Conveniences for adding or updating certain types of filters, used to power the drag-and-drop 'brush' zoom-in filtering in the frontend. For example the user might drag the mouse between two points on a timeseries visualization, and we use these functions to update the query accordingly and add a filter between the start and end points.

There are three types of brush filters:

  • [[update-temporal-filter]], which works on a single temporal column (e.g. zooming in on certain range in a timeseries visualization)

  • [[update-numeric-filter]], which works on a single numeric column

  • [[update-lat-lon-filter]], which works on a latitude and longitude column pair. This is used with map visualizations -- draw a box between two points to zoom in to that part of the map.

If there is no existing filter on the column(s), these add a new filter. Existing filters are replaced.

(ns metabase.lib.filter.update
   [metabase.lib.breakout :as lib.breakout]
   [metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality]
   [metabase.lib.filter :as lib.filter]
   [metabase.lib.ref :as lib.ref]
   [metabase.lib.remove-replace :as lib.remove-replace]
   [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.literal :as lib.schema.literal]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]
   [metabase.lib.temporal-bucket :as lib.temporal-bucket]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.time :as u.time]))
(defn- is-ref-for-column? [expr column]
  (and (lib.util/clause-of-type? expr :field)
       (lib.equality/find-matching-column expr [column])))
(defn- contains-ref-for-column? [expr column]
  (letfn [(ref-for-column? [expr]
            (is-ref-for-column? expr column))]
    (lib.util.match/match-one expr ref-for-column?)))
(mu/defn- remove-existing-filters-against-column* :- ::lib.schema/query
  [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   column       :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
   matches?     :- fn?]
   (fn [query [_tag _opts expr :as filter-clause]]
     (if (matches? expr column)
       (lib.remove-replace/remove-clause query stage-number filter-clause)
   (lib.filter/filters query stage-number)))
(mu/defn- remove-existing-filters-against-column :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Remove any existing filter clauses that use `column` as the first arg in a stage of a `query`."
  [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   column       :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (remove-existing-filters-against-column* query stage-number column is-ref-for-column?))
(mu/defn- remove-existing-filters-against-column-checking-subclauses :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Remove any existing filter clauses that contain `column` in a stage of a `query`."
  [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   column       :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (remove-existing-filters-against-column* query stage-number column contains-ref-for-column?))
(mu/defn update-numeric-filter :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Add or update a filter against `numeric-column`. Adapted from"
  ([query numeric-column start end]
   (update-numeric-filter query -1 numeric-column start end))
  ([query          :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number   :- :int
    numeric-column :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
    start          :- number?
    end            :- number?]
   (let [[start end] (sort [start end])]
     (-> query
         (remove-existing-filters-against-column stage-number numeric-column)
         (lib.filter/filter stage-number (lib.filter/between numeric-column start end))))))

Minimum number of points an updated query should return; if it will return less than this, switch to the [[unit->next-unit]]. E.g. if we zoom in on a query using unit is :day and the zoomed in query would only return 2 points, switch the unit to :minute.

points in this case correspond to the number of rows returned by a query if there are no gaps. E.g. if we have a query like

orders, count aggregation, broken out by month(created_at) between 2024-01 and 2024-03 (inclusive)

we would have at most 3 rows returned -- the value for 2024-01, the value for 2024-02, and the value for 2024-03. If no rows have a created_at in that month, then those rows may not get returned. However, the FE should interpolate the missing values and still include points with values of zero; that's what we mean when we say "points" below.

(def ^:private temporal-filter-min-num-points

E.g. the next unit after :hour is :minute.

(def ^:private unit->next-unit-datetime
  (let [units [:minute :hour :day :week :month :quarter :year]]
    (zipmap units (cons nil units))))

E.g. the next unit after :week is :day.

(def ^:private unit->next-unit-date
  (let [units [:day :week :month :quarter :year]]
    (zipmap units (cons nil units))))
(mu/defn- temporal-filter-find-best-breakout-unit :- ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/
  "If the current breakout `unit` will not return at least [[temporal-filter-min-num-points]], find the largest unit
  that will."
  [unit        :- ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/
   start       :- ::lib.schema.literal/temporal
   end         :- ::lib.schema.literal/temporal
   column-type :- :keyword]
  (let [next-unit (if (= column-type :type/Date)
                    ;; should catch :type/DateTime and :type/DateTimeWithTZ
    (loop [unit unit]
      (let [num-points      (u.time/unit-diff unit start end)
            too-few-points? (< num-points temporal-filter-min-num-points)]
        (if-let [next-largest-unit (when too-few-points?
                                     (next-unit unit))]
          (recur next-largest-unit)
(mu/defn- temporal-filter-update-breakouts :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Update the first breakout against `column` so it uses `new-unit` rather than the original unit (if any); remove all
  other breakouts against that column."
  [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   column       :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
   new-unit     :- ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/]
     ([{:keys [query]}]
     ([{:keys [query has-seen-column?], :as m} breakout]
      (if (is-ref-for-column? breakout column)
        (let [query' (if has-seen-column?
                       ;; already seen a breakout for this column: remove other breakouts.
                       (lib.remove-replace/remove-clause query stage-number breakout)
                       ;; this is the first breakout we've seen for this column: replace it with one that uses
                       ;; `new-unit`.
                       (let [col-ref (lib.ref/ref (lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket column new-unit))]
                         (lib.remove-replace/replace-clause query stage-number breakout col-ref)))]
          {:query query', :has-seen-column? true})
        ;; not a breakout against `column`: ignore it
   {:query query, :has-seen-column? false}
   (lib.breakout/breakouts query stage-number)))

just for [[update-temporal-filter]], we will also support plain JavaScript Dates and moment.js Moments. We should probably do this more generally, since ::lib.schema.literal/temporal accepts java.time instances in JVM... this is experimental for now to see if this works without too much trouble, we can generalize this more in the future if it works nicely.

(mr/def ::temporal-literal

       {:error/message "Instance of a JS Date"}
       #(instance? js/Date %)]]))
(mu/defn update-temporal-filter :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Add or update a filter against `temporal-column`. Modify the temporal unit for any breakouts. For use powering the
  brush zoom-in in timeseries visualizations.
  This is adapted from old MLv1 code here"
  ([query temporal-column start end]
   (update-temporal-filter query -1 temporal-column start end))
  ([query           :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number    :- :int
    temporal-column :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
    start           :- ::temporal-literal
    end             :- ::temporal-literal]
   (let [query        (remove-existing-filters-against-column query stage-number temporal-column)
         unit         (lib.temporal-bucket/raw-temporal-bucket temporal-column)
         ;; convert start and end to plain strings if they are JavaScript Date instances. The truncation stuff will
         ;; work better because the ISO-8601 Strings let us differentiate between Dates/DateTimes/Times better than
         ;; raw Date does. Also, the FE won't have to worry about converting it later
         maybe-string #?(:clj identity
                         :cljs (fn [t]
                                 (cond-> t
                                   (not (string? t))
                                   (u.time/format-for-base-type ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) temporal-column)))))
         start        (maybe-string start)
         end          (maybe-string end)]
     (if-not unit
       ;; Temporal column is not bucketed: we don't need to update any temporal units here. Add/update a `:between`
       ;; filter.
       (lib.filter/filter query stage-number (lib.filter/between temporal-column start end))
       ;; temporal-column IS bucketed: need to update the breakout(s) against this column.
       (let [;; clamp range to unit to ensure we select exactly what's represented by the dots/bars. E.g. if I draw my
             ;; filter from `2024-01-02` to `2024-03-05` and the unit is `:month`, we should only show the months
             ;; between those two values, i.e. only `2024-02` and `2024-03`.
             start         (u.time/truncate (u.time/add start unit 1) unit)
             end           (u.time/truncate end unit)
             ;; update the breakout unit if appropriate.
             breakout-unit (temporal-filter-find-best-breakout-unit unit start end (:effective-type temporal-column))
             query         (if (= unit breakout-unit)
                             (temporal-filter-update-breakouts query stage-number temporal-column breakout-unit))]
         ;; TODO: This "same unit or multiple units" logic exists in `shared.ut` somewhere; reuse it here.
         (if (= (str start) (str end))
           ;; is the start and end are the same (in whatever the original unit was) then just do an "="
           (lib.filter/filter query stage-number (lib.filter/= temporal-column start))
           ;; otherwise do a between (which is inclusive)
           (lib.filter/filter query stage-number (lib.filter/between temporal-column start end))))))))
(mr/def ::lat-lon.bounds
   [:north number?]
   [:east  number?]
   [:south number?]
   [:west  number?]])
(mu/defn update-lat-lon-filter :- ::lib.schema/query
  "For use powering the brush zoom-in behavior in map visualizations. Adapted from"
  ([query latitude-column longitude-column bounds]
   (update-lat-lon-filter query -1 latitude-column longitude-column bounds))
  ([query                                        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number                                 :- :int
    latitude-column                              :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
    longitude-column                             :- :some
    {:keys [north east south west], :as _bounds} :- [:ref ::lat-lon.bounds]]
   (-> query
       (remove-existing-filters-against-column-checking-subclauses stage-number latitude-column)
       (remove-existing-filters-against-column-checking-subclauses stage-number longitude-column)
       (lib.filter/filter stage-number
                          (if (<= west east)
                            ;; bounds do not cross the antimerdian. A single :inside filter suffices.
                            (lib.filter/inside latitude-column longitude-column north west south east)
                            ;; bounds do cross the antimerdian. Split into two filters for the east and west sides.
                             (lib.filter/inside latitude-column longitude-column north west south 180)
                             (lib.filter/inside latitude-column longitude-column north -180 south east)))))))