Provides functions that support formatting results data. In particular, customizing formatting for when timezone, column metadata, and visualization-settings are known. These functions can be used for uniform rendering of all artifacts such as generated CSV or image files that need consistent formatting across the board.

(ns metabase.formatter
   [clojure.pprint :refer [cl-format]]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.formatter.datetime :as datetime]
   [metabase.models.visualization-settings :as mb.viz]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [metabase.query-processor.streaming.common :as common]
   [metabase.types :as types]
   [metabase.util.currency :as currency]
   [metabase.util.json :as json]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [metabase.util.ui-logic :as ui-logic]
   [potemkin :as p]
   [potemkin.types :as p.types])
   (java.math RoundingMode)
   (java.text DecimalFormat DecimalFormatSymbols)
   (java.util.regex Pattern)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Fool Eastwood into thinking this namespace is used

(comment hiccup.util/keep-me)
(p.types/defrecord+ NumericWrapper [^String num-str ^Number num-value]
  (to-str [_] num-str)
  (toString [_] num-str))
(defn- strip-trailing-zeroes
  [num-as-string decimal]
  (let [decimal (str decimal)]
    (if (str/includes? num-as-string decimal)
      (let [pattern (case decimal
                      "." #"\.?0+$"
                      "," #",?0+$"
                      (re-pattern (str (Pattern/quote decimal) "?0+$")))]
        (str/replace num-as-string pattern ))
(defn- digits-after-decimal
  ([value] (digits-after-decimal value "."))
  ([value decimal]
   (if (zero? value)
     (let [val-string (-> (condp = (type value)
                            java.math.BigDecimal (.toPlainString ^BigDecimal value)
                            java.lang.Double     (format "%.20f" value)
                            java.lang.Float      (format "%.20f" value)
                            (str value))
                          (strip-trailing-zeroes (str decimal)))
           decimal-idx (str/index-of val-string decimal)]
       (if decimal-idx
         (- (count val-string) decimal-idx 1)
(defn- sig-figs-after-decimal
  [value decimal]
  (if (zero? value)
    (let [val-string (-> (condp = (type value)
                           java.math.BigDecimal (.toPlainString ^BigDecimal value)
                           java.lang.Double (format "%.20f" value)
                           java.lang.Float (format "%.20f" value)
                           (str value))
                         (strip-trailing-zeroes (str decimal)))
          figs (last (str/split val-string #"[\.0]+"))]
      (count figs))))
(defn- qualify-keys
  (update-keys m (fn [k] (keyword
                          (name k)))))

Return a function that will take a number and format it according to its column viz settings. Useful to compute the format string once and then apply it over many values.

TODO: use metabase.query-processor.streaming.common/viz-settings-for-col here, it's doing the same thing (unifying global settings, column settings, and viz-settings for the column. perhaps that implementation needs to move here, or to a new metabase.formatter.common or something?

(defn number-formatter
  [{:keys  [semantic_type effective_type base_type]
    col-id :id field-ref :field_ref col-name :name col-settings :settings :as col}
  (let [global-type-settings (try
                               (common/global-type-settings col viz-settings)
                               (catch Exception _e
                                 (common/global-type-settings (dissoc col :base_type :effective_type) viz-settings)))
        col-id               (or col-id (second field-ref))
        column-settings      (-> (get viz-settings ::mb.viz/column-settings)
                                 (update-keys #(select-keys % [::mb.viz/field-id ::mb.viz/column-name])))
        column-settings      (merge
                              (or (get column-settings {::mb.viz/field-id col-id})
                                  (get column-settings {::mb.viz/column-name col-name}))
                              (qualify-keys col-settings)
        global-settings      (merge
                              (::mb.viz/global-column-settings viz-settings))
        currency?            (boolean (or (= (::mb.viz/number-style column-settings) "currency")
                                          (= (::mb.viz/number-style viz-settings) "currency")
                                          (and (nil? (::mb.viz/number-style column-settings))
                                                (::mb.viz/currency-style column-settings)
                                                (::mb.viz/currency column-settings)))))
        {::mb.viz/keys [number-separators decimals scale number-style
                        prefix suffix currency-style currency]} (merge
                                                                 (when currency?
                                                                   (:type/Currency global-settings))
                                                                 (:type/Number global-settings)
        currency           (when currency?
                             (keyword (or currency "USD")))
        integral?          (and (isa? (or effective_type base_type) :type/Integer) (integer? (or scale 1)))
        relation?          (isa? semantic_type :Relation/*)
        percent?           (or (isa? semantic_type :type/Percentage) (= number-style "percent"))
        scientific?        (= number-style "scientific")
        [decimal grouping] (or number-separators
                               (get-in (public-settings/custom-formatting) [:type/Number :number_separators])
        symbols            (doto (DecimalFormatSymbols.)
                             (cond-> decimal (.setDecimalSeparator decimal))
                             (cond-> grouping (.setGroupingSeparator grouping)))
        base               (cond-> (if (or scientific? relation?) "0" "#,##0")
                             (not grouping) (str/replace #"," ""))
        ;; A small cache of decimal-digits->formatter to avoid creating new ones all the time. This cache is bound by
        ;; the maximum number of decimal digits we can format which is 20 (constrained by `digits-after-decimal`).
        fmtr-cache         (volatile! {})]
    (fn [value]
      (if (number? value)
        (let [scaled-value      (cond-> (* value (or scale 1))
                                  (* 100))
              decimals-in-value (digits-after-decimal scaled-value)
              decimal-digits    (cond
                                  decimals    decimals ;; if user ever specifies # of decimals, use that
                                  integral?   0
                                  scientific? (min 2 (max decimals-in-value
                                                          ;; Scientific representation can introduce its own decimal
                                                          ;; digits even in integer numbers. Count how many integer
                                                          ;; digits are in the number (but limit to 2).
                                                          (int (Math/log10 (abs scaled-value)))))
                                  currency?   (get-in currency/currency [currency :decimal_digits])
                                  percent?    (min 2 decimals-in-value) ;; 5.5432 -> %554.32
                                  :else       (if (>= (abs scaled-value) 1)
                                                (min 2 decimals-in-value) ;; values greater than 1 round to 2 decimal places
                                                (let [n-figs (sig-figs-after-decimal scaled-value decimal)]
                                                  (if (> n-figs 2)
                                                    (max 2 (- decimals-in-value (- n-figs 2))) ;; values less than 1 round to 2 sig-dig
              fmtr              (or (@fmtr-cache decimal-digits)
                                    (let [fmt-str (cond-> base
                                                    (not (zero? decimal-digits)) (str "." (apply str (repeat decimal-digits "0")))
                                                    scientific?                  (str "E0"))
                                          fmtr    (doto (DecimalFormat. fmt-str symbols) (.setRoundingMode RoundingMode/HALF_UP))]
                                      (vswap! fmtr-cache assoc decimal-digits fmtr)
           (let [inline-currency? (and currency?
                                       (false? (::mb.viz/currency-in-header column-settings)))
                 sb               (StringBuilder.)]
             ;; Using explicit StringBuilder to avoid touching the slow `clojure.core/str` multi-arity.
             (when prefix (.append sb prefix))
             (when (and inline-currency? (or (nil? currency-style)
                                             (= currency-style "symbol")))
               (.append sb (get-in currency/currency [currency :symbol])))
             (when (and inline-currency? (= currency-style "code"))
               (.append sb (get-in currency/currency [currency :code]))
               (.append sb \space))
             (.append sb (cond-> (.format ^DecimalFormat fmtr scaled-value)
                           (and (not currency?) (not decimals))
                           (strip-trailing-zeroes decimal)))
             (when percent?
               (.append sb "%"))
             (when (and inline-currency? (= currency-style "name"))
               (.append sb \space)
               (.append sb (get-in currency/currency [currency :name_plural])))
             (when suffix (.append sb suffix))
             (str sb))
(mu/defn format-number :- (ms/InstanceOfClass NumericWrapper)
  "Format a number `n` and return it as a NumericWrapper; this type is used to do special formatting in other
  `pulse.render` namespaces."
  ([n :- number?]
   (map->NumericWrapper {:num-str   (cl-format nil (if (integer? n) "~:d" "~,2f") n)
                         :num-value n}))
  ([value column viz-settings]
   (let [fmttr (number-formatter column viz-settings)]
     (fmttr value))))

Return a pair of [get-x-axis get-y-axis] functions that can be used to get the x-axis and y-axis values in a row, or columns, respectively.

(defn graphing-column-row-fns
  [card data]
  [(or (ui-logic/x-axis-rowfn card data)
   (or (ui-logic/y-axis-rowfn card data)

Graal polyglot system (not the JS machine itself, the polyglot system) is not happy with BigInts or BigDecimals. For more information, this is the GraalVM issue, open a while Because of this unfortunately they all have to get smushed into normal ints and decimals in JS land.

(defn coerce-bignum-to-int
  (for [member row]
      ;; this returns true for bigint only, not normal int or long
      (instance? clojure.lang.BigInt member)
      (int member)
      ;; this returns true for bigdec only, not actual normal decimals
      ;; not the clearest clojure native function in the world
      (decimal? member)
      (double member)

Preprocess rows.

  • Removes any rows that have a nil value for the x-axis-fn OR y-axis-fn
  • Normalizes bigints and bigdecs to ordinary sizes
(defn row-preprocess
  [x-axis-fn y-axis-fn rows]
  (->> rows
       (filter (every-pred x-axis-fn y-axis-fn))
       (map coerce-bignum-to-int)))

Format longitude/latitude values as 0.00000000° N|S|E|W

(defn format-geographic-coordinates
  [lon-or-lat v]
  (str (when (number? v)
         (let [v   (double v)
               dir (case lon-or-lat
                     :type/Latitude (if (neg? v) "S" "N")
                     :type/Longitude (if (neg? v) "W" "E")
           (if dir
             (format "%.8f° %s" (Math/abs v) dir)

Format dictionaries as json. The value if a dictionary is Clojure edn on the backend, but displays as JSON in When exporting, the map must be encoded as json so that exports match the app's output.

(defn- dictionary-formatter
  (cond-> value
    (not (string? value)) json/encode))

Create a formatter for a column based on its timezone, column metadata, and visualization-settings

(mu/defn create-formatter
  ([timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] col visualization-settings]
   (create-formatter timezone-id col visualization-settings true))
  ([timezone-id :- [:maybe :string] col visualization-settings apply-formatting?]
     ;; for numbers, return a format function that has already computed the differences.
     ;; todo: do the same for temporal strings
     (and apply-formatting? (types/temporal-field? col))
     (datetime/make-temporal-str-formatter timezone-id col visualization-settings)
     (and apply-formatting? (isa? (:semantic_type col) :type/Coordinate))
     (partial format-geographic-coordinates (:semantic_type col))
     ;; todo integer columns with a unit
     (and apply-formatting?
          (or (isa? (:effective_type col) :type/Number)
              (isa? (:base_type col) :type/Number)))
     (number-formatter col visualization-settings)
     (or (isa? (:semantic_type col) :type/SerializedJSON)
         (isa? ((some-fn :effective_type :base_type) col) :type/Dictionary))
     (if apply-formatting? str identity))))