Enables "Filter by this column" menu item. The caveat here is that for aggregation and breakout columns we need to append a stage before adding a filter. There
is a helper function called Another caveat is that we need to verify that Entry points:
Query transformation:
Question transformation: - None | (ns metabase.lib.drill-thru.column-filter (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.lib.drill-thru.common :as lib.drill-thru.common] [metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality] [metabase.lib.filter :as lib.filter] [metabase.lib.filter.operator :as lib.filter.operator] [metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema] [metabase.lib.schema.drill-thru :as lib.schema.drill-thru] [metabase.lib.schema.metadata :as lib.schema.metadata] [metabase.lib.schema.ref :as lib.schema.ref] [metabase.lib.stage :as lib.stage] [metabase.lib.types.isa :as lib.types.isa] [metabase.lib.util :as lib.util] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
(mu/defn prepare-query-for-drill-addition :- [:maybe [:map [:query ::lib.schema/query] [:stage-number :int] [:column lib.filter/ColumnWithOperators]]] "If the column we're filtering on is an aggregation, the filtering must happen in a later stage. This function returns a map with that possibly-updated `:query` and `:stage-number`, plus the `:column` for filtering in that stage (with filter operators, as returned by [[lib.filter/filterable-columns]]). If the column is an aggregation but the query already has a later stage, that stage is reused. If the column is not an aggregation, the query and stage-number are returned unchanged, but the [[lib.filter/filterable-columns]] counterpart of the input `column` is still returned. This query and filterable column are exactly what the FE needs to render the filtering UI for a column filter drill, or certain tricky cases of quick filter." [query :- ::lib.schema/query stage-number :- :int column :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column column-ref :- ::lib.schema.ref/ref adding :- [:enum :filter :expression]] (let [next-stage (->> (lib.util/canonical-stage-index query stage-number) (lib.util/next-stage-number query)) base (cond ;; An extra stage is needed if: ;; - The target column is an aggregation ;; - OR the target column is a breakout AND we are adding a custom expression based on it. ;; ;; So if neither of those cases apply, we can just return the original query and stage index. (not (or (= (:lib/source column) :source/aggregations) (and (= (:lib/source column) :source/breakouts) (= adding :expression)))) {:query query :stage-number stage-number} ;; An extra stage is needed. ;; If there's a later stage, then use it. next-stage {:query query :stage-number next-stage} ;; And if there isn't a later stage, add one. :else {:query (lib.stage/append-stage query) :stage-number -1}) columns (lib.filter/filterable-columns (:query base) (:stage-number base)) filter-column (or (lib.equality/find-matching-column (:query base) (:stage-number base) column-ref columns) (and (:lib/source-uuid column) (m/find-first #(= (:lib/source-uuid %) (:lib/source-uuid column)) columns)))] ;; If we cannot find the matching column, don't allow to drill (when filter-column (assoc base :column filter-column)))) | |
(mu/defn column-filter-drill :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.drill-thru/drill-thru.column-filter] "Filtering at the column level, based on its type. Displays a submenu of eg. \"Today\", \"This Week\", etc. for date columns. Note that if the clicked column is an aggregation, filtering by it will require a new stage. Therefore this drill returns a possibly-updated `:query` and `:stage-number` along with a `:column` referencing that later stage." [query :- ::lib.schema/query stage-number :- :int {:keys [column column-ref value]} :- ::lib.schema.drill-thru/context] (when (and (lib.drill-thru.common/mbql-stage? query stage-number) column (nil? value) (not (lib.types.isa/structured? column))) ;; When the column we would be filtering on is an aggregation, it can't be filtered without adding a stage. (when-let [drill-details (prepare-query-for-drill-addition query stage-number column column-ref :filter)] (let [initial-op (when-not (lib.types.isa/temporal? column) ; Date fields have special handling in the FE. (-> (lib.filter.operator/filter-operators column) first (assoc :lib/type :operator/filter)))] (merge drill-details {:lib/type :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru :type :drill-thru/column-filter :initial-op initial-op}))))) | |
(defmethod lib.drill-thru.common/drill-thru-info-method :drill-thru/column-filter [_query _stage-number {:keys [initial-op]}] {:type :drill-thru/column-filter :initial-op initial-op}) | |
(mu/defmethod lib.drill-thru.common/drill-thru-method :drill-thru/column-filter :- ::lib.schema/query [query :- ::lib.schema/query stage-number :- :int {:keys [column] :as _drill-thru} :- ::lib.schema.drill-thru/drill-thru.column-filter filter-op :- [:or :keyword :string] ; filter tag value :- :any] (lib.filter/filter query stage-number (lib.filter/filter-clause filter-op column value))) | |