SQL JDBC impl for describe-database.

(ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.describe-database
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.common :as sql-jdbc.sync.common]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface :as sql-jdbc.sync.interface]
   [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
   [metabase.driver.sync :as driver.s]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.query-processor.store :as qp.store]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu])
   (java.sql Connection DatabaseMetaData ResultSet)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/excluded-schemas :sql-jdbc [_] nil)

Get a reducible sequence of all string schema names for the current database from its JDBC database metadata.

(defn all-schemas
  [^DatabaseMetaData metadata]
  {:added "0.39.0", :pre [(instance? DatabaseMetaData metadata)]}
   #(.getSchemas metadata)
   (fn [^ResultSet rs]
     #(.getString rs "TABLE_SCHEM"))))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/filtered-syncable-schemas :sql-jdbc
  [driver _ metadata schema-inclusion-patterns schema-exclusion-patterns]
  (eduction (remove (set (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/excluded-schemas driver)))
            ;; remove the persisted_model schemas
            (remove (fn [schema] (re-find #"^metabase_cache.*" schema)))
            (filter (partial driver.s/include-schema? schema-inclusion-patterns schema-exclusion-patterns))
            (all-schemas metadata)))
(mu/defn simple-select-probe-query :- [:cat ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string [:* :any]]
  "Simple (ie. cheap) SELECT on a given table to test for access and get column metadata. Doesn't return
  anything useful (only used to check whether we can execute a SELECT query)
    (simple-select-probe-query :postgres \"public\" \"my_table\")
    ;; -> [\"SELECT TRUE FROM public.my_table WHERE 1 <> 1 LIMIT 0\"]"
  [driver :- :keyword
   schema :- [:maybe :string]        ; I think technically some DBs like SQL Server support empty schema and table names
   table  :- :string]
  ;; Using our SQL compiler here to get portable LIMIT (e.g. `SELECT TOP n ...` for SQL Server/Oracle)
  (let [tru      (sql.qp/->honeysql driver true)
        table    (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (h2x/identifier :table schema table))
        honeysql {:select [[tru :_]]
                  :from   [[table]]
                  :where  [:inline [:not= 1 1]]}
        honeysql (sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause driver :limit honeysql {:limit 0})]
    (sql.qp/format-honeysql driver honeysql)))

Execute the simple SELECT query defined above. The main goal here is to check whether we're able to execute a SELECT query against the Table in question -- we don't care about the results themselves -- so the query and the logic around executing it should be as simple as possible. We need to highly optimize this logic because it's executed for every Table on every sync.

(defn- execute-select-probe-query
  [driver ^Connection conn [sql & params]]
  {:pre [(string? sql)]}
  (with-open [stmt (sql-jdbc.sync.common/prepare-statement driver conn sql params)]
    (log/tracef "[%s] %s" (name driver) sql)
    ;; attempting to execute the SQL statement will throw an Exception if we don't have permissions; otherwise it will
    ;; truthy wheter or not it returns a ResultSet, but we can ignore that since we have enough info to proceed at
    ;; this point.
    (.execute stmt)))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/have-select-privilege? :sql-jdbc
  [driver ^Connection conn table-schema table-name]
  ;; Query completes = we have SELECT privileges
  ;; Query throws some sort of no permissions exception = no SELECT privileges
  (let [sql-args (simple-select-probe-query driver table-schema table-name)]
    (log/tracef "Checking for SELECT privileges for %s with query %s"
                (str (when table-schema
                       (str (pr-str table-schema) \.))
                     (pr-str table-name))
                (pr-str sql-args))
      (execute-select-probe-query driver conn sql-args)
      (log/trace "SELECT privileges confirmed")
      (catch Throwable e
        (log/trace e "Assuming no SELECT privileges: caught exception")
        (when-not (.getAutoCommit conn)
          (.rollback conn))
(defn- jdbc-get-tables
  [driver ^DatabaseMetaData metadata catalog schema-pattern tablename-pattern types]
   #(.getTables metadata catalog
                (some->> schema-pattern (driver/escape-entity-name-for-metadata driver))
                (some->> tablename-pattern (driver/escape-entity-name-for-metadata driver))
                (when (seq types) (into-array String types)))
   (fn [^ResultSet rset]
     (fn [] {:name        (.getString rset "TABLE_NAME")
             :schema      (.getString rset "TABLE_SCHEM")
             :description (when-let [remarks (.getString rset "REMARKS")]
                            (when-not (str/blank? remarks)
             :type        (.getString rset "TABLE_TYPE")}))))

Fetch a JDBC Metadata ResultSet of tables in the DB, optionally limited to ones belonging to a given schema. Returns a reducible sequence of results.

(defn db-tables
  [driver ^DatabaseMetaData metadata ^String schema-or-nil ^String db-name-or-nil]
  ;; seems like some JDBC drivers like Snowflake are dumb and still narrow the search results by the current session
  ;; schema if you pass in `nil` for `schema-or-nil`, which means not to narrow results at all... For Snowflake, I fixed
  ;; this by passing in `"%"` instead -- consider making this the default behavior. See this Slack thread
  ;; https://metaboat.slack.com/archives/C04DN5VRQM6/p1706220295862639?thread_ts=1706156558.940489&cid=C04DN5VRQM6 for
  ;; more info.
  (jdbc-get-tables driver metadata db-name-or-nil schema-or-nil "%"
                    "EXTERNAL TABLE" "DYNAMIC_TABLE"]))
(defn- schema+table-with-select-privileges
  [driver conn]
  (->> (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/current-user-table-privileges driver {:connection conn})
       (filter #(true? (:select %)))
       (map (fn [{:keys [schema table]}]
              [schema table]))

Returns a function that take a map with 3 keys [:schema, :name, :type], return true if we can do a select query on the table.

This function shouldn't be called a map or anything alike, instead use it as a cache function like so:

(let [have-select-privilege-fn* (have-select-privilege-fn driver database conn) tables ...] (filter have-select-privilege-fn* tables))

(defn have-select-privilege-fn
  [driver conn]
  ;; `sql-jdbc.sync.interface/have-select-privilege?` is slow because we're doing a SELECT query on each table
  ;; It's basically a N+1 operation where N is the number of tables in the database
  (if (driver/database-supports? driver :table-privileges nil)
    (let [schema+table-with-select-privileges (schema+table-with-select-privileges driver conn)]
      (fn [{schema :schema table :name ttype :type}]
        ;; driver/current-user-table-privileges does not return privileges for external table on redshift, and foreign
        ;; table on postgres, so we need to use the select method on them
        (if (#{[:postgres "FOREIGN TABLE"]}
             [driver ttype])
          (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/have-select-privilege? driver conn schema table)
          (contains? schema+table-with-select-privileges [schema table]))))
    (fn [{schema :schema table :name}]
      (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/have-select-privilege? driver conn schema table))))

Default, fast implementation of active-tables best suited for DBs with lots of system tables (like Oracle). Fetch list of schemas, then for each one not in excluded-schemas, fetch its Tables, and combine the results.

This is as much as 15x faster for Databases with lots of system tables than post-filtered-active-tables (4 seconds vs 60).

(defn fast-active-tables
  [driver ^Connection conn & [db-name-or-nil schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters]]
  {:pre [(instance? Connection conn)]}
  (let [metadata                  (.getMetaData conn)
        syncable-schemas          (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/filtered-syncable-schemas driver conn metadata
                                                                                     schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters)
        have-select-privilege-fn? (have-select-privilege-fn driver conn)]
    (eduction (mapcat (fn [schema]
                         (comp (filter have-select-privilege-fn?)
                               (map #(dissoc % :type)))
                         (db-tables driver metadata schema db-name-or-nil))))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync.interface/active-tables :sql-jdbc
  [driver connection schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters]
  (fast-active-tables driver connection nil schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters))

Alternative implementation of active-tables best suited for DBs with little or no support for schemas. Fetch all Tables, then filter out ones whose schema is in excluded-schemas Clojure-side.

(defn post-filtered-active-tables
  [driver ^Connection conn & [db-name-or-nil schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters]]
  {:pre [(instance? Connection conn)]}
  (let [have-select-privilege-fn? (have-select-privilege-fn driver conn)]
      (filter (let [excluded (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/excluded-schemas driver)]
                (fn [{table-schema :schema :as table}]
                  (and (not (contains? excluded table-schema))
                       (driver.s/include-schema? schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters table-schema)
                       (have-select-privilege-fn? table)))))
      (map #(dissoc % :type)))
     (db-tables driver (.getMetaData conn) nil db-name-or-nil))))

Get database instance from db-or-id-or-spec.

(defn db-or-id-or-spec->database
  (cond (mi/instance-of? :model/Database db-or-id-or-spec)
        (int? db-or-id-or-spec)
        (qp.store/with-metadata-provider db-or-id-or-spec
          (lib.metadata/database (qp.store/metadata-provider)))

Default implementation of [[metabase.driver/describe-database]] for SQL JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData.

(mu/defn describe-database
  [driver           :- :keyword
   db-or-id-or-spec :- [:or :int :map]]
    (fn [^Connection conn]
      (let [schema-filter-prop   (driver.u/find-schema-filters-prop driver)
            database             (db-or-id-or-spec->database db-or-id-or-spec)
             exclusion-patterns] (when (some? schema-filter-prop)
                                   (driver.s/db-details->schema-filter-patterns (:name schema-filter-prop) database))]
        (into #{} (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/active-tables driver conn inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns)))))})