SQL JDBC impl for describe-fields, describe-table, describe-fks, describe-table-fks, and describe-nested-field-columns. describe-table-fks is deprecated and will be replaced by describe-fks in the future.

(ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.describe-table
   [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.db.metadata-queries :as metadata-queries]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.sql :as driver.sql]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.common :as sql-jdbc.sync.common]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface :as sql-jdbc.sync.interface]
   [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
   [metabase.lib.schema.literal :as lib.schema.literal]
   [metabase.models.setting :as setting]
   [metabase.models.table :as table]
   [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
   [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]}
   [toucan2.core :as t2])
   (com.fasterxml.jackson.core JsonFactory JsonParser JsonToken JsonParser$NumberType)
   (java.sql Connection DatabaseMetaData ResultSet)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/column->semantic-type :sql-jdbc
  [_driver _database-type _column-name]

Return a database-type->base-type function that matches types based on a sequence of pattern / base-type pairs. pattern->type is a map of regex pattern to MBQL type keyword.

(defn pattern-based-database-type->base-type
  (fn database-type->base-type [column-type]
    (let [column-type (name column-type)]
       (fn [[pattern base-type]]
         (when (re-find pattern column-type)

Returns a set of all of the catalogs found via metadata

(defn get-catalogs
  [^DatabaseMetaData metadata]
  (with-open [rs (.getCatalogs metadata)]
    (set (map :table_cat (jdbc/metadata-result rs)))))

Given a database-type (e.g. VARCHAR) return the mapped Metabase type (e.g. :type/Text).

(defn- database-type->base-type-or-warn
  [driver database-type]
  (or (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/database-type->base-type driver (keyword database-type))
      (do (log/warnf "Don't know how to map column type '%s' to a Field base_type, falling back to :type/*."

Get an appropriate semantic type for a column with column-name of type database-type.

(defn- calculated-semantic-type
  [driver ^String column-name ^String database-type]
  (when-let [semantic-type (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/column->semantic-type driver database-type column-name)]
    (assert (isa? semantic-type :type/*)
            (str "Invalid type: " semantic-type))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/fallback-metadata-query :sql-jdbc
  [driver db-name-or-nil schema-name table-name]
  {:pre [(string? table-name)]}
  ;; Using our SQL compiler here to get portable LIMIT (e.g. `SELECT TOP n ...` for SQL Server/Oracle)
  (let [table    (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (h2x/identifier :table db-name-or-nil schema-name table-name))
        honeysql {:select [:*]
                  :from   [[table]]
                  :where  [:not= (sql.qp/inline-num 1) (sql.qp/inline-num 1)]}
        honeysql (sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause driver :limit honeysql {:limit 0})]
    (sql.qp/format-honeysql driver honeysql)))

In some rare cases :column_name is blank (eg. SQLite's views with group by) fallback to sniffing the type from a SELECT * query.

(defn- fallback-fields-metadata-from-select-query
  [driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil schema table]
  ;; some DBs (:sqlite) don't actually return the correct metadata for LIMIT 0 queries
  (let [[sql & params] (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/fallback-metadata-query driver db-name-or-nil schema table)]
    (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit
      (reduce [_ rf init]
        (with-open [stmt (sql-jdbc.sync.common/prepare-statement driver conn sql params)
                    rs   (.executeQuery stmt)]
          (let [metadata (.getMetaData rs)]
             ((map (fn [^Integer i]
                     ;; TODO: missing :database-required column as ResultSetMetadata does not have information about
                     ;; the default value of a column, so we can't make sure whether a column is required or not
                     {:name                       (.getColumnName metadata i)
                      :database-type              (.getColumnTypeName metadata i)
                      :database-is-auto-increment (.isAutoIncrement metadata i)})) rf)
             (range 1 (inc (.getColumnCount metadata))))))))))

Reducible metadata about the Fields belonging to a Table, fetching using JDBC DatabaseMetaData methods.

(defn- jdbc-fields-metadata
  [driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil schema table-name]
   #(.getColumns (.getMetaData conn)
                 (some->> schema (driver/escape-entity-name-for-metadata driver))
                 (some->> table-name (driver/escape-entity-name-for-metadata driver))
   (fn [^ResultSet rs]
      ;; https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html#getColumns(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String)
     #(let [default            (.getString rs "COLUMN_DEF")
            no-default?        (contains? #{nil "NULL" "null"} default)
            nullable           (.getInt rs "NULLABLE")
            not-nullable?      (= 0 nullable)
             ;; IS_AUTOINCREMENT could return nil
            auto-increment     (.getString rs "IS_AUTOINCREMENT")
            auto-increment?    (= "YES" auto-increment)
            no-auto-increment? (= "NO" auto-increment)
            column-name        (.getString rs "COLUMN_NAME")
            required?          (and no-default? not-nullable? no-auto-increment?)]
         {:name                       column-name
          :database-type              (.getString rs "TYPE_NAME")
          :database-is-auto-increment auto-increment?
          :database-required          required?}
         (when-let [remarks (.getString rs "REMARKS")]
           (when-not (str/blank? remarks)
             {:field-comment remarks})))))))
(defn ^:private fields-metadata
  [driver ^Connection conn {schema :schema, table-name :name} ^String db-name-or-nil]
  {:pre [(instance? Connection conn) (string? table-name)]}
  (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit
    (reduce [_ rf init]
      ;; 1. Return all the Fields that come back from DatabaseMetaData that include type info.
      ;; 2. Iff there are some Fields that don't have type info, concatenate
      ;;    `fallback-fields-metadata-from-select-query`, which fetches the same Fields using a different method.
      ;; 3. Filter out any duplicates between the two methods using `m/distinct-by`.
      (let [has-fields-without-type-info? (volatile! false)
            ;; intented to fix syncing dynamic tables for snowflake.
            ;; currently there is a bug in snowflake jdbc (snowflake#1574) in which it doesn't return columns for dynamic tables
            jdbc-returns-no-field?        (volatile! true)
            jdbc-metadata                 (eduction
                                           (remove (fn [{:keys [database-type]}]
                                                     (when @jdbc-returns-no-field?
                                                       (vreset! jdbc-returns-no-field? false))
                                                     (when (str/blank? database-type)
                                                       (vreset! has-fields-without-type-info? true)
                                           (jdbc-fields-metadata driver conn db-name-or-nil schema table-name))
            fallback-metadata             (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit
                                            (reduce [_ rf init]
                                               (when (or @jdbc-returns-no-field? @has-fields-without-type-info?)
                                                 (fallback-fields-metadata-from-select-query driver conn db-name-or-nil schema table-name)))))]
         ((comp cat (m/distinct-by :name)) rf)
         [jdbc-metadata fallback-metadata])))))

Returns a transducer for computing metadata about the fields in db.

(defn describe-fields-xf
  [driver db]
  (map (fn [col]
         (let [base-type (database-type->base-type-or-warn driver (:database-type col))
               semantic-type (calculated-semantic-type driver (:name col) (:database-type col))
               json? (isa? base-type :type/JSON)
               database-position (some-> (:database-position col) int)]
            (u/select-non-nil-keys col [:table-name
            {:table-schema      (:table-schema col) ;; can be nil
             :base-type         base-type
             ;; json-unfolding is true by default for JSON fields, but this can be overridden at the DB level
             :json-unfolding    json?}
            (when database-position
              {:database-position database-position})
            (when semantic-type
              {:semantic-type semantic-type})
            (when (and json? (driver/database-supports? driver :nested-field-columns db))
              {:visibility-type :details-only}))))))

Returns a transducer for computing metadata about the fields in a table, given the database db.

(defn describe-table-fields-xf
  [driver db]
   (describe-fields-xf driver db)
   (map-indexed (fn [i col] (dissoc (assoc col :database-position i) :table-schema)))))

Returns a set of column metadata for table using JDBC Connection conn.

(defmulti describe-table-fields
  {:added    "0.45.0"
   :arglists '([driver ^Connection conn table ^String db-name-or-nil])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(defmethod describe-table-fields :sql-jdbc
  [driver conn table db-name-or-nil]
   (describe-table-fields-xf driver (table/database table))
   (fields-metadata driver conn table db-name-or-nil)))

Returns a vector of primary keys for table using a JDBC DatabaseMetaData from JDBC Connection conn. The PKs should be ordered by column names if there are multiple PKs. Ref: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html#getPrimaryKeys-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-

Note: If db-name, schema, and table-name are not passed, this may return all pks that the metadata's connection can access.

This does not need to be implemented for drivers that support the [[driver/describe-fields]] multimethod.

TODO -- it seems like in practice we usually call this without passing in a DB name, so db-name-or-nil is almost always just nil. There's currently not a great driver-agnostic way to determine the actual physical Database name anyway... Database :name is wrong, because it's a display name rather than a physical name. We might want to consider reworking this method so it takes database and table as arguments, and drivers can extract the Database name as needed if they want to do so from database.

(defmulti get-table-pks
  {:changelog-test/ignore true
   :added    "0.45.0"
   :arglists '([driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil table])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)

Starting in 51+ we started giving test Databases like test-data a helpful :name like test-data (h2) for ease of use in the GUI. This helps us catch situations where we're using the human-friendly Database name rather than the actual physical database name for things like sync. Check and make sure we're not trying to use the user-friendly Database :name under the hood, since the actual name should still be something like test-data.

(defn- assert-database-name-does-not-include-driver
  [driver db-name]
  (when (and db-name
             (str/ends-with? db-name (format "(%s)" (u/qualified-name driver))))
    ;; not i18n'ed because this is an assertion meant to catch bugs in driver implementations during test runs
    (throw (ex-info (str "Error: Database display :name detected where you should be using its physical name"
                         "Database `:name` (e.g. `test-data (h2)`) is the human-friendly display name used in the GUI,"
                         " it does not necessarily correspond to any actual names of anything in the data warehouse"
                         " itself. Make sure you're using the actual physical name (e.g. `test-data`) rather than the "
                         " display name.")
                    {:driver driver, :db-name db-name, :type qp.error-type/driver}))))
(defmethod get-table-pks :sql-jdbc
  [driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil table]
  (assert-database-name-does-not-include-driver driver db-name-or-nil)
  (let [^DatabaseMetaData metadata (.getMetaData conn)]
    (into [] (sql-jdbc.sync.common/reducible-results
              #(.getPrimaryKeys metadata db-name-or-nil (:schema table) (:name table))
              (fn [^ResultSet rs] #(.getString rs "COLUMN_NAME"))))))

Using conn, find any primary keys for table (or more, see: [[get-table-pks]]) and finally assoc :pk? to true for those columns.

(defn add-table-pks
  ([driver ^Connection conn table]
   (add-table-pks driver conn nil table))
  ([driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil table]
   (let [pks (set (get-table-pks driver conn db-name-or-nil table))]
     (update table :fields (fn [fields]
                             (set (for [field fields]
                                    (if-not (contains? pks (:name field))
                                      (assoc field :pk? true)))))))))
(defn- describe-table*
  [driver ^Connection conn table]
  {:pre [(instance? Connection conn)]}
  (->> (assoc (select-keys table [:name :schema])
              :fields (describe-table-fields driver conn table nil))
       ;; find PKs and mark them
       (add-table-pks driver conn)))

Default implementation of driver/describe-table for SQL JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData.

(defn describe-table
  [driver db table]
   (fn [^Connection conn]
     (describe-table* driver conn table))))

Returns a SQL query ([sql & params]) for use in the default JDBC implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fields]], i.e. [[describe-fields]].

(defmulti describe-fields-sql
  {:added    "0.49.1"
   :arglists '([driver & {:keys [schema-names table-names details]}])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)

Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fields]] for JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData.

(defn describe-fields
  [driver db & {:keys [schema-names table-names] :as args}]
  (if (or (and schema-names (empty? schema-names))
          (and table-names (empty? table-names)))
     (describe-fields-xf driver db)
     (sql-jdbc.execute/reducible-query db (describe-fields-sql driver (assoc args :details (:details db)))))))

Returns a SQL query ([sql & params]) for use in the default JDBC implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-indexes]], i.e. [[describe-indexes]].

(defmulti describe-indexes-sql
  {:added    "0.51.4"
   :arglists '([driver & {:keys [schema-names table-names details]}])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)

Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-indexes]] for JDBC drivers.

(defn describe-indexes
  [driver db & {:keys [schema-names table-names] :as args}]
  (if (or (and schema-names (empty? schema-names))
          (and table-names (empty? table-names)))
     (map (fn [col] (select-keys col [:table-schema :table-name :field-name])))
     (sql-jdbc.execute/reducible-query db (describe-indexes-sql driver (assoc args :details (:details db)))))))
(defn- describe-table-fks*
  [_driver ^Connection conn {^String schema :schema, ^String table-name :name} & [^String db-name-or-nil]]
   (sql-jdbc.sync.common/reducible-results #(.getImportedKeys (.getMetaData conn) db-name-or-nil schema table-name)
                                           (fn [^ResultSet rs]
                                             (fn []
                                               {:fk-column-name   (.getString rs "FKCOLUMN_NAME")
                                                :dest-table       {:name   (.getString rs "PKTABLE_NAME")
                                                                   :schema (.getString rs "PKTABLE_SCHEM")}
                                                :dest-column-name (.getString rs "PKCOLUMN_NAME")})))))

Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-table-fks]] for SQL JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData.

(defn describe-table-fks
  [driver db-or-id-or-spec table & [db-name-or-nil]]
   (fn [^Connection conn]
     (describe-table-fks* driver conn table db-name-or-nil))))

Returns a SQL query ([sql & params]) for use in the default JDBC implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fks]], i.e. [[describe-fks]].

(defmulti describe-fks-sql
  {:added    "0.49.0"
   :arglists '([driver & {:keys [schema-names table-names]}])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)

Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fks]] for JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData.

(defn describe-fks
  [driver db & {:keys [schema-names table-names] :as args}]
  (if (or (and schema-names (empty? schema-names))
          (and table-names (empty? table-names)))
    (sql-jdbc.execute/reducible-query db (describe-fks-sql driver args))))

Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-table-indexes]] for SQL JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData.

(defn describe-table-indexes
  [driver db table]
   (fn [^Connection conn]
     ;; https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html#getIndexInfo-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-boolean-boolean-
     (with-open [index-info-rs (.getIndexInfo (.getMetaData conn)
                                              nil ;; catalog
                                              (:schema table)
                                              (:name table)
                                              ;; when true, return only indices for unique values when
                                              ;; false, return indices regardless of whether unique or not
                                              ;; when true, result is allowed to reflect approximate or out of data
                                              ;; values. when false, results are requested to be accurate
       (->> (vals (group-by :index_name (into []
                                              ;; filtered indexes are ignored
                                              (filter #(nil? (:filter_condition %)))
                                              (jdbc/reducible-result-set index-info-rs {}))))
            (keep (fn [idx-values]
                    ;; we only sync columns that are either singlely indexed or is the first key in a composite index
                    (when-let [index-name (some :column_name (sort-by :ordinal_position idx-values))]
                      {:type  :normal-column-index
                       :value index-name})))

Maximum number of nested field columns.

(def ^:const max-nested-field-columns

Returns whether a string can be parsed to an ISO 8601 datetime or not.

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([s])} can-parse-datetime?
  (mr/validator ::lib.schema.literal/string.datetime))

Mostly just (type member) but with a bit to suss out strings which are ISO8601 and say that they are datetimes

(defn- type-by-parsing-string
  (if (and (string? value)
           (can-parse-datetime? value))
    (type value)))
(defn- json-parser ^JsonParser [v]
  (let [f (JsonFactory.)]
    (if (string? v)
      (.createParser f ^String v)
      (.createParser f ^java.io.Reader v))))
(defn- number-type [t]
  (u/case-enum t
    JsonParser$NumberType/INT         Long
    JsonParser$NumberType/LONG        Long
    JsonParser$NumberType/FLOAT       Double
    JsonParser$NumberType/DOUBLE      Double
    JsonParser$NumberType/BIG_INTEGER clojure.lang.BigInt
    ;; there seem to be no way to encounter this, search in tests for `BigDecimal`
    JsonParser$NumberType/BIG_DECIMAL BigDecimal))

Return true if the string s is a JSON where value is an object.

(is-json-object "{}") => true (is-json-object "[]") => false (is-json-object "\"foo\"") => false

(defn- json-object?
  "Return true if the string `s` is a JSON where value is an object.
    (is-json-object \"{}\") => true
    (is-json-object \"[]\") => false
    (is-json-object \"\\\"foo\\\"\") => false"
  [^String s]
  (= JsonToken/START_OBJECT (-> s json-parser .nextToken)))

Parses given json (a string or a reader) into a map of paths to types, i.e. {["bob"} String}.

Uses Jackson Streaming API to skip allocating data structures, eschews allocating values when possible. Respects [[nested-field-columns-max-row-length]].

(defn- json->types
  [v path]
  (if-not (json-object? v)
    (let [p (json-parser v)]
      (loop [path      (or path [])
             field     nil
             res       (transient {})]
        (let [token (.nextToken p)]
            (nil? token)
            (persistent! res)
           ;; we could be more precise here and issue warning about nested fields (the one in `describe-json-fields`),
           ;; but this limit could be hit by multiple json fields (fetched in `describe-json-fields`) rather than only
           ;; by this one. So for the sake of issuing only a single warning in logs we'll spill over limit by a single
           ;; entry (instead of doing `<=`).
            (< max-nested-field-columns (count res))
            (persistent! res)
            (u/case-enum token
              JsonToken/VALUE_NUMBER_INT   (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) (number-type (.getNumberType p))))
              JsonToken/VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) (number-type (.getNumberType p))))
              JsonToken/VALUE_TRUE         (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) Boolean))
              JsonToken/VALUE_FALSE        (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) Boolean))
              JsonToken/VALUE_NULL         (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) nil))
              JsonToken/VALUE_STRING       (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field)
                                                                     (type-by-parsing-string (.getText p))))
              JsonToken/FIELD_NAME         (recur path (.getText p) res)
              JsonToken/START_OBJECT       (recur (cond-> path field  (conj field)) field res)
              JsonToken/END_OBJECT         (recur (cond-> path (seq path) pop) field res)
                         ;; We put top-level array row type semantics on JSON roadmap but skip for now
              JsonToken/START_ARRAY        (do (.skipChildren p)
                                               (if field
                                                 (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) clojure.lang.PersistentVector))
                                                 (recur path field res)))
              JsonToken/END_ARRAY          (recur path field res))))))))
(defn- json-map->types [json-map]
  (apply merge (map #(json->types (second %) [(first %)]) json-map)))

Reducing function that takes a bunch of maps from json-map->types, and gets them to conform to the type hierarchy, going through and taking the lowest common denominator type at each pass, ignoring the nils.

(defn- describe-json-rf
  ([] nil)
  ([acc-field-type-map] acc-field-type-map)
  ([acc-field-type-map second-field-type-map]
   (into {}
         (for [json-column (set/union (set (keys second-field-type-map))
                                      (set (keys acc-field-type-map)))]
             (or (nil? acc-field-type-map)
                 (nil? (acc-field-type-map json-column))
                 (= (hash (acc-field-type-map json-column))
                    (hash (second-field-type-map json-column))))
             [json-column (second-field-type-map json-column)]
             (or (nil? second-field-type-map)
                 (nil? (second-field-type-map json-column)))
             [json-column (acc-field-type-map json-column)]
             (every? #(isa? % Number) [(acc-field-type-map json-column)
                                       (second-field-type-map json-column)])
             [json-column java.lang.Number]
              (fn [column-type]
                (some (fn [allowed-type]
                        (isa? column-type allowed-type))
                      [String Number Boolean java.time.LocalDateTime]))
              [(acc-field-type-map json-column) (second-field-type-map json-column)])
             [json-column java.lang.String]
             [json-column nil])))))

Map from Java types for deserialized JSON (so small subset of Java types) to MBQL types.

We actually do deserialize the JSON in order to determine types, so the java / clojure types we get have to be matched to MBQL types

(def field-type-map
  {java.lang.String                :type/Text
   ;; JSON itself has the single number type, but Java serde of JSON is stricter
   java.lang.Long                  :type/Integer
   clojure.lang.BigInt             :type/BigInteger
   java.math.BigInteger            :type/BigInteger
   java.lang.Integer               :type/Integer
   java.lang.Double                :type/Float
   java.lang.Float                 :type/Float
   java.math.BigDecimal            :type/Decimal
   java.lang.Number                :type/Number
   java.lang.Boolean               :type/Boolean
   java.time.LocalDateTime         :type/DateTime
   clojure.lang.PersistentVector   :type/Array
   clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap :type/Structured
   clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap  :type/Structured})

Map from MBQL types to database types.

This is the lowest common denominator of types, hopefully, although as of writing this is just geared towards Postgres types

(def db-type-map
  {:type/Text       "text"
   ;; Store db type as decimal so we always cast to the least constrained type
   :type/Integer    "decimal"
   :type/BigInteger "decimal"
   :type/Float      "decimal"
   :type/Number     "decimal"
   :type/Decimal    "decimal"
   :type/Boolean    "boolean"
   :type/DateTime   "timestamp"
   :type/Array      "text"
   :type/Structured "text"})
(defn- field-types->fields [field-types]
  (let [valid-fields (for [[field-path field-type] (seq field-types)]
                       (if (nil? field-type)
                         (let [curr-type (get field-type-map field-type :type/*)]
                           {:name              (str/join " \u2192 " (map name field-path)) ;; right arrow
                            :database-type     (db-type-map curr-type)
                            :base-type         curr-type
                            ;; Postgres JSONB field, which gets most usage, doesn't maintain JSON object ordering...
                            :database-position 0
                            :json-unfolding    false
                            :visibility-type   :normal
                            :nfc-path          field-path})))
        field-hash   (apply hash-set (filter some? valid-fields))]

Given a table return a list of json fields that need to unfold.

(defn- table->unfold-json-fields
  [driver conn table]
  (let [table-fields (describe-table-fields driver conn table nil)
        json-fields  (filter #(isa? (:base-type %) :type/JSON) table-fields)]
    (if-not (seq json-fields)
      (let [existing-fields-by-name (m/index-by :name (t2/select :model/Field :table_id (u/the-id table)))
            should-not-unfold?      (fn [field]
                                      (when-let [existing-field (existing-fields-by-name (:name field))]
                                        (false? (:json_unfolding existing-field))))]
        (remove should-not-unfold? json-fields)))))
(setting/defsetting nested-field-columns-value-length-limit
  (deferred-tru (str "Maximum length of a JSON string before skipping it during sync for JSON unfolding. If this is set "
                     "too high it could lead to slow syncs or out of memory errors."))
  :visibility :internal
  :export?    true
  :type       :integer
  :default    50000)

Return a honeysql query used to get row sample to describe json columns.

If the table has PKs, try to fetch both first and last rows (see #25744). Else fetch the first n rows only.

(defn- sample-json-row-honey-sql
  [driver table-identifier json-field-identifiers pk-identifiers]
  (let [pks-expr         (mapv vector pk-identifiers)
        table-expr       [table-identifier]
        json-field-exprs (mapv (fn [field]
                                 (if (= (driver.sql/json-field-length driver field) ::driver.sql/nyi)
                                      [:inline (nested-field-columns-value-length-limit)]
                                      (driver.sql/json-field-length driver field)]
                                    (last (h2x/identifier->components field))]))
    (if (seq pk-identifiers)
      {:select json-field-exprs
       :from   [table-expr]
       ;; mysql doesn't support limit in subquery, so we're using inner join here
       :join   [[{:union-all [{:nest {:select   pks-expr
                                      :from     [table-expr]
                                      :order-by (mapv #(vector % :asc) pk-identifiers)
                                      :limit    (/ metadata-queries/nested-field-sample-limit 2)}}
                              {:nest {:select   pks-expr
                                      :from     [table-expr]
                                      :order-by (mapv #(vector % :desc) pk-identifiers)
                                      :limit    (/ metadata-queries/nested-field-sample-limit 2)}}]}
                (into [:and]
                      (for [pk-identifier pk-identifiers]
                         (h2x/identifier :field :result (last (h2x/identifier->components pk-identifier)))
      {:select json-field-exprs
       :from   [table-expr]
       :limit  (sql.qp/inline-num metadata-queries/nested-field-sample-limit)})))
(defn- sample-json-reducible-query
  [driver jdbc-spec table json-fields pks]
  (let [table-identifier-info [(:schema table) (:name table)]
        json-field-identifiers (mapv #(apply h2x/identifier :field (into table-identifier-info [(:name %)])) json-fields)
        table-identifier (apply h2x/identifier :table table-identifier-info)
        pk-identifiers   (when (seq pks)
                           (mapv #(apply h2x/identifier :field (into table-identifier-info [%])) pks))
        sql-args         (sql.qp/format-honeysql
                          (sample-json-row-honey-sql driver table-identifier json-field-identifiers pk-identifiers))]
    (jdbc/reducible-query jdbc-spec sql-args {:identifiers identity})))
(defn- describe-json-fields
  [driver jdbc-spec table json-fields pks]
  (log/infof "Inferring schema for %d JSON fields in %s" (count json-fields) (sync-util/name-for-logging table))
  (let [query       (sample-json-reducible-query driver jdbc-spec table json-fields pks)
        field-types (transduce (map json-map->types) describe-json-rf query)
        fields      (field-types->fields field-types)]
    (if (> (count fields) max-nested-field-columns)
        (log/warnf "More nested field columns detected than maximum. Limiting the number of nested field columns to %d."
        (set (take max-nested-field-columns fields)))

The name's nested field columns but what the people wanted (issue #708) was JSON so what they're getting is JSON.

(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/describe-nested-field-columns :sql-jdbc
  [driver database table]
  (let [jdbc-spec (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database)
        [unfold-json-fields pks] (sql-jdbc.execute/do-with-connection-with-options
                                  (fn [^Connection conn]
                                    (let [unfold-json-fields (table->unfold-json-fields driver conn table)
                                           ;; Just pass in `nil` here, that's what we do in the normal sync process and it seems to work correctly.
                                           ;; We don't currently have a driver-agnostic way to get the physical database name. `(:name database)` is
                                           ;; wrong, because it's a human-friendly name rather than a physical name. `(get-in
                                           ;; database [:details :db])` works for most drivers but not H2.
                                          pks                (get-table-pks driver conn nil table)]
                                      [unfold-json-fields pks])))]
    (if (empty? unfold-json-fields)
      (describe-json-fields driver jdbc-spec table unfold-json-fields pks))))