Predefined MBQL queries for getting metadata about an external database. TODO -- these have nothing to do with the application database. This namespace should be renamed something like
| (ns metabase.db.metadata-queries (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s] [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema.helpers :as helpers] [metabase.lib.ident :as lib.ident] [metabase.query-processor :as qp] [metabase.query-processor.interface :as qp.i] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
Given a partition field, returns the default value can be used to query. | (defn- partition-field->filter-form [field] (let [field-form [:field (:id field) {:base-type (:base_type field)}]] (condp #(isa? %2 %1) (:base_type field) :type/Number [:> field-form -9223372036854775808] :type/Date [:> field-form "0001-01-01"] :type/DateTime [:> field-form "0001-01-01T00:00:00"]))) |
Add a dummy filter for tables that require filters. Look into tables from source tables and all the joins. Currently this only apply to partitioned tables on bigquery that requires a partition filter. In the future we probably want this to be dispatched by database engine or handled by QP. | (defn add-required-filters-if-needed [query] (let [table-ids (->> (conj (keep :source-table (:joins query)) (:source-table query)) (filter pos-int?)) required-filter-fields (when (seq table-ids) (t2/select :model/Field {:select [:f.*] :from [[:metabase_field :f]] :left-join [[:metabase_table :t] [:= :f.table_id]] :where [:and [:= true] [:= :f.database_partitioned true] [:= true] [:= :t.database_require_filter true] [:in table-ids]]})) update-query-filter-fn (fn [existing-filter new-filter] (if (some? existing-filter) [:and existing-filter new-filter] new-filter))] (case (count required-filter-fields) 0 query 1 (update query :filter update-query-filter-fn (partition-field->filter-form (first required-filter-fields))) ;; > 1 (update query :filter update-query-filter-fn (into [:and] (map partition-field->filter-form required-filter-fields)))))) |
(defn- add-breakout-idents-if-needed [{:keys [breakout] :as inner-query}] (m/assoc-some inner-query :breakout-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents breakout))) | |
Runs the | (defn table-query ([table-id mbql-query] (table-query table-id mbql-query nil)) ([table-id mbql-query rff] {:pre [(integer? table-id)]} (binding [qp.i/*disable-qp-logging* true] (qp/process-query {:type :query :database (t2/select-one-fn :db_id :model/Table table-id) :query (-> mbql-query (assoc :source-table table-id) add-required-filters-if-needed add-breakout-idents-if-needed) :middleware {:disable-remaps? true}} rff)))) |
Generate the MBQL query used to power FieldValues search in [[metabase.api.field/search-values]]. The actual query generated differs slightly based on whether the two Fields are the same Field. Note: the generated MBQL query assume that both | (defn search-values-query [field search-field value limit] (-> (table-query (:table_id field) {:filter (when (some? value) [:contains [:field (u/the-id search-field) nil] value {:case-sensitive false}]) ;; if both fields are the same then make sure not to refer to it twice in the `:breakout` clause. ;; Otherwise this will break certain drivers like BigQuery that don't support duplicate ;; identifiers/aliases :breakout (if (= (u/the-id field) (u/the-id search-field)) [[:field (u/the-id field) nil]] [[:field (u/the-id field) nil] [:field (u/the-id search-field) nil]]) :limit limit}) :data :rows)) |
Return the distinct count of | (defn field-distinct-count [field & [limit]] (-> (table-query (:table_id field) {:aggregation [[:distinct [:field (u/the-id field) nil]]] :aggregation-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents 1) :limit limit}) :data :rows first first int)) |
Return the count of | (defn field-count [field] (-> (table-query (:table_id field) {:aggregation [[:count [:field (u/the-id field) nil]]] :aggregation-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents 1)}) :data :rows first first int)) |
The maximum number of values we should return when using | (def max-sample-rows 10000) |
Number of rows to sample for tables with nested (e.g., JSON) columns. | (def nested-field-sample-limit 500) |
Schema for | (def ^:private TableRowsSampleOptions [:maybe [:map [:truncation-size {:optional true} :int] [:limit {:optional true} :int] [:order-by {:optional true} (helpers/distinct (helpers/non-empty [:sequential ::mbql.s/OrderBy]))] [:rff {:optional true} fn?]]]) |
Identify text fields which can accept our substring optimization. JSON and XML fields are now marked as | (defn- text-field? [{:keys [base_type semantic_type]}] (and (= base_type :type/Text) (not (isa? semantic_type :type/Structured)))) |
Returns the mbql query to query a table for sample rows | (defn- table-rows-sample-query [table fields {:keys [truncation-size limit order-by] :or {limit max-sample-rows} :as _opts}] (let [database (t2/select-one :model/Database (:db_id table)) driver (driver.u/database->driver database) text-fields (filter text-field? fields) field->expressions (when (and truncation-size (driver.u/supports? driver :expressions database)) (into {} (for [field text-fields] [field [(str (gensym "substring")) [:substring [:field (u/the-id field) nil] 1 truncation-size]]]))) expressions (into {} (vals field->expressions))] {:database (:db_id table) :type :query :query (cond-> {:source-table (u/the-id table) :expressions expressions :expression-idents (update-vals expressions (fn [_] (u/generate-nano-id))) :fields (vec (for [field fields] (if-let [[expression-name _] (get field->expressions field)] [:expression expression-name] [:field (u/the-id field) nil]))) :limit limit} order-by (assoc :order-by order-by) true add-required-filters-if-needed) :middleware {:format-rows? false :skip-results-metadata? true}})) |
Run a basic MBQL query to fetch a sample of rows of FIELDS belonging to a TABLE. Options: a map of
| (mu/defn table-rows-sample ([table :- (ms/InstanceOf :model/Table) fields :- [:sequential (ms/InstanceOf :model/Field)] rff] (table-rows-sample table fields rff nil)) ([table :- (ms/InstanceOf :model/Table) fields :- [:sequential (ms/InstanceOf :model/Field)] rff :- fn? opts :- TableRowsSampleOptions] (let [query (table-rows-sample-query table fields opts)] (qp/process-query query rff)))) |
(defmethod driver/table-rows-sample :default [_driver table fields rff opts] (table-rows-sample table fields rff opts)) | |