Logic for rendering datetimes when context such as timezone, column metadata, and visualization settings are known. | (ns metabase.formatter.datetime (:require [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.models.visualization-settings :as mb.viz] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.query-processor.streaming.common :as common] [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date] [metabase.util.formatting.constants :as constants] [metabase.util.log :as log]) (:import (com.ibm.icu.text RuleBasedNumberFormat) (java.util Locale))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
| (defn temporal-string? [s] (boolean (try (u.date/parse s) (catch Exception _e false)))) |
(defn- reformat-temporal-str [timezone-id s new-format-string] (t/format new-format-string (u.date/parse s timezone-id))) | |
(defn- day-of-week [n abbreviate] (let [fmtr (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern (if abbreviate "EEE" "EEEE"))] (.format fmtr (java.time.DayOfWeek/of n)))) | |
(defn- month-of-year [n abbreviate] (let [fmtr (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern (if abbreviate "MMM" "MMMM"))] (.format fmtr (java.time.Month/of n)))) | |
Format an integer as x-th of y, for example, 2nd week of year. | (defn- x-of-y [n] (let [nf (RuleBasedNumberFormat. (Locale. (public-settings/site-locale)) RuleBasedNumberFormat/ORDINAL)] (.format nf n))) |
(defn- hour-of-day [s time-style] (let [n (parse-long s) ts (u.date/parse "2022-01-01-00:00:00")] (u.date/format time-style (t/plus ts (t/hours n))))) | |
Get the column-settings map for the given column from the viz-settings. | (defn- viz-settings-for-col [{column-name :name :keys [field_ref]} viz-settings] (let [[_ field-id-or-name] field_ref all-cols-settings (-> viz-settings ::mb.viz/column-settings ;; update the keys so that they will have only the :field-id or :column-name ;; and not have any metadata. Since we don't know the metadata, we can never ;; match a key with metadata, even if we do have the correct name or id (update-keys #(select-keys % [::mb.viz/field-id ::mb.viz/column-name])))] (or (all-cols-settings {::mb.viz/field-id field-id-or-name}) (all-cols-settings {::mb.viz/column-name field-id-or-name}) (all-cols-settings {::mb.viz/column-name column-name})))) |
Given viz-settings with a time-style and possible time-enabled (precision) entry, create the format string.
Note that if the | (defn- determine-time-format [{:keys [time-style] :or {time-style "h:mm A"} :as viz-settings}] ;; NOTE - If :time-enabled is present but nil it will return nil (when-some [base-time-format (case (get viz-settings :time-enabled "minutes") "minutes" "mm" "seconds" "mm:ss" "milliseconds" "mm:ss.SSS" nil nil)] (case time-style "HH:mm" (format "HH:%s" base-time-format) ;; Deprecated time style which should be already converted to HH:mm when viz settings are ;; normalized, but we'll handle it here too just in case. (#18112) "k:mm" (str "h" base-time-format) ("h:mm A" "h:mm a") (format "h:%s a" base-time-format) time-style))) |
The Java pattern for DateTimeFormatter is | (defn- fix-time-style [time-style default-time-style] (str/replace (or time-style default-time-style) #"A" "a")) |
Potentially modify a date style to abbreviate names or add a different date separator. | (defn- post-process-date-style [date-style {:keys [date-abbreviate date-separator]}] (let [conditional-changes (cond-> (-> date-style (str/replace #"dddd" "EEEE")) date-separator (str/replace #"/" date-separator) date-abbreviate (-> (str/replace #"MMMM" "MMM") (str/replace #"EEEE" "EEE") (str/replace #"DDD" "D")))] (-> conditional-changes ;; 'D' formats as Day of year, we want Day of month, which is 'd' (issue #27469) (str/replace #"D" "d") ;; 'YYYY' formats as 'week-based-year', we want 'yyyy' which formats by 'year-of-era' ;; aka 'day-based-year'. We likely want that most (all?) of the time. ;; 'week-based-year' can report the wrong year on dates near the start/end of a year based on how ;; ISO-8601 defines what a week is: some days may end up in the 52nd or 1st week of the wrong year: ;; https://stackoverflow.com/a/46395342 provides an explanation. (str/replace #"YYYY" "yyyy")))) |
The dispatch function logic for format format-timestring. Find the first of the unit or highest type of the object. | (def ^:private col-type (some-fn :unit :semantic_type :effective_type :base_type)) |
Reformat a temporal literal string to the desired format based on column The type is the highest present of semantic, effective, or base type. This is currently expected to be one of:
If neither a unit nor a temporal type is provided, just bottom out by assuming a date. | (defmulti format-timestring {:arglists '([timezone-id temporal-str col viz-settings])} (fn [_timezone-id _temporal-str col _viz-settings] (col-type col))) |
(defmethod format-timestring :minute [timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-style time-style] :as viz-settings}] (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str (-> (or date-style "MMMM d, yyyy") (str ", " (fix-time-style time-style constants/default-time-style)) (post-process-date-style viz-settings)))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :hour [timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-style time-style] :as viz-settings}] (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str (-> (or date-style "MMMM d, yyyy") (str ", " (fix-time-style time-style "h a")) (post-process-date-style viz-settings)))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :day [timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-style] :as viz-settings}] (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str (-> (or date-style "EEEE, MMMM d, YYYY") (post-process-date-style viz-settings)))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :week [timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-style] :as viz-settings}] (let [date-style (or date-style "MMMM d, YYYY") end-temporal-str (-> temporal-str u.date/parse (u.date/add :day 6) u.date/format)] (str (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str (post-process-date-style date-style viz-settings)) " - " (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id end-temporal-str (post-process-date-style date-style viz-settings))))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :month [timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-style] :as viz-settings}] (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str (-> (or date-style "MMMM, yyyy") (post-process-date-style viz-settings)))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :quarter [timezone-id temporal-str _col _viz-settings] (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str "QQQ - yyyy")) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :year [timezone-id temporal-str _col _viz-settings] (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str "YYYY")) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :day-of-week [_timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-abbreviate]}] (day-of-week (parse-long temporal-str) date-abbreviate)) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :month-of-year [_timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-abbreviate]}] (month-of-year (parse-long temporal-str) date-abbreviate)) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :quarter-of-year [_timezone-id temporal-str _col _viz-settings] (format "Q%s" temporal-str)) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :hour-of-day [_timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [time-style]}] (hour-of-day temporal-str (fix-time-style time-style "h a"))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :week-of-year [_timezone-id temporal-str _col _viz-settings] (x-of-y (parse-long temporal-str))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :minute-of-hour [_timezone-id temporal-str _col _viz-settings] (x-of-y (parse-long temporal-str))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :day-of-month [_timezone-id temporal-str _col _viz-settings] (x-of-y (parse-long temporal-str))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :day-of-year [_timezone-id temporal-str _col _viz-settings] (x-of-y (parse-long temporal-str))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :type/Time [timezone-id temporal-str _col viz-settings] (let [time-style (some-> (determine-time-format viz-settings) (fix-time-style constants/default-time-style))] ;; ATM, the FE can technically say the time style is `nil` via the `:time-enabled` key. While this doesn't really ;; make sense, we should guard against it by returning an empty string if the time style is `nil`. (if time-style (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str time-style) ""))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :type/Date [timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-style] :as viz-settings}] (let [date-format (post-process-date-style (or date-style "MMMM d, yyyy") viz-settings)] (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str date-format))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :type/DateTime [timezone-id temporal-str _col {:keys [date-style] :as viz-settings}] (let [date-style (or date-style "MMMM d, yyyy") time-style (some-> (determine-time-format viz-settings) (fix-time-style constants/default-time-style)) date-time-style (cond-> date-style time-style (str ", " time-style)) default-format-string (post-process-date-style date-time-style viz-settings)] (t/format default-format-string (u.date/parse temporal-str timezone-id)))) | |
(defmethod format-timestring :default [timezone-id temporal-str {:keys [unit] :as col} {:keys [date-style] :as viz-settings}] (if (= :default unit) ;; When the unit is the `:default` literal we want to retry formatting with the data types contained in col. (format-timestring timezone-id temporal-str (dissoc col :unit) viz-settings) ;; We're making an assumption when we bottom out here that the string is compatible with this default format, ;; 'MMMM d, yyyy'. If the time string isn't compatible with this format, we just return the string. ;; This is not likely to happen IRL since you generally have a useful unit or know the type of the colum. A failure ;; mode that can be reproduced in test is trying to format a time string (e.g.'15:30:45Z') when the column has no ;; type information (e.g. a semantic or effective type of `:type/Time`). (let [date-format (post-process-date-style (or date-style "MMMM d, yyyy") viz-settings)] (try (reformat-temporal-str timezone-id temporal-str date-format) (catch Exception _ (log/warnf "Could not format temporal string %s in time zone %s with format %s." temporal-str timezone-id date-format) temporal-str))))) | |
Return a formatter which, given a temporal literal string, reformts it by combining time zone, column, and viz setting information to create a final desired output format. | (defn make-temporal-str-formatter [timezone-id col viz-settings] (Locale/setDefault (Locale. (public-settings/site-locale))) (let [merged-viz-settings (common/normalize-keys (common/viz-settings-for-col col viz-settings))] (fn [temporal-str] (if (str/blank? temporal-str) "" (format-timestring timezone-id temporal-str col merged-viz-settings))))) |