Method impls for [[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.actions]] for | (ns metabase.driver.h2.actions (:require [ :as jdbc] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.actions.core :as actions] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.actions :as sql-jdbc.actions] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru deferred-trun]] [metabase.util.log :as log])) |
(defmethod sql-jdbc.actions/base-type->sql-type-map :h2 [_driver] {:type/BigInteger "BIGINT" :type/Boolean "BOOL" :type/Date "DATE" :type/DateTime "DATETIME" :type/DateTimeWithTZ "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" :type/Decimal "DECIMAL" :type/Float "FLOAT" :type/Integer "INTEGER" :type/Text "VARCHAR" :type/Time "TIME"}) | |
H2 doesn't need to do anything special with nested transactions; the original transaction can proceed even if some specific statement errored. | (defmethod sql-jdbc.actions/do-nested-transaction :h2 [_driver _conn thunk] (thunk)) |
Get the name of identifier from JDBC error message. An identifier can contains quote and full schema, database, table , etc. This formats so that we get only the identifer name with quote removed. (db-identifier->name "PUBLIC.TABLE" ) => "TABLE" | (defn- db-identifier->name [s] (-> s (str/replace #"\"" "") (str/split #"\.") last)) |
Given a constraint with | (defn- constraint->column-names [database table-name constraint-name] (let [jdbc-spec (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec (u/the-id database)) sql-args ["SELECT C.TABLE_CATALOG, C.TABLE_SCHEMA, K.COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS C JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE K ON C.CONSTRAINT_NAME = K.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE C.INDEX_NAME = ? AND C.TABLE_NAME = ?" constraint-name table-name]] (first (reduce (fn [[columns catalog schema] {:keys [table_catalog table_schema column_name]}] (if (and (or (nil? catalog) (= table_catalog catalog)) (or (nil? schema) (= table_schema schema))) [(conj columns column_name) table_catalog table_schema] (do (log/warnf "Ambiguous catalog/schema for constraint %s in table %s" constraint-name table-name) (reduced nil)))) [[] nil nil] (jdbc/reducible-query jdbc-spec sql-args {:identifers identity, :transaction? false}))))) |
(defmethod sql-jdbc.actions/maybe-parse-sql-error [:h2 actions/violate-not-null-constraint] [_driver error-type _database _action-type error-message] (when-let [[_ column] (re-find #"NULL not allowed for column \"([^\"]+)\"" error-message)] {:type error-type :message (tru "{0} must have values." (str/capitalize column)) :errors {column (tru "You must provide a value.")}})) | |
(defmethod sql-jdbc.actions/maybe-parse-sql-error [:h2 actions/violate-unique-constraint] [_driver error-type database _action-type error-message] (when-let [[_match constraint-name table] (re-find #"Unique index or primary key violation: \"[^.]+.(.+?) ON [^.]+.\"\"(.+?)\"\"" error-message)] (let [columns (constraint->column-names database table constraint-name)] {:type error-type :message (tru "{0} already {1}." (u/build-sentence (map str/capitalize columns) :stop? false) (deferred-trun "exists" "exist" (count columns))) :errors (reduce (fn [acc col] (assoc acc col (tru "This {0} value already exists." (str/capitalize col)))) {} columns)}))) | |
(defmethod sql-jdbc.actions/maybe-parse-sql-error [:h2 actions/violate-foreign-key-constraint] [_driver error-type _database action-type error-message] (when-let [[_match column] (re-find #"Referential integrity constraint violation: \"[^\:]+: [^\s]+ FOREIGN KEY\(([^\s]+)\)" error-message)] (let [column (db-identifier->name column)] (merge {:type error-type} (case action-type :row/create {:message (tru "Unable to create a new record.") :errors {column (tru "This {0} does not exist." (str/capitalize column))}} :row/delete {:message (tru "Other tables rely on this row so it cannot be deleted.") :errors {}} :row/update {:message (tru "Unable to update the record.") :errors {column (tru "This {0} does not exist." (str/capitalize column))}}))))) | |
(defmethod sql-jdbc.actions/maybe-parse-sql-error [:h2 actions/incorrect-value-type] [_driver error-type _database _action-type error-message] (when-let [[_ _expected-type _value] (re-find #"Data conversion error converting .*" error-message)] {:type error-type :message (tru "Some of your values aren’t of the correct type for the database.") :errors {}})) | |