Code related to actually running a SQL query against a JDBC database and for properly encoding/decoding types going
in and out of the database. Old, non-reducible implementation can be found in
| (ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute (:require [clojure.core.async :as a] [ :as jdbc] [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic :as sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute.old-impl :as sql-jdbc.execute.old] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface :as sql-jdbc.sync.interface] [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata] [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common] [metabase.lib.schema.expression.temporal :as lib.schema.expression.temporal] [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]] [metabase.premium-features.core :refer [defenterprise]] [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.limit :as limit] [metabase.query-processor.pipeline :as qp.pipeline] [metabase.query-processor.reducible :as qp.reducible] [ :as] [metabase.query-processor.timezone :as qp.timezone] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.performance :as perf] [potemkin :as p]) (:import (java.sql Connection JDBCType PreparedStatement ResultSet ResultSetMetaData SQLFeatureNotSupportedException Statement Types) (java.time Instant LocalDate LocalDateTime LocalTime OffsetDateTime OffsetTime ZonedDateTime) (javax.sql DataSource))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SQL JDBC Reducible QP Interface | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
Malli schema for the options passed to [[do-with-connection-with-options]]. | (def ConnectionOptions [:maybe [:map ;; a string like 'US/Pacific' or something like that. [:session-timezone {:optional true} [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema.expression.temporal/timezone-id]]] ;; whether this Connection should NOT be read-only, e.g. for DDL stuff or inserting data or whatever. [:write? {:optional true} [:maybe :boolean]]]]) |
Fetch a [[java.sql.Connection]] from a (f connection) If If
The normal 'happy path' is more or less (with-open [conn (.getConnection (datasource driver db-or-id-or-spec))] (set-best-transaction-level! driver conn) (set-time-zone-if-supported! driver conn session-timezone) (.setReadOnly conn true) (.setAutoCommit conn true) ; so the query(s) are not ran inside a transaction (.setHoldability conn ResultSet/CLOSECURSORSAT_COMMIT) (f conn)) This default implementation is abstracted out into two functions, [[do-with-resolved-connection]] and [[set-default-connection-options!]], that you can use as needed in custom implementations. See various driver implementations for examples. You should only set connection options on top-level calls to [[do-with-connection-with-options]]; check whether this is a [[recursive-connection?]] before setting options. There are two usual ways to set the session timezone if your driver supports them:
| (defmulti do-with-connection-with-options {:added "0.47.0" :arglists '([driver db-or-id-or-spec options f])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Set the | (defmulti set-parameter {:added "0.34.0" :arglists '([driver prepared-statement i object])} (fn [driver _ _ object] [(driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver driver) (class object)]) :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
TODO -- maybe like [[do-with-connection-with-options]] we should replace [[prepared-statment]] and [[statement]]
with | |
Create a PreparedStatement with | (defmulti ^PreparedStatement prepared-statement {:added "0.35.0", :arglists '(^java.sql.PreparedStatement [driver ^java.sql.Connection connection ^String sql params])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Indicates whether the given driver supports creating a java.sql.Statement, via the Connection. By default, this is true for all :sql-jdbc drivers. If the underlying driver does not support Statement creation, override this as false. TODO -- we should just make this a FEATURE!!!!!1 | (defmulti ^Statement statement-supported? {:added "0.39.0", :arglists '([driver])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Create a Statement object using the given connection. Only called if statement-supported? above returns true. This
is to be used to execute native queries, which implies there are no parameters. As with prepared-statement, you
shouldn't need to override the default implementation for this method; if you do, take care to set options to maximize
result set read performance (e.g. | (defmulti ^Statement statement {:added "0.39.0", :arglists '(^java.sql.Statement [driver ^java.sql.Connection connection])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Execute a | (defmulti execute-prepared-statement! {:added "0.39.0", :arglists '(^java.sql.ResultSet [driver ^java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Runs a SQL select query with a given | (defmulti execute-statement! {:added "0.39.0", :arglists '(^java.sql.ResultSet [driver ^java.sql.Statement stmt ^String sql])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Return a sequence of maps containing information about the corresponding columns in query results. The default implementation fetches this information via the result set metadata. It is unlikely you will need to override this. | (defmulti column-metadata {:added "0.35.0", :arglists '([driver ^java.sql.ResultSetMetaData rsmeta])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
Return a zero-arg function that, when called, will fetch the value of the column from the current row. This also supports defaults for the entire driver: ;; default method for Postgres not covered by any [driver jdbc-type] methods (defmethod read-column-thunk :postgres ...) | (defmulti read-column-thunk {:added "0.35.0", :arglists '([driver ^java.sql.ResultSet rs ^java.sql.ResultSetMetaData rsmeta i])} (fn [driver _rs ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta ^Long col-idx] [(driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver driver) (.getColumnType rsmeta col-idx)]) :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Default Impl | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
Fetch the connection pool | (defn datasource {:added "0.35.0"} ^DataSource [db-or-id-or-spec] (:datasource (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec db-or-id-or-spec))) |
Fetch the connection pool | (defn datasource-with-diagnostic-info! {:added "0.40.0"} ^DataSource [driver db-or-id] (let [ds (datasource db-or-id)] (sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/record-diagnostic-info-for-pool! driver (u/the-id db-or-id) ds) ds)) |
Execute | (defn set-time-zone-if-supported! {:deprecated "0.35.0"} [driver ^Connection conn ^String timezone-id] (when timezone-id (when-let [format-string (sql-jdbc.execute.old/set-timezone-sql driver)] (try (let [sql (format format-string (str \' timezone-id \'))] (log/debugf "Setting %s database timezone with statement: %s" driver (pr-str sql)) (try (.setReadOnly conn false) (catch Throwable e (log/debug e "Error setting connection to readwrite"))) (with-open [stmt (.createStatement conn)] (.execute stmt sql) (log/tracef "Successfully set timezone for %s database to %s" driver timezone-id))) (catch Throwable e (log/errorf e "Failed to set timezone '%s' for %s database" timezone-id driver)))))) |
OSS no-op implementation of | (defenterprise set-role-if-supported! metabase-enterprise.impersonation.driver [_ _ _]) |
Set the connection transaction isolation level to the least-locking level supported by the DB. See for an explanation of these levels. TODO - since we're not running the queries in a transaction, does this make any difference at all? (metabase#40012) | (defn set-best-transaction-level! {:added "0.35.0"} [driver ^Connection conn] (let [dbmeta (.getMetaData conn)] (loop [[[level-name ^Integer level] & more] [[:read-uncommitted Connection/TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED] [:read-committed Connection/TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED] [:repeatable-read Connection/TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ]]] (cond (.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel dbmeta level) (do (log/tracef "Set transaction isolation level for %s database to %s" (name driver) level-name) (try (.setTransactionIsolation conn level) (catch Throwable e (log/debugf e "Error setting transaction isolation level for %s database to %s" (name driver) level-name)))) (seq more) (recur more))))) |
(def ^:private DbOrIdOrSpec [:and [:or :int :map] [:fn ;; can't wrap a java.sql.Connection here because we're not ;; responsible for its lifecycle and that means you can't use ;; `with-open` on the Connection you'd get from the DataSource {:error/message "Cannot be a JDBC spec wrapping a java.sql.Connection"} (complement :connection)]]) | |
(mu/defn do-with-resolved-connection-data-source :- (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class DataSource) "Part of the default implementation for [[do-with-connection-with-options]]: get an appropriate `java.sql.DataSource` for `db-or-id-or-spec`. Not for use with a JDBC spec wrapping a `java.sql.Connection` (a spec with the key `:connection`), since we do not have control over its lifecycle and would thus not be able to use [[with-open]] with Connections provided by this DataSource." {:added "0.47.0", :arglists '(^javax.sql.DataSource [driver db-or-id-or-spec options])} [driver :- :keyword db-or-id-or-spec :- DbOrIdOrSpec {:keys [^String session-timezone], :as _options} :- ConnectionOptions] (if-not (u/id db-or-id-or-spec) ;; not a Database or Database ID... this is a raw `` spec, use that ;; directly. (reify DataSource (getConnection [_this] #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-var]} (jdbc/get-connection db-or-id-or-spec))) ;; otherwise this is either a Database or Database ID. (if-let [old-method-impl (get-method #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} sql-jdbc.execute.old/connection-with-timezone driver)] ;; use the deprecated impl for `connection-with-timezone` if one exists. (do (log/warnf "%s is deprecated in Metabase 0.47.0. Implement %s instead." #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} 'connection-with-timezone 'do-with-connection-with-options) ;; for compatibility, make sure we pass it an actual Database instance. (let [database (if (integer? db-or-id-or-spec) ( db-or-id-or-spec (lib.metadata/database ( db-or-id-or-spec)] (reify DataSource (getConnection [_this] (old-method-impl driver database session-timezone))))) (datasource-with-diagnostic-info! driver db-or-id-or-spec)))) | |
In recursive calls to [[do-with-connection-with-options]] we don't want to set options AGAIN, because this might
break things. For example in a top-level This gets incremented inside [[do-with-resolved-connection]], so the top level call with have a depth of | (def ^:private ^:dynamic ^{:added "0.47.0"} *connection-recursion-depth* -1) |
Whether or not we are in a recursive call to [[do-with-connection-with-options]]. If we are, you shouldn't set Connection options AGAIN, as that may override previous options that we don't want to override. | (defn recursive-connection? {:added "0.47.0"} [] (pos? *connection-recursion-depth*)) |
Execute (f ^java.sql.Connection conn) with a resolved JDBC connection. Part of the default implementation for [[do-with-connection-with-options]].
Generally does not set any | (mu/defn do-with-resolved-connection {:added "0.47.0"} [driver :- :keyword db-or-id-or-spec :- [:or :int :map] options :- ConnectionOptions f :- fn?] (binding [*connection-recursion-depth* (inc *connection-recursion-depth*)] (if-let [conn (:connection db-or-id-or-spec)] (f conn) (with-open [conn (.getConnection (do-with-resolved-connection-data-source driver db-or-id-or-spec options))] (f conn))))) |
Part of the default implementation of [[do-with-connection-with-options]]: set options for a newly fetched Connection. | (mu/defn set-default-connection-options! {:added "0.47.0"} [driver :- :keyword db-or-id-or-spec ^Connection conn :- (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class Connection) {:keys [^String session-timezone write?], :as options} :- ConnectionOptions] (when-not (recursive-connection?) (log/tracef "Setting default connection options with options %s" (pr-str options)) (set-best-transaction-level! driver conn) (set-time-zone-if-supported! driver conn session-timezone) (when-let [db (cond ;; id? (integer? db-or-id-or-spec) ( db-or-id-or-spec (lib.metadata/database ( ;; db? (u/id db-or-id-or-spec) db-or-id-or-spec ;; otherwise it's a spec and we can't get the db :else nil)] (set-role-if-supported! driver conn db)) (let [read-only? (not write?)] (try ;; Setting the connection to read-only does not prevent writes on some databases, and is meant ;; to be a hint to the driver to enable database optimizations ;; See (log/trace (pr-str (list '.setReadOnly 'conn read-only?))) (.setReadOnly conn read-only?) (catch Throwable e (log/debugf e "Error setting connection readOnly to %s" (pr-str read-only?))))) ;; If this is (supposedly) a read-only connection, we would prefer enable auto-commit ;; so this IS NOT ran inside of a transaction, but without transaction the read-only ;; flag has no effect for most of the drivers. ;; ;; TODO -- for `write?` connections, we should probably disable autoCommit and then manually call `.commit` at after ;; `f`... we need to check and make sure that won't mess anything up, since some existing code is already doing it ;; manually. (metabase#40014) (when-not write? (try (log/trace (pr-str '(.setAutoCommit conn true))) (.setAutoCommit conn true) (catch Throwable e (log/debug e "Error enabling connection autoCommit")))) (try (log/trace (pr-str '(.setHoldability conn ResultSet/CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT))) (.setHoldability conn ResultSet/CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT) (catch Throwable e (log/debug e "Error setting default holdability for connection"))))) |
(defmethod do-with-connection-with-options :sql-jdbc [driver db-or-id-or-spec options f] (do-with-resolved-connection driver db-or-id-or-spec options (fn [^Connection conn] (set-default-connection-options! driver db-or-id-or-spec conn options) (f conn)))) | |
TODO - would a more general method to convert a parameter to the desired class (and maybe JDBC type) be more useful? Then we can actually do things like log what transformations are taking place | |
(defn- set-object ([^PreparedStatement prepared-statement, ^Integer index, object] (log/tracef "(set-object prepared-statement %d ^%s %s)" index (some-> object class .getName) (pr-str object)) (.setObject prepared-statement index object)) ([^PreparedStatement prepared-statement, ^Integer index, object, ^Integer target-sql-type] (log/tracef "(set-object prepared-statement %d ^%s %s java.sql.Types/%s)" index (some-> object class .getName) (pr-str object) (.getName (JDBCType/valueOf target-sql-type))) (.setObject prepared-statement index object target-sql-type))) | |
(defmethod set-parameter :default [_ prepared-statement i object] (set-object prepared-statement i object)) | |
(defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver LocalDate] [_ prepared-statement i t] (set-object prepared-statement i t Types/DATE)) | |
(defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver LocalTime] [_ prepared-statement i t] (set-object prepared-statement i t Types/TIME)) | |
(defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver LocalDateTime] [_ prepared-statement i t] (set-object prepared-statement i t Types/TIMESTAMP)) | |
(defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver OffsetTime] [_ prepared-statement i t] (set-object prepared-statement i t Types/TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE)) | |
(defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver OffsetDateTime] [_ prepared-statement i t] (set-object prepared-statement i t Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE)) | |
(defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver ZonedDateTime] [_ prepared-statement i t] (set-object prepared-statement i t Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE)) | |
(defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver Instant] [driver prepared-statement i t] (set-parameter driver prepared-statement i (t/offset-date-time t (t/zone-offset 0)))) | |
TODO - this might not be needed for all drivers. It is at least needed for H2 and Postgres. Not sure which, if any
JDBC drivers support | (defmethod set-parameter [::driver/driver ZonedDateTime] [driver prepared-statement i t] (set-parameter driver prepared-statement i (t/offset-date-time t))) |
Set parameters for the prepared statement by calling | (defn set-parameters! {:added "0.35.0"} [driver stmt params] (when (< (try (.. ^PreparedStatement stmt getParameterMetaData getParameterCount) (catch Throwable _ (count params))) (count params)) (throw (ex-info (tru "It looks like we got more parameters than we can handle, remember that parameters cannot be used in comments or as identifiers.") {:driver driver :type qp.error-type/driver :statement (str/split-lines (str stmt)) :params params}))) (dorun (map-indexed (fn [i param] (log/tracef "Set param %d -> %s" (inc i) (pr-str param)) (set-parameter driver stmt (inc i) param)) params))) |
Fetch size for result sets. We want to ensure that the jdbc ResultSet objects are not realizing the entire results in memory. | (defsetting sql-jdbc-fetch-size :default 500 :type :integer :visibility :internal) |
(defmethod prepared-statement :sql-jdbc [driver ^Connection conn ^String sql params] (let [stmt (.prepareStatement conn sql ResultSet/TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ResultSet/CONCUR_READ_ONLY ResultSet/CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT)] (try (try (.setFetchDirection stmt ResultSet/FETCH_FORWARD) (catch Throwable e (log/debug e "Error setting prepared statement fetch direction to FETCH_FORWARD"))) (try (when (zero? (.getFetchSize stmt)) (.setFetchSize stmt (sql-jdbc-fetch-size))) (catch Throwable e (log/debug e "Error setting prepared statement fetch size to fetch-size"))) (set-parameters! driver stmt params) stmt (catch Throwable e (.close stmt) (throw e))))) | |
by default, drivers support .createStatement | (defmethod statement-supported? :sql-jdbc [_] true) |
(defmethod statement :sql-jdbc [_ ^Connection conn] (let [stmt (.createStatement conn ResultSet/TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ResultSet/CONCUR_READ_ONLY ResultSet/CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT)] (try (try (.setFetchDirection stmt ResultSet/FETCH_FORWARD) (catch Throwable e (log/debug e "Error setting statement fetch direction to FETCH_FORWARD"))) (try (when (zero? (.getFetchSize stmt)) (.setFetchSize stmt (sql-jdbc-fetch-size))) (catch Throwable e (log/debug e "Error setting statement fetch size to fetch-size"))) stmt (catch Throwable e (.close stmt) (throw e))))) | |
If | (defn- wire-up-canceled-chan-to-cancel-Statement! [^Statement stmt canceled-chan] (when canceled-chan (a/go (when (a/<! canceled-chan) (when-not (.isClosed stmt) (log/debug "Query canceled, calling Statement.cancel()") (.cancel stmt)))))) |
(defn- prepared-statement* ^PreparedStatement [driver conn sql params canceled-chan] ;; sometimes preparing the statement fails, usually if the SQL syntax is invalid. (doto (try (prepared-statement driver conn sql params) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (tru "Error preparing statement: {0}" (ex-message e)) {:driver driver :type qp.error-type/driver :sql (str/split-lines (driver/prettify-native-form driver sql)) :params params} e)))) (wire-up-canceled-chan-to-cancel-Statement! canceled-chan))) | |
(defn- use-statement? [driver params] (and (statement-supported? driver) (empty? params))) | |
(defn- statement* ^Statement [driver conn canceled-chan] (doto (statement driver conn) (wire-up-canceled-chan-to-cancel-Statement! canceled-chan))) | |
Create a statement or a prepared statement. Should be called from [[with-open]]. | (defn statement-or-prepared-statement ^Statement [driver conn sql params canceled-chan] (if (use-statement? driver params) (statement* driver conn canceled-chan) (prepared-statement* driver conn sql params canceled-chan))) |
(defmethod execute-prepared-statement! :sql-jdbc [_ ^PreparedStatement stmt] (.executeQuery stmt)) | |
(defmethod execute-statement! :sql-jdbc [driver ^Statement stmt ^String sql] (if (.execute stmt sql) (.getResultSet stmt) (throw (ex-info (str (tru "Select statement did not produce a ResultSet for native query")) {:sql sql :driver driver})))) | |
(defn- execute-statement-or-prepared-statement! ^ResultSet [driver ^Statement stmt max-rows params sql] (let [st (doto stmt (.setMaxRows max-rows))] (if (use-statement? driver params) (execute-statement! driver st sql) (execute-prepared-statement! driver st)))) | |
(defmethod read-column-thunk :default [driver ^ResultSet rs rsmeta ^long i] (let [driver-default-method (get-method read-column-thunk driver)] (if-not (= driver-default-method (get-method read-column-thunk :default)) ^{:name (format "(read-column-thunk %s)" driver)} (driver-default-method driver rs rsmeta i) ^{:name (format "(.getObject rs %d)" i)} (fn [] (.getObject rs i))))) | |
(defn- get-object-of-class-thunk [^ResultSet rs, ^long i, ^Class klass] ^{:name (format "(.getObject rs %d %s)" i (.getCanonicalName klass))} (fn [] (.getObject rs i klass))) | |
(defmethod read-column-thunk [:sql-jdbc Types/TIMESTAMP] [_ rs _ i] (get-object-of-class-thunk rs i java.time.LocalDateTime)) | |
(defmethod read-column-thunk [:sql-jdbc Types/ARRAY] [_driver ^java.sql.ResultSet rs _rsmeta ^Integer i] (fn [] (when-let [obj (.getObject rs i)] (vec (.getArray ^java.sql.Array obj))))) | |
(defmethod read-column-thunk [:sql-jdbc Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE] [_ rs _ i] (get-object-of-class-thunk rs i java.time.OffsetDateTime)) | |
(defmethod read-column-thunk [:sql-jdbc Types/DATE] [_ rs _ i] (get-object-of-class-thunk rs i java.time.LocalDate)) | |
(defmethod read-column-thunk [:sql-jdbc Types/TIME] [_ rs _ i] (get-object-of-class-thunk rs i java.time.LocalTime)) | |
(defmethod read-column-thunk [:sql-jdbc Types/TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE] [_ rs _ i] (get-object-of-class-thunk rs i java.time.OffsetTime)) | |
(defn- column-range [^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta] (range 1 (inc (.getColumnCount rsmeta)))) | |
(defn- log-readers [driver ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta fns] (log/trace (str/join "\n" (for [^Integer i (column-range rsmeta)] (format "Reading %s column %d %s (JDBC type: %s, DB type: %s) with %s" driver i (pr-str (.getColumnName rsmeta i)) (or (u/ignore-exceptions (.getName (JDBCType/valueOf (.getColumnType rsmeta i)))) (.getColumnType rsmeta i)) (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta i) (let [f (nth fns (dec i))] (or (:name (meta f)) f))))))) | |
Returns a thunk that can be called repeatedly to get the next row in the result set, using appropriate methods to
fetch each value in the row. Returns | (defn row-thunk [driver ^ResultSet rs ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta] (let [fns (mapv #(read-column-thunk driver rs rsmeta (long %)) (column-range rsmeta))] (log-readers driver rsmeta fns) (let [thunk (if (seq fns) (perf/juxt* fns) (constantly []))] (fn row-thunk* [] (when (.next rs) (thunk)))))) |
(defn- resolve-missing-base-types [driver metadatas] (if ( (let [missing (keep (fn [{:keys [database_type base_type]}] (when-not base_type database_type)) metadatas) lookup (driver/dynamic-database-types-lookup driver (lib.metadata/database ( missing)] (if (seq lookup) (mapv (fn [{:keys [database_type base_type] :as metadata}] (if-not base_type (m/assoc-some metadata :base_type (lookup database_type)) metadata)) metadatas) metadatas)) metadatas)) | |
(defmethod column-metadata :sql-jdbc [driver ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta] (->> (mapv (fn [^Long i] (let [col-name (.getColumnLabel rsmeta i) db-type-name (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta i) base-type (sql-jdbc.sync.interface/database-type->base-type driver (keyword db-type-name))] (log/tracef "Column %d '%s' is a %s which is mapped to base type %s for driver %s\n" i col-name db-type-name base-type driver) {:name col-name ;; TODO - disabled for now since it breaks a lot of tests. We can re-enable it when the tests are in a better ;; state #_:original_name #_(.getColumnName rsmeta i) #_:jdbc_type #_(u/ignore-exceptions (.getName (JDBCType/valueOf (.getColumnType rsmeta i)))) :base_type base-type :database_type db-type-name})) (column-range rsmeta)) (resolve-missing-base-types driver) (mapv (fn [{:keys [base_type] :as metadata}] (if (nil? base_type) (assoc metadata :base_type :type/*) metadata))))) | |
Returns an object that can be reduced to fetch the rows and columns in a The three-arity was added in 0.48.0 | (defn reducible-rows {:added "0.35.0"} ([driver ^ResultSet rs ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta] (let [row-thunk (row-thunk driver rs rsmeta)] (qp.reducible/reducible-rows row-thunk))) ([driver ^ResultSet rs ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta canceled-chan] (let [row-thunk (row-thunk driver rs rsmeta)] (qp.reducible/reducible-rows row-thunk canceled-chan)))) |
Injects the remark into the SQL query text. | (defmulti inject-remark {:added "0.48.0", :arglists '([driver sql remark])} driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy) |
(defmethod inject-remark :default [_ sql remark] (str "-- " remark "\n" sql)) | |
Default impl of [[metabase.driver/execute-reducible-query]] for sql-jdbc drivers. | (defn execute-reducible-query {:added "0.35.0", :arglists '([driver query context respond] [driver sql params max-rows context respond])} ([driver {{sql :query, params :params} :native, :as outer-query} context respond] {:pre [(string? sql) (seq sql)]} (let [database (lib.metadata/database ( sql (if (get-in database [:details :include-user-id-and-hash] true) (->> (qp.util/query->remark driver outer-query) (inject-remark driver sql)) sql) max-rows (limit/determine-query-max-rows outer-query)] (execute-reducible-query driver sql params max-rows context respond))) ([driver sql params max-rows _context respond] (do-with-connection-with-options driver (lib.metadata/database ( {:session-timezone (qp.timezone/report-timezone-id-if-supported driver (lib.metadata/database (} (fn [^Connection conn] (with-open [stmt (statement-or-prepared-statement driver conn sql params qp.pipeline/*canceled-chan*) ^ResultSet rs (try (execute-statement-or-prepared-statement! driver stmt max-rows params sql) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (tru "Error executing query: {0}" (ex-message e)) {:driver driver :sql (str/split-lines (driver/prettify-native-form driver sql)) :params params :type qp.error-type/invalid-query} e))))] (let [rsmeta (.getMetaData rs) results-metadata {:cols (column-metadata driver rsmeta)}] (try (respond results-metadata (reducible-rows driver rs rsmeta qp.pipeline/*canceled-chan*)) ;; Following cancels the statment on the dbms side. ;; It avoids blocking `.close` call, in case we reduced the results subset eg. by means of ;; [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.limit/limit-xform]] middleware, while statment is still ;; in progress. This problem was encountered on Redshift. For details see the issue #39018. ;; It also handles situation where query is canceled through [[qp.pipeline/*canceled-chan*]] (#41448). (finally ;; TODO: Following `when` is in place just to find out if vertica is flaking because of cancelations. ;; It should be removed afterwards! (when-not (= :vertica driver) (try (.cancel stmt) (catch SQLFeatureNotSupportedException _ (log/warnf "Statemet's `.cancel` method is not supported by the `%s` driver." (name driver))) (catch Throwable _ (log/warn "Statement cancelation failed.")))))))))))) |
Returns a reducible collection of rows as maps from | (defn reducible-query {:added "0.49.0", :arglists '([db [sql & params]])} [db [sql & params]] (let [driver (:engine db)] (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit (reduce [_ rf init] (do-with-connection-with-options driver db nil (fn [^Connection conn] (with-open [stmt (statement-or-prepared-statement driver conn sql params nil) ^ResultSet rs (try (let [max-rows 0] ; 0 means no limit (execute-statement-or-prepared-statement! driver stmt max-rows params sql)) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (tru "Error executing query: {0}" (ex-message e)) {:driver driver :sql (str/split-lines (driver/prettify-native-form driver sql)) :params params} e))))] ;; TODO - we should probably be using [[reducible-rows]] instead to convert to the correct types (reduce rf init (jdbc/reducible-result-set rs {}))))))))) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Actions Stuff | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(defmethod driver/execute-write-query! :sql-jdbc [driver {{sql :query, :keys [params]} :native}] {:pre [(string? sql)]} (try (do-with-connection-with-options driver (lib.metadata/database ( {:write? true :session-timezone (qp.timezone/report-timezone-id-if-supported driver (lib.metadata/database (} (fn [^Connection conn] (with-open [stmt (statement-or-prepared-statement driver conn sql params nil)] {:rows-affected (if (instance? PreparedStatement stmt) (.executeUpdate ^PreparedStatement stmt) (.executeUpdate stmt sql))}))) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (tru "Error executing write query: {0}" (ex-message e)) {:sql sql, :params params, :type qp.error-type/invalid-query} e))))) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Convenience Imports from Old Impl | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} (p/import-vars [sql-jdbc.execute.old connection-with-timezone set-timezone-sql]) | |