SQL JDBC impl for | (ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.describe-table (:require [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc] [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.string :as str] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.db.metadata-queries :as metadata-queries] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.driver.sql :as driver.sql] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute :as sql-jdbc.execute] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.common :as sql-jdbc.sync.common] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface :as sql-jdbc.sync.interface] [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp] [metabase.lib.schema.literal :as lib.schema.literal] [metabase.models.setting :as setting] [metabase.models.table :as table] [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type] [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]} [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import (com.fasterxml.jackson.core JsonFactory JsonParser JsonToken JsonParser$NumberType) (java.sql Connection DatabaseMetaData ResultSet))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/column->semantic-type :sql-jdbc [_driver _database-type _column-name] nil) | |
Return a | (defn pattern-based-database-type->base-type [pattern->type] (fn database-type->base-type [column-type] (let [column-type (name column-type)] (some (fn [[pattern base-type]] (when (re-find pattern column-type) base-type)) pattern->type)))) |
Returns a set of all of the catalogs found via | (defn get-catalogs [^DatabaseMetaData metadata] (with-open [rs (.getCatalogs metadata)] (set (map :table_cat (jdbc/metadata-result rs))))) |
Given a | (defn- database-type->base-type-or-warn [driver database-type] (or (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/database-type->base-type driver (keyword database-type)) (do (log/warnf "Don't know how to map column type '%s' to a Field base_type, falling back to :type/*." database-type) :type/*))) |
Get an appropriate semantic type for a column with | (defn- calculated-semantic-type [driver ^String column-name ^String database-type] (when-let [semantic-type (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/column->semantic-type driver database-type column-name)] (assert (isa? semantic-type :type/*) (str "Invalid type: " semantic-type)) semantic-type)) |
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/fallback-metadata-query :sql-jdbc [driver db-name-or-nil schema-name table-name] {:pre [(string? table-name)]} ;; Using our SQL compiler here to get portable LIMIT (e.g. `SELECT TOP n ...` for SQL Server/Oracle) (let [table (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (h2x/identifier :table db-name-or-nil schema-name table-name)) honeysql {:select [:*] :from [[table]] :where [:not= (sql.qp/inline-num 1) (sql.qp/inline-num 1)]} honeysql (sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause driver :limit honeysql {:limit 0})] (sql.qp/format-honeysql driver honeysql))) | |
In some rare cases | (defn- fallback-fields-metadata-from-select-query [driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil schema table] ;; some DBs (:sqlite) don't actually return the correct metadata for LIMIT 0 queries (let [[sql & params] (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/fallback-metadata-query driver db-name-or-nil schema table)] (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit (reduce [_ rf init] (with-open [stmt (sql-jdbc.sync.common/prepare-statement driver conn sql params) rs (.executeQuery stmt)] (let [metadata (.getMetaData rs)] (reduce ((map (fn [^Integer i] ;; TODO: missing :database-required column as ResultSetMetadata does not have information about ;; the default value of a column, so we can't make sure whether a column is required or not {:name (.getColumnName metadata i) :database-type (.getColumnTypeName metadata i) :database-is-auto-increment (.isAutoIncrement metadata i)})) rf) init (range 1 (inc (.getColumnCount metadata)))))))))) |
Reducible metadata about the Fields belonging to a Table, fetching using JDBC DatabaseMetaData methods. | (defn- jdbc-fields-metadata [driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil schema table-name] (sql-jdbc.sync.common/reducible-results #(.getColumns (.getMetaData conn) db-name-or-nil (some->> schema (driver/escape-entity-name-for-metadata driver)) (some->> table-name (driver/escape-entity-name-for-metadata driver)) nil) (fn [^ResultSet rs] ;; https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html#getColumns(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String) #(let [default (.getString rs "COLUMN_DEF") no-default? (contains? #{nil "NULL" "null"} default) nullable (.getInt rs "NULLABLE") not-nullable? (= 0 nullable) ;; IS_AUTOINCREMENT could return nil auto-increment (.getString rs "IS_AUTOINCREMENT") auto-increment? (= "YES" auto-increment) no-auto-increment? (= "NO" auto-increment) column-name (.getString rs "COLUMN_NAME") required? (and no-default? not-nullable? no-auto-increment?)] (merge {:name column-name :database-type (.getString rs "TYPE_NAME") :database-is-auto-increment auto-increment? :database-required required?} (when-let [remarks (.getString rs "REMARKS")] (when-not (str/blank? remarks) {:field-comment remarks}))))))) |
(defn ^:private fields-metadata [driver ^Connection conn {schema :schema, table-name :name} ^String db-name-or-nil] {:pre [(instance? Connection conn) (string? table-name)]} (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit (reduce [_ rf init] ;; 1. Return all the Fields that come back from DatabaseMetaData that include type info. ;; ;; 2. Iff there are some Fields that don't have type info, concatenate ;; `fallback-fields-metadata-from-select-query`, which fetches the same Fields using a different method. ;; ;; 3. Filter out any duplicates between the two methods using `m/distinct-by`. (let [has-fields-without-type-info? (volatile! false) ;; intented to fix syncing dynamic tables for snowflake. ;; currently there is a bug in snowflake jdbc (snowflake#1574) in which it doesn't return columns for dynamic tables jdbc-returns-no-field? (volatile! true) jdbc-metadata (eduction (remove (fn [{:keys [database-type]}] (when @jdbc-returns-no-field? (vreset! jdbc-returns-no-field? false)) (when (str/blank? database-type) (vreset! has-fields-without-type-info? true) true))) (jdbc-fields-metadata driver conn db-name-or-nil schema table-name)) fallback-metadata (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit (reduce [_ rf init] (reduce rf init (when (or @jdbc-returns-no-field? @has-fields-without-type-info?) (fallback-fields-metadata-from-select-query driver conn db-name-or-nil schema table-name)))))] ;; VERY IMPORTANT! DO NOT REWRITE THIS TO BE LAZY! IT ONLY WORKS BECAUSE AS NORMAL-FIELDS GETS REDUCED, ;; HAS-FIELDS-WITHOUT-TYPE-INFO? WILL GET SET TO TRUE IF APPLICABLE AND THEN FALLBACK-FIELDS WILL RUN WHEN ;; IT'S TIME TO START EVALUATING THAT. (reduce ((comp cat (m/distinct-by :name)) rf) init [jdbc-metadata fallback-metadata]))))) | |
Returns a transducer for computing metadata about the fields in | (defn describe-fields-xf [driver db] (map (fn [col] (let [base-type (database-type->base-type-or-warn driver (:database-type col)) semantic-type (calculated-semantic-type driver (:name col) (:database-type col)) json? (isa? base-type :type/JSON) database-position (some-> (:database-position col) int)] (merge (u/select-non-nil-keys col [:table-name :pk? :name :database-type :field-comment :database-required :database-is-auto-increment]) {:table-schema (:table-schema col) ;; can be nil :base-type base-type ;; json-unfolding is true by default for JSON fields, but this can be overridden at the DB level :json-unfolding json?} (when database-position {:database-position database-position}) (when semantic-type {:semantic-type semantic-type}) (when (and json? (driver/database-supports? driver :nested-field-columns db)) {:visibility-type :details-only})))))) |
Returns a transducer for computing metadata about the fields in a table, given the database | (defn describe-table-fields-xf [driver db] (comp (describe-fields-xf driver db) (map-indexed (fn [i col] (dissoc (assoc col :database-position i) :table-schema))))) |
Returns a set of column metadata for | (defmulti describe-table-fields {:added "0.45.0" :arglists '([driver ^Connection conn table ^String db-name-or-nil])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
(defmethod describe-table-fields :sql-jdbc [driver conn table db-name-or-nil] (into #{} (describe-table-fields-xf driver (table/database table)) (fields-metadata driver conn table db-name-or-nil))) | |
Returns a vector of primary keys for Note: If db-name, schema, and table-name are not passed, this may return all pks that the metadata's connection can access. This does not need to be implemented for drivers that support the [[driver/describe-fields]] multimethod. TODO -- it seems like in practice we usually call this without passing in a DB name, so | (defmulti get-table-pks {:changelog-test/ignore true :added "0.45.0" :arglists '([driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil table])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Starting in 51+ we started giving test Databases like | (defn- assert-database-name-does-not-include-driver [driver db-name] (when (and db-name (str/ends-with? db-name (format "(%s)" (u/qualified-name driver)))) ;; not i18n'ed because this is an assertion meant to catch bugs in driver implementations during test runs (throw (ex-info (str "Error: Database display :name detected where you should be using its physical name" \newline "Database `:name` (e.g. `test-data (h2)`) is the human-friendly display name used in the GUI," " it does not necessarily correspond to any actual names of anything in the data warehouse" " itself. Make sure you're using the actual physical name (e.g. `test-data`) rather than the " " display name.") {:driver driver, :db-name db-name, :type qp.error-type/driver})))) |
(defmethod get-table-pks :sql-jdbc [driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil table] (assert-database-name-does-not-include-driver driver db-name-or-nil) (let [^DatabaseMetaData metadata (.getMetaData conn)] (into [] (sql-jdbc.sync.common/reducible-results #(.getPrimaryKeys metadata db-name-or-nil (:schema table) (:name table)) (fn [^ResultSet rs] #(.getString rs "COLUMN_NAME")))))) | |
Using | (defn add-table-pks ([driver ^Connection conn table] (add-table-pks driver conn nil table)) ([driver ^Connection conn db-name-or-nil table] (let [pks (set (get-table-pks driver conn db-name-or-nil table))] (update table :fields (fn [fields] (set (for [field fields] (if-not (contains? pks (:name field)) field (assoc field :pk? true))))))))) |
(defn- describe-table* [driver ^Connection conn table] {:pre [(instance? Connection conn)]} (->> (assoc (select-keys table [:name :schema]) :fields (describe-table-fields driver conn table nil)) ;; find PKs and mark them (add-table-pks driver conn))) | |
Default implementation of | (defn describe-table [driver db table] (sql-jdbc.execute/do-with-connection-with-options driver db nil (fn [^Connection conn] (describe-table* driver conn table)))) |
Returns a SQL query ([sql & params]) for use in the default JDBC implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fields]], i.e. [[describe-fields]]. | (defmulti describe-fields-sql {:added "0.49.1" :arglists '([driver & {:keys [schema-names table-names details]}])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fields]] for JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData. | (defn describe-fields [driver db & {:keys [schema-names table-names] :as args}] (if (or (and schema-names (empty? schema-names)) (and table-names (empty? table-names))) [] (eduction (describe-fields-xf driver db) (sql-jdbc.execute/reducible-query db (describe-fields-sql driver (assoc args :details (:details db))))))) |
Returns a SQL query ([sql & params]) for use in the default JDBC implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-indexes]], i.e. [[describe-indexes]]. | (defmulti describe-indexes-sql {:added "0.51.4" :arglists '([driver & {:keys [schema-names table-names details]}])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-indexes]] for JDBC drivers. | (defn describe-indexes [driver db & {:keys [schema-names table-names] :as args}] (if (or (and schema-names (empty? schema-names)) (and table-names (empty? table-names))) [] (eduction (map (fn [col] (select-keys col [:table-schema :table-name :field-name]))) (sql-jdbc.execute/reducible-query db (describe-indexes-sql driver (assoc args :details (:details db))))))) |
(defn- describe-table-fks* [_driver ^Connection conn {^String schema :schema, ^String table-name :name} & [^String db-name-or-nil]] (into #{} (sql-jdbc.sync.common/reducible-results #(.getImportedKeys (.getMetaData conn) db-name-or-nil schema table-name) (fn [^ResultSet rs] (fn [] {:fk-column-name (.getString rs "FKCOLUMN_NAME") :dest-table {:name (.getString rs "PKTABLE_NAME") :schema (.getString rs "PKTABLE_SCHEM")} :dest-column-name (.getString rs "PKCOLUMN_NAME")}))))) | |
Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-table-fks]] for SQL JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData. | (defn describe-table-fks [driver db-or-id-or-spec table & [db-name-or-nil]] (sql-jdbc.execute/do-with-connection-with-options driver db-or-id-or-spec nil (fn [^Connection conn] (describe-table-fks* driver conn table db-name-or-nil)))) |
Returns a SQL query ([sql & params]) for use in the default JDBC implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fks]], i.e. [[describe-fks]]. | (defmulti describe-fks-sql {:added "0.49.0" :arglists '([driver & {:keys [schema-names table-names]}])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-fks]] for JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData. | (defn describe-fks [driver db & {:keys [schema-names table-names] :as args}] (if (or (and schema-names (empty? schema-names)) (and table-names (empty? table-names))) [] (sql-jdbc.execute/reducible-query db (describe-fks-sql driver args)))) |
Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-table-indexes]] for SQL JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData. | (defn describe-table-indexes [driver db table] (sql-jdbc.execute/do-with-connection-with-options driver db nil (fn [^Connection conn] ;; https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html#getIndexInfo-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-boolean-boolean- (with-open [index-info-rs (.getIndexInfo (.getMetaData conn) nil ;; catalog (:schema table) (:name table) ;; when true, return only indices for unique values when ;; false, return indices regardless of whether unique or not false ;; when true, result is allowed to reflect approximate or out of data ;; values. when false, results are requested to be accurate false)] (->> (vals (group-by :index_name (into [] ;; filtered indexes are ignored (filter #(nil? (:filter_condition %))) (jdbc/reducible-result-set index-info-rs {})))) (keep (fn [idx-values] ;; we only sync columns that are either singlely indexed or is the first key in a composite index (when-let [index-name (some :column_name (sort-by :ordinal_position idx-values))] {:type :normal-column-index :value index-name}))) set))))) |
Maximum number of nested field columns. | (def ^:const max-nested-field-columns 100) |
Returns whether a string can be parsed to an ISO 8601 datetime or not. | (def ^:private ^{:arglists '([s])} can-parse-datetime? (mr/validator ::lib.schema.literal/string.datetime)) |
Mostly just (type member) but with a bit to suss out strings which are ISO8601 and say that they are datetimes | (defn- type-by-parsing-string [value] (if (and (string? value) (can-parse-datetime? value)) java.time.LocalDateTime (type value))) |
(defn- json-parser ^JsonParser [v] (let [f (JsonFactory.)] (if (string? v) (.createParser f ^String v) (.createParser f ^java.io.Reader v)))) | |
(defn- number-type [t] (u/case-enum t JsonParser$NumberType/INT Long JsonParser$NumberType/LONG Long JsonParser$NumberType/FLOAT Double JsonParser$NumberType/DOUBLE Double JsonParser$NumberType/BIG_INTEGER clojure.lang.BigInt ;; there seem to be no way to encounter this, search in tests for `BigDecimal` JsonParser$NumberType/BIG_DECIMAL BigDecimal)) | |
Return true if the string (is-json-object "{}") => true (is-json-object "[]") => false (is-json-object "\"foo\"") => false | (defn- json-object? "Return true if the string `s` is a JSON where value is an object. (is-json-object \"{}\") => true (is-json-object \"[]\") => false (is-json-object \"\\\"foo\\\"\") => false" [^String s] (= JsonToken/START_OBJECT (-> s json-parser .nextToken))) |
Parses given json (a string or a reader) into a map of paths to types, i.e. Uses Jackson Streaming API to skip allocating data structures, eschews allocating values when possible. Respects [[nested-field-columns-max-row-length]]. | (defn- json->types [v path] (if-not (json-object? v) {} (let [p (json-parser v)] (loop [path (or path []) field nil res (transient {})] (let [token (.nextToken p)] (cond (nil? token) (persistent! res) ;; we could be more precise here and issue warning about nested fields (the one in `describe-json-fields`), ;; but this limit could be hit by multiple json fields (fetched in `describe-json-fields`) rather than only ;; by this one. So for the sake of issuing only a single warning in logs we'll spill over limit by a single ;; entry (instead of doing `<=`). (< max-nested-field-columns (count res)) (persistent! res) :else (u/case-enum token JsonToken/VALUE_NUMBER_INT (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) (number-type (.getNumberType p)))) JsonToken/VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) (number-type (.getNumberType p)))) JsonToken/VALUE_TRUE (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) Boolean)) JsonToken/VALUE_FALSE (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) Boolean)) JsonToken/VALUE_NULL (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) nil)) JsonToken/VALUE_STRING (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) (type-by-parsing-string (.getText p)))) JsonToken/FIELD_NAME (recur path (.getText p) res) JsonToken/START_OBJECT (recur (cond-> path field (conj field)) field res) JsonToken/END_OBJECT (recur (cond-> path (seq path) pop) field res) ;; We put top-level array row type semantics on JSON roadmap but skip for now JsonToken/START_ARRAY (do (.skipChildren p) (if field (recur path field (assoc! res (conj path field) clojure.lang.PersistentVector)) (recur path field res))) JsonToken/END_ARRAY (recur path field res)))))))) |
(defn- json-map->types [json-map] (apply merge (map #(json->types (second %) [(first %)]) json-map))) | |
Reducing function that takes a bunch of maps from json-map->types, and gets them to conform to the type hierarchy, going through and taking the lowest common denominator type at each pass, ignoring the nils. | (defn- describe-json-rf ([] nil) ([acc-field-type-map] acc-field-type-map) ([acc-field-type-map second-field-type-map] (into {} (for [json-column (set/union (set (keys second-field-type-map)) (set (keys acc-field-type-map)))] (cond (or (nil? acc-field-type-map) (nil? (acc-field-type-map json-column)) (= (hash (acc-field-type-map json-column)) (hash (second-field-type-map json-column)))) [json-column (second-field-type-map json-column)] (or (nil? second-field-type-map) (nil? (second-field-type-map json-column))) [json-column (acc-field-type-map json-column)] (every? #(isa? % Number) [(acc-field-type-map json-column) (second-field-type-map json-column)]) [json-column java.lang.Number] (every? (fn [column-type] (some (fn [allowed-type] (isa? column-type allowed-type)) [String Number Boolean java.time.LocalDateTime])) [(acc-field-type-map json-column) (second-field-type-map json-column)]) [json-column java.lang.String] :else [json-column nil]))))) |
Map from Java types for deserialized JSON (so small subset of Java types) to MBQL types. We actually do deserialize the JSON in order to determine types, so the java / clojure types we get have to be matched to MBQL types | (def field-type-map {java.lang.String :type/Text ;; JSON itself has the single number type, but Java serde of JSON is stricter java.lang.Long :type/Integer clojure.lang.BigInt :type/BigInteger java.math.BigInteger :type/BigInteger java.lang.Integer :type/Integer java.lang.Double :type/Float java.lang.Float :type/Float java.math.BigDecimal :type/Decimal java.lang.Number :type/Number java.lang.Boolean :type/Boolean java.time.LocalDateTime :type/DateTime clojure.lang.PersistentVector :type/Array clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap :type/Structured clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap :type/Structured}) |
Map from MBQL types to database types. This is the lowest common denominator of types, hopefully, although as of writing this is just geared towards Postgres types | (def db-type-map {:type/Text "text" ;; Store db type as decimal so we always cast to the least constrained type :type/Integer "decimal" :type/BigInteger "decimal" :type/Float "decimal" :type/Number "decimal" :type/Decimal "decimal" :type/Boolean "boolean" :type/DateTime "timestamp" :type/Array "text" :type/Structured "text"}) |
(defn- field-types->fields [field-types] (let [valid-fields (for [[field-path field-type] (seq field-types)] (if (nil? field-type) nil (let [curr-type (get field-type-map field-type :type/*)] {:name (str/join " \u2192 " (map name field-path)) ;; right arrow :database-type (db-type-map curr-type) :base-type curr-type ;; Postgres JSONB field, which gets most usage, doesn't maintain JSON object ordering... :database-position 0 :json-unfolding false :visibility-type :normal :nfc-path field-path}))) field-hash (apply hash-set (filter some? valid-fields))] field-hash)) | |
Given a table return a list of json fields that need to unfold. | (defn- table->unfold-json-fields [driver conn table] (let [table-fields (describe-table-fields driver conn table nil) json-fields (filter #(isa? (:base-type %) :type/JSON) table-fields)] (if-not (seq json-fields) #{} (let [existing-fields-by-name (m/index-by :name (t2/select :model/Field :table_id (u/the-id table))) should-not-unfold? (fn [field] (when-let [existing-field (existing-fields-by-name (:name field))] (false? (:json_unfolding existing-field))))] (remove should-not-unfold? json-fields))))) |
(setting/defsetting nested-field-columns-value-length-limit (deferred-tru (str "Maximum length of a JSON string before skipping it during sync for JSON unfolding. If this is set " "too high it could lead to slow syncs or out of memory errors.")) :visibility :internal :export? true :type :integer :default 50000) | |
Return a honeysql query used to get row sample to describe json columns. If the table has PKs, try to fetch both first and last rows (see #25744). Else fetch the first n rows only. | (defn- sample-json-row-honey-sql [driver table-identifier json-field-identifiers pk-identifiers] (let [pks-expr (mapv vector pk-identifiers) table-expr [table-identifier] json-field-exprs (mapv (fn [field] (if (= (driver.sql/json-field-length driver field) ::driver.sql/nyi) [field] [[:case [:< [:inline (nested-field-columns-value-length-limit)] (driver.sql/json-field-length driver field)] nil :else field] (last (h2x/identifier->components field))])) json-field-identifiers)] (if (seq pk-identifiers) {:select json-field-exprs :from [table-expr] ;; mysql doesn't support limit in subquery, so we're using inner join here :join [[{:union-all [{:nest {:select pks-expr :from [table-expr] :order-by (mapv #(vector % :asc) pk-identifiers) :limit (/ metadata-queries/nested-field-sample-limit 2)}} {:nest {:select pks-expr :from [table-expr] :order-by (mapv #(vector % :desc) pk-identifiers) :limit (/ metadata-queries/nested-field-sample-limit 2)}}]} :result] (into [:and] (for [pk-identifier pk-identifiers] [:= (h2x/identifier :field :result (last (h2x/identifier->components pk-identifier))) pk-identifier]))]} {:select json-field-exprs :from [table-expr] :limit (sql.qp/inline-num metadata-queries/nested-field-sample-limit)}))) |
(defn- sample-json-reducible-query [driver jdbc-spec table json-fields pks] (let [table-identifier-info [(:schema table) (:name table)] json-field-identifiers (mapv #(apply h2x/identifier :field (into table-identifier-info [(:name %)])) json-fields) table-identifier (apply h2x/identifier :table table-identifier-info) pk-identifiers (when (seq pks) (mapv #(apply h2x/identifier :field (into table-identifier-info [%])) pks)) sql-args (sql.qp/format-honeysql driver (sample-json-row-honey-sql driver table-identifier json-field-identifiers pk-identifiers))] (jdbc/reducible-query jdbc-spec sql-args {:identifiers identity}))) | |
(defn- describe-json-fields [driver jdbc-spec table json-fields pks] (log/infof "Inferring schema for %d JSON fields in %s" (count json-fields) (sync-util/name-for-logging table)) (let [query (sample-json-reducible-query driver jdbc-spec table json-fields pks) field-types (transduce (map json-map->types) describe-json-rf query) fields (field-types->fields field-types)] (if (> (count fields) max-nested-field-columns) (do (log/warnf "More nested field columns detected than maximum. Limiting the number of nested field columns to %d." max-nested-field-columns) (set (take max-nested-field-columns fields))) fields))) | |
The name's nested field columns but what the people wanted (issue #708) was JSON so what they're getting is JSON. | (defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/describe-nested-field-columns :sql-jdbc [driver database table] (let [jdbc-spec (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database) [unfold-json-fields pks] (sql-jdbc.execute/do-with-connection-with-options driver jdbc-spec nil (fn [^Connection conn] (let [unfold-json-fields (table->unfold-json-fields driver conn table) ;; Just pass in `nil` here, that's what we do in the normal sync process and it seems to work correctly. ;; We don't currently have a driver-agnostic way to get the physical database name. `(:name database)` is ;; wrong, because it's a human-friendly name rather than a physical name. `(get-in ;; database [:details :db])` works for most drivers but not H2. pks (get-table-pks driver conn nil table)] [unfold-json-fields pks])))] (if (empty? unfold-json-fields) #{} (describe-json-fields driver jdbc-spec table unfold-json-fields pks)))) |