Returned Columns

This is the set of columns that will go into the table viz, or become the previous stage columns for a later stage. Stages with aggregations are handled differently from other stages.

With at least one aggregation, the returned columns are exactly the aggregations and breakouts from this stage, and no more.

Otherwise, the returned columns come from several sources. The basic source is (a subset of) the columns from the source table/card/model or the previous stage. If the fields list is set, it names a subset of those columns which are included in this stage. With no fields list, all columns from the source are returned.

Next, each explicit join also has a fields list and defaults to including all the columns from the joined table.

Inner implementation for [[returned-columns]], which wraps this with caching.

Finally, custom expressions are always returned.

(defn- returned-columns*
  [a-query stage-number]
  (let [stage          (lib.util/query-stage a-query stage-number)
        unique-name-fn (lib.util/unique-name-generator)]
    (->> (lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns a-query stage-number stage)
         (map #(-> %
                   (assoc :selected? true)
                   ;; Unique names are required by the FE for compatibility.
                   ;; This applies only for JS; Clojure usage should prefer `:lib/desired-column-alias` to `:name`, and
                   ;; that's already unique by construction.
                   (update :name unique-name-fn)))

Return a JS array of columns which are returned from this stage of a-query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export returned-columns
  [a-query stage-number]
  ;; Attaches the cached columns directly to this query, in case it gets called again.
   (keyword "returned-columns" (str "stage-" stage-number)) a-query
   (fn [_]
     (returned-columns* a-query stage-number))))

Visible Columns

Visible columns are all the columns which are in scope at the given stage of the query.

The most immediate source of columns for a first stage is the source table (or saved question, or model); for later stages it's the previous stage's returned columns. Then any custom expressions on this stage are visible, as are all the columns from any explicitly joined tables.

Finally, any foreign key in that set of columns can be implicitly joined, which brings in all the column from another table. Note that implicitly joinable FKs are not recursively implicitly joinable!

Aggregations and breakouts are not part of the visible columns, since the visible columns are what's available on the query to be aggregated or used as a breakout.

Inner implementation for [[visible-columns]], which wraps this with caching.

What about the other sets of columns?

This interface contains several other sets of columns, like [[filterable-columns]] and [[expressionable-columns]]; these are subsets of [[visible-columns]] possibly with extra information added, such as the set of filter operators which can be used with that column.

Note: At the time of writing, lib.ref/ref would produce a broken ref for a column from [[returned-columns]] due to :lib/source differences compared to [[visible-columns]]. We cannot use such refs for for matching in [[find-matching-column]]. However, all other [[returned-columns]] properties are correct, and we can pass a column from [[visible-columns]] for the ref/needle and [[returned-columns]] for the haystack. Example - for a query with source-card and :fields clause, :lib/source for [[returned-columns]] would be :source/fields and lib.ref/ref would generate field id-based refs; while for [[visible-columns]] :lib/source would be :source/card and lib.ref/ref would generate :lib/desired-column-alias-based refs. As the card can contain multiple columns with the same ID (e.g. multiple breakouts of the same column, model metadata overrides) we could get exact dupliates with lib.ref/ref for [[returned-columns]]. (lib.equality/mark-selected-columns a-query stage-number vis-columns ret-columns) cannot be used here because it would compute the refs for ret-columns and we want to do it the other way around.

(defn- visible-columns*
  [a-query stage-number]
  (let [stage       (lib.util/query-stage a-query stage-number)
        vis-columns (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns a-query stage-number stage)
        ret-columns (lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns a-query stage-number stage)]
    (->> (for [col vis-columns
               :let [match (lib.equality/find-matching-column a-query stage-number col ret-columns)]]
           (assoc col :selected? (some? match)))

Returns a JS array of all columns "visible" at the given stage of a-query.

Does not pass any options to [[lib.core/visible-columns]], so it uses the defaults (which are to include everything).

One important difference from the Clojure-facing [[lib.core/visible-columns]]: this marks all the columns which are returned from the query as :selected? true (isSelected: true in JS display info).

Code health: Slightly smelly. Generally the specialized subsets such as [[expressionable-columns]] should be preferred over calling [[visible-columns]] directly.

(defn ^:export visible-columns
  ;; TODO: This may become unnecessary as legacy usages are ported.
  [a-query stage-number]
  ;; Attaches the cached columns directly to this query, in case it gets called again.
   (keyword "visible-columns" (str "stage-" stage-number)) a-query
   (fn [_]
     (visible-columns* a-query stage-number))))

Given a column, as returned by [[visible-columns]], [[returned-columns]] etc., return a string suitable for uniquely identifying the column on its query.

This key will generally not be changed by unrelated edits to the query.

(Currently this is powered by :lib/desired-column-alias, but it's deliberately opaque.)

Column keys

(defn ^:export column-key
  (or (:lib/desired-column-alias a-column)
      (:name a-column)))

Legacy refs

(defn- normalize-legacy-ref
  (if (#{:aggregation :metric :segment} (first a-ref))
    (subvec a-ref 0 2)
    (update a-ref 2 update-vals #(if (qualified-keyword? %)
                                   (u/qualified-name %)
(defn- legacy-ref->pMBQL [a-legacy-ref]
  (-> a-legacy-ref
      (js->clj :keywordize-keys true)
      (update 0 keyword)
      (->> (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment nil))
(defn- ref->legacy-ref
  (-> a-ref

Given a column, metric or segment metadata from eg. [[fieldable-columns]] or [[available-segments]], return it as a legacy JSON field ref.

For compatibility reasons, segment and metric references are always returned without options.

Code health: Legacy. New calls strongly discouraged; refs are a bad leak in the abstraction and we should aim to refactor the existing ones.

(defn ^:export legacy-ref
  [a-query stage-number column]
  (lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (:aggregation (lib.util/query-stage a-query stage-number))
    (-> column
(defn- ->column-or-ref [column]
  (if-let [^js legacy-column (when (object? column) column)]
    ;; Convert legacy columns like we do for metadata.
    (let [parsed (js.metadata/parse-column legacy-column)]
      (if (= (:lib/source parsed) :source/aggregations)
        ;; Special case: Aggregations need to be converted to a pMBQL :aggregation ref and :lib/source-uuid set.
        (let [agg-ref (legacy-ref->pMBQL (.-field_ref legacy-column))]
          (assoc parsed :lib/source-uuid (last agg-ref)))
    ;; It's already a :metadata/column map

Given a list of columns (either JS data.cols or MLv2 ColumnMetadata) and a list of legacy refs, find each ref's corresponding index into the list of columns.

Returns a parallel list to the refs, with the corresponding index, or -1 if no matching column is found.

Code health: Legacy. This is used in several places, mostly because legacy field refs are used as the keys to identify a column in viz settings. Avoid new calls if you have an alternative way to find the column you need. But if you need it, no worries about a new call.

(defn ^:export find-column-indexes-from-legacy-refs
  [a-query stage-number legacy-columns legacy-refs]
  ;; Set up this query stage's `:aggregation` list as the context for [[lib.convert/->pMBQL]] to convert legacy
  ;; `[:aggregation 0]` refs into pMBQL `[:aggregation uuid]` refs.
  (lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (:aggregation (lib.util/query-stage a-query stage-number))
    (let [haystack      (mapv ->column-or-ref legacy-columns)
          needles       (map legacy-ref->pMBQL legacy-refs)
          column-refs   (into {} (keep-indexed (fn [i col]
                                                 [(-> col
          exact-matches (map #(-> %
                                  (js->clj :keywordize-keys true)
                                  (update 0 keyword)
      (if (every? #(and % (>= % 0)) exact-matches)
        (to-array exact-matches)
        #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-var]}
        (to-array (lib.equality/find-column-indexes-for-refs a-query stage-number needles haystack))))))

Returns the ID of the source table (as a number) or the ID of the source card (as a string prefixed with "card__") of a-query. If a-query has none of these, nil is returned.

Code health: Legacy. This is exposing too much about cards and sources. Its callers will likely have to be updated to handle Metrics v2.

(defn ^:export source-table-or-card-id
  ;; TODO: Figure out what the callers of this function really need it for, and consider an alternative design.
  ;; [[with-different-table]] should be included in that refactor.
  (or (lib.util/source-table-id a-query)
      (some->> (lib.util/source-card-id a-query) (str "card__"))))


Joins are a relatively complex component of a query. They specify a table (or model, in theory), 1 or more conditions (which resemble filters), an optional subset of fields to include from the joined table, and one of a handful of join strategies (LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, and INNER).

These user-visible joins are referred to as explicit joins, to differentiate them from implicit joins, which simply name a foreign column and the foreign key on this query which points to its table. The query processor will collect these and unify them with the explicit joins to keep the size of the query down.

Get the strategy (INNER, LEFT, OUTER) of a-join as an opaque value.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export join-strategy
  (lib.core/join-strategy a-join))

Returns a-join with its strategy updated to the given strategy.

strategy should be one of the opaque values returned by [[available-join-strategies]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-join-strategy
  [a-join strategy]
  (lib.core/with-join-strategy a-join strategy))

Returns a JS array of available join strategies for the current Database (based on the Database's supported [[metabase.driver/features]]), as opaque values suitable for passing to [[with-join-strategy]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export available-join-strategies
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/available-join-strategies a-query stage-number)))

Returns a JS array of columns which are valid as the left-hand-side in a join condition. By "left-hand-side" is meant the source column, the one already present in the query. These columns come from the source table/card/model, a previous stage, or a previous join.

When editing an existing join, join-or-joinable must be the original join clause, or this function will return incorrect results. That's what enables this function to know which joins are before this one, and therefore visible as a possible LHS. It doesn't make sense to show this join's own columns, or those of later joins.

When creating a new join, join-or-joinable can be nil (JS undefined or null), or a joinable: a table or card.

If you are changing the LHS of a condition for an existing join, pass in that existing join as join-or-joinable so we can filter out the columns added by it (it doesn't make sense to present the columns added by a join as options for its own LHS) or added by later joins (joins can only depend on things from previous joins).

When building a new join, either pass in nil or something joinable (Table or Card metadata) that we're joining to. (This argument is actually ignored if it's not a join, but these types are accepted for consistency with [[join-condition-rhs-columns]] which does use the argument. See #32005.)

If the left-hand-side column has already been chosen and we're UPDATING it, pass in lhs-column-or-nil so we can mark the current column as :selected in the return value.

If the right-hand-side column has already been chosen (they can be chosen in any order in the Query Builder UI), pass it as rhs-column-or-nil. In the future this may be used to restrict results to compatible columns; see #31174.

Results will be returned in a 'somewhat smart' order, with PKs and FKs returned before other columns.

Unlike most other things that return columns, implicitly joinable columns are not returned here.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export join-condition-lhs-columns
  [a-query stage-number join-or-joinable lhs-column-or-nil rhs-column-or-nil]
  (to-array (lib.core/join-condition-lhs-columns a-query stage-number join-or-joinable lhs-column-or-nil rhs-column-or-nil)))

Returns a JS array of columns which are valid as the right-hand side of a join condition. By "right-hand side" is meant the target column, the column on the table being joined into the query.

join-or-joinable is either the current join clause being edited, or anything joinable: a table, saved question, model, etc.

If the left-hand-side column has already been chosen (they can be chosen in any order in the Query Builder UI), pass it as lhs-column-or-nil. (Currently this is ignored, but in the future it may be used to restrict results to compatible columns; see #31174.)

If we're editing an existing join condition with the RHS column already chosen, pass it as rhs-column-or-nil, so it can be marked as :selected in the returned list.

Results will be returned in a 'somewhat smart' order with PKs and FKs returned before other columns.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export join-condition-rhs-columns
  [a-query stage-number join-or-joinable lhs-column-or-nil rhs-column-or-nil]
  (to-array (lib.core/join-condition-rhs-columns a-query stage-number join-or-joinable lhs-column-or-nil rhs-column-or-nil)))

Returns a JS array of valid filter clause operators that can be used to build a join condition.

In the Query Builder UI, this can be chosen at any point before or after choosing the LHS and RHS columns. Invalid operators are not currently filtered out based on values of the LHS or RHS, but in the future we can add this. See #31174.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export join-condition-operators
  [a-query stage-number lhs-column-or-nil rhs-column-or-nil]
  (to-array (lib.core/join-condition-operators a-query stage-number lhs-column-or-nil rhs-column-or-nil)))

TODO: Move the join and expressions functions to be contiguous instead of interleaved.

Adds a an-expression-clause to query with the user-defined expression-name.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export expression
  [a-query stage-number expression-name an-expression-clause]
  (lib.core/expression a-query stage-number expression-name an-expression-clause))

Return a new expression clause like an-expression-clause but with name new-name.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-expression-name
  [an-expression-clause new-name]
  ;; For normal expressions on a query stage, this sets the `:lib/expression-name` option.
  ;; For custom aggregation expressions this sets the `:display-name` option instead.
  (lib.core/with-expression-name an-expression-clause new-name))

Returns a JS array of expressions on the given stage of a-query.

(defn ^:export expressions
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/expressions a-query stage-number)))

Returns a JS array of those columns that can be used in an expression in the given stage of a-query.

Expressions can only see other expressions on the same stage which appear earlier in the list, so you must pass expression-position (a 0-based index) when editing an existing expression.

When creating a new expression, expression-position should be nil (JS null or undefined).

Cached on the query and stage.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export expressionable-columns
  [a-query stage-number expression-position]
    ;; Caching is based on both the stage and expression position, since they can return different sets.
    ;; TODO: Since these caches are mainly here to avoid expensively recomputing things in rapid succession, it would
    ;; probably suffice to cache only the last position, and evict if it's different. But the lib.cache system doesn't
    ;; support that currently.
   (keyword "expressionable-columns" (str "stage-" stage-number "-" expression-position)) a-query
   (fn [_]
     (to-array (lib.core/expressionable-columns a-query stage-number expression-position)))))

Column extractions are a set of transformations possible on a given column, based on its type.

For example, we might extract the day of the week from a temporal column, or the domain name from an email or URL.

Returns a (possibly empty) JS array of possible column extractions for the given column.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export column-extractions
  [a-query column]
  (to-array (lib.core/column-extractions a-query column)))

Given a-query and an extraction from [[column-extractions]], apply that extraction to the query.

Generally this means adding a new expression. Returns an updated query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export extract
  [a-query stage-number extraction]
  (lib.core/extract a-query stage-number extraction))

Given a-query and an extraction, returns the expression it represents, as an opaque form similarly to [[expression-clause]]. It can be passed to [[expression]] to add it to the query. (Though if that's all you need, use [[extract]] instead.)

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export extraction-expression
  [_a-query _stage-number extraction]
  (lib.core/extraction-expression extraction))

Returns a JS array of possible default join conditions when joining against joinable, e.g. a Table, Saved Question, or another query. Suggested conditions will be returned if the existing query has a foreign key to the primary key of the joinable. (See #31175 for more info.)

When editing a join, the position (0-based index) of the join should be provided. Any columns introduced by that join or later joins are treated as not available for join conditions.

Returns [] if we cannot determine any "obvious" join conditions.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export suggested-join-conditions
  ([a-query stage-number joinable]
   (to-array (lib.core/suggested-join-conditions a-query stage-number joinable)))
  ([a-query stage-number joinable position]
   (to-array (lib.core/suggested-join-conditions a-query stage-number joinable position))))

Get the fields list associated with a-join. That is, the set of fields from the joinable which are being joined into the query.

This is either a JS array of columns, or one of the keywords :all or :none.

Code health: Healthy. This returns refs, but they're treated as opaque.

(defn ^:export join-fields
  (let [joined-fields (lib.core/join-fields a-join)]
    (if (keyword? joined-fields)
      (u/qualified-name joined-fields)
      (to-array joined-fields))))

Set the :fields for a-join, returning a new join clause.

This can either be a list of fields, or a string or keyword :all or :none.

Code health: Healthy. This consumes field refs, but they're treated as opaque.

(defn ^:export with-join-fields
  [a-join new-fields]
  (lib.core/with-join-fields a-join (cond-> new-fields
                                      (string? new-fields) keyword)))

Create a join clause (an :mbql/join map) against something joinable (Table metadata, a Saved Question, another query, etc.) with 1 or more conditions, which should be an array of filter clauses, and a join strategy. You can then adjust this join clause with functions like [[with-join-fields]], or add it to a query with [[join]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export join-clause
  [joinable conditions strategy]
  (lib.core/join-clause joinable conditions strategy))

Add a-join, a join clause as created by [[join-clause]], to the specified stage of a-query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export join
  [a-query stage-number a-join]
  (lib.core/join a-query stage-number a-join))

Get the conditions associated with a-join, as a JS array of filter clauses.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export join-conditions
  (to-array (lib.core/join-conditions a-join)))

Set the conditions for a-join, returning a new join clause.

conditions should be a list of filter clauses; see [[filter-clause]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-join-conditions
  [a-join conditions]
  (lib.core/with-join-conditions a-join (js->clj conditions :keywordize-keys true)))

Return a JS array of all joins on the given stage of a-query.

Returns [] if there are no joins on this stage.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export joins
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/joins a-query stage-number)))

Rename the join specified by join-spec on the given stage of a-query to new-name.

join-spec can be any of:

  • The join clause itself (as returned by [[joins]])
  • Its join alias (a string)
  • Its index in the list of joins as returned by [[joins]]

If the specified join cannot be found, then a-query is returned with no changes.

If renaming the join to new-name would clash with an existing join, a suffix is appended to new-name to make it unique.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export rename-join
  [a-query stage-number join-spec new-name]
  (lib.core/rename-join a-query stage-number join-spec new-name))

Remove the join specified by join-spec from the given stage of a-query at stage-number.

join-spec can be any of:

  • The join clause itself (as returned by [[joins]])
  • Its join alias (a string)
  • Its index in the list of joins as returned by [[joins]]

If the specified join cannot be found, then a-query is returned with no changes.

Other clauses which reference the removed join (eg. filters, breakouts or aggregations which reference joined columns) are also removed, and so on recursively.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export remove-join
  [a-query stage-number join-spec]
  (lib.core/remove-join a-query stage-number join-spec))

Return metadata about the origin of a-join, typically a table, card or model.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export joined-thing
  [a-query a-join]
  (lib.join/joined-thing a-query a-join))

Temporary solution providing access to internal IDs for the FE to pass on to MLv1 functions.

Code health: Single-use, Legacy, Deprecated! This exists only to support some legacy UI in the join picker. No new calls should be added, and the UI should be refactored to remove the need for this function.

(defn ^:export picker-info
  [a-query metadata]
  (case (:lib/type metadata)
    :metadata/table #js {:databaseId (:database a-query)
                         :tableId (:id metadata)}
    :metadata/card  #js {:databaseId (:database a-query)
                         :tableId (str "card__" (:id metadata))
                         :cardId (:id metadata)
                         :isModel (= (keyword (:type metadata)) :model)}
      (log/warn "Cannot provide picker-info for" (:lib/type metadata))

Convert an expression or filter clause to the AST format used by [[expression-parts]].

Code health: Smelly. How is this different from [[expression-parts]]? These two should likely be unified.

(defn ^:export external-op
  (let [{:keys [operator options args]} (lib.core/external-op clause)]
    #js {:operator operator
         :options (clj->js options)
         :args (to-array args)}))

Create a new native query.

Native in this sense means a pMBQL query where the first stage is :mbql.stage/native.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export native-query
  [database-id metadata inner-query]
  (lib.core/native-query (metadataProvider database-id metadata) inner-query))

Update the raw native query. The first stage of a-query must already be a native stage.

Replaces templates tags.

Code health: Healthy.

(defn ^:export with-native-query
  [a-query inner-query]
  (lib.core/with-native-query a-query inner-query))
(defn- remove-undefined-properties
  (cond-> obj
    (object? obj) (gobject/filter (fn [e _ _] (not (undefined? e))))))
(defn- template-tags-js->cljs
  (-> tags
      (gobject/map (fn [e _ _]
                     (remove-undefined-properties e)))
      (update-vals (fn [tag]
                     (-> tag
                         (update-keys keyword)
                         (update :type keyword)
                         (m/update-existing :widget-type #(some-> % keyword))
                         (m/update-existing :dimension #(some-> % legacy-ref->pMBQL)))))))
(defn- template-tags-cljs->js
  (-> tags
      (update-vals (fn [tag]
                     (-> tag
                         (update :type name)
                         (m/update-existing :widget-type #(some-> % u/qualified-name))
                         (m/update-existing :dimension #(some-> % ref->legacy-ref)))))
      (clj->js :keyword-fn u/qualified-name)))

Updates the native first stage of a-query's template tags to the provided tags.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-template-tags
  [a-query tags]
  (lib.core/with-template-tags a-query (template-tags-js->cljs tags)))

Returns the native query string for the native first stage of a-query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export raw-native-query
  (lib.core/raw-native-query a-query))

Returns the template tags for the native first stage of a-query, as a JS object mapping tag names to tag info.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export template-tags
  (template-tags-cljs->js (lib.core/template-tags a-query)))

Returns a JS array of the extra keys that are required for this database's native queries.

For example :collection name is needed for MongoDB queries.

Code health: Single use. This is only intended to be called from the native query editor.

(defn ^:export required-native-extras
  [database-id metadata]
   (map u/qualified-name
        (lib.core/required-native-extras (metadataProvider database-id metadata)))))

Returns whether the database targeted by a-query has native write permissions.

Code health: Single use. This is only intended to be called from the native query editor.

(defn ^:export has-write-permission
  (lib.core/has-write-permission a-query))

Changes the database for a-query. The first stage of a-query must be a native type.

native-extras must be provided if the database needs any extras (eg. MongoDB collection name), as a map from extra name to value.

Returns the updated query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-different-database
  [a-query database-id metadata]
  (lib.core/with-different-database a-query (metadataProvider database-id metadata)))

Updates the values of the extras required for the DB to run a-query. The first stage must be a native type.

native-extras is a JS map of extra names (as returned by [[required-native-extras]]) to their values.

Will ignore extras not in [[required-native-extras]].

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export with-native-extras
  [a-query native-extras]
  (lib.core/with-native-extras a-query (js->clj native-extras :keywordize-keys true)))

Returns the native extras (eg. MongoDB collection name) associated with a-query's native first stage, as a JS map of extra names to values.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export native-extras
  (clj->js (lib.core/native-extras a-query)))

Returns the database engine of the database targeted by a-query, which must have a native first stage.

Code health: Healthy.

(defn ^:export engine
  (some-> (lib.core/engine a-query) name))

Get metadata for the legacy Segment with segment-id, if it can be found.

metadata-providerable is anything that can provide metadata - it can be JS Metadata itself, but more commonly it will be a query.

Code health: Legacy, Single use, Deprecated. No new calls; this is only for legacy Segments and will be removed when they are.

Legacy Segments

Segments are a deprecated kind of reusable query fragments, roughly equivalent to a set of filter clauses.

These functions still work, but they're Legacy and Single Use, and will be removed when legacy Segments are removed from the product in 2024.

(defn ^:export segment-metadata
  [metadata-providerable segment-id]
  (lib.metadata/segment metadata-providerable segment-id))

Returns a JS array of opaque legacy Segments metadata objects, that could be used as filters for a-query.

Code health: Legacy, Single use, Deprecated. No new calls; this is only for legacy Segments and will be removed when they are.

(defn ^:export available-segments
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/available-segments a-query stage-number)))

Returns a JS array of opaque metadata values for those Metrics that could be used as aggregations on a-query.

Code health: Healthy.

(defn ^:export available-metrics
  [a-query stage-number]
  (to-array (lib.core/available-metrics a-query stage-number)))

TODO: Move all the join logic into one block - it's scattered all through the lower half of this namespace.

Returns a JS array of columns that are available when joining join-or-joinable into a-query.

join-or-joinable can be a join clause, or something joinable (a table, card, model, etc.).

If join-or-joinable is a join clause already added to a-query, the currently selected columns will be marked :selected true for highlighting in the UI.

The returned columns can be passed to [[with-join-fields]] to configure which list of columns are joined.

Note that this is not cached like most of the other ___able-columns functions, since the join-or-joinable is part of the key and difficult to cache.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export joinable-columns
  [a-query stage-number join-or-joinable]
  ;; TODO: It's not practical to cache this currently. We need to be able to key off the query and the joinable, which
  ;; is not supported by the lib.cache system.
  (to-array (lib.core/joinable-columns a-query stage-number join-or-joinable)))

TODO: table-or-card-metadata is too specific and leaks details of how sources are stored. We need a higher-level API for the sources of queries, especially with Metrics v2.

Given an integer table-id, returns the table's metadata. Given a legacy "card__123" string, returns the card's metadata.

Returns nil (JS null) if no matching metadata is found.

Code health: Legacy. Avoid new calls - this leaks too much of how sources are stored, and with Metrics v2 the way sources are stored will be evolving. A more general API for checking the sources of a query (or join) should be added, and then this function deprecated and removed.

(defn ^:export table-or-card-metadata
  [query-or-metadata-provider table-id]
  (lib.metadata/table-or-card query-or-metadata-provider table-id))

TODO: "LHS" is a confusing name here. This is really the display name for the joined thing, usually a table. It's an internal detail that this is often based on the LHS of the first join condition, ie. the FK's name.

Get the display name for the joined table, card, model, etc.

For an existing join, join-or-joinable should be the join clause as returned by [[joins]].

For a new join under construction, join-or-joinable should be the target entity, eg. table or card metadata.

If the join has a condition set, its LHS column should be passed as condition-lhs-column-or-nil. If not defined yet, pass nil (JS null or undefined).

Code health: Smelly. Name should be updated, and docs expanded to explain how the name is calculated; see the docs on [[metabase.lib.join/join-lhs-display-name]].

(defn ^:export join-lhs-display-name
  [a-query stage-number join-or-joinable condition-lhs-column-or-nil]
  (lib.core/join-lhs-display-name a-query stage-number join-or-joinable condition-lhs-column-or-nil))

Get the Database ID (:database) associated with a-query.

Typically this is straightforward: queries generally specify the database ID they are querying.

However, in some cases where the source is a saved question, a magic value is used, [[metabase.legacy-mbql.schema/saved-questions-virtual-database-id]]:

{:database -1337}

We attempt to resolve the correct Database ID by getting the metadata for any source card and checking its database ID. If that is not available, this function will return nil (JS null).

Code health: Healthy.

(defn ^:export database-id
  (lib.core/database-id a-query))

Updates the provided join-condition so both the LHS and RHS columns have the provied temporal bucketing option.

join-condition must be a standard join condition, meaning it's in the form constructed by the query builder UI, where the LHS is a column in the outer query and RHS is a column from the joinable.

Returns a new join-condition, where both the LHS and RHS of the comparison are updated with bucketing-option. If temporal bucketing is not supported by these columns, they are returned unchanged.

Code health: Single use. Avoid new calls; this is only intended to be called from the query builder UI.

(defn ^:export join-condition-update-temporal-bucketing
  [a-query stage-number join-condition bucketing-option]
  (lib.core/join-condition-update-temporal-bucketing a-query stage-number join-condition bucketing-option))
(defn- fix-column-with-ref [a-ref column]
  (cond-> column
    ;; Sometimes the FE has result metadata from the QP, without the required :lib/source-uuid on it.
    ;; We have the UUID for the aggregation in its ref, so use that here.
    (some-> a-ref first (= :aggregation)) (assoc :lib/source-uuid (last a-ref))))

Given a JS DatasetColumn, return a CLJS :metadata/column for the same column.

This properly handles fields, expressions and aggregations.

Code health: Legacy. Avoid new calls. We should refactor the existing callers so they receive MLv2 columns in the first place, and don't need to convert via to MLv2 via this function.

(defn ^:export legacy-column->metadata
  [a-query stage-number ^js js-column]
  (lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (lib.core/aggregations a-query stage-number)
    (let [column-ref (when-let [a-ref (.-field_ref js-column)]
                       (legacy-ref->pMBQL a-ref))]
      (fix-column-with-ref column-ref (js.metadata/parse-column js-column)))))

Given a col-fn, returns a function that will extract a JS object like {col: {name: "ID", ...}, value: 12} into a CLJS map like ``` {:column {:lib/type :metadata/column ...} :column-ref [:field ...] :value 12} ```

The spelling of the column key differs between multiple JS objects of this same general shape (col on data rows, column on dimensions), etc., hence the abstraction.

(defn- js-cells-by
  (fn [^js cell]
    (let [column     (js.metadata/parse-column (col-fn cell))
          column-ref (when-let [a-ref (:field-ref column)]
                       (legacy-ref->pMBQL a-ref))]
      {:column     (fix-column-with-ref column-ref column)
       :column-ref column-ref
       :value      (.-value cell)})))
(def ^:private row-cell       (js-cells-by #(.-col ^js %)))
(def ^:private dimension-cell (js-cells-by #(.-column ^js %)))

Return an array (possibly empty) of drill-thrus given:

  • Nullable column
  • Nullable value
  • Nullable data row - an array of {col, value} maps ( in the FE)
  • Nullable dimensions - an array of {column, value} maps (clicked.dimensions in the FE)

Note that value makes a distinction between JS undefined and JS null, even though both values are normally turned into nil in CLJS. The difference is important here: if value is unset (undefined) then the click was in a context with no value, such as a column header. If value is null, we have clicked a value of NULL in the SQL sense. This distinction is important for several drills.

column is nil when clicking on a "chart legend", eg. when viewing multiple time series broken out by category, and then clicking one of the categories in the legend.

dimensions correspond to the breakouts on the query, eg. the x axis of a chart. They are vital context for certain clicks, eg. clicking a point in a time series. In that context, column is the aggregation being visualized as the y axis, value is the value of the aggregation at that point, and dimensions contains the temporal column and its value for that point. If there are multiple time series, such as different product categories, that column and the clicked value are also in the dimensions list.

Code health: Single use. This is only here to support the context menu UI and should not be reused.

Drill Thru

drill-thru is the somewhat opaque name given to the system which shows context menus when clicking on different parts of visualizations.

For example, if looking at the table view for a simple query of the Orders table, clicking a column header will show a certain set of actions you can take (eg. filtering on that column, sorting by it, summarizing it in a few different ways, etc.). Clicking a cell in the table will offer a different set of actions.

All of these actions are implemented in this library through two calls:

  • [[available-drill-thrus]] takes the details of what was clicked on and returns a list of valid drill-thrus in that context.
  • [[drill-thru]] takes the selected drill and optional extra arguments, and enacts the drill by returning an updated query.
    • Note that a few drills have FE-level changes as well, such as changing the visualization. Those are handled in the FE.

A few of the more complex drills have nontrivial UIs, for example "Break out by" and "Filter by this column", which have specific helper functions defined here to inform the UI.

Code health

Overall the drill-thru logic might have been better as FE code written on top of this library, rather than as part of the library.

All of this code is Single use and should not be called by any code other than the drill-thru context menus.

In the long term, it should be factored out of metabase.lib.* and into a separate library of CLJC code shared with the frontend.

(defn ^:export available-drill-thrus
  [a-query stage-number card-id column value row dimensions]
  (lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (lib.core/aggregations a-query stage-number)
    (let [column-ref (when-let [a-ref (and column (.-field_ref ^js column))]
                       (legacy-ref->pMBQL a-ref))]
      (->> (merge {:column     (when column
                                 (fix-column-with-ref column-ref (js.metadata/parse-column column)))
                   :column-ref column-ref
                   :value      (cond
                                 (undefined? value) nil   ; Missing a value, ie. a column click
                                 (nil? value)       :null ; Provided value is null, ie. database NULL
                                 :else              value)
                   :card-id    card-id}
                  (when row                    {:row        (mapv row-cell       row)})
                  (when (not-empty dimensions) {:dimensions (mapv dimension-cell dimensions)}))
           (lib.core/available-drill-thrus a-query stage-number)

Applies the given a-drill-thru to the specified stage of a-query. Returns the updated query.

Any number of additional args can be included when calling this variadic function. The specific drill-thru will specify the args it expects, if any.

The exact effect on the query depends on the specific drill-thru and the args.

Code health: Single use. This is only here to support the context menu UI and should not be reused.

(defn ^:export drill-thru
  [a-query stage-number card-id a-drill-thru & args]
  (apply lib.core/drill-thru a-query stage-number card-id a-drill-thru args))

Returns a JS object with the details needed to render the complex UI for column-filter and some quick-filter drills. The argument is the opaque a-drill-thru value returned by [[available-drill-thrus]].

Since a-query might need an extra stage added (if filtering on aggregation columns) this includes a possible-updated query and stageIndex.

The return value has the form:

column:     column as returned by [[filterable-columns]] (with the valid filter operators included)
query:      possibly updated query
stageIndex: possibly updated stage
value:      the clicked value (JS `null` for a SQL `NULL` value)

Code health: Single use. This is only here to support the context menu UI and should not be reused.

(defn ^:export filter-drill-details
  [{a-query :query
    :keys [column stage-number value]
    :as _filter-drill}]
  #js {"column"     column
       "query"      a-query
       "stageIndex" stage-number
       "value"      (lib.drill-thru.common/drill-value->js value)})

Returns a JS object with the details needed to render the complex UI for combine-column drills.

(defn ^:export combine-column-drill-details
  [{a-query :query
    :keys [column stage-number]}]
  #js {"query"      a-query
       "stageIndex" stage-number
       "column"     column})

Returns a JS array of the possible column extractions offered by column-extract-drill.

The extractions are opaque values of the same type as are returned by [[column-extractions]].

Code health: Single use. This is only here to support UI for column extract drills, and should not be reused.

(defn ^:export column-extract-drill-extractions
  (to-array (lib.core/extractions-for-drill column-extract-drill)))

Returns a JS object with the details needed to render the complex UI for pivot drills.

Code health: Single use. This is only here to support the context menu UI and should not be reused.

(defn ^:export pivot-drill-details
  [{:keys [stage-number] :as a-drill-thru}]
  #js {"stageIndex" stage-number
       "pivotTypes" (->> (lib.core/pivot-types a-drill-thru)
                         (map name)

Returns a JS array of pivotable columns for a-drill-thru, given the selected pivot-type.

a-drill-thru must be a :drill-thru/pivot drill, and pivot-type one of the strings from the list returned by [[pivot-types]].

Code health: Single use. This is only here to support the context menu UI and should not be reused.

(defn ^:export pivot-columns-for-type
  [a-drill-thru pivot-type]
  (to-array (lib.core/pivot-columns-for-type a-drill-thru (keyword pivot-type))))

Changes an existing a-query to use a different source table or card.

Can be passed an integer table id or a legacy "card__<id>" string.

Code health: Smelly. This leaks the card__<id> format and how sources work. Should be refactored into a new system for handling data sources.

(defn ^:export with-different-table
  [a-query table-id]
  (lib.core/with-different-table a-query table-id))

Given a n unit time interval and the current date, return a string representing the date-time range. Provide an offset-n and offset-unit time interval to change the date used relative to the current date. options is a map and supports :include-current to include the current given unit of time in the range.

Code health: Deprecated. This is a direct call to a shared date/time formatting library elsewhere in the CLJC code. It does not need to be wrapped or included here. Just merge these extra keyword conversions into that code and remove this.

(defn ^:export format-relative-date-range
  [n unit offset-n offset-unit options]
   (keyword unit)
   (some-> offset-unit keyword)
   (js->clj options :keywordize-keys true)))

Given a-ref-or-column and a list of columns, finds the column that best matches this ref or column.

Matching is based on finding the basically plausible matches first. There is often zero or one plausible matches, and this can return quickly.

If there are multiple plausible matches, they are disambiguated by the most important extra included in the ref. (:join-alias first, then :temporal-unit, etc.)

  • Integer IDs in the ref are matched by ID; this usually is unambiguous.
  • If there are multiple joins on one table (including possible implicit joins), check :join-alias next.
  • If a-ref has a :join-alias, only a column which matches it can be the match, and it should be unique.
  • If a-ref doesn't have a :join-alias, prefer the column with no :join-alias, and prefer already selected columns over implicitly joinable ones.
  • There may be broken cases where the ref has an ID but the column does not. Therefore the ID must be resolved to a name or :lib/desired-column-alias and matched that way.
  • query and stage-number are required for this case, since they're needed to resolve the correct name.
  • Columns with :id set are dropped to prevent them matching. (If they didn't match by :id above they shouldn't match by name due to a coincidence of column names in different tables.)
  • String IDs are checked against :lib/desired-column-alias first.
  • If that doesn't match any columns, :name is compared next.
  • The same disambiguation (by :join-alias etc.) is applied if there are multiple plausible matches.

    Returns the matching column, or nil if no match is found.

Code health: Legacy, borderline Deprecated. Refs are a leak in the API that needs closing. This is called with a legacy column for ordering a table, which passes through [[legacy-column->metadata]] and then is used to match up the orderable-columns. (That should be replaced with :selected true or equivalent on [[orderable-columns]].) The other use maps a breakout column against [[filterable-columns]].

(defn ^:export find-matching-column
  [a-query stage-number a-ref columns]
  (lib.core/find-matching-column a-query stage-number a-ref columns))

Return true if the given stage of a-query contains any clauses.

This returns false in the same conditions which [[drop-empty-stages]] considers "empty".

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export has-clauses
  [a-query stage-number]
  (lib.core/has-clauses? a-query stage-number))

Returns the number of stages in a-query.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export stage-count
  (lib.core/stage-count a-query))

Provides a reasonable display name for a-filter-clause, excluding the column name.

Can be expanded as needed but only currently defined for a narrow set of date filters.

Falls back to the full filter display-name.

Code health: Smelly, Single use. This feels like over-fitting to a particular use case. It should probably become parts of the display info for the filter clause, rather than a separate specific function.

(defn ^:export filter-args-display-name
  [a-query stage-number a-filter-clause]
  (lib.core/filter-args-display-name a-query stage-number a-filter-clause))

Convert legacy-expression into a modern expression clause.

Code health: Legacy, Single use. We should refactor away the round trip through legacy expressions and make the expression parser understand MLv2 expressions.

(defn ^:export expression-clause-for-legacy-expression
  [a-query stage-number legacy-expression]
  (lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (lib.core/aggregations a-query stage-number)
    (let [expr (js->clj legacy-expression :keywordize-keys true)
          expr (first (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:query :aggregation] [expr]))]
      (lib.core/normalize (lib.convert/->pMBQL expr)))))

Convert an-expression-clause into a legacy expression.

When processing aggregation clauses with custom expressions, any aggregation-options wrapper is thrown away. (The options specify extras like the name of the aggregation expression.)

Code health: Legacy, Single use. We should refactor away the round trip through legacy expressions and make the expression parser understand MLv2 expressions.

(defn ^:export legacy-expression-for-expression-clause
  [a-query stage-number an-expression-clause]
  (lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (lib.core/aggregations a-query stage-number)
    (let [legacy-expr (-> an-expression-clause lib.convert/->legacy-MBQL)]
      (clj->js (cond-> legacy-expr
                 (and (vector? legacy-expr)
                      (#{:aggregation-options :value} (first legacy-expr)))
                 (get 1))
               :keyword-fn u/qualified-name))))

Checks legacy-expression for type errors and possibly for cyclic references to other expressions.

  • expression-mode specifies what type of thing expr is: an "expression" (custom column), an "aggregation" expression, or a "filter" condition.
  • legacy-expression is a legacy MBQL expression created using the custom column editor in the FE.
  • expression-position is provided when editing an existing custom column, and nil otherwise.

Cyclic references are checked only when expression-mode is "expression" and expression-position is non-nil. In that case it is an error for an expression at position i to reference an expression at position j >= i.

Returns an i18n error message describing the problem, or nil (JS null) if there are no issues.

Code health: Legacy, Single use. The expression parser should be refactored to support MLv2 expressions, and then several of these functions for dealing with legacy can be removed.

(defn ^:export diagnose-expression
  [a-query stage-number expression-mode legacy-expression expression-position]
  (lib.convert/with-aggregation-list (lib.core/aggregations a-query stage-number)
    (let [expr (as-> legacy-expression expr
                 (js->clj expr :keywordize-keys true)
                 (first (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:query :aggregation] [expr]))
                 (lib.convert/->pMBQL expr)
                 (lib.core/normalize expr))]
      (-> (lib.expression/diagnose-expression a-query stage-number
                                              (keyword expression-mode)

TODO: [[field-values-search-info]] seems over-specific - I feel like we can do a better job of extracting search info from arbitrary entities, akin to [[display-info]].

Info about whether the column in question has FieldValues associated with it for purposes of powering a search widget in the QB filter modals.

Code health: Single use. Only supports the search info.

(defn ^:export field-values-search-info
  [metadata-providerable column]
  (-> (lib.field/field-values-search-info metadata-providerable column)
      (update :has-field-values name)
      ;; TODO: This should probably reuse `display-info->js` for caching and uniformity.
      (update-keys cljs-key->js-key)

Add or update a filter against a latitude-column and longitude-column, based on a bounding rectangle drawn on a map. Removes any existing filters for either column.

bounds is a JS object {north: number, south: number, west: number, east: number} giving the bounding rectangle.

This function expects that longitudes (west and east bounds) have been canonicalized into the range [-180, 180]. If west > east, this indicates that the bounds cross the antimerdian, and so we must add two filter clauses, which are ORed together. In such cases, the first clause covers the range [west, 180.0] and the second covers [-180.0, east].

Code health: Smelly; Single use. This is highly specialized in the UI, but should probably continue to exist. However, it should be adjusted to accept only MLv2 columns. Any legacy conversion should be done by the caller, and ideally refactored away.

Specialized Filtering

These specialized filter updates support the drag-and-drop "brush" filtering in the UI. Eg. dragging a box on a map visualization, or dragging between two points in a time series.

This is a very FE-specific use case, but the logic is sufficiently complex and well-delimited that I think there's room for them in the library.

TODO: All of these are consuming legacy columns and converting them; that should be happening on the calling side, or refactored away.

(defn ^:export update-lat-lon-filter
  [a-query stage-number latitude-column longitude-column card-id  bounds]
  ;; (.log js/console "update-lat-lon-filter")
  (let [bounds           (js->clj bounds :keywordize-keys true)
        latitude-column  (legacy-column->metadata a-query stage-number latitude-column)
        longitude-column (legacy-column->metadata a-query stage-number longitude-column)]
    (lib.core/with-wrapped-native-query a-query stage-number card-id
      lib.core/update-lat-lon-filter latitude-column longitude-column bounds)))

Add or update a filter against numeric-column, based on the provided start and end values. Removes any existing filters for numeric-column.

Code health: Smelly; Single use. This is highly specialized in the UI, but should probably continue to exist. However, it should be adjusted to accept only MLv2 columns. Any legacy conversion should be done by the caller, and ideally refactored away.

(defn ^:export update-numeric-filter
  [a-query stage-number numeric-column card-id start end]
  (let [numeric-column (legacy-column->metadata a-query stage-number numeric-column)]
    (lib.core/with-wrapped-native-query a-query stage-number card-id
      lib.core/update-numeric-filter numeric-column start end)))

Add or update a filter against temporal-column, based on the provided start and end values. Removes any existing filters for numeric-column.

Modifies the temporal unit for any breakouts to on temporal-column to still be useful: If there are fewer than 4 points (see [[metabase.lib.filter.update/temporal-filter-min-num-points]]), move to the next-smaller unit.

Code health: Smelly; Single use. This is highly specialized in the UI, but should probably continue to exist. However, it should be adjusted to accept only MLv2 columns. Any legacy conversion should be done by the caller, and ideally refactored away.

(defn ^:export update-temporal-filter
  [a-query stage-number temporal-column card-id start end]
  (let [temporal-column (legacy-column->metadata a-query stage-number temporal-column)]
    (lib.core/with-wrapped-native-query a-query stage-number card-id
      lib.core/update-temporal-filter temporal-column start end)))

Given two columns, returns true if src-column is a valid source to use for filtering dst-column.

Code health: Healthy.

(defn ^:export valid-filter-for?
  [src-column dst-column]
  (lib.types.isa/valid-filter-for? src-column dst-column))

Return a JS array of entities which a-query requires to be loaded. card-id is provided when editing the card with that ID and in this case a-query is its definition (i.e., the dataset-query). card-type specifies the type of the card being created or edited.

Required entities are all tables and cards which are used as sources or joined in, etc.

Each entity is returned as a JS map {type: "database"|"schema"|"table"|"field", id: number}.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export dependent-metadata
  [a-query card-id card-type]
  (to-array (map clj->js (lib.core/dependent-metadata a-query card-id (keyword card-type)))))

Return a JS array of entities which are needed upfront to create a new query based on a table/card.

Each entity is returned as a JS map {type: "database"|"schema"|"table"|"field", id: number}.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export table-or-card-dependent-metadata
  [metadata-providerable table-id]
  (to-array (map clj->js (lib.core/table-or-card-dependent-metadata metadata-providerable table-id))))

Returns true if the query is runnable. card-type is optional and defaults to "question".

MBQL queries are always runnable. Native queries can run when:

  • Every extra from [[native-extras]] has a value, and
  • The native query is non-empty.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export can-run
   (can-run a-query "question"))
  ([a-query card-type]
    (keyword "can-run" card-type) a-query
    (fn [_]
      (lib.core/can-run a-query (keyword card-type))))))

Truncates a query for use in the Notebook editor's "preview" system.

Takes a-query and stage-index as usual.

  • Stages later than stage-index are dropped.
  • clause-type is an enum (see below); all clauses of later types are dropped.
  • clause-index is optional: if not provided then all clauses are kept; if it's a number than clauses [0, clause-index] are kept. (To keep no clauses, specify the earlier clause-type.)

The clause-type enum represents the steps of the notebook editor, in the order they appear in the notebook:

  • :data - just the source data for the stage
  • :joins
  • :expressions
  • :filters
  • :aggregation
  • :breakout
  • :order-by
  • :limit

If the resulting query fails [[can-preview]], returns nil.

Code health: Healthy, Single use.

(defn ^:export preview-query
  [a-query stage-number clause-type clause-index]
  (let [truncated-query (lib.core/preview-query a-query stage-number (keyword clause-type) clause-index)]
    (when (lib.core/can-preview truncated-query)

Returns true if the query can be saved. card-type is optional and defaults to "question".

A query can be saved when:

  • It is runnable, according to [[can-run]], and:
  • For a native query, all its template tags either have a value provided, or a default.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export can-save
   (can-save a-query "question"))
  ([a-query card-type]
    (keyword "can-save" card-type) a-query
    (fn [_]
      (lib.core/can-save a-query (keyword card-type))))))

Adds an empty stage to query if its last stage contains both breakouts and aggregations.

This is so that parameters can address both the stage before and after the aggregation. Adding filters to the result at stage -1 will filter after the summary, filters added at stage -2 filter before the summary.

Code health: Healthy

(defn ^:export ensure-filter-stage
  (lib.core/ensure-filter-stage a-query))