(ns metabase.db.liquibase.mysql
   [clojure.string :as str])
   (liquibase.database Database)
   (liquibase.database.core MySQLDatabase)
   (liquibase.sql Sql UnparsedSql)
   (liquibase.sqlgenerator SqlGeneratorFactory)
   (liquibase.sqlgenerator.core AddColumnGenerator CreateTableGenerator SetColumnRemarksGenerator)
   (liquibase.structure DatabaseObject)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn- mysql? [database]
  (instance? MySQLDatabase database))

Custom generator for ALTER TABLE ... MODIFY COLUMN ... COMMENT statements. Due to upstream bug https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues/2634 these do not work correctly in MySQL. This SQL generator is a no-op generator that skips these statements (most of our column remarks are added in CREATE TABLE anyway, so we're not losing much.)

(defn- column-remarks-generator
  ^SetColumnRemarksGenerator []
  (proxy [SetColumnRemarksGenerator] []
    (getPriority []
      (let [^SetColumnRemarksGenerator this this]
        (inc (proxy-super getPriority))))
    (supports [statement database]
      (let [^SetColumnRemarksGenerator this this]
        (and (proxy-super supports statement database)
             (mysql? database))))
    (generateSql [_statement _database _sql-generator-chain]
      (into-array Sql []))))

we need a separate ADD COLUMN generator in case an ADD COLUMN migration is being on launch without any CREATE TABLE migrations happening before it

It seems like Liquibase actually ignores the defaultValueComputed that we set in the migrations YAML file -- see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58816496/force-liquibase-to-current-timestamp-instead-of-now -- so we will do it manually.

(defn- set-mysql-current-datetime-function!
  [^Database database]
  (.setCurrentDateTimeFunction database "current_timestamp(6)"))

We need generators for both ADD COLUMN and for CREATE TABLE because if we have say just one new migration that is one type or the other then we need to have that specific generator call [[set-mysql-current-datetime-function!]].

TODO -- we should probably add a generate for ADD DEFAULT VALUE too. I assumed this didn't work so for a lot of MySQL/MariaDB migrations that add defaults values to timestamp columns we've written them as plain SQL... if we added the generator for addDefaultValue then we wouldn't need to write those migrations by hand.

Custom generator for ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN statements.

This uses current_timestamp(6) as the current date time function.

(defn- add-column-generator
  ^AddColumnGenerator []
  (proxy [AddColumnGenerator] []
    (getPriority []
      (let [^AddColumnGenerator this this]
        (inc (proxy-super getPriority))))
    (supports [statement database]
      (let [^AddColumnGenerator this this]
        (and (proxy-super supports statement database)
             (mysql? database))))
    (generateSql [statement database sql-generator-chain]
      (set-mysql-current-datetime-function! database)
      (let [^AddColumnGenerator this this]
        (proxy-super generateSql statement database sql-generator-chain)))))

Custom generator for CREATE TABLE statements. This does two things:

  • Uses current_timestamp(6) as the current date time function
  • Adds CHARACTER SET and COLLATE info at the end of the statement to force UTF-8
(defn- create-table-generator
  ^CreateTableGenerator []
  (proxy [CreateTableGenerator] []
    (getPriority []
      (let [^CreateTableGenerator this this]
        (inc (proxy-super getPriority))))
    (supports [statement database]
      (let [^CreateTableGenerator this this]
        (and (proxy-super supports statement database)
             (mysql? database))))
    (generateSql [statement ^Database database sql-generator-chain]
      (set-mysql-current-datetime-function! database)
      (let [^CreateTableGenerator this this]
         (map (fn [^Sql sql]
                (if-not (str/starts-with? (.toSql sql) "CREATE TABLE")
                  (UnparsedSql. (str (.toSql sql)
                                     " ENGINE InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;")
                                (into-array DatabaseObject (.getAffectedDatabaseObjects sql)))))
              (proxy-super generateSql statement database sql-generator-chain)))))))

Register our custom MySQL SQL generators.

(defn register-mysql-generators!
  (doto (SqlGeneratorFactory/getInstance)
    (.register (column-remarks-generator))
    (.register (add-column-generator))
    (.register (create-table-generator))))