Deprecated stuff that used to live in [[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor]]. Moved here so it can live out its last days in a place we don't have to look at it, and to discourage people from using it. Also convenient for seeing everything that's deprecated at a glance.

Deprecated method impls should call [[log-deprecation-warning]] to gently nudge driver authors to stop using this method.

(ns metabase.driver.sql.query-processor.deprecated
   [ :as]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]))

This is unused at this moment in time but we can leave it around in case we want to use it again in the future (likely). See the code at v0.45.0 for example where we were using this a lot

Log a warning about usage of a deprecated method.

(log-deprecation-warning driver 'my.namespace/method "v0.42.0")

TODO -- this is actually pretty handy and I think we ought to use it for all the deprecated driver methods.

(defn log-deprecation-warning
  [driver method-name deprecated-version]
  (letfn [(thunk []
            (log/warn (u/format-color :red
                                      (str "Warning: Driver %s is using %s. This method was deprecated in %s and will"
                                           " be removed in a future release.")
                                      driver method-name deprecated-version)))]
    ;; only log each individual message once for the current QP store; by 'caching' the value with the key it is
    ;; effectively memoized for the rest of the QP run for the current query. The goal here is to avoid blasting the
    ;; logs with warnings about deprecated method calls, but still remind people regularly enough that it gets fixed
    ;; sometime in the near future.
    (if (
      ( [driver method-name deprecated-version]