"View these Orders" transformation. Entry points:
Query transformation:
Question transformation:
| (ns metabase.lib.drill-thru.underlying-records (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.lib.aggregation :as lib.aggregation] [metabase.lib.binning :as lib.binning] [metabase.lib.drill-thru.common :as lib.drill-thru.common] [metabase.lib.filter :as lib.filter] [metabase.lib.join :as lib.join] [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata] [metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation] [metabase.lib.options :as lib.options] [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema] [metabase.lib.schema.drill-thru :as lib.schema.drill-thru] [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata] [metabase.lib.temporal-bucket :as lib.temporal-bucket] [metabase.lib.types.isa :as lib.types.isa] [metabase.lib.underlying :as lib.underlying] [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
(mu/defn underlying-records-drill :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.drill-thru/drill-thru.underlying-records] "When clicking on a particular broken-out group, offer a look at the details of all the rows that went into this bucket. Eg. distribution of People by State, then click New York and see the table of all People filtered by `STATE = 'New York'`. There is another quite different case: clicking the legend of a chart with multiple bars or lines broken out by category. Then `column` is nil!" [query :- ::lib.schema/query stage-number :- :int {:keys [column column-ref dimensions value], :as _context} :- ::lib.schema.drill-thru/context] ;; Clicking on breakouts is weird. Clicking on Count(People) by State: Minnesota yields a FE `clicked` with: ;; - column is COUNT ;; - row[0] has col: STATE, value: "Minnesota" ;; - row[1] has col: count (source: "aggregation") ;; - dimensions which is [{column: STATE, value: "MN"}] ;; - value: the aggregated value (the count, the sum, etc.) ;; So dimensions is exactly what we want. ;; Clicking on a single-row aggregation, there's no dimensions, but we should support underlying records. ;; Clicking on a table cell for an aggregated column when there are additional query stages (e.g. filters) after the ;; underlying breakouts/aggregations stage results in a context like: ;; - (:lib/source column) is NOT :source/aggregations ;; - (:lib/source (lib.underlying/top-level-column query column) IS :source/aggregations ;; - column-ref is similarly NOT an :aggregation ref ;; - dimensions is constructed from row data in available-drill-thrus ;; Clicking on a chart legend for eg. COUNT(Orders) by Products.CATEGORY and Orders.CREATED_AT has a context like: ;; - column is nil ;; - value is nil ;; - dimensions holds only the legend's column, eg. Products.CATEGORY. ;; This function returns the table name and row count, since that's used for pluralization of the name. (when (and (lib.drill-thru.common/mbql-stage? query stage-number) (lib.underlying/has-aggregation-or-breakout? query) ;; Either we clicked the aggregation, or there are dimensions. (or (lib.underlying/aggregation-sourced? query column) (not-empty dimensions)) ;; Either we need both column and value (cell/map/data point click) or neither (chart legend click). (or (and column (some? value)) (and (nil? column) (nil? value))) ;; If the column exists, it must not be a structured column like JSON. (not (and column (lib.types.isa/structured? column)))) {:lib/type :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru :type :drill-thru/underlying-records ;; TODO: This is a bit confused for non-COUNT aggregations. Perhaps it should just always be 10 or something? ;; Note that some languages have different plurals for exactly 2, or for 1, 2-5, and 6+. :row-count (if (and (number? value) (not (neg? value))) value 2) :table-name (when-let [table-or-card (or (some->> query lib.util/source-table-id (lib.metadata/table query)) (some->> query lib.util/source-card-id (lib.metadata/card query)))] (lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number table-or-card)) :dimensions dimensions ;; If the underlying column comes from an aggregation, then the column-ref needs to be updated as well to the ;; corresponding aggregation ref so that [[drill-underlying-records]] knows to extract the filter implied by ;; aggregations like sum-where. :column-ref (if (lib.underlying/strictly-underlying-aggregation? query column) (lib.aggregation/column-metadata->aggregation-ref (lib.underlying/top-level-column query column)) column-ref)})) | |
(defmethod lib.drill-thru.common/drill-thru-info-method :drill-thru/underlying-records [_query _stage-number {:keys [row-count table-name]}] {:type :drill-thru/underlying-records :row-count row-count :table-name table-name}) | |
(mu/defn- drill-filter :- ::lib.schema/query [query :- ::lib.schema/query stage-number :- :int column :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column value :- :any] (let [column (lib.drill-thru.common/breakout->resolved-column query stage-number column) filter-clauses (or (when (lib.binning/binning column) (let [unbinned-column (lib.binning/with-binning column nil)] (if (some? value) (when-let [{:keys [min-value max-value]} (lib.binning/resolve-bin-width query column value)] [(lib.filter/>= unbinned-column min-value) (lib.filter/< unbinned-column max-value)]) [(lib.filter/is-null unbinned-column)]))) ;; if the column was temporally bucketed in the top level, make sure the `=` filter we ;; generate still has that bucket. Otherwise the filter will be something like ;; ;; col = March 2023 ;; ;; instead of ;; ;; month(col) = March 2023 (let [column (if-let [temporal-unit (::lib.underlying/temporal-unit column)] (lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket column temporal-unit) column)] (if (some? value) [(lib.filter/= column value)] [(lib.filter/is-null column)])))] (reduce (fn [query filter-clause] (lib.filter/filter query stage-number filter-clause)) query filter-clauses))) | |
Drops aggregations, breakouts, orders, limits and field, then applies a filter for each of the dimensions (including
for metrics, and aggregations that imply a filter like Extracted to a helper since it's reused by automatic-insights drill. | (defn drill-underlying-records [query {:keys [column-ref dimensions] :as _context}] (let [;; Drop all aggregations, breakouts, sort orders, etc. to get the underlying records. ;; Note that all operations are performed on the final stage of input query. base-query (lib.util/update-query-stage query -1 dissoc :aggregation :breakout :order-by :limit :fields) ;; Turn any non-aggregation dimensions into filters. ;; eg. if we drilled into a temporal bucket, add a filter for the [:= breakout-column that-month]. filtered (reduce (fn [q {:keys [column value]}] (drill-filter q -1 column value)) base-query (for [dimension dimensions :when (-> dimension :column :lib/source (not= :source/aggregations))] dimension)) ;; The column-ref should be an aggregation ref - look up the full aggregation. aggregation (when-let [agg-uuid (last column-ref)] (m/find-first #(= (lib.options/uuid %) agg-uuid) (lib.aggregation/aggregations query -1))) ;; Apply the filters derived from the aggregation. agg-filtered (reduce #(lib.filter/filter %1 -1 %2) filtered ;; If we found an aggregation, check if it implies further filtering. ;; Simple aggregations like :sum don't add more filters; metrics or fancy aggregations like :sum-where do. (when aggregation (case (first aggregation) ;; Fancy aggregations that filter the input - the filter is the last part of the aggregation. (:sum-where :count-where :share) [(last aggregation)] ;; Default: no filters to add. nil))) ;; make all joins include all fields new-joins (mapv #(lib.join/with-join-fields % :all) (lib.join/joins agg-filtered))] ;; if we have new joins to add, update query with the new joins (if (empty? new-joins) agg-filtered (lib.util/update-query-stage agg-filtered -1 assoc :joins new-joins)))) |
(defmethod lib.drill-thru.common/drill-thru-method :drill-thru/underlying-records [query _stage-number context & _] ;; Note that the input _stage-number is deliberately ignored. The top-level query may have fewer stages than the ;; input query; all operations are performed on the final stage of the top-level query. (drill-underlying-records (lib.underlying/top-level-query query) (update context :dimensions (fn [dims] (for [dim dims] (update dim :column #(lib.underlying/top-level-column query %))))))) | |