Utility functions for writing SQL drivers.

(ns metabase.driver.sql.util
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu])
   (com.github.vertical_blank.sqlformatter SqlFormatter SqlFormatter$Formatter)
   (com.github.vertical_blank.sqlformatter.core DialectConfig)
   (com.github.vertical_blank.sqlformatter.languages Dialect)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Quote unqualified string or keyword identifier(s) by passing them to h2x/identifier, then calling HoneySQL format on the resulting Identifier. Uses the sql.qp/quote-style of the current driver. You can implement ->honeysql for Identifier if you need custom behavior here.

(quote-name :mysql :field "wow") ; -> "wow" (quote-name :h2 :field "wow") ; -> "\"WOW\""

You should only use this function for places where you are not using HoneySQL, such as queries written directly in SQL. For HoneySQL forms, Identifier is converted to SQL automatically when it is compiled.

(mu/defn quote-name
  "Quote unqualified string or keyword identifier(s) by passing them to `h2x/identifier`, then calling HoneySQL `format`
  on the resulting `Identifier`. Uses the `sql.qp/quote-style` of the current driver. You can implement `->honeysql`
  for `Identifier` if you need custom behavior here.
    (quote-name :mysql :field \"wow\") ; -> \"`wow`\"
    (quote-name :h2    :field \"wow\") ; -> \"\\\"WOW\\\"\"
  You should only use this function for places where you are not using HoneySQL, such as queries written directly in
  SQL. For HoneySQL forms, `Identifier` is converted to SQL automatically when it is compiled."
  [driver          :- :keyword
   identifier-type :- h2x/IdentifierType
   & components]
   (sql.qp/format-honeysql driver (apply h2x/identifier identifier-type components))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Deduplicate Field Aliases | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(mu/defn- increment-identifier-string :- :string
  [last-component :- :string]
  (if-let [[_ existing-suffix] (re-find #"^.*_(\d+$)" last-component)]
    ;; if last-component already has an alias like col_2 then increment it to col_3
    (let [new-suffix (str (inc (Integer/parseInt existing-suffix)))]
      (str/replace last-component (re-pattern (str existing-suffix \$)) new-suffix))
    ;; otherwise just stick a _2 on the end so it's col_2
    (str last-component "_2")))

Add an appropriate suffix to a keyword identifier to make it distinct from previous usages of the same identifier, e.g.

(increment-identifier :mycol) ; -> :mycol_2 (increment-identifier :mycol2) ; -> :mycol3

(mu/defn- increment-identifier
  [[_tag identifier-type components] :- h2x/Identifier]
  (let [components' (concat
                     (butlast components)
                     [(increment-identifier-string (u/qualified-name (last components)))])]
    (apply h2x/identifier identifier-type components')))

Make sure all the columns in select-clause are alias forms, e.g. [:table.col :col] instead of :table.col. (This facilitates our deduplication logic.)

(defn select-clause-alias-everything
  (for [col select-clause]
      ;; if something's already an alias form like [:table.col :col] it's g2g
      (and (sequential? col)
           (not (h2x/identifier? col)))
      ;; otherwise we *should* be dealing with an Identifier. If so, take the last component of the Identifier and use
      ;; that as the alias.
      ;; TODO - could this be done using `->honeysql` or `field->alias` instead?
      (h2x/identifier? col)
      (let [[_tag _identifier-type components] col]
        [col (h2x/identifier :field-alias (last components))])
        (log/errorf "Don't know how to alias %s, expected an h2x/identifier" (pr-str col))
        [col col]))))

Make sure every column in select-clause has a unique alias. This is useful for databases like Oracle that can't figure out how to use a query that produces duplicate columns in a subselect.

(defn select-clause-deduplicate-aliases
  (if (= select-clause [:*])
    ;; if we're doing `SELECT *` there's no way we can deduplicate anything so we're SOL, return as-is
    ;; otherwise we can actually deduplicate things
    (loop [already-seen #{}, acc [], [[col alias] & more] (select-clause-alias-everything select-clause)]
        ;; if not more cols are left to deduplicate, we're done
        (not col)
        ;; otherwise if we've already used this alias, replace it with one like `identifier_2` and try agan
        (contains? already-seen alias)
        (recur already-seen acc (cons [col (increment-identifier alias)]
        ;; otherwise if we haven't seen it record it as seen and move on to the next column
        (recur (conj already-seen alias) (conj acc [col alias]) more)))))

Escape single quotes in a SQL string. escape-style is either :ansi (escape a single quote with two single quotes) or :backslashes (escape a single quote with a backslash).

(escape-sql "Tito's Tacos" :ansi) ; -> "Tito''s Tacos" (escape-sql "Tito's Tacos" :backslashes) ; -> "Tito\'s Tacos"



For user input, ALWAYS pass parameters separately (e.g. using ? in the SQL) where supported, or if unsupported, encode the strings as hex and splice in something along the lines of utf8_string(hex_decode(<hex-string>)) instead. This is intended only for escaping trusted strings, or for generating the SQL equivalent version of an MBQL query for debugging purposes or powering the 'convert to SQL' feature.

(defn escape-sql
  "Escape single quotes in a SQL string. `escape-style` is either `:ansi` (escape a single quote with two single quotes)
  or `:backslashes` (escape a single quote with a backslash).
    (escape-sql \"Tito's Tacos\" :ansi)        ; -> \"Tito''s Tacos\"
    (escape-sql \"Tito's Tacos\" :backslashes) ; -> \"Tito\\'s Tacos\"
  !!!! VERY IMPORTANT !!!!
  For user input, *ALWAYS* pass parameters separately (e.g. using `?` in the SQL) where supported, or if unsupported,
  encode the strings as hex and splice in something along the lines of `utf8_string(hex_decode(<hex-string>))`
  instead. This is intended only for escaping trusted strings, or for generating the SQL equivalent version of an MBQL
  query for debugging purposes or powering the 'convert to SQL' feature."
  {:arglists '([s :ansi] [s :backslashes])}
  ^String [^String s escape-style]
  (when s
    (case escape-style
      :ansi        (str/replace s "'" "''")
      :backslashes (-> s
                       (str/replace "\\" "\\\\")
                       (str/replace "'" "\\'")))))

Validate the arguments of convert-timezone. - if input column has timezone only target-timezone is required, throw exception if source-timezone is provided. - if input column doesn't have a timezone both target-timezone and source-timezone are required.

(defn validate-convert-timezone-args
  [has-timezone? target-timezone source-timezone]
  (when (and has-timezone? source-timezone)
    (throw (ex-info (tru "input column already has a set timezone. Please remove the source parameter in convertTimezone.")
                    {:type            qp.error-type/invalid-query
                     :target-timezone target-timezone
                     :source-timezone source-timezone})))
  (when (and (not has-timezone?) (not source-timezone))
    (throw (ex-info (tru "input column doesn''t have a set timezone. Please set the source parameter in convertTimezone to convert it.")
                    {:type            qp.error-type/invalid-query
                     :target-timezone target-timezone
                     :source-timezone source-timezone}))))

[[format-sql]] will expand parameterized values (e.g. {{#123}} -> { { # 123 } }). This function fixes that by removing whitespace from matching double-curly brace substrings.

(defn fix-sql-params
  (when (string? sql)
    (let [rgx #"\{\s*\{\s*[^\}]+\s*\}\s*\}"]
      (str/replace sql rgx (fn [match] (str/replace match #"\s*" ""))))))

Mapping of dialect kw to dialect, used by sql formatter in [[format-sql]], to dialect.

(def dialects
  {:db2         Dialect/Db2
   :databricks  Dialect/SparkSql
   :mariadb     Dialect/MariaDb
   :mysql       Dialect/MySql
   :n1ql        Dialect/N1ql
   :plsql       Dialect/PlSql
   :postgres    Dialect/PostgreSql
   :redshift    Dialect/Redshift
   :sparksql    Dialect/SparkSql
   :standardsql Dialect/StandardSql
   :tsql        Dialect/TSql})
(def ^:private ^java.util.List additional-operators
  ["#>>" "!="])
(defn- add-operators
  ^SqlFormatter$Formatter [^SqlFormatter$Formatter formatter]
  (.extend formatter (reify java.util.function.UnaryOperator
                       (apply [_this config]
                         (.plusOperators ^DialectConfig config additional-operators)))))

Pretty format sql string using appropriate dialect. dialect is derived from driver-or-dialect-kw. If there is no corresponding value in [[dialects]]. fallback to Dialect/StandardSql. For more details see the [[metabase.driver/prettify-native-form]].

(defn format-sql
  [driver-or-dialect-kw sql]
  (when (string? sql)
    (let [dialect (get dialects driver-or-dialect-kw Dialect/StandardSql)
          formatter (add-operators (SqlFormatter/of ^Dialect dialect))]
      (.format formatter ^String sql))))

[[format-sql]] and [[fix-sql-params]] afterwards. For details see those functions.

(defn format-sql-and-fix-params
  [driver-or-dialect-kw sql]
  (-> (format-sql driver-or-dialect-kw sql) fix-sql-params))