Utility functions for common operations on drivers.

(ns metabase.driver.util
   [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.auth-provider :as auth-provider]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id]
   [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru trs]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.snake-hating-map :refer [snake-hating-map?]])
   (java.io ByteArrayInputStream)
   (java.security KeyFactory KeyStore PrivateKey)
   (java.security.cert Certificate CertificateFactory X509Certificate)
   (java.security.spec PKCS8EncodedKeySpec)
   (javax.net SocketFactory)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Generic error messages that drivers should return in their implementation of [[metabase.driver/humanize-connection-error-message]].

(def ^:private connection-error-messages
   {:message (deferred-tru
              (str "Hmm, we couldn''t connect to the database."
                   " "
                   "Make sure your Host and Port settings are correct"))
    :errors  {:host (deferred-tru "check your host settings")
              :port (deferred-tru "check your port settings")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru
              (str "We couldn''t connect to the SSH tunnel host."
                   " "
                   "Check the Username and Password."))
    :errors  {:tunnel-user (deferred-tru "check your username")
              :tunnel-pass (deferred-tru "check your password")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru
              (str "We couldn''t connect to the SSH tunnel host."
                   " "
                   "Check the Host and Port."))
    :errors  {:tunnel-host (deferred-tru "check your host settings")
              :tunnel-port (deferred-tru "check your port settings")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Looks like the Database name is incorrect.")
    :errors  {:dbname (deferred-tru "check your database name settings")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru
              (str "It looks like your Host is invalid."
                   " "
                   "Please double-check it and try again."))
    :errors  {:host (deferred-tru "check your host settings")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Looks like your Password is incorrect.")
    :errors  {:password (deferred-tru "check your password")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Looks like you forgot to enter your Password.")
    :errors  {:password (deferred-tru "check your password")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Looks like your Username is incorrect.")
    :errors  {:user (deferred-tru "check your username")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Looks like the Username or Password is incorrect.")
    :errors  {:user     (deferred-tru "check your username")
              :password (deferred-tru "check your password")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Server certificate not trusted - did you specify the correct SSL certificate chain?")}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Unsupported client SSL key type - are you using an RSA key?")}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Invalid client SSL key - did you select the correct file?")}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Server appears to require SSL - please enable SSL below")
    :errors  {:ssl (deferred-tru "please enable SSL")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Implicitly relative file paths are not allowed.")
    :errors  {:db (deferred-tru "check your connection string")}}
   {:message (deferred-tru "Database cannot be found.")
    :errors  {:db (deferred-tru "check your connection string")}}})
(defn- tr-connection-error-messages [error-type-kw]
  (when-let [message (connection-error-messages error-type-kw)]
    (cond-> message
      (contains? message :message) (update :message str)
      (contains? message :errors)  (update :errors update-vals str))))

Consider [[metabase.driver/can-connect?]] / [[can-connect-with-details?]] to have failed if they were not able to successfully connect after this many milliseconds. By default, this is 10 seconds.

This is normally set via the env var MB_DB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS

(defsetting db-connection-timeout-ms
  :visibility :internal
  :export?    false
  :type       :integer
  ;; for TESTS use a timeout time of 3 seconds. This is because we have some tests that check whether
  ;; [[driver/can-connect?]] is failing when it should, and we don't want them waiting 10 seconds to fail.
  ;; Don't set the timeout too low -- I've had Circle fail when the timeout was 1000ms on *one* occasion.
  :default    (if config/is-test?
  :doc "Timeout in milliseconds for connecting to databases, both Metabase application database and data connections.
        In case you're connecting via an SSH tunnel and run into a timeout, you might consider increasing this value
        as the connections via tunnels have more overhead than connections without.")

By default, this is 20 minutes.

This is normally set via the env var MB_DB_QUERY_TIMEOUT_MINUTES

(defsetting db-query-timeout-minutes
  :visibility :internal
  :export?    false
  :type       :integer
  ;; I don't know if these numbers make sense, but my thinking is we want to enable (somewhat) long-running queries on
  ;; prod but for test and dev purposes we want to fail faster because it usually means I broke something in the QP
  ;; code
  :default    (if config/is-prod?
  :doc "Timeout in minutes for databases query execution, both Metabase application database and data connections.
  If you have long-running queries, you might consider increasing this value.
  Adjusting the timeout does not impact Metabase’s frontend.
  Please be aware that other services (like Nginx) may still drop long-running queries.")
(defn- connection-error? [^Throwable throwable]
  (and (some? throwable)
       (or (instance? java.net.ConnectException throwable)
           (recur (.getCause throwable)))))

Check whether we can connect to a database with driver and details-map and perform a basic query such as `SELECT 1. Specify optional paramthrow-exceptions` if you want to handle any exceptions thrown yourself (e.g., so you can pass the exception message along to the user); otherwise defaults to returning false if a connection cannot be established.

(can-connect-with-details? :postgres {:host "localhost", :port 5432, ...})

(defn can-connect-with-details?
  ^Boolean [driver details-map & [throw-exceptions]]
  {:pre [(keyword? driver) (map? details-map)]}
  (if throw-exceptions
      (u/with-timeout (db-connection-timeout-ms)
        (or (driver/can-connect? driver details-map)
            (throw (Exception. "Failed to connect to Database"))))
      ;; actually if we are going to `throw-exceptions` we'll rethrow the original but attempt to humanize the message
      ;; first
      (catch Throwable e
        (log/error e "Failed to connect to Database")
        (throw (if-let [humanized-message (some->> (.getMessage e)
                                                   (driver/humanize-connection-error-message driver))]
                 (let [error-data (cond
                                    (keyword? humanized-message)
                                    (tr-connection-error-messages humanized-message)
                                    (connection-error? e)
                                    (tr-connection-error-messages :cannot-connect-check-host-and-port)
                                    {:message humanized-message})]
                   (ex-info (str (:message error-data)) error-data e))
      (can-connect-with-details? driver details-map :throw-exceptions)
      (catch Throwable e
        (log/error e "Failed to connect to database")

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Driver Resolution | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([db-id])} database->driver*
   (-> (mu/fn :- :keyword
         [db-id :- ::lib.schema.id/database]
         (qp.store/with-metadata-provider db-id
           (:engine (lib.metadata.protocols/database (qp.store/metadata-provider)))))
       (vary-meta assoc ::memoize/args-fn (fn [[db-id]]
                                            [(mdb/unique-identifier) db-id])))
   :ttl/threshold 1000))
(mu/defn database->driver :- :keyword
  "Look up the driver that should be used for a Database. Lightly cached.
  (This is cached for a second, so as to avoid repeated application DB calls if this function is called several times
  over the duration of a single API request or sync operation.)"
  [database-or-id :- [:or
                      {:error/message "Database or ID"}
                       [:engine [:or :keyword :string]]]
                       [:id ::lib.schema.id/database]]
  (if-let [driver (:engine database-or-id)]
    ;; ensure we get the driver as a keyword (sometimes it's a String)
    (keyword driver)
    (if (qp.store/initialized?)
      (:engine (lib.metadata/database (qp.store/metadata-provider)))
      (database->driver* (u/the-id database-or-id)))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Available Drivers Info | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

The maximum time in milliseconds that [[supports?]] should take to execute. This should be enough for a driver to query the database and check if it supports a feature under normal circumstances, but not so high that it delays critical metabase features that use this check.

(def supports?-timeout-ms

If true, [[supports?]] is memoized for the application DB. Memoization is disabled in dev and test mode by default to avoid accidental coupling between tests.

(def ^:dynamic *memoize-supports?*
  (not (or config/is-test? config/is-dev?)))
(defn- supports?* [driver feature database]
    (u/with-timeout supports?-timeout-ms
      (driver/database-supports? driver feature database))
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e (u/format-color 'red "Failed to check feature '%s' for database '%s'" (u/qualified-name feature) (:name database)))
(def ^:private memoized-supports?*
   (-> supports?*
       (vary-meta assoc ::memoize/args-fn
                  (fn [[driver feature database]]
                    [driver feature (mdb/unique-identifier) (:id database)
                     (if (snake-hating-map? database)
                       (:updated-at database)
                       (:updated_at database))])))))

A defensive wrapper around [[database-supports?]]. It adds logging, caching, and error handling to avoid crashing the app if this method takes a long time to execute or throws an exception. This is useful because supports? is used in so many critical places in the app, and we don't want a single driver to crash the app if it throws an exception, or delay the user if it takes a long time to execute.

(defn supports?
  [driver feature database]
  (let [f (if *memoize-supports?* memoized-supports?* supports?*)]
    (f driver feature database)))

Return a set of all features supported by driver with respect to database.

(defn features
  [driver database]
  (set (for [feature driver/features
             :when (supports? driver feature database)]

Returns true if a driver is supported in the the current metabase environment. As implemented this just disallows the sqlite driver on hosted metabase because hosted metabase does not support uploading a SQLite file for use.

(defn- supported-in-environment?
  (or (not (premium-features/is-hosted?))
      (not= :sqlite (keyword driver))))

Return a set of all currently available drivers.

(defn available-drivers
  (set (for [driver (descendants driver/hierarchy :metabase.driver/driver)
             :when  (and (driver/available? driver)
                         (supported-in-environment? driver))]
(mu/defn semantic-version-gte :- :boolean
  "Returns true if xv is greater than or equal to yv according to semantic versioning.
   xv and yv are sequences of integers of the form `[major minor ...]`, where only
   major is obligatory.
   (semantic-version-gte [4 1] [4 1]) => true
   (semantic-version-gte [4 0 1] [4 1]) => false
   (semantic-version-gte [4 1] [4]) => true
   (semantic-version-gte [3 1] [4]) => false"
  [xv :- [:maybe [:sequential ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero]]
   yv :- [:maybe [:sequential ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero]]]
  (loop [xv (seq xv), yv (seq yv)]
    (or (nil? yv)
        (let [[x & xs] xv
              [y & ys] yv
              x (if (nil? x) 0 x)
              y (if (nil? y) 0 y)]
          (or (> x y)
              (and (>= x y) (recur xs ys)))))))
(defn- file-upload-props [{prop-name :name, visible-if :visible-if, disp-nm :display-name, :as conn-prop}]
  (if (premium-features/is-hosted?)
    [(-> (assoc conn-prop
                :name (str prop-name "-value")
                :type "textFile"
                :treat-before-posting "base64")
         (dissoc :secret-kind))]
    [(cond-> {:name (str prop-name "-options")
              :display-name disp-nm
              :type "select"
              :options [{:name (trs "Local file path")
                         :value "local"}
                        {:name (trs "Uploaded file path")
                         :value "uploaded"}]
              :default "local"}
       visible-if (assoc :visible-if visible-if))
     (-> {:name (str prop-name "-value")
          :type "textFile"
          :treat-before-posting "base64"
          :visible-if {(keyword (str prop-name "-options")) "uploaded"}}
         (dissoc :secret-kind))
     {:name (str prop-name "-path")
      :type "string"
      :display-name (trs "File path")
      :placeholder (:placeholder conn-prop)
      :visible-if {(keyword (str prop-name "-options")) "local"}}]))

Turns x into a String. If x a keyword, then name is used. Otherwise, str is called on it.

(defn- ->str
  (if (keyword? k)
    (name k)
    (str k)))

Expands a connection-property into multiple fields based on :secret-kind.

(defn expand-secret-conn-prop
  [{prop-name :name, :as conn-prop}]
  (case (->str (:secret-kind conn-prop))
    "password"    [(-> conn-prop
                       (assoc :type "password")
                       (assoc :name (str prop-name "-value"))
                       (dissoc :secret-kind))]
    "keystore"    (file-upload-props conn-prop)
    ;; this may not necessarily be a keystore (could be a standalone PKCS-8 or PKCS-12 file)
    "binary-blob" (file-upload-props conn-prop)
    ;; PEM is a plaintext format
    ;; TODO: do we need to also allow a textarea type paste for this?  would require another special case
    "pem-cert"    (file-upload-props conn-prop)

Invokes the getter function on a info type connection property and adds it to the connection property map as its placeholder value. Returns nil if no placeholder value or getter is provided, or if the getter returns a non-string value or throws an exception.

(defn- resolve-info-conn-prop
  [{getter :getter, placeholder :placeholder, :as conn-prop}]
  (let [content (or placeholder
                    (try (getter)
                         (catch Throwable e
                           (log/errorf e "Error invoking getter for connection property %s" (:name conn-prop)))))]
    (when (string? content)
      (-> conn-prop
          (assoc :placeholder content)
          (dissoc :getter)))))

Invokes the check function on a checked-section connection property and if truthy adds it to the connection property map.

(defn- resolve-checked-section-conn-prop
  [{:keys [check] :as conn-prop}]
  (if (try (check)
           (catch Throwable e
             (log/errorf e "Error invoking getter for connection property %s" (:name conn-prop))))
    [(-> conn-prop
         (assoc :type "section")
         (dissoc :check))]
(defn- expand-schema-filters-prop [prop]
  (let [prop-name (:name prop)
        disp-name (or (:display-name prop) )
        type-prop-nm (str prop-name "-type")]
    [{:name type-prop-nm
      :display-name disp-name
      :type "select"
      :options [{:name (trs "All")
                 :value "all"}
                {:name (trs "Only these...")
                 :value "inclusion"}
                {:name (trs "All except...")
                 :value "exclusion"}]
      :default "all"}
     {:name (str prop-name "-patterns")
      :type "text"
      :placeholder "E.x. public,auth*"
      :description (trs "Comma separated names of {0} that should appear in Metabase" (u/lower-case-en disp-name))
      :visible-if  {(keyword type-prop-nm) "inclusion"}
      :helper-text (trs "You can use patterns like \"auth*\" to match multiple {0}" (u/lower-case-en disp-name))
      :required true}
     {:name (str prop-name "-patterns")
      :type "text"
      :placeholder "E.x. public,auth*"
      :description (trs "Comma separated names of {0} that should NOT appear in Metabase" (u/lower-case-en disp-name))
      :visible-if  {(keyword type-prop-nm) "exclusion"}
      :helper-text (trs "You can use patterns like \"auth*\" to match multiple {0}" (u/lower-case-en disp-name))
      :required true}]))

Finds the first property of type :schema-filters for the given driver connection properties. Returns nil if the driver has no property of that type.

(defn find-schema-filters-prop
  (first (filter (fn [conn-prop]
                   (= :schema-filters (keyword (:type conn-prop))))
                 (driver/connection-properties driver))))

Transforms conn-props for the given driver from their server side definition into a client side definition.

This transforms :type :secret properties from the server side definition into other types for client display/editing. For example, a :secret-kind :keystore turns into a bunch of different properties, to encapsulate all the different options that might be available on the client side for populating the value.

This also resolves the :getter function on :type :info properties and the :check function on :type :checked-sections, if one was provided.

(defn connection-props-server->client
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [driver conn-props]
  (let [res (reduce (fn [acc conn-prop]
                      ;; TODO: change this to expanded- and use that as the basis for all calcs below (not conn-prop)
                      (let [expanded-props (case (keyword (:type conn-prop))
                                             (expand-secret-conn-prop conn-prop)
                                             (if-let [conn-prop' (resolve-info-conn-prop conn-prop)]
                                             (resolve-checked-section-conn-prop conn-prop)
                                             (expand-schema-filters-prop conn-prop)
                        (-> (update acc ::final-props concat expanded-props)
                            (update ::props-by-name merge (into {} (map (fn [p]
                                                                          [(:name p) p])) expanded-props)))))
                    {::final-props [] ::props-by-name {}}
        {::keys [final-props props-by-name]} res]
    ;; now, traverse the visible-if-edges and update all visible-if entries with their full set of "transitive"
    ;; dependencies (if property x depends on y having a value, but y itself depends on z having a value, then x
    ;; should be hidden if y is)
    (mapv (fn [prop]
            (let [v-ifs* (loop [props* [prop]
                                acc    {}]
                           (if (seq props*)
                             (let [all-visible-ifs  (m/filter-kv
                                                     (fn [prop-name v]
                                                       (or (contains? props-by-name (->str prop-name))
                                                            ;; If v is false then this depended on a removed :checked-section
                                                            ;; and the dependency should be dropped.
                                                           (not (false? v))))
                                                     (apply merge (map :visible-if props*)))
                                   transitive-props (map (comp (partial get props-by-name) ->str)
                                                         (keys all-visible-ifs))
                                   next-acc         (merge all-visible-ifs acc)
                                   cyclic-props     (set/intersection (into #{} (keys all-visible-ifs))
                                                                      (into #{} (keys acc)))]
                               (if (empty? cyclic-props)
                                 (recur transitive-props next-acc)
                                 (-> (trs "Cycle detected resolving dependent visible-if properties for driver {0}: {1}"
                                          driver cyclic-props)
                                     (ex-info {:type               qp.error-type/driver
                                               :driver             driver
                                               :cyclic-visible-ifs cyclic-props})
              (cond-> prop
                (seq v-ifs*) (assoc :visible-if v-ifs*)
                (empty? v-ifs*) (dissoc :visible-if))))

A regex to match data-URL-encoded files uploaded via the frontend

(def data-url-pattern

The set of all official drivers

(def official-drivers

The set of other drivers in the partnership program

(def partner-drivers
  #{"clickhouse" "firebolt" "materialize" "starburst"})

Return the source type of the driver: official, partner, or community

(defn driver-source
    (contains? official-drivers driver-name) "official"
    (contains? partner-drivers driver-name) "partner"
    :else "community"))

Return info about all currently available drivers, including their connection properties fields and supported features. The output of driver/connection-properties is passed through connection-props-server->client before being returned, to handle any transformation between the server side and client side representation.

(defn available-drivers-info
  (into {} (for [driver (available-drivers)
                 :let   [props (try
                                 (->> (driver/connection-properties driver)
                                      (connection-props-server->client driver))
                                 (catch Throwable e
                                   (log/errorf e "Unable to determine connection properties for driver %s" driver)))]
                 :when  props]
             ;; TODO - maybe we should rename `details-fields` -> `connection-properties` on the FE as well?
             [driver {:source {:type (driver-source (name driver))
                               :contact (driver/contact-info driver)}
                      :details-fields props
                      :driver-name    (driver/display-name driver)
                      :superseded-by  (driver/superseded-by driver)}])))

Available database engines

(defsetting engines
  :visibility :public
  :setter     :none
  :getter     available-drivers-info
  :doc        false)

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TLS Helpers | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(defn- dn-for-cert
  [^X509Certificate cert]
  (.. cert getSubjectX500Principal getName))
(defn- key-type [key-string]
  (when-let [m (re-find #"^-----BEGIN (?:(\p{Alnum}+) )?PRIVATE KEY-----\n" key-string)]
    (m 1)))

Parses an RSA private key from the PEM string key-string.

(defn- parse-rsa-key
  ^PrivateKey [key-string]
  (let [algorithm (or (key-type key-string) "RSA")
        key-base64 (-> key-string
                       (str/replace #"^-----BEGIN (?:(\p{Alnum}+) )?PRIVATE KEY-----\n" "")
                       (str/replace #"\n-----END (?:(\p{Alnum}+) )?PRIVATE KEY-----\s*$" "")
                       (str/replace #"\s" ""))
        decoded (u/decode-base64-to-bytes key-base64)
        key-factory (KeyFactory/getInstance algorithm)] ; TODO support other algorithms
    (.generatePrivate key-factory (PKCS8EncodedKeySpec. decoded))))

Parses a collection of X509 certificates from the string cert-string.

(defn- parse-certificates
  [^String cert-string]
  (let [cert-factory (CertificateFactory/getInstance "X.509")
        cert-stream (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes cert-string "UTF-8"))]
    (.generateCertificates cert-factory cert-stream)))

Generates a KeyStore for the identity with key parsed from key-string protected by password and the certificate parsed from cert-string .

(defn generate-identity-store
  ^KeyStore [key-string password cert-string]
  (let [private-key (parse-rsa-key key-string)
        certificates (parse-certificates cert-string)]
    (doto (KeyStore/getInstance (KeyStore/getDefaultType))
      (.load nil nil)
      (.setKeyEntry (dn-for-cert (first certificates))
                    (char-array password)
                    (into-array Certificate certificates)))))

Generates a KeyStore with built-in and custom certificates. The custom certificates are parsed from cert-store.

(defn generate-trust-store
  ^KeyStore [cert-string]
  (let [certs (parse-certificates cert-string)
        keystore (doto (KeyStore/getInstance (KeyStore/getDefaultType))
                   (.load nil nil))
        ;; this TrustManagerFactory is used for cloning the default certs into the new TrustManagerFactory
        base-trust-manager-factory (doto (TrustManagerFactory/getInstance (TrustManagerFactory/getDefaultAlgorithm))
                                     (.init ^KeyStore (cast KeyStore nil)))]
    (doseq [cert certs]
      (.setCertificateEntry keystore (dn-for-cert cert) cert))
    (doseq [^X509TrustManager trust-mgr (.getTrustManagers base-trust-manager-factory)]
      (when (instance? X509TrustManager trust-mgr)
        (doseq [issuer (.getAcceptedIssuers trust-mgr)]
          (.setCertificateEntry keystore (dn-for-cert issuer) issuer))))
(defn- key-managers [private-key password own-cert]
  (let [key-store (generate-identity-store private-key password own-cert)
        key-manager-factory (KeyManagerFactory/getInstance (KeyManagerFactory/getDefaultAlgorithm))]
    (.init key-manager-factory key-store (char-array password))
    (.getKeyManagers key-manager-factory)))
(defn- trust-managers [trust-cert]
  (let [trust-store (generate-trust-store trust-cert)
        trust-manager-factory (TrustManagerFactory/getInstance (TrustManagerFactory/getDefaultAlgorithm))]
    (.init trust-manager-factory trust-store)
    (.getTrustManagers trust-manager-factory)))

Generates a SSLContext with the custom certificates added.

(defn ssl-context
  ^javax.net.ssl.SSLContext [& {:keys [private-key own-cert trust-cert]}]
  (let [ssl-context (SSLContext/getInstance "TLS")]
    (.init ssl-context
           (when (and private-key own-cert) (key-managers private-key (str (random-uuid)) own-cert))
           (when trust-cert (trust-managers trust-cert))

Generates a SocketFactory with the custom certificates added.

(defn ssl-socket-factory
  ^SocketFactory [& {:keys [_private-key _own-cert _trust-cert] :as args}]
  (.getSocketFactory (ssl-context args)))

Set of fields that should always be obfuscated in API responses, as they contain sensitive data.

(def default-sensitive-fields
  #{:password :pass :tunnel-pass :tunnel-private-key :tunnel-private-key-passphrase :access-token :refresh-token

Returns all sensitive fields that should be redacted in API responses for a given database. Calls get-sensitive-fields using the given database's driver, if that driver is valid and registered. Refer to get-sensitive-fields docstring for full details.

(defn sensitive-fields
  (if-some [conn-prop-fn (get-method driver/connection-properties driver)]
    (let [all-fields      (conn-prop-fn driver)
          password-fields (filter #(contains? #{:password :secret} (keyword (get % :type))) all-fields)]
      (into default-sensitive-fields (map (comp keyword :name) password-fields)))

Incorporates auth-provider responses with db-details.

If you have a database you need to pass the database-id as some providers will need to save the response (e.g. refresh-tokens).

(defn fetch-and-incorporate-auth-provider-details
  ([driver db-details]
   (fetch-and-incorporate-auth-provider-details driver nil db-details))
  ([driver database-id {:keys [use-auth-provider auth-provider] :as db-details}]
   (if use-auth-provider
     (let [auth-provider (keyword auth-provider)]
        (auth-provider/fetch-auth auth-provider database-id db-details)