Driver notifications are used to let drivers know database details or other relevant information has
changed ( | (ns (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.driver :as driver] [ :as events] [metabase.util.log :as log] [methodical.core :as methodical])) |
(derive ::event :metabase/event) (derive :event/database-update ::event) (derive :event/database-delete ::event) | |
(methodical/defmethod events/publish-event! ::event [topic {database :object, previous-database :previous-object :as _event}] ;; try/catch here to prevent individual topic processing exceptions from bubbling up. better to handle them here. (try ;; notify the appropriate driver about the updated database to release any related resources, such as connections. ;; avoid notifying if the changes shouldn't impact the observable behaviour of any resource, otherwise drivers might ;; close connections or other resources unnecessarily (metabase#27877). (let [;; remove data that should not impact the observable state of any resource before comparing remove-irrelevant-data (fn [db] (reduce m/dissoc-in db [[:updated_at] [:settings :database-enable-actions]]))] (when (not= (remove-irrelevant-data database) (remove-irrelevant-data previous-database)) (driver/notify-database-updated (:engine database) database))) (catch Throwable e (log/warnf e "Failed to process driver notifications event. %s" topic)))) | |