These functions build a map of information about the types and values of the params used in a query. (These functions
don't parse the query itself, but instead look at the values of (query->params-map some-inner-query) ;; -> {"checkindate" {:field {:name "date", :parentid nil, :table_id 1375} :param {:type "date/range" :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "checkin_date"]] :value "2015-01-01~2016-09-01"}}} | (ns metabase.driver.common.parameters.values (:require [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.driver.common.parameters :as params] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s] [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata] [metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols] [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common] [ :as] [metabase.lib.schema.template-tag :as lib.schema.template-tag] [metabase.query-processor.compile :as qp.compile] [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.limit :as limit] [ :as] [metabase.query-processor.util.persisted-cache :as qp.persistence] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] ^{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]} [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo) (java.util UUID))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(def ^:private Date (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class metabase.driver.common.parameters.Date)) (def ^:private FieldFilter (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class metabase.driver.common.parameters.FieldFilter)) (def ^:private ReferencedQuerySnippet (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class metabase.driver.common.parameters.ReferencedQuerySnippet)) (def ^:private ReferencedCardQuery (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class metabase.driver.common.parameters.ReferencedCardQuery)) | |
Parse a tag by its | (defmulti ^:private parse-tag {:arglists '([tag params])} (fn [{tag-type :type} _] (keyword tag-type))) |
(defmethod parse-tag :default [{tag-type :type, :as tag} _] (throw (ex-info (tru "Don''t know how to parse parameter of type {0}" (pr-str tag-type)) {:tag tag}))) | |
various schemas are used to check that various functions return things in expected formats | |
TAGS in this case are simple params like {{x}} that get replaced with a single value ("ABC" or 1) as opposed to a "FieldFilter" clause like FieldFilters Since 'FieldFilter' are considered their own | |
Schema for a valid single value for a param. | (def ^:private SingleValue [:or FieldFilter Date number? :string :boolean]) |
Schema for valid param value(s). Params can have one or more values. | (def ^:private ParsedParamValue [:maybe [:or {:error/message "Valid param value(s)"} [:= params/no-value] SingleValue [:sequential SingleValue] :map]]) |
Given a template tag, returns a set of [:dimension [:template-tag {:id [:variable [:template-tag {:id Targeting template tags by ID is preferable (as of version 44) but targeting by name is supported for backwards compatibility. | (mu/defn- tag-targets [tag :- mbql.s/TemplateTag] (let [target-type (case (:type tag) :dimension :dimension :variable)] #{[target-type [:template-tag (:name tag)]] [target-type [:template-tag {:id (:id tag)}]]})) |
Returns a predicate recognizing parameter targets pointing to | (defn- tag-target-pred [tag] (let [targets (tag-targets tag)] (fn tag-target? [param-target] (and (vector? param-target) (> (count param-target) 1) (targets (subvec param-target 0 2)) ;; legacy dimension params come without stage-number, 0 is the default (= (get-in param-target [2 :stage-number] 0) ;; Currently, we have no multi-stage native queries, so the stage-number is always 0. ;; If in the future we introduce such queries, we can specify the stage-number of tags ;; and they should match the stage-number of the parameter target. (get tag :stage-number 0)))))) |
Return params from the provided | (mu/defn- tag-params [tag :- mbql.s/TemplateTag params :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Parameter]]] (let [tag-target? (tag-target-pred tag)] (seq (for [param params :when (tag-target? (:target param))] param)))) |
FieldFilter Params (Field Filters) (e.g. WHERE {{x}}) | |
(defn- missing-required-param-exception [param-display-name] (ex-info (tru "You''ll need to pick a value for ''{0}'' before this query can run." param-display-name) {:type qp.error-type/missing-required-parameter})) | |
(mu/defn- field-filter->field-id :- [field-filter] (second field-filter)) | |
Get parameter value(s) for a Field filter. Returns map if there is a normal single value, or a vector of maps for multiple values. | (mu/defn- field-filter-value [tag :- mbql.s/TemplateTag params :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Parameter]]] (let [matching-params (tag-params tag params) tag-opts (:options tag) normalize-params (fn [params] ;; remove `:target` which is no longer needed after this point ;; and add any tag options that are compatible with the new type (let [params (map (fn [param] (let [tag-opts (if (and (contains? tag-opts :case-sensitive) (not (contains? #{:string/contains :string/does-not-contain :string/ends-with :string/starts-with} (:type param)))) (dissoc tag-opts :case-sensitive) tag-opts)] (cond-> (dissoc param :target) (seq tag-opts) (assoc :options tag-opts)))) params)] (if (= (count params) 1) (first params) params))) nil-value? (and (seq matching-params) (every? (fn [param] (nil? (:value param))) matching-params))] (cond ;; if we have matching parameter(s) with at least one actual value, return them. (and (seq matching-params) (some :value matching-params)) (normalize-params (filter :value matching-params)) ;; If a FieldFilter has value=nil, return a [[params/no-value]] ;; so that this filter can be substituted with "1 = 1" regardless of whether or not this tag has default value (and (not (:required tag)) nil-value?) params/no-value ;; When a FieldFilter has value=nil and is required, use the default value or throw an exception (and (:required tag) nil-value?) (if-let [tag-default (:default tag)] (cond-> {:type (:widget-type tag :dimension) ; widget-type is the actual type of the default value if set :value tag-default} tag-opts (assoc :options tag-opts)) (throw (missing-required-param-exception (:display-name tag)))) ;; otherwise, attempt to fall back to the default value specified as part of the template tag. (some? (:default tag)) (cond-> {:type (:widget-type tag :dimension) ; widget-type is the actual type of the default value if set :value (:default tag)} tag-opts (assoc :options tag-opts)) ;; if that doesn't exist, see if the matching parameters specified default values This can be the case if the ;; parameters came from a Dashboard -- Dashboard parameter mappings can specify their own defaults -- but we want ;; the defaults specified in the template tag to take precedence if both are specified (and (seq matching-params) (every? :default matching-params)) (normalize-params matching-params) ;; otherwise there is no value for this Field filter ("dimension"), throw Exception if this param is required, (:required tag) (throw (missing-required-param-exception (:display-name tag))) ;; otherwise return [[params/no-value]] to signify that this filter can be substituted with "1 = 1" :else params/no-value))) |
(mu/defmethod parse-tag :dimension :- [:maybe FieldFilter] [{field-filter :dimension, :as tag} :- mbql.s/TemplateTag params :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Parameter]]] (params/map->FieldFilter {:field (let [field-id (field-filter->field-id field-filter)] (or (lib.metadata/field ( field-id) (throw (ex-info (tru "Can''t find field with ID: {0}" field-id) {:field-id field-id, :type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter})))) :value (field-filter-value tag params)})) | |
(mu/defmethod parse-tag :card :- ReferencedCardQuery [{:keys [card-id], :as tag} :- mbql.s/TemplateTag _params] (when-not card-id (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid :card parameter: missing `:card-id`") {:tag tag, :type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter}))) (let [card (lib.metadata.protocols/card ( card-id) persisted-info (when (= (:type card) :model) (:lib/persisted-info card)) query (or (:dataset-query card) (throw (ex-info (tru "Card {0} not found." card-id) {:card-id card-id, :tag tag, :type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter})))] (try (params/map->ReferencedCardQuery (let [query (assoc query :info {:card-id card-id})] (log/tracef "Compiling referenced query for Card %d\n%s" card-id (u/pprint-to-str query)) (merge {:card-id card-id} (or (when (qp.persistence/can-substitute? card persisted-info) {:query (qp.persistence/persisted-info-native-query (u/the-id (lib.metadata/database ( persisted-info)}) (qp.compile/compile (limit/disable-max-results query)))))) (catch ExceptionInfo e (throw (ex-info (tru "The sub-query from referenced question #{0} failed with the following error: {1}" (str card-id) (pr-str (.getMessage e))) {:card-query-error? true :card-id card-id :tag tag :type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter} e)))))) | |
(mu/defmethod parse-tag :snippet :- ReferencedQuerySnippet [{:keys [snippet-name snippet-id], :as tag} :- mbql.s/TemplateTag _params] (let [snippet-id (or snippet-id (throw (ex-info (tru "Unable to resolve Snippet: missing `:snippet-id`") {:tag tag, :type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter}))) snippet (or (t2/select-one :model/NativeQuerySnippet :id snippet-id) (throw (ex-info (tru "Snippet {0} {1} not found." snippet-id (pr-str snippet-name)) {:snippet-id snippet-id :snippet-name snippet-name :tag tag :type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter})))] (params/map->ReferencedQuerySnippet {:snippet-id (:id snippet) :content (:content snippet)}))) | |
Non-FieldFilter Params (e.g. WHERE x = {{x}}) | |
Get the value that should be used for a raw value (i.e., non-Field filter) template tag from | (mu/defn- param-value-for-raw-value-tag [tag :- mbql.s/TemplateTag params :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Parameter]]] (let [matching-param (when-let [matching-params (not-empty (tag-params tag params))] ;; double-check and make sure we didn't end up with multiple mappings or something crazy like that. (when (> (count matching-params) 1) (throw (ex-info (tru "Error: multiple values specified for parameter; non-Field Filter parameters can only have one value.") {:type qp.error-type/invalid-parameter :template-tag tag :matching-parameters params}))) (first matching-params)) nil-value? (and matching-param (nil? (:value matching-param)))] ;; But if the param is present in `params` and its value is nil, don't use the default. ;; If the param is not present in `params` use a default from either the tag or the Dashboard parameter. ;; If both the tag and Dashboard parameter specify a default value, prefer the default value from the tag. (or (:value matching-param) (when (and nil-value? (not (:required tag))) params/no-value) (:default tag) (:default matching-param) (if (:required tag) (throw (missing-required-param-exception (:display-name tag))) params/no-value)))) |
(defmethod parse-tag :number [tag params] (param-value-for-raw-value-tag tag params)) | |
(defmethod parse-tag :text [tag params] (param-value-for-raw-value-tag tag params)) | |
(defmethod parse-tag :date [tag params] (param-value-for-raw-value-tag tag params)) | |
Parsing Values | |
(mu/defn- parse-number :- number? "Parse a string like `1` or `2.0` into a valid number. Done mostly to keep people from passing in things that aren't numbers, like SQL identifiers. When the value is an integer outside the Long range, BigInteger is returned." [s :- :string] (if (re-find #"\." s) (Double/parseDouble s) (or (parse-long s) (biginteger s)))) | |
(mu/defn- value->number :- [:or number? [:sequential {:min 1} number?]] "Parse a 'numeric' param value. Normally this returns an integer or floating-point number, but as a somewhat undocumented feature it also accepts comma-separated lists of numbers. This was a side-effect of the old parameter code that unquestioningly substituted any parameter passed in as a number directly into the SQL. This has long been changed for security purposes (avoiding SQL injection), but since users have come to expect comma-separated numeric values to work we'll allow that (with validation) and return a vector to be converted to a list in the native query." [value] (cond ;; already parsed (number? value) value ;; newer operators use vectors as their arguments even if there's only one (vector? value) (u/many-or-one (mapv value->number value)) ;; if the value is a string, then split it by commas in the string. Usually there should be none. ;; Parse each part as a number. (string? value) (u/many-or-one (mapv parse-number (str/split value #","))))) | |
(mu/defn- parse-value-for-field-type :- :any "Do special parsing for value for a (presumably textual) FieldFilter (`:type` = `:dimension`) param (i.e., attempt to parse it as appropriate based on the base type and semantic type of the Field associated with it). These are special cases for handling types that do not have an associated parameter type (such as `date` or `number`), such as UUID fields." [effective-type :- ::lib.schema.common/base-type value] (cond (isa? effective-type :type/UUID) (UUID/fromString value) (isa? effective-type :type/Number) (value->number value) :else value)) | |
(mu/defn- update-filter-for-field-type :- ParsedParamValue "Update a Field Filter with a textual, or sequence of textual, values. The base type and semantic type of the field are used to determine what 'semantic' type interpretation is required (e.g. for UUID fields)." [{field :field, {value :value} :value, :as field-filter} :- FieldFilter] (let [effective-type ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) field) new-value (cond (string? value) (parse-value-for-field-type effective-type value) (and (sequential? value) (every? string? value)) (mapv (partial parse-value-for-field-type effective-type) value))] (when (not= value new-value) (log/tracef "update filter for base-type: %s value: %s -> %s" (pr-str effective-type) (pr-str value) (pr-str new-value))) (cond-> field-filter new-value (assoc-in [:value :value] new-value)))) | |
(mu/defn- parse-value-for-type :- ParsedParamValue "Parse a `value` based on the type chosen for the param, such as `text` or `number`. (Depending on the type of param created, `value` here might be a raw value or a map including information about the Field it references as well as a value.) For numbers, dates, and the like, this will parse the string appropriately; for `text` parameters, this will additionally attempt handle special cases based on the base type of the Field, for example, parsing params for UUID base type Fields as UUIDs." [param-type :- ::lib.schema.template-tag/type value] (cond (= value params/no-value) value (= param-type :number) (value->number value) (= param-type :date) (params/map->Date {:s value}) ;; Field Filters (and (= param-type :dimension) (= (get-in value [:value :type]) :number)) (update-in value [:value :value] value->number) (sequential? value) (mapv (partial parse-value-for-type param-type) value) ;; Field Filters with "special" base types (and (= param-type :dimension) (get-in value [:field :base-type])) (update-filter-for-field-type value) :else value)) | |
(mu/defn- value-for-tag :- ParsedParamValue "Given a map `tag` (a value in the `:template-tags` dictionary) return the corresponding value from the `params` sequence. The `value` is something that can be compiled to SQL via `->replacement-snippet-info`." [tag :- mbql.s/TemplateTag params :- [:maybe [:sequential mbql.s/Parameter]]] (try (parse-value-for-type (:type tag) (parse-tag tag params)) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (tru "Error determining value for parameter {0}: {1}" (pr-str (:name tag)) (ex-message e)) {:tag tag :type (or (:type (ex-data e)) qp.error-type/invalid-parameter) :params params} e))))) | |
(mu/defn query->params-map :- [:map-of ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string ParsedParamValue] "Extract parameters info from `query`. Return a map of parameter name -> value. (query->params-map some-inner-query) -> {:checkin_date #t \"2019-09-19T23:30:42.233-07:00\"}" [{tags :template-tags, params :parameters} :- :map] (log/tracef "Building params map out of tags\n%s\nand params\n%s\n" (u/pprint-to-str tags) (u/pprint-to-str params)) (try (into {} (for [[k tag] tags :let [v (value-for-tag tag params)]] (do (log/tracef "Value for tag %s\n%s\n->\n%s" (pr-str k) (u/pprint-to-str tag) (u/pprint-to-str v)) [k v]))) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (tru "Error building query parameter map: {0}" (ex-message e)) {:type (or (:type (ex-data e)) qp.error-type/invalid-parameter) :tags tags :params params} e))))) | |
(mu/defn referenced-card-ids :- [:set] "Return a set of all Card IDs referenced in the parameters in `params-map`. This should be added to the (inner) query under the `:metabase.models.query.permissions/referenced-card-ids` key when doing parameter expansion." [params-map :- [:map-of ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string ParsedParamValue]] (into #{} (keep (fn [param] (when (params/ReferencedCardQuery? param) (:card-id param)))) (vals params-map))) | |