| (methodical/defmethod events/publish-event! ::event
"When a Card is saved and associated Alerts are deleted send email notifications to recipients of that alert. At the
time of this writing this is triggered by [[metabase.models.card/delete-alerts-if-needed!]] and
by [[metabase.api.collection/maybe-send-archived-notifications!]]."
[topic {:keys [notifications card actor], :as _event}]
(let [send-message! (case topic
recipients (->> notifications
(mapcat :handlers)
(filter #(= :channel/email (:channel_type %)))
(mapcat :recipients)
(keep (fn [recipient]
(case (:type recipient)
(-> recipient :user :email)
(-> recipient :details :value)
(throw (ex-info "Unknown recipient type" {:recipient recipient}))))))]
(when (seq recipients)
(send-message! card recipients actor)))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e "Error sending notification email")))) |