(ns metabase.lib.field
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.lib.aggregation :as lib.aggregation]
   [metabase.lib.binning :as lib.binning]
   [metabase.lib.card :as lib.card]
   [metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
   [metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality]
   [metabase.lib.expression :as lib.expression]
   [metabase.lib.join :as lib.join]
   [metabase.lib.join.util :as lib.join.util]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
   [metabase.lib.options :as lib.options]
   [metabase.lib.ref :as lib.ref]
   [metabase.lib.remove-replace :as lib.remove-replace]
   [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]
   [metabase.lib.temporal-bucket :as lib.temporal-bucket]
   [metabase.lib.types.isa :as lib.types.isa]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.humanization :as u.humanization]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.time :as u.time]))
(mu/defn resolve-column-name-in-metadata :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  "Find the column with `column-name` in a sequence of `column-metadatas`."
  [column-name      :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
   column-metadatas :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
  (or (some (fn [k]
              (m/find-first #(= (get % k) column-name)
            [:lib/desired-column-alias :name])
        (log/warnf "Invalid :field clause: column %s does not exist. Found: %s"
                   (pr-str column-name)
                   (pr-str (mapv :lib/desired-column-alias column-metadatas)))

Whether we're in a recursive call to [[resolve-column-name]] or not. Prevent infinite recursion (#32063)

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *recursive-column-resolution-by-name*
(mu/defn- resolve-column-name :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  "String column name: get metadata from the previous stage, if it exists, otherwise if this is the first stage and we
  have a native query or a Saved Question source query or whatever get it from our results metadata."
  [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   column-name  :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
  (when-not *recursive-column-resolution-by-name*
    (binding [*recursive-column-resolution-by-name* true]
      (let [previous-stage-number (lib.util/previous-stage-number query stage-number)
            stage                 (if previous-stage-number
                                    (lib.util/query-stage query previous-stage-number)
                                    (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number))
            ;; TODO -- it seems a little icky that the existence of `:metabase.lib.stage/cached-metadata` is leaking
            ;; here, we should look in to fixing this if we can.
            stage-columns         (or (:metabase.lib.stage/cached-metadata stage)
                                      (get-in stage [:lib/stage-metadata :columns])
                                      (when (or (:source-card  stage)
                                                (:source-table stage)
                                                (:expressions  stage)
                                                (:fields       stage))
                                        (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query stage-number stage))
                                      (log/warnf "Cannot resolve column %s: stage has no metadata"
                                                 (pr-str column-name)))]
        (when-let [column (and (seq stage-columns)
                               (resolve-column-name-in-metadata column-name stage-columns))]
          (cond-> column
            previous-stage-number (-> (dissoc :table-id
                                              ::binning ::temporal-unit)
                                      (lib.join/with-join-alias nil)
                                      (assoc :name (or (:lib/desired-column-alias column) (:name column)))
                                      (assoc :lib/source :source/previous-stage))))))))
(mu/defn- resolve-field-metadata :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
  "Resolve metadata for a `:field` ref. This is part of the implementation
  for [[lib.metadata.calculation/metadata-method]] a `:field` clause."
  [query                                                                 :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number                                                          :- :int
   [_field {:keys [join-alias], :as opts} id-or-name, :as _field-clause] :- :mbql.clause/field]
  (let [metadata (merge
                  (when-let [base-type (:base-type opts)]
                    {:base-type base-type})
                  (when-let [effective-type ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) opts)]
                    {:effective-type effective-type})
                  (when-let [original-effective-type (::original-effective-type opts)]
                    {::original-effective-type original-effective-type})
                  (when-let [original-temporal-unit (::original-temporal-unit opts)]
                    {::original-temporal-unit original-temporal-unit})
                  ;; `:inherited-temporal-unit` is transfered from `:temoral-unit` ref option only when
                  ;; the [[lib.metadata.calculation/*propagate-binning-and-bucketing*]] is thruthy, ie. bound. Intent
                  ;; is to pass it from ref to column only during [[returned-columns]] call. Otherwise eg.
                  ;; [[orderable-columns]] would contain that too. That could be problematic, because original ref that
                  ;; contained `:temporal-unit` contains no `:inherited-temporal-unit`. If the column like this was used
                  ;; to generate ref for eg. order by it would contain the `:inherited-temporal-unit`, while
                  ;; the original column (eg. in breakout) would not.
                  (let [inherited-temporal-unit-keys (cond-> (list :inherited-temporal-unit)
                                                       (conj :temporal-unit))]
                    (when-some [inherited-temporal-unit (some opts inherited-temporal-unit-keys)]
                      {:inherited-temporal-unit inherited-temporal-unit}))
                  ;; TODO -- some of the other stuff in `opts` probably ought to be merged in here as well. Also, if
                  ;; the Field is temporally bucketed, the base-type/effective-type would probably be affected, right?
                  ;; We should probably be taking that into consideration?
                  (when-let [binning (:binning opts)]
                    {::binning binning})
                  (let [binning-keys (cond-> (list :was-binned)
                                       (conj :binning))]
                    (when-some [was-binned (some opts binning-keys)]
                      {:was-binned (boolean was-binned)}))
                  (when-let [unit (:temporal-unit opts)]
                    {::temporal-unit unit})
                    (integer? id-or-name) (or (lib.equality/resolve-field-id query stage-number id-or-name)
                                              {:lib/type :metadata/column, :name (str id-or-name)})
                    join-alias            {:lib/type :metadata/column, :name (str id-or-name)}
                    :else                 (or (resolve-column-name query stage-number id-or-name)
                                              {:lib/type :metadata/column, :name (str id-or-name)})))]
    (cond-> metadata
      join-alias (lib.join/with-join-alias join-alias))))

If this is a nested column, add metadata about the parent column.

(mu/defn- add-parent-column-metadata
  [query    :- ::lib.schema/query
   metadata :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (let [parent-metadata
        (lib.metadata/field query (:parent-id metadata))
        {parent-name :name, parent-display-name :display-name}
        (cond->> parent-metadata
          (:parent-id parent-metadata) (add-parent-column-metadata query))]
    (-> metadata
        (assoc :lib/simple-name (:name metadata))
        (update :name (fn [field-name]
                        (str parent-name \. field-name)))
        (assoc ::simple-display-name (:display-name metadata))
        (update :display-name (fn [display-name]
                                (str parent-display-name ": " display-name))))))

Effective type of a column when taking the ::temporal-unit into account. If we have a temporal extraction like :month-of-year, then this actually returns an integer rather than the 'originaleffective type of:type/Date` or whatever.

(defn- column-metadata-effective-type
  [{::keys [temporal-unit], :as column-metadata}]
  (if (and temporal-unit
           (contains? lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/datetime-extraction-units temporal-unit))
    ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) column-metadata)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/type-of-method :metadata/column
  [_query _stage-number column-metadata]
  (column-metadata-effective-type column-metadata))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/type-of-method :field
  [query stage-number [_tag {:keys [temporal-unit], :as _opts} _id-or-name :as field-ref]]
  (let [metadata (cond-> (resolve-field-metadata query stage-number field-ref)
                   temporal-unit (assoc ::temporal-unit temporal-unit))]
    (lib.metadata.calculation/type-of query stage-number metadata)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/metadata-method :metadata/column
  [_query _stage-number {field-name :name, :as field-metadata}]
  (assoc field-metadata :name field-name))

Extend column metadata metadata with information specific to field-ref in query at stage stage-number. metadata should be the metadata of a resolved field or a visible column matching field-ref.

(defn extend-column-metadata-from-ref
   [_tag {source-uuid :lib/uuid :keys [base-type binning effective-type join-alias source-field temporal-unit], :as opts} :as field-ref]]
  (let [metadata (merge
                  {:lib/type        :metadata/column}
                  {:display-name (or (:display-name opts)
                                     (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number field-ref))})]
    (cond-> metadata
      source-uuid    (assoc :lib/source-uuid source-uuid)
      base-type      (assoc :base-type base-type, :effective-type base-type)
      effective-type (assoc :effective-type effective-type)
      temporal-unit  (assoc ::temporal-unit temporal-unit)
      binning        (assoc ::binning binning)
      source-field   (assoc :fk-field-id source-field)
      join-alias     (lib.join/with-join-alias join-alias))))

TODO -- effective type should be affected by temporal-unit, right?

(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/metadata-method :field
  [query stage-number field-ref]
  (let [field-metadata (resolve-field-metadata query stage-number field-ref)
        metadata       (extend-column-metadata-from-ref query stage-number field-metadata field-ref)]
    (cond->> metadata
      (:parent-id metadata) (add-parent-column-metadata query))))
(defn- field-nesting-path
  [metadata-providerable {:keys [display-name parent-id] :as _field-metadata}]
  (loop [field-id parent-id, path (list display-name)]
    (if field-id
      (let [{:keys [display-name parent-id]} (lib.metadata/field metadata-providerable field-id)]
        (recur parent-id (conj path display-name)))
(defn- nest-display-name
  [metadata-providerable field-metadata]
  (let [path (field-nesting-path metadata-providerable field-metadata)]
    (when (every? some? path)
      (str/join ": " path))))

this lives here as opposed to [[metabase.lib.metadata]] because that namespace is more of an interface namespace and moving this there would cause circular references.

(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :metadata/column
  [query stage-number {field-display-name  :display-name
                       field-name          :name
                       temporal-unit       :unit
                       binning             ::binning
                       join-alias          :source-alias
                       fk-field-id         :fk-field-id
                       table-id            :table-id
                       parent-id           :parent-id
                       simple-display-name ::simple-display-name
                       hide-bin-bucket?    :lib/hide-bin-bucket?
                       :as                 field-metadata} style]
  (let [humanized-name (u.humanization/name->human-readable-name :simple field-name)
        field-display-name (or simple-display-name
                               (when (and parent-id
                                          ;; check that we haven't nested yet
                                          (or (nil? field-display-name)
                                              (= field-display-name humanized-name)))
                                 (nest-display-name query field-metadata))
                               (if (string? field-name)
                                 (str field-name)))
        join-display-name  (when (and (= style :long)
                                      ;; don't prepend a join display name if `:display-name` already contains one!
                                      ;; Legacy result metadata might include it for joined Fields, don't want to add
                                      ;; it twice. Otherwise we'll end up with display names like
                                      ;;    Products → Products → Category
                                      (not (str/includes? field-display-name " → ")))
                              (when fk-field-id
                                ;; Implicitly joined column pickers don't use the target table's name, they use the FK field's name with
                                ;; "ID" dropped instead.
                                ;; This is very intentional: one table might have several FKs to one foreign table, each with different
                                ;; meaning (eg. ORDERS.customer_id vs. ORDERS.supplier_id both linking to a PEOPLE table).
                                ;; See #30109 for more details.
                                (if-let [field (lib.metadata/field query fk-field-id)]
                                  (-> (lib.metadata.calculation/display-info query stage-number field)
                                  (let [table (lib.metadata/table-or-card query table-id)]
                                    (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number table style))))
                              (lib.join.util/current-join-alias field-metadata)))
        display-name       (if join-display-name
                             (str join-display-name " → " field-display-name)
        temporal-format    #(lib.temporal-bucket/ensure-ends-with-temporal-unit % temporal-unit)
        bin-format         #(lib.binning/ensure-ends-with-binning % binning (:semantic-type field-metadata))]
    ;; temporal unit and binning formatting are only applied if they haven't been applied yet
      (and (not= style :long) hide-bin-bucket?) display-name
      (and temporal-unit (not= display-name (temporal-format humanized-name))) (temporal-format display-name)
      (and binning       (not= display-name (bin-format humanized-name)))      (bin-format display-name)
      :else                                                                    display-name)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :field
   [_tag {:keys [binning join-alias temporal-unit source-field], :as _opts} _id-or-name, :as field-clause]
  (if-let [field-metadata (cond-> (resolve-field-metadata query stage-number field-clause)
                            join-alias    (assoc :source-alias join-alias)
                            temporal-unit (assoc :unit temporal-unit)
                            binning       (assoc ::binning binning)
                            source-field  (assoc :fk-field-id source-field))]
    (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number field-metadata style)
    ;; mostly for the benefit of JS, which does not enforce the Malli schemas.
    (i18n/tru "[Unknown Field]")))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/column-name-method :metadata/column
  [_query _stage-number {field-name :name}]
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/column-name-method :field
  [query stage-number [_tag _id-or-name, :as field-clause]]
  (if-let [field-metadata (resolve-field-metadata query stage-number field-clause)]
    (lib.metadata.calculation/column-name query stage-number field-metadata)
    ;; mostly for the benefit of JS, which does not enforce the Malli schemas.
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :metadata/column
  [query stage-number field-metadata]
   ((get-method lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :default) query stage-number field-metadata)
   ;; These have to be calculated even if the metadata has display-name to support nested fields
   ;; because the query processor doesn't produce nested display-names.
   {:display-name (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number field-metadata)
    :long-display-name (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number field-metadata :long)}
   ;; Include description and fingerprint if they're present on the column. Only proper fields or columns from a model
   ;; have these, not aggregations or expressions.
   (when-let [description (:description field-metadata)]
     {:description description})
   (when-let [fingerprint (:fingerprint field-metadata)]
     {:fingerprint fingerprint})
   ;; if this column comes from a source Card (Saved Question/Model/etc.) use the name of the Card as the 'table' name
   ;; rather than the ACTUAL table name.
   (when (= (:lib/source field-metadata) :source/card)
     (when-let [card-id (:lib/card-id field-metadata)]
       (when-let [card (lib.metadata/card query card-id)]
         {:table {:name (:name card), :display-name (:name card)}})))))

---------------------------------- Temporal Bucketing ----------------------------------------

TODO -- it's a little silly to make this a multimethod I think since there are exactly two implementations of it, right? Or can expression and aggregation references potentially be temporally bucketed as well? Think about whether just making this a plain function like we did for [[metabase.lib.join/with-join-alias]] makes sense or not.

(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/temporal-bucket-method :field
  [[_tag opts _id-or-name]]
  (:temporal-unit opts))
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/temporal-bucket-method :metadata/column
  (::temporal-unit metadata))
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket-method :field
  [field-ref unit]
  (lib.temporal-bucket/add-temporal-bucket-to-ref field-ref unit))
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket-method :metadata/column
  [metadata unit]
  (let [original-effective-type ((some-fn ::original-effective-type :effective-type :base-type) metadata)
        original-temporal-unit ((some-fn ::original-temporal-unit ::temporal-unit) metadata)]
    (if unit
      (-> metadata
          (assoc ::temporal-unit unit
                 ::original-effective-type original-effective-type)
          (m/assoc-some ::original-temporal-unit original-temporal-unit))
      (cond-> (dissoc metadata ::temporal-unit ::original-effective-type)
        original-effective-type (assoc :effective-type original-effective-type)
        original-temporal-unit  (assoc ::original-temporal-unit original-temporal-unit)))))
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/available-temporal-buckets-method :field
  [query stage-number field-ref]
  (lib.temporal-bucket/available-temporal-buckets query stage-number (resolve-field-metadata query stage-number field-ref)))
(defn- fingerprint-based-default-unit [fingerprint]
    (when-let [{:keys [earliest latest]} (-> fingerprint :type :type/DateTime)]
      (let [days (u.time/day-diff (u.time/coerce-to-timestamp earliest)
                                  (u.time/coerce-to-timestamp latest))]
        (when-not (NaN? days)
          (condp > days
            1 :minute
            31 :day
            365 :week
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/available-temporal-buckets-method :metadata/column
  [_query _stage-number field-metadata]
   ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) field-metadata)
   ;; `:ineherited-temporal-unit` being set means field was bucketed on former stage. For this case, make the default nil
   ;; for next bucketing attempt (of already bucketed) field eg. through BreakoutPopover on FE, by setting `:inherited`
   ;; default unit.
   (if (or (nil? (:inherited-temporal-unit field-metadata))
           (= :default (:inherited-temporal-unit field-metadata)))
     (or (some-> field-metadata :fingerprint fingerprint-based-default-unit)
   (::temporal-unit field-metadata)))

---------------------------------------- Binning ---------------------------------------------

(defmethod lib.binning/binning-method :field
  (some-> field-clause
          (assoc :lib/type    ::lib.binning/binning
                 :metadata-fn (fn [query stage-number]
                                (resolve-field-metadata query stage-number field-clause)))))
(defmethod lib.binning/binning-method :metadata/column
  (some-> metadata
          (assoc :lib/type    ::lib.binning/binning
                 :metadata-fn (constantly metadata))))
(defmethod lib.binning/with-binning-method :field
  [field-clause binning]
  (lib.options/update-options field-clause u/assoc-dissoc :binning binning))
(defmethod lib.binning/with-binning-method :metadata/column
  [metadata binning]
  (u/assoc-dissoc metadata ::binning binning))
(defmethod lib.binning/available-binning-strategies-method :field
  [query stage-number field-ref]
  (lib.binning/available-binning-strategies query stage-number (resolve-field-metadata query stage-number field-ref)))
(defmethod lib.binning/available-binning-strategies-method :metadata/column
  [query _stage-number {:keys [effective-type fingerprint semantic-type] :as field-metadata}]
  (if (not= (:lib/source field-metadata) :source/expressions)
    (let [binning?    (some-> query lib.metadata/database :features (contains? :binning))
          fingerprint (get-in fingerprint [:type :type/Number])
          existing    (lib.binning/binning field-metadata)
          strategies  (cond
                        ;; Abort if the database doesn't support binning, or this column does not have a defined range.
                        (not (and binning?
                                  (:min fingerprint)
                                  (:max fingerprint)))               nil
                        (isa? semantic-type :type/Coordinate)        (lib.binning/coordinate-binning-strategies)
                        (and (isa? effective-type :type/Number)
                             (not (isa? semantic-type :Relation/*))) (lib.binning/numeric-binning-strategies))]
      ;; TODO: Include the time and date binning strategies too; see metabase.api.table/assoc-field-dimension-options.
      (for [strat strategies]
        (cond-> strat
          (or (:was-binned field-metadata) existing) (dissoc :default)
          (lib.binning/strategy= strat existing) (assoc :selected true))))
(defmethod lib.ref/ref-method :field
(defn- column-metadata->field-ref
  (let [inherited-column? (when-not (::lib.card/force-broken-id-refs metadata)
                            (#{:source/card :source/native :source/previous-stage} (:lib/source metadata)))
        options           (merge {:lib/uuid       (str (random-uuid))
                                  :base-type      (:base-type metadata)
                                  :effective-type (column-metadata-effective-type metadata)}
                                 ;; This one deliberately comes first so it will be overwritten by current-join-alias.
                                 ;; We don't want both :source-field and :join-alias, though.
                                 (when-let [source-alias (and (not inherited-column?)
                                                              (not (:fk-field-id metadata))
                                                              (not= :source/implicitly-joinable
                                                                    (:lib/source metadata))
                                                              (:source-alias metadata))]
                                   {:join-alias source-alias})
                                 (when-let [join-alias (when-not inherited-column?
                                                         (lib.join.util/current-join-alias metadata))]
                                   {:join-alias join-alias})
                                 (when-let [temporal-unit (::temporal-unit metadata)]
                                   {:temporal-unit temporal-unit})
                                 (when-let [original-effective-type (::original-effective-type metadata)]
                                   {::original-effective-type original-effective-type})
                                 (when-let [original-temporal-unit (::original-temporal-unit metadata)]
                                   {::original-temporal-unit original-temporal-unit})
                                 (when-let [inherited-temporal-unit (:inherited-temporal-unit metadata)]
                                   {:inherited-temporal-unit inherited-temporal-unit})
                                 (when-let [binning (::binning metadata)]
                                   {:binning binning})
                                 (when-let [was-binned (:was-binned metadata)]
                                   {:was-binned was-binned})
                                 (when-let [source-field-id (when-not inherited-column?
                                                              (:fk-field-id metadata))]
                                   {:source-field source-field-id}))
        id-or-name        ((if inherited-column?
                             (some-fn :lib/desired-column-alias :name)
                             (some-fn :id :name))
    [:field options id-or-name]))
(defmethod lib.ref/ref-method :metadata/column
  [{source :lib/source, :as metadata}]
  (case source
    :source/aggregations (lib.aggregation/column-metadata->aggregation-ref metadata)
    :source/expressions  (lib.expression/column-metadata->expression-ref metadata)
    ;; `:source/fields`/`:source/breakouts` can hide the true origin of the column. Since it's impossible to break out
    ;; by aggregation references at the current stage, we only have to check if we break out by an expression
    ;; reference. `:lib/expression-name` is only set for expression references, so if it's set, we have to generate an
    ;; expression ref, otherwise we generate a normal field ref.
    (:source/fields :source/breakouts)
    (if (:lib/expression-name metadata)
      (lib.expression/column-metadata->expression-ref metadata)
      (column-metadata->field-ref metadata))

    (column-metadata->field-ref metadata)))

Return the [[::lib.schema.metadata/column]] for all the expressions in a stage of a query.

(defn- expression-columns
  [query stage-number]
  (filter #(= (:lib/source %) :source/expressions)
           (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)
           {:include-joined?              false
            :include-expressions?         true
            :include-implicitly-joinable? false})))
(mu/defn with-fields :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Specify the `:fields` for a query. Pass `nil` or an empty sequence to remove `:fields`."
   (fn [query stage-number]
     (with-fields query stage-number xs)))
  ([query xs]
   (with-fields query -1 xs))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int
   (let [xs        (not-empty (mapv lib.ref/ref xs))
         ;; If any fields are specified, include all expressions not yet included.
         expr-cols (expression-columns query stage-number)
         ;; Set of expr-cols which are *already* included.
         included  (into #{}
                         (keep #(lib.equality/find-matching-column query stage-number % expr-cols))
                         (or xs []))
         ;; Those expr-refs which must still be included.
         to-add    (remove included expr-cols)
         xs        (when xs (into xs (map lib.ref/ref) to-add))]
     (lib.util/update-query-stage query stage-number u/assoc-dissoc :fields xs))))
(mu/defn fields :- [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema/fields]]
  "Fetches the `:fields` for a query. Returns `nil` if there are no `:fields`. `:fields` should never be empty; this is
  enforced by the Malli schema."
   (fields query -1))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int]
   (:fields (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number))))
(mu/defn fieldable-columns :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  "Return a sequence of column metadatas for columns that you can specify in the `:fields` of a query. This is
  basically just the columns returned by the source Table/Saved Question/Model or previous query stage.
  Includes a `:selected?` key letting you know this column is already in `:fields` or not; if `:fields` is
  unspecified, all these columns are returned by default, so `:selected?` is true for all columns (this is a little
  strange but it matches the behavior of the QB UI)."
   (fieldable-columns query -1))
  ([query :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int]
   (let [visible-columns (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query
                                                                   (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)
                                                                   {:include-joined?              false
                                                                    :include-expressions?         false
                                                                    :include-implicitly-joinable? false})
         selected-fields (fields query stage-number)]
     (if (empty? selected-fields)
       (mapv (fn [col]
               (assoc col :selected? true))
       (lib.equality/mark-selected-columns query stage-number visible-columns selected-fields)))))

Given a query and stage, sets the :fields list to be the fields which would be selected by default. This is exactly [[lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns]] filtered by the :lib/source. Fields from explicit joins are listed on the join itself and should not be listed in :fields.

(defn- populate-fields-for-stage
  [query stage-number]
  (let [defaults (lib.metadata.calculation/default-columns-for-stage query stage-number)]
    (lib.util/update-query-stage query stage-number assoc :fields (mapv lib.ref/ref defaults))))

If the given stage already has a :fields clause, do nothing. If it doesn't, populate the :fields clause with the full set of returned-columns. (See [[populate-fields-for-stage]] for the details.)

(defn- query-with-fields
  [query stage-number]
  (cond-> query
    (not (:fields (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number))) (populate-fields-for-stage stage-number)))
(defn- include-field [query stage-number column]
  (let [populated  (query-with-fields query stage-number)
        field-refs (fields populated stage-number)
        match-ref  (lib.equality/find-matching-ref column field-refs)
        column-ref (lib.ref/ref column)]
    (if (and match-ref
             (or (string? (last column-ref))
                 (integer? (last match-ref))))
      ;; If the column is already found, do nothing and return the original query.
      (lib.util/update-query-stage populated stage-number update :fields conj column-ref))))
(defn- add-field-to-join [query stage-number column]
  (let [column-ref   (lib.ref/ref column)
        [join field] (first (for [join  (lib.join/joins query stage-number)
                                  :let [joinables (lib.join/joinable-columns query stage-number join)
                                        field     (lib.equality/find-matching-column
                                                   query stage-number column-ref joinables)]
                                  :when field]
                              [join field]))
        join-fields  (lib.join/join-fields join)]
    ;; Nothing to do if it's already selected, or if this join already has :fields :all.
    ;; Otherwise, append it to the list of fields.
    (if (or (= join-fields :all)
            (and field
                 (not= join-fields :none)
                 (lib.equality/find-matching-ref field join-fields)))
      (lib.remove-replace/replace-join query stage-number join
                                       (lib.join/with-join-fields join
                                         (if (= join-fields :none)
                                           (conj join-fields column)))))))
(defn- native-query-fields-edit-error []
  (i18n/tru "Fields cannot be adjusted on native queries. Either edit the native query, or save this question and edit the fields in a GUI question based on this one."))
(defn- source-clauses-only-fields-edit-error []
  (i18n/tru (str "Only source columns (those from a table, model, or saved question) can be adjusted on a query. "
                 "Aggregations, breakouts and expressions are always returned, and must be removed from the query or "
                 "hidden in the UI.")))
(mu/defn add-field :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Adds a given field (`ColumnMetadata`, as returned from eg. [[visible-columns]]) to the fields returned by the query.
  Exactly what this means depends on the source of the field:
  - Source table/card, previous stage of the query, custom expression, aggregation or breakout:
      - Add it to the `:fields` list
      - If `:fields` is missing, it's implicitly `:all`, so do nothing.
  - Implicit join: add it to the `:fields` list; query processor will do the right thing with it.
  - Explicit join: add it to that join's `:fields` list."
  [query        :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   column       :- lib.metadata.calculation/ColumnMetadataWithSource]
  (let [stage  (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)
        source (:lib/source column)]
    (-> (case source
           :source/breakouts)         (cond-> query
                                        (contains? stage :fields) (include-field stage-number column))
          :source/joins               (add-field-to-join query stage-number column)
          :source/implicitly-joinable (include-field query stage-number column)
          :source/native              (throw (ex-info (native-query-fields-edit-error) {:query query :stage stage-number}))
          ;; Default case - do nothing if we don't know about the incoming value.
          ;; Generates a warning, as we should aim to capture all the :source/* values here.
            (log/warnf "Cannot add-field with unknown source %s" (pr-str source))
        ;; Then drop any redundant :fields clauses.
(defn- remove-matching-ref [column refs]
  (let [match (lib.equality/find-matching-ref column refs)]
    (remove #(= % match) refs)))

This is called only for fields that plausibly need removing. If the stage has no :fields, this will populate it. It shouldn't happen that we can't find the target field, but if that does happen, this will return the original query unchanged. (In particular, if :fields did not exist before it will still be omitted.)

(defn- exclude-field
  [query stage-number column]
  (let [old-fields (-> (query-with-fields query stage-number)
                       (lib.util/query-stage stage-number)
        new-fields (remove-matching-ref column old-fields)]
    (cond-> query
      ;; If we couldn't find the field, return the original query unchanged.
      (< (count new-fields) (count old-fields)) (lib.util/update-query-stage stage-number assoc :fields new-fields))))
(defn- remove-field-from-join [query stage-number column]
  (let [join        (lib.join/resolve-join query stage-number (::lib.join/join-alias column))
        join-fields (lib.join/join-fields join)]
    (if (or (nil? join-fields)
            (= join-fields :none))
      ;; Nothing to do if there's already no join fields.
      (let [resolved-join-fields (if (= join-fields :all)
                                   (map lib.ref/ref (lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns query stage-number join))
            removed              (remove-matching-ref column resolved-join-fields)]
        (cond-> query
          ;; If we actually removed a field, replace the join. Otherwise return the query unchanged.
          (< (count removed) (count resolved-join-fields))
          (lib.remove-replace/replace-join stage-number join (lib.join/with-join-fields join removed)))))))
(mu/defn remove-field :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Removes the field (a `ColumnMetadata`, as returned from eg. [[visible-columns]]) from those fields returned by the
  query. Exactly what this means depends on the source of the field:
  - Source table/card, previous stage, custom expression, aggregations or breakouts:
      - If `:fields` is missing, it's implicitly `:all` - populate it with all the columns except the removed one.
      - Remove the target column from the `:fields` list
  - Implicit join: remove it from the `:fields` list; do nothing if it's not there.
      - (An implicit join only exists in the `:fields` clause, so if it's not there then it's not anywhere.)
  - Explicit join: remove it from that join's `:fields` list (handle `:fields :all` like for source tables)."
  [query      :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number :- :int
   column       :- lib.metadata.calculation/ColumnMetadataWithSource]
  (let [source (:lib/source column)]
    (-> (case source
           :source/implicitly-joinable) (exclude-field query stage-number column)
          :source/joins                 (remove-field-from-join query stage-number column)
          :source/native                (throw (ex-info (native-query-fields-edit-error)
                                                        {:query query :stage stage-number}))
           :source/aggregations)        (throw (ex-info (source-clauses-only-fields-edit-error)
                                                        {:query  query
                                                         :stage  stage-number
                                                         :source source}))
          ;; Default case: do nothing and return the query unchaged.
          ;; Generate a warning - we should aim to capture every `:source/*` value above.
            (log/warnf "Cannot remove-field with unknown source %s" (pr-str source))
        ;; Then drop any redundant :fields clauses.

TODO: Refactor this away? The special handling for aggregations is strange.

(mu/defn find-visible-column-for-ref :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  "Return the visible column in `query` at `stage-number` referenced by `field-ref`. If `stage-number` is omitted, the
  last stage is used. This is currently only meant for use with `:field` clauses."
  ([query field-ref]
   (find-visible-column-for-ref query -1 field-ref))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int
    field-ref    :- some?]
   (let [stage   (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)
         ;; not 100% sure why, but [[lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns]] doesn't seem to return aggregations,
         ;; so we have to use [[lib.metadata.calculation/returned-columns]] instead.
         columns ((if (= (lib.dispatch/dispatch-value field-ref) :aggregation)
                  query stage-number stage)]
     (lib.equality/find-matching-column query stage-number field-ref columns))))

Return true if field is a JSON field, false if not.

(defn json-field?
  (some? (:nfc-path field)))

yes, this is intentionally different from the version in :metabase.lib.schema.metadata/column.has-field-values. The FE isn't supposed to need to worry about the distinction between :auto-list and :list for filter purposes. See [[infer-has-field-values]] for more info.

(mr/def ::field-values-search-info.has-field-values
  [:enum :list :search :none])
(mr/def ::field-values-search-info
   [:field-id         [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.id/field]]]
   [:search-field-id  [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.id/field]]]
   [:has-field-values [:ref ::field-values-search-info.has-field-values]]])
(mu/defn infer-has-field-values :- ::field-values-search-info.has-field-values
  "Determine the value of `:has-field-values` we should return for column metadata for frontend consumption to power
  filter search widgets, either when returned by the the REST API or in MLv2 with [[field-values-search-info]].
  Note that this value is not necessarily the same as the value of `has_field_values` in the application database.
  `has_field_values` may be unset, in which case we will try to infer it. `:auto-list` is not currently understood by
  the FE filter stuff, so we will instead return `:list`; the distinction is not important to it anyway."
  [{:keys [has-field-values], :as field} :- [:map
                                             ;; this doesn't use `::lib.schema.metadata/column` because it's stricter
                                             ;; than we need and the REST API calls this function with optimized Field
                                             ;; maps that don't include some keys like `:name`
                                             [:base-type        {:optional true} [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/base-type]]
                                             [:effective-type   {:optional true} [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/base-type]]
                                             [:has-field-values {:optional true} [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column.has-field-values]]]]
    ;; if `has_field_values` is set in the DB, use that value; but if it's `auto-list`, return the value as `list` to
    ;; avoid confusing FE code, which can remain blissfully unaware that `auto-list` is a thing
    (= has-field-values :auto-list)   :list
    has-field-values                  has-field-values
    ;; otherwise if it does not have value set in DB we will infer it
    (lib.types.isa/searchable? field) :search
    :else                             :none))
(mu/defn- remapped-field :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  [metadata-providerable :- ::lib.schema.metadata/metadata-providerable
   column                :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (when (lib.types.isa/foreign-key? column)
    (when-let [remap-field-id (get-in column [:lib/external-remap :field-id])]
      (lib.metadata/field metadata-providerable remap-field-id))))
(mu/defn- search-field :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  [metadata-providerable :- ::lib.schema.metadata/metadata-providerable
   column                :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (let [col (or (when (lib.types.isa/primary-key? column)
                  (when-let [name-field (:name-field column)]
                    (lib.metadata/field metadata-providerable (u/the-id name-field))))
                (remapped-field metadata-providerable column)
    (when (lib.types.isa/searchable? col)
(mu/defn field-values-search-info :- ::field-values-search-info
  "Info about whether the column in question has FieldValues associated with it for purposes of powering a search
  widget in the QB filter modals."
  [metadata-providerable :- ::lib.schema.metadata/metadata-providerable
   column                :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (when column
    (let [column-field-id (:id column)
          search-field-id (:id (search-field metadata-providerable column))]
      {:field-id (when (int? column-field-id) column-field-id)
       :search-field-id (when (int? search-field-id) search-field-id)
       :has-field-values (if column
                           (infer-has-field-values column)