Various record types below are used as a convenience for differentiating the different param types.

(ns metabase.driver.common.parameters
   [potemkin.types :as p.types]
   [pretty.core :as pretty]))

"FieldFilter" is something that expands to a clause like "some_field BETWEEN 1 AND 10"

field is a Field Toucan instance

value" is either: * no-value * A map contianing the value and type info for the value, e.g.

{:type :date/single :value #t "2019-09-20T19:52:00.000-07:00"}

  • A vector of maps like the one above (for multiple values)
(p.types/defrecord+ FieldFilter [field value]
  (pretty [this]
    (list (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `map->FieldFilter) (into {} this))))

Is x an instance of the FieldFilter record type?

(defn FieldFilter?
  (instance? FieldFilter x))

A "ReferencedCardQuery" parameter expands to the native query of the referenced card.

card-id is the ID of the Card instance whose query is the value for this parameter.

query is the native query as stored in the Card

parameters are positional parameters for a parameterized native query e.g. the JDBC parameters corresponding to ? placeholders

(p.types/defrecord+ ReferencedCardQuery [card-id query params]
  (pretty [this]
    (list (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `map->ReferencedCardQuery) (into {} this))))

Is x an instance of the ReferencedCardQuery record type?

(defn ReferencedCardQuery?
  (instance? ReferencedCardQuery x))

A ReferencedQuerySnippet expands to the partial query snippet stored in the NativeQuerySnippet table in the application DB.

snippet-id is the integer ID of the row in the application DB from where the snippet content is loaded.

content is the raw query snippet which will be replaced, verbatim, for this template tag.

(p.types/defrecord+ ReferencedQuerySnippet [snippet-id content]
  (pretty [this]
    (list (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `map->ReferencedQuerySnippet) (into {} this))))

Is x an instance of the ReferencedQuerySnippet record type?

(defn ReferencedQuerySnippet?
  (instance? ReferencedQuerySnippet x))

as in a literal date, defined by date-string S

TODO - why don't we just parse this into a Temporal type and let drivers handle it.

(p.types/defrecord+ Date [^String s]
  (pretty [_]
    (list (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `->Date) s)))
(p.types/defrecord+ DateRange [start end]
  (pretty [_]
    (list (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `->DateRange) start end)))
(p.types/defrecord+ DateTimeRange [start end]
  (pretty [_]
    (list (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `->DateRange) start end)))

Convenience for representing an optional parameter present in a query but whose value is unspecified in the param values.

(def no-value
(p.types/defrecord+ Param [k]
  (pretty [_]
    (list (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `->Param) k)))
(p.types/defrecord+ Optional [args]
  (pretty [_]
    (cons (pretty/qualify-symbol-for-*ns* `->Optional) args)))

Is x an instance of the Param record type?

Param? and Optional? exist mostly so you don't have to try to import the classes from this namespace which can cause problems if the ns isn't loaded first

(defn Param?
  (instance? Param x))

Is x an instance of the Optional record type?

(defn Optional?
  (instance? Optional x))