Functions for updating an H2 v1.x database to v2.x | (ns metabase.db.update-h2 (:require [clj-http.client :as http] [ :as io] [ :as jdbc] [ :as sh] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.util.files :as u.files] [metabase.util.log :as log]) (:import (java.nio.file Files))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Generic utils | |
Returns seq of first n bytes of file at path | (defn- head [path n] (let [f (io/file path) bytes (byte-array n)] (with-open [input (io/input-stream f)] (take (.read input bytes) bytes)))) |
Tries to parse and return x as char, else nil | (defn- try-char [x] (try (char x) (catch IllegalArgumentException _ nil))) |
H2-specific utils | |
Returns H2 database base path from JDBC URL, i.e. without .mv.db | (defn- h2-base-path [jdbc-url] (second (re-matches #"jdbc:h2:file:(.*)$" jdbc-url))) |
Returns the H2 major version number of H2 MV database file at path, or nil if no file exists | (defn- db-version! [jdbc-url] ;; The H2 database version is indicated in the "format:" key of the MV file header, which is 4096 bytes ;; See: (when-let [path (str (h2-base-path jdbc-url) ".mv.db")] (when (.exists (io/file path)) (let [header (str/join (map try-char (head path 4096))) format-key "format:"] (when-not (.startsWith header "H:2") (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "File does not appear to be an H2 MV database file"))) (Integer/parseInt (str (nth header (+ (.indexOf header format-key) (count format-key))))))))) |
Migration constants/utils | |
(def ^:private v1-jar-url "") | |
(defn- tmp-path [& components] (str (apply u.files/get-path (System/getProperty "") components))) | |
(def ^:private jar-path (tmp-path (last (.split ^String v1-jar-url "/")))) | |
(def ^:private migration-sql-path (tmp-path "metabase-migrate-h2-db-v1-v2.sql")) | |
Migration logic | |
Updates existing H2 v1 database to H2 v2 | (defn- update! [jdbc-url] (when-not (.exists (io/file jar-path)) (log/info "Downloading" v1-jar-url) (io/copy (:body (http/get v1-jar-url {:as :stream})) (io/file jar-path))) (log/info "Creating v1 database backup at" migration-sql-path) (let [result (sh/sh "java" "-cp" jar-path "" "-url" jdbc-url "-script" migration-sql-path)] (when-not (= 0 (:exit result)) (throw (ex-info "Dumping H2 database failed." {:result result})))) (let [base-path (h2-base-path jdbc-url) backup-path (str base-path "")] (log/info "Moving old app database to" backup-path) (Files/move (u.files/get-path (str base-path ".mv.db")) (u.files/get-path backup-path) (into-array java.nio.file.CopyOption []))) (log/info "Restoring backup into v2 database") (jdbc/execute! {:connection-uri jdbc-url} ["RUNSCRIPT FROM ? FROM_1X" migration-sql-path]) (log/info "Backup restored into H2 v2 database. Update complete!")) |
(def ^:private h2-lock (Object.)) | |
(defn- update-needed? [jdbc-url] (= 1 (db-version! jdbc-url))) | |
Updates H2 database at db-path from version 1.x to 2.x if jdbc-url points to version 1 H2 database. | (defn update-if-needed! [jdbc-url] (when (and (h2-base-path jdbc-url) (update-needed? jdbc-url)) (locking h2-lock ;; the database may have been upgraded while we waited for the lock (when (update-needed? jdbc-url) (log/info "H2 v1 database detected, updating...") (try (update! jdbc-url) (catch Exception e (log/error e "Failed to update H2 database:") (throw e))))))) |