(ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.common
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute :as sql-jdbc.execute])
   (java.sql Connection PreparedStatement ResultSet)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Create a PreparedStatement for metadata queries; set TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY/CONCUR_READ_ONLY/FETCH_FORWARD options if possible. These queries return no rows.

(defn prepare-statement
  ^PreparedStatement [driver ^Connection conn ^String sql params]
  ;; `sql-jdbc.execute/prepared-statement` will set `TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY`/`CONCUR_READ_ONLY`/`FETCH_FORWARD` if
  ;; possible, although I'm not sure if that will make a difference if we don't actually realize the ResultSet
  (doto ^PreparedStatement (sql-jdbc.execute/prepared-statement driver conn sql params)
    (.setMaxRows 0)))

Creates an IReduceInit for a function that returns a ResultSet, and a function that is called once for each row. rs-thunk should return a ResultSet; rs->row-thunk has the signature

(rs->row-thunk rs)-> row-thunk

rs->row-thunk is called once with the ResultSet, and should return a thunk; the resulting thunk is called once for each row. Example:

(reducible-results ;; rs-thunk should return a ResultSet #(.getSchemas metadata) ;; rs->row-thunk is called once with the ResultSet, and returns a thunk (fn [rs] ;; the thunk is called once for each row to get results (fn [] (.getString rs "TABLE_SCHEM"))))

(defn reducible-results
  [rs-thunk rs->row-thunk]
  (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit
    (reduce [_ rf init]
      (with-open [^ResultSet rs (rs-thunk)]
         ((take-while some?) rf)
         (let [row-thunk (rs->row-thunk rs)]
           (repeatedly #(when (.next rs)