(mu/defn database-id :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.id/database]
"Get the Database ID (`:database`) associated with a query. If the query is using
the [[mbql.s/saved-questions-virtual-database-id]] (used in some situations for queries with a `:source-card`)
{:database -1337}
we will attempt to resolve the correct Database ID by getting metadata for the source Card and returning its
`:database-id`; if this is not available for one reason or another this will return `nil`."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(when-let [id (:database query)]
(if (not= id lib.schema.id/saved-questions-virtual-database-id)
(when-let [source-card-id (lib.util/source-card-id query)]
(when-let [card-metadata (lib.metadata/card query source-card-id)]
(:database-id card-metadata)))))) |