(ns metabase.driver.common.parameters.parse (:require [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.driver.common.parameters :as params] [metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common] [metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu]) (:import (metabase.driver.common.parameters Optional Param))) | |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(def ^:private StringOrToken [:or :string [:map [:token :keyword] [:text :string]]]) | |
(def ^:private ParsedToken [:or :string (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class Param) (lib.schema.common/instance-of-class Optional)]) | |
Returns any adjacent strings in coll combined together | (defn- combine-adjacent-strings [coll] (apply concat (for [subseq (partition-by string? coll)] (if (string? (first subseq)) [(apply str subseq)] subseq)))) |
Returns a vector of [index match] for string or regex pattern found in s | (defn- find-token [s pattern] (if (string? pattern) (when-let [index (str/index-of s pattern)] [index pattern]) (let [m (re-matcher pattern s)] (when (.find m) [(.start m) (subs s (.start m) (.end m))])))) |
(defn- tokenize-one [s pattern token] (loop [acc [], s s] (if (empty? s) acc (if-let [[index text] (find-token s pattern)] (recur (conj acc (subs s 0 index) {:text text :token token}) (subs s (+ index (count text)))) (conj acc s))))) | |
(def ^:private param-token-patterns [["[[" :optional-begin] ["]]" :optional-end] ;; param-begin should only match the last two opening brackets in a sequence of > 2, e.g. ;; [{$match: {{{x}}, field: 1}}] should parse to ["[$match: {" (param "x") ", field: 1}}]"] [#"(?s)\{\{(?!\{)" :param-begin] ["}}" :param-end] ["'" :single-quote]]) | |
(def ^:private sql-token-patterns (concat [["/*" :block-comment-begin] ["*/" :block-comment-end] ["--" :line-comment-begin] ["\n" :newline]] param-token-patterns)) | |
(mu/defn- tokenize :- [:sequential StringOrToken] [s :- :string handle-sql-comments :- :boolean] (reduce (fn [strs [token-str token]] (filter (some-fn keyword? seq) (mapcat (fn [s] (if-not (string? s) [s] (tokenize-one s token-str token))) strs))) [s] (if handle-sql-comments sql-token-patterns param-token-patterns))) | |
(defn- param [& parsed] (let [[k & more] (combine-adjacent-strings parsed)] (when (or (seq more) (not (string? k))) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid '''{{...}}''' clause: expected a param name") {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query}))) (let [k (str/trim k)] (when (empty? k) (throw (ex-info (tru "'''{{...}}''' clauses cannot be empty.") {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query}))) (params/->Param k)))) | |
(defn- optional [& parsed] (when-not (some params/Param? parsed) (throw (ex-info (tru "[[...]] clauses must contain at least one '''{{...}}''' clause.") {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query}))) (params/->Optional (combine-adjacent-strings parsed))) | |
(mu/defn- parse-tokens* :- [:tuple [:sequential ParsedToken] [:maybe [:sequential StringOrToken]]] [tokens :- [:maybe [:sequential StringOrToken]] optional-level :- :int param-level :- :int in-string? :- :boolean comment-mode :- [:maybe [:enum :block-comment-begin :line-comment-begin]]] (loop [acc [], [string-or-token & more] tokens in-string? in-string?] (cond (nil? string-or-token) (if (or (pos? optional-level) (pos? param-level)) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid query: found ''[['' or '''{{''' with no matching '']]'' or ''}}''") {:type qp.error-type/invalid-query})) [acc nil]) (string? string-or-token) (recur (conj acc string-or-token) more in-string?) :else (let [{:keys [text token]} string-or-token] (case token :optional-begin (if comment-mode (recur (conj acc text) more in-string?) (let [[parsed more] (try (let [[parsed more] (parse-tokens* more (inc optional-level) param-level in-string? comment-mode)] [(apply optional parsed) more]) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (if (and in-string? (= qp.error-type/invalid-query (:type (ex-data e)))) [text more] (throw e))))] (recur (conj acc parsed) more in-string?))) :param-begin (if comment-mode (recur (conj acc text) more in-string?) (let [[parsed more] (try (let [[parsed more] (parse-tokens* more optional-level (inc param-level) in-string? comment-mode)] [(apply param parsed) more]) (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e (if (and in-string? (= qp.error-type/invalid-query (:type (ex-data e)))) [text more] (throw e))))] (recur (conj acc parsed) more in-string?))) (:line-comment-begin :block-comment-begin) (if (or comment-mode (pos? optional-level) in-string?) (recur (conj acc text) more in-string?) (let [[parsed more] (parse-tokens* more optional-level param-level in-string? token)] (recur (into acc (cons text parsed)) more in-string?))) :block-comment-end (if (= comment-mode :block-comment-begin) [(conj acc text) more] (recur (conj acc text) more in-string?)) :newline (if (= comment-mode :line-comment-begin) [(conj acc text) more] (recur (conj acc text) more in-string?)) :optional-end (if (pos? optional-level) [acc more] (recur (conj acc text) more in-string?)) :param-end (if (pos? param-level) [acc more] (recur (conj acc text) more in-string?)) :single-quote (recur (conj acc text) more (not in-string?))))))) | |
(mu/defn parse :- [:sequential ParsedToken] "Attempts to parse parameters in string `s`. Parses any optional clauses or parameters found, and returns a sequence of non-parameter string fragments (possibly) interposed with `Param` or `Optional` instances. If `handle-sql-comments` is true (default) then we make a best effort to ignore params in SQL comments." ([s :- :string] (parse s true)) ([s :- :string handle-sql-comments :- :boolean] (let [tokenized (tokenize s handle-sql-comments)] (if (= [s] tokenized) [s] (do (log/tracef "Tokenized native query ->\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str tokenized)) (u/prog1 (combine-adjacent-strings (first (parse-tokens* tokenized 0 0 false nil))) (log/tracef "Parsed native query ->\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str <>)))))))) | |