(ns metabase.driver.ddl.interface
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
   [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu])
   (java.time Instant)
   (java.time.format DateTimeFormatter)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(mu/defn schema-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
  "Returns a schema name for persisting models. Needs the database to use the db id and the site-uuid to ensure that
  multiple connections from multiple metabases remain distinct. The UUID will have the first character of each section taken.
  (schema-name {:id 234} \"143dd8ce-e116-4c7f-8d6d-32e99eaefbbc\") ->  \"metabase_cache_1e483_1\
  [{:keys [id] :as _database} :- [:map [:id ::lib.schema.id/database]]
   site-uuid-string           :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
  (let [instance-string (apply str (map first (str/split site-uuid-string #"-")))]
    (format "metabase_cache_%s_%s" instance-string id)))

Transform a lowercase string Table or Field name in a way appropriate for this dataset (e.g., h2 would want to upcase these names; mongo would want to use "_id" in place of "id". This method should return a string. Defaults to an identity implementation.

This is actually ultimately used to format any name that comes back from [[metabase.test.data.sql/qualified-name-components]] -- so if you include the Database name there, it will get formatted by this as well.

(defmulti format-name
  {:changelog-test/ignore true :added "0.44.0" :arglists '([driver table-or-field-name])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(defmethod format-name :default [_ table-or-field-name] table-or-field-name)

Verify that the source database is acceptable to persist. Returns a tuple of a boolean and :persist.check/valid in the event it was successful or a keyword indicating the reason for failure.

Examples: - [true :persist.check/valid] - [false :persist.check/create-schema] - [false :persist.check/create-table] - [false :persist.check/read-table] - [false :persist.check/delete-table]

(defmulti check-can-persist
  {:changelog-test/ignore true :added "0.44.0" :arglists '([database])}
  (fn [database] (driver/dispatch-on-initialized-driver (:engine database)))
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)

The honeysql form that creates the persisted schema cache_info table.

(defn create-kv-table-honey-sql-form
  {:create-table [(keyword schema-name "cache_info") :if-not-exists]
   :with-columns [[:key :text] [:value :text]]})

Version 1 of the values to go in the key/value table cache_info table.

(defn kv-table-values
  [{:key   "settings-version"
    :value "1"}
   {:key   "created-at"
    ;; "2023-03-29T14:01:27.871697Z"
    :value (.format DateTimeFormatter/ISO_INSTANT (Instant/now))}
   {:key   "instance-uuid"
    :value (public-settings/site-uuid)}
   {:key   "instance-name"
    :value (public-settings/site-name)}])

The honeysql form that populates the persisted schema cache_info table.

(defn populate-kv-table-honey-sql-form
  {:insert-into [(keyword schema-name "cache_info")]
   :values (kv-table-values)})

Human readable messages for different connection errors.

(defn error->message
  [error schema]
  (case error
    :persist.check/create-schema (tru "Lack permissions to create {0} schema" schema)
    :persist.check/create-table (tru "Lack permission to create table in schema {0}" schema)
    :persist.check/read-table (tru "Lack permission to read table in schema {0}" schema)
    :persist.check/delete-table (tru "Lack permission to delete table in schema {0}" schema)))

Refresh a model in a datastore. A table is created and populated in the source datastore, not the application database. Assumes that the destination schema is populated and permissions are correct. This should all be true if (driver/database-supports engine :persisted-models database) returns true. Returns a map with :state that is :success or :error. If :state is :error, includes a key :error with a string message.

(defmulti refresh!
  {:changelog-test/ignore true :added "0.44.0" :arglists '([driver database definition dataset-query])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)

Unpersist a persisted model. Responsible for removing the persisted table.

(defmulti unpersist!
  {:changelog-test/ignore true :added "0.44.0" :arglists '([driver database persisted-info])}
  :hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)