(ns metabase.lib.expression
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * / case coalesce abs time concat replace])
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [malli.error :as me]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.lib.common :as lib.common]
   [metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
   [metabase.lib.options :as lib.options]
   [metabase.lib.ref :as lib.ref]
   [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
   [metabase.lib.schema.aggregation :as lib.schema.aggregation]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
   [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]
   [metabase.lib.temporal-bucket :as lib.temporal-bucket]
   [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
   [metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
   [metabase.types :as types]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(mu/defn column-metadata->expression-ref :- :mbql.clause/expression
  "Given `:metadata/column` column metadata for an expression, construct an `:expression` reference."
  [metadata :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  (let [options (merge
                 {:lib/uuid       (str (random-uuid))
                  :base-type      (:base-type metadata)
                  :effective-type ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) metadata)}
                 (when-let [unit (:metabase.lib.field/temporal-unit metadata)]
                   {:temporal-unit unit}))]
    [:expression options ((some-fn :lib/expression-name :name) metadata)]))
(mu/defn resolve-expression :- ::lib.schema.expression/expression
  "Find the expression with `expression-name` in a given stage of a `query`, or throw an Exception if it doesn't
  ([query expression-name]
   (resolve-expression query -1 expression-name))
  ([query           :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number    :- :int
    expression-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
   (let [stage (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
     (or (m/find-first (comp #{expression-name} lib.util/expression-name)
                       (:expressions stage))
         (throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "No expression named {0}" (pr-str expression-name))
                         {:expression-name expression-name
                          :query           query
                          :stage-number    stage-number}))))))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/type-of-method :expression
  [query stage-number [_expression _opts expression-name, :as _expression-ref]]
  (let [expression (resolve-expression query stage-number expression-name)]
    (lib.metadata.calculation/type-of query stage-number expression)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/metadata-method :expression
  [query stage-number [_expression opts expression-name, :as expression-ref-clause]]
  (merge {:lib/type            :metadata/column
          :lib/source-uuid     (:lib/uuid opts)
          :name                expression-name
          :lib/expression-name expression-name
          :display-name        (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number expression-ref-clause)
          :base-type           (lib.metadata.calculation/type-of query stage-number expression-ref-clause)
          :lib/source          :source/expressions}
         (when-let [unit (lib.temporal-bucket/raw-temporal-bucket expression-ref-clause)]
           {:metabase.lib.field/temporal-unit unit})
         (when lib.metadata.calculation/*propagate-binning-and-bucketing*
           (when-let [unit (lib.temporal-bucket/raw-temporal-bucket expression-ref-clause)]
             {:inherited-temporal-unit unit}))))
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/available-temporal-buckets-method :expression
  [query stage-number [_expression opts _expr-name, :as expr-clause]]
   (lib.metadata.calculation/type-of query stage-number expr-clause)
   (:temporal-unit opts)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :dispatch-type/integer
  [_query _stage-number n _style]
  (str n))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :dispatch-type/number
  [_query _stage-number n _style]
  (str n))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :dispatch-type/string
  [_query _stage-number s _style]
  (str \" s \"))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :dispatch-type/boolean
  [_query _stage-number s _style]
  (str s))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :expression
  [_query _stage-number [_expression {:keys [temporal-unit] :as _opts} expression-name] _style]
  (letfn [(temporal-format [display-name]
            (lib.util/format "%s: %s" display-name (-> (name temporal-unit)
                                                       (str/replace \- \space)
    (cond-> expression-name
      temporal-unit temporal-format)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/column-name-method :expression
  [_query _stage-number [_expression _opts expression-name]]

Whether the display name we are generated is recursively nested inside another display name. For infix math operators we'll wrap the results in parentheses to make the display name more obvious.

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *nested*
(defn- wrap-str-in-parens-if-nested [s]
  (if *nested*
    (str \( s \))

Generate a infix-style display name for an arithmetic expression like :+, e.g. x + y.

(defn- infix-display-name
  [query stage-number operator args]
   (binding [*nested* true]
     (str/join (str \space (name operator) \space)
               (map (partial lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number)
(def ^:private infix-operator-display-name
  {:+ "+"
   :- "-"
   :* "ร—"
   :/ "รท"})
(doseq [tag [:+ :- :/ :*]]
  (lib.hierarchy/derive tag ::infix-operator))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method ::infix-operator
  [query stage-number [tag _opts & args] _style]
  (infix-display-name query stage-number (get infix-operator-display-name tag) args))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/column-name-method ::infix-operator
  [_query _stage-number _expr]

:+, :-, and :* all have the same logic; also used for [[metabase.lib.schema.expression/type-of]].

:lib.type-of/type-is-type-of-arithmetic-args is defined in [[metabase.lib.schema.expression.arithmetic]]

(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/type-of-method :lib.type-of/type-is-type-of-arithmetic-args
  [query stage-number [_tag _opts & args]]
  ;; Okay to use reduce without an init value here since we know we have >= 2 args
  #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:reduce-without-init]}
   (for [arg args]
     (lib.metadata.calculation/type-of query stage-number arg))))

TODO -- this stuff should probably be moved into [[metabase.lib.temporal-bucket]]

(defn- interval-unit-str [amount unit]
  ;; this uses [[clojure.string/lower-case]] so its in the user's locale in the browser rather than always using
  ;; English lower-casing rules.
  #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-var]}
  (str/lower-case (lib.temporal-bucket/describe-temporal-unit amount unit)))
(mu/defn- interval-display-name  :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
  "e.g. something like \"- 2 days\
  [amount :- :int
   unit   :- ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/unit.date-time.interval]
  ;; TODO -- sorta duplicated with [[metabase.models.params.shared/translated-interval]], but not exactly
  (let [unit-str (interval-unit-str amount unit)]
     (if (pos? amount)
       (lib.util/format "+ %d %s" amount                    unit-str)
       (lib.util/format "- %d %s" (clojure.core/abs amount) unit-str)))))
(mu/defn- interval-column-name  :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
  "e.g. something like `minus_2_days`"
  [amount :- :int
   unit   :- ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/unit.date-time.interval]
  ;; TODO -- sorta duplicated with [[metabase.models.params.shared/translated-interval]], but not exactly
  (let [unit-str (interval-unit-str amount unit)]
    (if (pos? amount)
      (lib.util/format "plus_%s_%s"  amount                    unit-str)
      (lib.util/format "minus_%d_%s" (clojure.core/abs amount) unit-str))))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :datetime-add
  [query stage-number [_datetime-add _opts x amount unit] style]
  (str (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number x style)
       (interval-display-name amount unit)))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/column-name-method :datetime-add
  [query stage-number [_datetime-add _opts x amount unit]]
  (str (lib.metadata.calculation/column-name query stage-number x)
       (interval-column-name amount unit)))

for now we'll just pretend :coalesce isn't a present and just use the display name for the expr it wraps.

(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :coalesce
  [query stage-number [_coalesce _opts expr _null-expr] style]
  (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number expr style))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/column-name-method :coalesce
  [query stage-number [_coalesce _opts expr _null-expr]]
  (lib.metadata.calculation/column-name query stage-number expr))
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket-method :expression
  [expr-ref unit]
  (lib.temporal-bucket/add-temporal-bucket-to-ref expr-ref unit))
(defmethod lib.temporal-bucket/temporal-bucket-method :expression
  [[_expression {:keys [temporal-unit]} _expr-name]]
#_(defn- conflicting-name? [query stage-number expression-name]
    (let [stage     (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)
          cols      (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query stage-number stage)
          expr-name (u/lower-case-en expression-name)]
      (some #(-> % :name u/lower-case-en (= expr-name)) cols)))

(mr/def ::add-expression-options
   ;; default: true
   [:add-to-fields? {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]])
(defn- add-expression-to-stage
   {:keys [add-to-fields?], :or {add-to-fields? true}, :as _options}]
  (cond-> (update stage :expressions u/conjv expression)
    ;; if there are explicit fields selected, add the expression to them
    (and (vector? (:fields stage))
    (update :fields conj (lib.options/ensure-uuid [:expression {} (lib.util/expression-name expression)]))))
(mu/defn expression :- ::lib.schema/query
  "Adds an expression to query.
  * `:add-to-fields?` (default: `true`) -- whether to add an `:expression` ref to `:fields` if one is present in the
  ([query expression-name expressionable]
   (expression query -1 expression-name expressionable))
  ([query stage-number expression-name expressionable]
   (expression query stage-number expression-name expressionable nil))
  ([query           :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number    :- [:maybe :int]
    expression-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
    options         :- [:maybe ::add-expression-options]]
   (let [stage-number   (or stage-number -1)
         expressionable (lib.common/->op-arg expressionable)]
     ;; TODO: This logic was removed as part of fixing #39059. We might want to bring it back for collisions with other
     ;; expressions in the same stage; probably not with tables or earlier stages. De-duplicating names is supported by
     ;; the QP code, and it should be powered by MLv2 in due course.
     #_(when (conflicting-name? query stage-number expression-name)
         (throw (ex-info "Expression name conflicts with a column in the same query stage"
                         {:expression-name expression-name})))
      query stage-number
      (lib.util/top-level-expression-clause expressionable expression-name)
(lib.common/defop + [x y & more])
(lib.common/defop - [x y & more])
(lib.common/defop * [x y & more])

Kondo gets confused

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unresolved-namespace :syntax]}
(lib.common/defop / [x y & more])
(lib.common/defop case [x y & more])
(lib.common/defop coalesce [x y & more])
(lib.common/defop abs [x])
(lib.common/defop log [x])
(lib.common/defop exp [x])
(lib.common/defop sqrt [x])
(lib.common/defop ceil [x])
(lib.common/defop floor [x])
(lib.common/defop round [x])
(lib.common/defop power [n expo])
(lib.common/defop interval [n unit])
(lib.common/defop relative-datetime [t unit])
(lib.common/defop time [t unit])
(lib.common/defop absolute-datetime [t unit])
(lib.common/defop now [])
(lib.common/defop convert-timezone [t source dest])
(lib.common/defop get-week [t mode])
(lib.common/defop get-year [t])
(lib.common/defop get-month [t])
(lib.common/defop get-day [t])
(lib.common/defop get-hour [t])
(lib.common/defop get-minute [t])
(lib.common/defop get-second [t])
(lib.common/defop get-quarter [t])
(lib.common/defop get-day-of-week [t] [t mode])
(lib.common/defop datetime-add [t i unit])
(lib.common/defop datetime-subtract [t i unit])
(lib.common/defop concat [s1 s2 & more])
(lib.common/defop substring [s start end])
(lib.common/defop replace [s search replacement])
(lib.common/defop regex-match-first [s regex])
(lib.common/defop length [s])
(lib.common/defop trim [s])
(lib.common/defop ltrim [s])
(lib.common/defop rtrim [s])
(lib.common/defop upper [s])
(lib.common/defop lower [s])
(lib.common/defop host [s])
(lib.common/defop domain [s])
(lib.common/defop subdomain [s])
(lib.common/defop month-name [n])
(lib.common/defop quarter-name [n])
(lib.common/defop day-name [n])
(lib.common/defop offset [x n])
(mu/defn- expression-metadata :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
  [query                 :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number          :- :int
   expression-definition :- ::lib.schema.expression/expression]
  (let [expression-name (lib.util/expression-name expression-definition)]
    (-> (lib.metadata.calculation/metadata query stage-number expression-definition)
        ;; We strip any properties a general expression cannot have, e.g. `:id` and
        ;; `:join-alias`. Keeping all properties a field can have would make it difficult
        ;; to distinguish the field column from an expression aliasing that field down the
        ;; line. It also doesn't make sense to keep the ID and the join alias, as they are
        ;; not the properties of the expression.
        (select-keys [:base-type :effective-type :lib/desired-column-alias
                      :lib/source-column-alias :lib/source-uuid :lib/type])
        (assoc :lib/source   :source/expressions
               :name         expression-name
               :display-name expression-name))))
(mu/defn expressions-metadata :- [:maybe [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]]
  "Get metadata about the expressions in a given stage of a `query`."
   (expressions-metadata query -1))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int]
   (some->> (not-empty (:expressions (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)))
            (mapv (partial expression-metadata query stage-number)))))
(mu/defn expressions :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.expression/expressions]
  "Get the expressions map from a given stage of a `query`."
   (expressions query -1))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int]
   (not-empty (:expressions (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)))))
(defmethod lib.ref/ref-method :expression
(mu/defn expressionable-columns :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.metadata/column]
  "Get column metadata for all the columns that can be used expressions in
  the stage number `stage-number` of the query `query` and in expression index `expression-position`
  If `stage-number` is omitted, the last stage is used.
  Pass nil to `expression-position` for new expressions.
  The rules for determining which columns can be broken out by are as follows:
  1. Custom `:expressions` in this stage of the query`
  2. Fields 'exported' by the previous stage of the query, if there is one;
     otherwise Fields from the current `:source-table`
  3. Fields exported by explicit joins
  4. Fields in Tables that are implicitly joinable."
  ([query :- ::lib.schema/query
    expression-position :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero]]
   (expressionable-columns query -1 expression-position))
  ([query        :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number :- :int
    ;; The legacy format, which uses a map to represent the expressions loses the ordering,
    ;; if ten or more expressions are used. Preserving the order would require to use a
    ;; map type preserving the order both when converting to the legacy format and when
    ;; converting from JS to CLJ. This could be done by changing the legacy format or
    ;; using flatland.ordered.map/ordered-map or array-map or something similar.
    ;; Unfortunately, ordered-map doesn't implement IEditableCollection in CLJS, which means
    ;; that some functions (e.g., update-keys, update-vals) unexpectedly convert them to a
    ;; potentially unordered map. (One might even forget that select-keys returns a "normal"
    ;; Clojure map, so there are plenty of possibilities to mess this up.)
    ;; Changing the legacy/wire format is probably the right way to go, but that's a bigger
    ;; endeavor.
    _expression-position :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero]]
   (let [stage (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)
         columns (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns query stage-number stage)]
     (not-empty columns))))
(mu/defn expression-ref :- :mbql.clause/expression
  "Find the expression with `expression-name` using [[resolve-expression]], then create a ref for it. Intended for use
  when creating queries using threading macros e.g.
    (-> (lib/query ...)
        (lib/expression \"My Expression\" ...)
        (as-> <> (lib/aggregate <> (lib/avg (lib/expression-ref <> \"My Expression\")))))"
  ([query expression-name]
   (expression-ref query -1 expression-name))
  ([query           :- ::lib.schema/query
    stage-number    :- :int
    expression-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
   (->> expression-name
        (resolve-expression query stage-number)
        (expression-metadata query stage-number)
(def ^:private expression-validator
  (mr/validator ::lib.schema.expression/expression))

Returns true if expression-clause is indeed an expression clause, false otherwise.

(defn expression-clause?
  (expression-validator expression-clause))
(mu/defn with-expression-name :- ::lib.schema.expression/expression
  "Return a new expression clause like `an-expression-clause` but with name `new-name`.
  For expressions from the :expressions clause of a pMBQL query this sets the :lib/expression-name option,
  for other expressions (for example named aggregation expressions) the :display-name option is set.
  Note that always setting :lib/expression-name would lead to confusion, because that option is used
  to decide what kind of reference is to be created. For example, expression are referenced by name,
  aggregations are referenced by position."
  [an-expression-clause :- ::lib.schema.expression/expression
   new-name :- :string]
   (if (lib.util/clause? an-expression-clause)
     [:value {:effective-type (lib.schema.expression/type-of an-expression-clause)}
   (fn [opts]
     (let [opts (assoc opts :lib/uuid (str (random-uuid)))]
       (if (:lib/expression-name opts)
         (-> opts
             (dissoc :display-name :name)
             (assoc :lib/expression-name new-name))
         (assoc opts :name new-name :display-name new-name))))))
(def ^:private expression-explainer
  (mr/explainer ::lib.schema.expression/expression))
(def ^:private aggregation-validator
  (mr/validator ::lib.schema.aggregation/aggregation))
(def ^:private aggregation-explainer
  (mr/explainer ::lib.schema.aggregation/aggregation))
(def ^:private filter-validator
  (mr/validator ::lib.schema/filterable))
(def ^:private filter-explainer
  (mr/explainer ::lib.schema/filterable))
(defn- expression->name
  (-> expr lib.options/options :lib/expression-name))
(defn- referred-expressions
  (into #{}
        (map #(get % 2))
        (lib.util.match/match expr :expression)))
(defn- cyclic-definition
   (some #(cyclic-definition node->children %) (keys node->children)))
  ([node->children start]
   (cyclic-definition node->children start []))
  ([node->children node path]
   (if (some #{node} path)
     (drop-while (complement #{node}) (conj path node))
     (some #(cyclic-definition node->children % (conj path node))
           (node->children node)))))
(mu/defn diagnose-expression :- [:maybe [:map [:message :string]]]
  "Checks `expr` for type errors and, if `expression-mode` is :expression and
  `expression-position` is provided, for cyclic references with other expressions.
  - `expr` is a pMBQL expression usually created from a legacy MBQL expression created
  using the custom column editor in the FE. It is expected to have been normalized and
  converted using [[metabase.lib.convert/->pMBQL]].
  - `expression-mode` specifies what type of thing `expr` is: an :expression (custom column),
  an :aggregation expression, or a :filter condition.
  - `expression-position` is only defined when editing an existing custom column, and in that case
  it is the index of that expression in (expressions query stage-number).
  The function returns nil, if the expression is valid, otherwise it returns a map with
  an i18n message describing the problem under the key :message."
  [query               :- ::lib.schema/query
   stage-number        :- :int
   expression-mode     :- [:enum :expression :aggregation :filter]
   expr                :- :any
   expression-position :- [:maybe :int]]
  (let [[validator explainer] (clojure.core/case expression-mode
                                :expression [expression-validator expression-explainer]
                                :aggregation [aggregation-validator aggregation-explainer]
                                :filter [filter-validator filter-explainer])]
    (or (when-not (validator expr)
          (let [error (explainer expr)
                humanized (str/join ", " (me/humanize error))]
            {:message (i18n/tru "Type error: {0}" humanized)}))
        (when-let [path (and (= expression-mode :expression)
                             (let [exprs (expressions query stage-number)
                                   edited-expr (nth exprs expression-position)
                                   edited-name (expression->name edited-expr)
                                   deps (-> (m/index-by expression->name exprs)
                                            (assoc edited-name expr)
                                            (update-vals referred-expressions))]
                               (cyclic-definition deps)))]
          {:message  (i18n/tru "Cycle detected: {0}" (str/join " โ†’ " path))
           :friendly true})
        (when (and (= expression-mode :expression)
                   (lib.util.match/match-one expr :offset))
          {:message  (i18n/tru "OFFSET is not supported in custom columns")
           :friendly true})
        (when (and (= expression-mode :filter)
                   (lib.util.match/match-one expr :offset))
          {:message  (i18n/tru "OFFSET is not supported in custom filters")
           :friendly true}))))