(ns metabase.legacy-mbql.schema.helpers
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [distinct])
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(comment metabase.types/keep-me)

--------------------------------------------------- defclause ----------------------------------------------------

True if x is an MBQL clause (a sequence with a keyword as its first arg).

(defn mbql-clause?
  (and (sequential? x)
       (not (map-entry? x))
       (keyword? (first x))))

If x is an MBQL clause, and an instance of clauses defined by keyword(s) k-or-ks?

(is-clause? :count [:count 10]) ; -> true (is-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} [:+ 10 20]) ; -> true

(defn is-clause?
  [k-or-ks x]
   (mbql-clause? x)
   (if (coll? k-or-ks)
     ((set k-or-ks) (first x))
     (= k-or-ks (first x)))))

Returns x if it's an instance of a clause defined by keyword(s) k-or-ks

(check-clause :count [:count 10]) ; => [:count 10] (check-clause? #{:+ :- :* :/} [:+ 10 20]) ; -> [:+ 10 20] (check-clause :sum [:count 10]) ; => nil

(defn check-clause
  [k-or-ks x]
  (when (is-clause? k-or-ks x)
(defn- wrap-clause-arg-schema [arg-schema]
  [:schema (if (qualified-keyword? arg-schema)
             [:ref arg-schema]
(defn- clause-arg-schema [arg-schema]
  ;; for things like optional schemas
  (if-not (vector? arg-schema)
    (wrap-clause-arg-schema arg-schema)
    (let [[option arg-schema :as vector-arg-schema] arg-schema]
      (case option
        :optional [:? [:maybe (wrap-clause-arg-schema arg-schema)]]
        :rest     [:* (wrap-clause-arg-schema arg-schema)]
        (wrap-clause-arg-schema vector-arg-schema)))))

Impl of [[metabase.legacy-mbql.schema.macros/defclause]] macro. Creates a Malli schema.

(defn clause
  [tag & arg-schemas]
   {:doc/title [:span [:code (pr-str tag)] " clause"]}
    {:error/message (str "must be a `" tag "` clause")}
    (partial is-clause? tag)]
     ["tag" [:= tag]]]
    (for [[arg-name arg-schema] (partition 2 arg-schemas)]
      [arg-name (clause-arg-schema arg-schema)]))])
(defn- clause-tag [a-clause]
  (when (and (vector? a-clause)
             (keyword? (first a-clause)))
    (first a-clause)))

Interal impl of one-of macro.

(defn one-of*
  [& tags+schemas]
   [:multi {:dispatch      clause-tag
            :error/message (str "valid instance of one of these MBQL clauses: " (str/join ", " (map first tags+schemas)))
            :doc/schema    (into
                             {:description "valid instance of one of these MBQL clauses:"}]
                            (map second)
   (for [[tag schema] tags+schemas]
     [tag (if (qualified-keyword? schema)
            [:ref schema]

Schema for any keyword or string.

(def KeywordOrString
  [:or :keyword :string])

Add an addditonal constraint to schema (presumably an array) that requires it to be non-empty (i.e., it must satisfy seq).

(defn non-empty
  (if (and (sequential? schema)
           (= (first schema) :sequential))
    (let [[_sequential & args] schema
          [options & args]     (if (map? (first args))
                                 (cons nil args))]
      (into [:sequential (assoc options :min 1)] args))
      {:error/message "non-empty"}

True if coll is either empty or distinct.

(defn empty-or-distinct?
  (if (seq coll)
    (apply distinct? coll)
(mr/def ::distinct
   {:description   "values must be distinct"
    :error/message "distinct"}

Add an additional constraint to schema (presumably an array) that requires all elements to be distinct.

(defn distinct
   [:ref ::distinct]])