Object details drill for cases when there is multiple PK columns. Entry points:
Query transformation:
Question transformation:
A We will only possibly return one of the 'object details' drills ([[metabase.lib.drill-thru.pk]], [[metabase.lib.drill-thru.fk-details]], or [[metabase.lib.drill-thru.zoom]]); see [[metabase.lib.drill-thru.object-details]] for the high-level logic that calls out to the individual implementations. | (ns metabase.lib.drill-thru.pk (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.lib.drill-thru.common :as lib.drill-thru.common] [metabase.lib.filter :as lib.filter] [metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation] [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema] [metabase.lib.schema.drill-thru :as lib.schema.drill-thru] [metabase.lib.types.isa :as lib.types.isa] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
(mu/defn pk-drill :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.drill-thru/drill-thru.pk] "'View details' drill when you click on a value in a table that has MULTIPLE PKs. There are two subtypes of PK drills: 1) if you click on a PK column value, then we return a drill that will add a filter for that PK column/value 2) if you click a non-PK column value, then we return a drill that will add filters for the PK columns/values in the row. This is never returned for FK columns; we return [[metabase.lib.drill-thru.fk-details]] drills instead." [query :- ::lib.schema/query stage-number :- :int {:keys [column value row] :as _context} :- ::lib.schema.drill-thru/context] (when (and ;; ignore column header clicks (value = nil). NULL values (value = :null) are ok if this is a click on a ;; non-PK column. (some? value) (lib.drill-thru.common/mbql-stage? query stage-number) ;; `:pk` drills are only for Tables with multiple PKs. For Tables with one PK, we do ;; a [[metabase.lib.drill-thru.zoom]] drill instead. (lib.drill-thru.common/many-pks? query) ;; if this is an FK column we should return an [[metabase.lib.drill-thru.fk-details]] drill instead. (not (lib.types.isa/foreign-key? column))) (if (lib.types.isa/primary-key? column) ;; 1) we clicked on a PK column: return a drill thru for that PK column + value. Ignore `nil` values. (when (and (some? value) (not= value :null)) {:lib/type :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru :type :drill-thru/pk :dimensions [{:column column :value value}]}) ;; 2) we clicked on a non-PK column: return a drill for ALL of the PK columns + values. Ignore any ;; `nil` (`:null`) values. (let [pk-columns (lib.metadata.calculation/primary-keys query) dimensions (for [pk-column pk-columns :let [value (->> row (m/find-first #(-> % :column :name (= (:name pk-column)))) :value)] ;; ignore any PKs that don't have a value in this row. :when value] {:column pk-column, :value value})] (when (seq dimensions) {:lib/type :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru :type :drill-thru/pk ;; return the dimensions sorted by column ID so the return value is determinate. :dimensions (vec (sort-by #(get-in % [:column :id]) dimensions))}))))) | |
(defmethod lib.drill-thru.common/drill-thru-info-method :drill-thru/pk [_query _stage-number drill-thru] (select-keys drill-thru [:type :dimensions])) | |
(defmethod lib.drill-thru.common/drill-thru-method :drill-thru/pk [query stage-number {:keys [dimensions], :as _pk-drill}] (reduce (fn [query {:keys [column value], :as _dimension}] (lib.filter/filter query stage-number (lib.filter/= column value))) query dimensions)) | |