High-level Clojure wrapper around relevant parts of the Liquibase API.

(ns metabase.db.liquibase
   [clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.db.connection :as mdb.connection]
   [metabase.db.liquibase.h2 :as liquibase.h2]
   [metabase.db.liquibase.mysql :as liquibase.mysql]
   [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.connection :as t2.conn]
   [toucan2.core :as t2])
   (java.io StringWriter)
   (java.sql Connection)
   (java.util List Map)
   (javax.sql DataSource)
   (liquibase Contexts LabelExpression Liquibase RuntimeEnvironment Scope Scope$Attr Scope$ScopedRunner)
   (liquibase.change.custom CustomChangeWrapper)
   (liquibase.changelog ChangeLogIterator ChangeSet ChangeSet$ExecType)
   (liquibase.changelog.filter ChangeSetFilter)
   (liquibase.changelog.visitor AbstractChangeExecListener ChangeExecListener UpdateVisitor)
   (liquibase.database Database DatabaseFactory)
   (liquibase.database.jvm JdbcConnection)
   (liquibase.exception LockException)
   (liquibase.lockservice LockService LockServiceFactory)
   (liquibase.resource ClassLoaderResourceAccessor)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

The set of Liquibase instances which potentially have taken locks by this process.

  (atom #{}))
  ;; load our custom migrations

register our custom MySQL SQL generators


Liquibase uses java.util.logging (JUL) for logging, so we need to install the JUL -> Log4j2 bridge which replaces the default JUL handler with one that "writes" log messages to Log4j2. (Not sure this is the best place in the world to do this, but Liquibase is the only thing using JUL directly.)

See https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/log4j-jul/index.html for more information.

(org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.Log4jBridgeHandler/install true nil true)

Liquibase logs a message for every ChangeSet directly to standard out -- see https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues/2396 -- but we can disable this by setting the ConsoleUIService's output stream to the null output stream

(doto ^liquibase.ui.ConsoleUIService (.getUI (Scope/getCurrentScope))
  ;; we can't use `java.io.OutputStream/nullOutputStream` here because it's not available on Java 8
  (.setOutputStream (java.io.PrintStream. (org.apache.commons.io.output.NullOutputStream.))))

Liquibase setting used for upgrading instances running version < 45.

(def ^{:private true
       :doc     }
  ^String changelog-legacy-file "liquibase_legacy.yaml")

Liquibase setting used for upgrading a fresh instance or instances running version >= 45.

(def ^{:private true
       :doc     }
  ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")

Check if a table exists.

(defn table-exists?
  [table-name ^Connection conn]
  (-> (.getMetaData conn)
      (.getTables  nil nil table-name (u/varargs String ["TABLE"]))
(defn- fresh-install?
  [^Connection conn ^Database database]
  (not (table-exists? (.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName database) conn)))
(defn- decide-liquibase-file
  [^Connection conn ^Database database]
  (if (fresh-install? conn database)
    (let [latest-migration (->> (jdbc/query {:connection conn}
                                            [(format "select id from %s order by dateexecuted desc limit 1"
                                                     (.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName database))])
        (nil? latest-migration)
        ;; post-44 installation downgraded to 45
        (= latest-migration "v00.00-000")
        ;; pre 42
        (not (str/starts-with? latest-migration "v"))
        (< (->> latest-migration (re-find #"v(\d+)\..*") second parse-long) 45)
(defn- liquibase-connection ^JdbcConnection [^Connection jdbc-connection]
  (JdbcConnection. jdbc-connection))
(defn- h2? [^JdbcConnection liquibase-conn]
  (str/starts-with? (.getURL liquibase-conn) "jdbc:h2"))
(defn- database ^Database [^JdbcConnection liquibase-conn]
  (if (h2? liquibase-conn)
    (liquibase.h2/h2-database liquibase-conn)
    (.findCorrectDatabaseImplementation (DatabaseFactory/getInstance) liquibase-conn)))
(defn- liquibase ^Liquibase [^Connection conn ^Database database]
   ^String (decide-liquibase-file conn database)
   (ClassLoaderResourceAccessor. (classloader/the-classloader))

Impl for [[with-liquibase-macro]].

(mu/defn do-with-liquibase
  [conn-or-data-source :- [:or (ms/InstanceOfClass Connection) (ms/InstanceOfClass javax.sql.DataSource)]
   f                   :- fn?]
  ;; Custom migrations use toucan2, so we need to make sure it uses the same connection with liquibase
  (let [f* (fn [^Liquibase liquibase]
             ;; trigger creation of liquibase's databasechangelog tables if needed, without updating any checksums
             ;; we need to do this until https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues/5537 is fixed
             (.checkLiquibaseTables liquibase false (.getDatabaseChangeLog liquibase) nil nil)
             (f liquibase))]
    (binding [t2.conn/*current-connectable* conn-or-data-source]
      (if (instance? Connection conn-or-data-source)
        (f* (->> conn-or-data-source liquibase-connection database (liquibase conn-or-data-source)))
        ;; closing the `LiquibaseConnection`/`Database` closes the parent JDBC `Connection`, so only use it in combination
        ;; with `with-open` *if* we are opening a new JDBC `Connection` from a JDBC spec. If we're passed in a `Connection`,
        ;; it's safe to assume the caller is managing its lifecycle.
        (with-open [conn           (.getConnection ^javax.sql.DataSource conn-or-data-source)
                    liquibase-conn (liquibase-connection conn)
                    database       (database liquibase-conn)]
          (f* (liquibase conn database)))))))

Execute body with an instance of a Liquibase bound to liquibase-binding.

(liquibase/with-liquibase [liquibase {:subname :postgres, ...}] (liquibase/migrate-up-if-needed! liquibase))

(defmacro with-liquibase
  {:style/indent 1}
  [[liquibase-binding conn-or-data-source] & body]
    (fn [~(vary-meta liquibase-binding assoc :tag (symbol (.getCanonicalName Liquibase)))]

Return the proper changelog table name based on db type of the connection.

(defn changelog-table-name
  (if (instance? Liquibase liquibase-or-conn)
    (.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName (.getDatabase ^Liquibase liquibase-or-conn))
    (with-liquibase [liquibase liquibase-or-conn]
      (changelog-table-name liquibase))))

Return the changelog row value for the given changelog-id.

(defn changelog-by-id
  [app-db changelog-id]
  (let [table-name (case (:db-type app-db)
                     (:postgres :h2) "databasechangelog"
                     :mysql "DATABASECHANGELOG")]
    (t2/query-one (format "select * from %s where id = '%s'" table-name changelog-id))))

Return a string of SQL containing the DDL statements needed to perform unrun liquibase migrations, custom migrations will be ignored.

(defn migrations-sql
  ^String [^Liquibase liquibase]
  ;; calling update on custom migrations will execute them, so we ignore it and generates
  ;; sql for SQL migrations only
  (doseq [^ChangeSet change (.listUnrunChangeSets liquibase nil nil)]
    (when (instance? CustomChangeWrapper (first (.getChanges change)))
      (.setIgnore change true)))
  (let [writer (StringWriter.)]
    (.update liquibase "" writer)
    (.toString writer)))

Returns a list of unrun migrations.

It's a good idea to check to make sure there's actually something to do before running (migrate :up) so we can skip creating and releasing migration locks, which is both slightly dangerous and a waste of time when we won't be using them.

IMPORTANT: this function takes data-source but not liquibase because .listUnrunChangeSets is buggy. See #38257.

(defn unrun-migrations
  [^DataSource data-source]
  (with-liquibase [liquibase data-source]
    (.listUnrunChangeSets liquibase nil (LabelExpression.))))

Is a migration lock in place for liquibase?

(defn- migration-lock-exists?
  ^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
  (boolean (seq (.listLocks liquibase))))

(Attempt to) force release Liquibase migration locks.

(defn force-release-locks!
  [^Liquibase liquibase]
  (if-not (= (mdb.connection/db-type) :h2)
    (throw (ex-info "Database %s does not support forcing migration locks. The lock is always automatically removed when the process performing the migration completes or fails."
                    {:db-type (mdb.connection/db-type)}))
    (.forceReleaseLocks liquibase)))

Attempts to release the liquibase lock on h2 if present. Logs but does not bubble up the exception if one occurs as it's intended to be used when a failure has occurred and bubbling up this exception would hide the real exception.

(defn release-lock-if-needed!
  [^Liquibase liquibase]
  (when (migration-lock-exists? liquibase)
      (when (= (mdb.connection/db-type) :h2)
        (force-release-locks! liquibase))
      (catch Exception e
        (log/error e "Unable to release the Liquibase lock")))))
(defn- lock-service ^LockService [^Liquibase liquibase]
  (.getLockService (LockServiceFactory/getInstance) (.getDatabase liquibase)))

Check and make sure the database isn't locked. If it is, sleep for 2 seconds and then retry several times. There's a chance the lock will end up clearing up so we can run migrations normally.

(defn- wait-for-migration-lock
  [^LockService lock-service]
  (let [retry-counter (volatile! 0)]
    (u/auto-retry 5
      (when-not (.acquireLock lock-service)
        (Thread/sleep 2000)
        (vswap! retry-counter inc)
           (trs "Database has migration lock; cannot run migrations.")
           " "
           (trs "You can force-release these locks by running `java --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks`."))))))
    (if (pos? @retry-counter)
      (log/warnf "Migration lock was acquired after %d retries." @retry-counter)
      (do (log/info "No migration lock found.")
          (log/info "Migration lock acquired.")))))

Check whether the given Liquibase instance is already holding the database migration lock.

(defn holding-lock?
  (.hasChangeLogLock (lock-service liquibase)))
(defn- wait-until [done? ^long sleep-ms timeout-ms]
  (let [deadline (+ (System/nanoTime) (* 1e6 timeout-ms))]
    (loop []
      (if (done?)
        (if (>= (System/nanoTime) deadline)
          (do (Thread/sleep sleep-ms)

Scan through a global set of potentially locking Liquibase objects, to retrieve the corresponding Lock Service instances, and filter by their hasChangeLock flag. Returns the list of locking instances in the current process.

(defn- locked-instances
  (filter holding-lock? @potentially-locked-instances))

Wait up to a maximum of timeout-seconds for the given Liquibase instance to release the migration lock.

(defn wait-for-all-locks
  [sleep-ms timeout-ms]
  (log/warn (locked-instances))
  (let [done? #(empty? (locked-instances))]
    (if (done?)
      (do (log/infof "Waiting for migration lock(s) to be released (max %.1f secs)" (double (/ timeout-ms 1000)))
          (wait-until done? sleep-ms timeout-ms)))))
(defn- liquibase->url [^Liquibase liquibase]
  (let [conn (.. liquibase getDatabase getConnection)]
    ;; Need to this cast to get access to the metadata. We currently only use JDBC app databases.
    (.getURL (.getMetaData ^JdbcConnection conn))))

Release any locks held by this process corresponding to the same database.

(defn release-concurrent-locks!
  ;; Check whether there are Liquibase locks held by the current process - we don't want to release the database locks
  ;; if they are held by another server, for example if this host is part of an "old" fleet shutting down while new
  ;; servers starting up, of which one is performing the database upgrade to later Metabase version.
  (when-let [instances (not-empty (locked-instances))]
    ;; We cannot use the existing instances to clear the locks, as their connections are blocking on their current
    ;; long-running transaction. Since we cannot "clone" a connection (they have "forgotten" their password), so we
    ;; will create a new Liquibase instance using a fresh database connection.
    (with-liquibase [liquibase conn-or-data-source]
      ;; We rely on the way that Liquibase normalizes the connection URL to check whether the blocking and fresh
      ;; Liquibase instances are pointing to the same database.
      (let [url (liquibase->url liquibase)]
        (doseq [instance instances]
          (when (= url (liquibase->url instance))
            ;; We assume that the lock is being held for the purpose of migrations, since the other cases where we take
            ;; locks are very fast, and in practice this method is only called after we have waited for a while to see
            ;; if the lock was released on its own.
            (log/warn "Releasing liquibase lock before migrations finished")
            (release-lock-if-needed! liquibase)))))))
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *lock-depth* 0)
(defn- assert-locked [liquibase]
  (when-not (holding-lock? liquibase)
    (throw (ex-info "This operation requires a hold on the liquibase migration lock."
                    {:lock-exists? (migration-lock-exists? liquibase)
                     ;; It's possible that the lock was accidentally released by an operation, or force released by
                     ;; another process, so it's useful for debugging to know whether we were still within a locked
                     ;; scope.
                     :lock-depth *lock-depth*}))))

Run function f in a scope on the Liquibase instance liquibase. Liquibase scopes are used to hold configuration and parameters (akin to binding dynamic variables in Clojure). This function initializes the database and the resource accessor which are often required. In order to ensure that mutual exclusion of these scopes across all running Metabase instances, we take a lock in the app database. It's the responsibility of inner functions which require the lock to call [[assert-locked]].

(defn run-in-scope-locked
  [^Liquibase liquibase f]
  ;; Disallow nested locking in dev and CI, in order to force a clear lexical boundary where locking begins.
  ;; Inner functions that require the lock to be held should
  (when (holding-lock? liquibase)
    ;; In somehow we encounter this situation in production, rather take a nested lock - it is re-entrant.
    (when-not config/is-prod?
      (throw (LockException. "Attempted to take a Liquibase lock, but we already are holding it."))))
  (let [database      (.getDatabase liquibase)
        lock-service  (lock-service liquibase)
        scope-objects {(.name Scope$Attr/database)         database
                       (.name Scope$Attr/resourceAccessor) (.getResourceAccessor liquibase)}]
    (Scope/child ^Map scope-objects
                 (reify Scope$ScopedRunner
                   (run [_]
                     (swap! potentially-locked-instances conj liquibase)
                     (wait-for-migration-lock lock-service)
                       (binding [*lock-depth* (inc *lock-depth*)]
                         (when (zero? *lock-depth*)
                           (.releaseLock lock-service)
                           ;; There is theoretically a chance that another thread will open a new locked scope between
                           ;; these two statements, but in practice we do not expect concurrent usage within a process.
                           (swap! potentially-locked-instances disj liquibase)))))))))

Run body in a scope on the Liquibase instance liquibase. Liquibase scopes are used to hold configuration and parameters (akin to binding dynamic variables in Clojure). This function initializes the database and the resource accessor which are often required. The underlying locks are re-entrant, so it is safe to nest these blocks.

(defmacro with-scope-locked
  {:style/indent 1}
  [liquibase & body]
  `(run-in-scope-locked ~liquibase (fn [] ~@body)))

Run any unrun liquibase migrations, if needed.

(defn migrate-up-if-needed!
  [^Liquibase liquibase ^DataSource data-source]
  (log/info "Checking if Database has unrun migrations...")
  (if (seq (unrun-migrations data-source))
      (log/info "Database has unrun migrations. Checking if migration lock is taken...")
      (with-scope-locked liquibase
      ;; while we were waiting for the lock, it was possible that another instance finished the migration(s), so make
      ;; sure something still needs to be done...
        (let [to-run-migrations      (unrun-migrations data-source)
              unrun-migrations-count (count to-run-migrations)]
          (if (pos? unrun-migrations-count)
            (let [^Contexts contexts nil
                  start-time         (System/currentTimeMillis)]
              (log/infof "Running %s migrations ..." unrun-migrations-count)
              (doseq [^ChangeSet change to-run-migrations]
                (log/tracef "To run migration %s" (.getId change)))
              (.update liquibase contexts)
              (log/infof "Migration complete in %s" (u/format-milliseconds (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start-time))))
            (log/info "Migration lock cleared, but nothing to do here! Migrations were finished by another instance.")))))
    (log/info "No unrun migrations found.")))

Run update with the change log instances in liquibase. Must be called within a scope holding the liquibase lock.

(defn update-with-change-log
   (update-with-change-log liquibase {}))
  ([^Liquibase liquibase
    {:keys [^List change-set-filters exec-listener]
     :or {change-set-filters []}}]
   (assert-locked liquibase)
   (let [change-log     (.getDatabaseChangeLog liquibase)
         database       (.getDatabase liquibase)
         log-iterator   (ChangeLogIterator. change-log ^"[Lliquibase.changelog.filter.ChangeSetFilter;" (into-array ChangeSetFilter change-set-filters))
         update-visitor (UpdateVisitor. database ^ChangeExecListener exec-listener)
         runtime-env    (RuntimeEnvironment. database (Contexts.) nil)]
     (.run ^ChangeLogIterator log-iterator update-visitor runtime-env))))

Force migrating up. This does three things differently from [[migrate-up-if-needed!]]:

  1. This will force release the locks before start running
  2. Migrations that fail will be ignored

It can be used to fix situations where the database got into a weird state, as was common before the fixes made in


(mu/defn force-migrate-up-if-needed!
  [^Liquibase liquibase :- (ms/InstanceOfClass Liquibase)
   ^DataSource data-source :- (ms/InstanceOfClass DataSource)]
  ;; We should have already released the lock before consolidating the changelog, but include this statement again
  ;; here to avoid depending on that non-local implementation detail. It is possible that the lock has been taken
  ;; again by another process before we reach this, and it's even possible that we lose yet *another* race again
  ;; between the next two lines, but we accept the risk of blocking in that latter case rather than complicating things
  ;; further.
  (release-lock-if-needed! liquibase)
  ;; This implicitly clears the lock, so it needs to execute first.
  (.clearCheckSums liquibase)
  (with-scope-locked liquibase
    (when (seq (unrun-migrations data-source))
      (let [change-log     (.getDatabaseChangeLog liquibase)
            fail-on-errors (mapv (fn [^ChangeSet change-set] [change-set (.getFailOnError change-set)])
                                 (.getChangeSets change-log))
            exec-listener  (proxy [AbstractChangeExecListener] []
                             (willRun [^ChangeSet change-set _database-change-log _database _run-status]
                               (when (instance? ChangeSet change-set)
                                 (log/infof "Start executing migration with id %s" (.getId change-set))))
                             (runFailed [^ChangeSet _change-set _database-change-log _database ^Exception e]
                               (log/error (u/format-color 'red "[ERROR] %s" (.getMessage e))))
                             (ran [change-set _database-change-log _database ^ChangeSet$ExecType exec-type]
                               (when (instance? ChangeSet change-set)
                                 (condp = exec-type
                                   (log/info (u/format-color 'green "[SUCCESS]"))
                                   (log/error (u/format-color 'red "[ERROR]"))
                                   (log/infof "[%s]" (.name exec-type))))))]
          (doseq [^ChangeSet change-set (.getChangeSets change-log)]
            (.setFailOnError change-set false))
          (update-with-change-log liquibase {:exec-listener exec-listener})
            (doseq [[^ChangeSet change-set fail-on-error?] fail-on-errors]
              (.setFailOnError change-set fail-on-error?))))))))
(def ^:private legacy-migrations-file "migrations/000_legacy_migrations.yaml")
(def ^:private update-migrations-file "migrations/001_update_migrations.yaml")

Consolidate all previous DB migrations so they come from single file.

Previously migrations where stored in many small files which added seconds per file to the startup time because liquibase was checking the jar signature for each file. This function is required to correct the liquibase tables to reflect that these migrations were grouped into 2 files.

See https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/3715 Also see https://github.com/metabase/metabase/pull/34400

(mu/defn consolidate-liquibase-changesets!
  [conn :- (ms/InstanceOfClass Connection)
   liquibase :- (ms/InstanceOfClass Liquibase)]
  (let [liquibase-table-name (changelog-table-name liquibase)
        conn-spec            {:connection conn}]
    (when-not (fresh-install? conn (.getDatabase ^Liquibase liquibase))
      ;; Skip mutating the table if the filenames are already correct. It assumes we have never moved the boundary
      ;; between the two files, i.e. that update-migrations still start from v45.
      (when-not (= #{legacy-migrations-file update-migrations-file}
                   (->> (str "SELECT DISTINCT(FILENAME) AS filename FROM " liquibase-table-name)
                        (jdbc/query conn-spec)
                        (into #{} (map :filename))))
        (log/info "Updating liquibase table to reflect consolidated changeset filenames")
        (with-scope-locked liquibase
           [(format "UPDATE %s SET FILENAME = CASE WHEN ID = ? THEN ? WHEN ID < ? THEN ? ELSE ? END" liquibase-table-name)
            "v00.00-000" update-migrations-file
            "v45.00-001" legacy-migrations-file

Returns contiguous integers parsed from string s

(defn- extract-numbers
  (map #(Integer/parseInt %) (re-seq #"\d+" s)))

Roll back migrations later than given Metabase major version

(defn rollback-major-version
  ;; default rollback to previous version
  ([conn liquibase]
   ;; get current major version of Metabase we are running
   (rollback-major-version conn liquibase (dec (config/current-major-version))))
  ;; with explicit target version
  ([conn ^Liquibase liquibase target-version]
   (when (or (not (integer? target-version)) (< target-version 44))
     (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
             (format "target version must be a number between 44 and the previous major version (%d), inclusive"
   (with-scope-locked liquibase
    ;; count and rollback only the applied change set ids which come after the target version (only the "v..." IDs need to be considered)
     (let [changeset-query (format "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE id LIKE 'v%%' ORDER BY ORDEREXECUTED ASC" (changelog-table-name liquibase))
           changeset-ids   (map :id (jdbc/query {:connection conn} [changeset-query]))
          ;; IDs in changesets do not include the leading 0/1 digit, so the major version is the first number
           ids-to-drop     (drop-while #(not= (inc target-version) (first (extract-numbers %))) changeset-ids)]
       (log/infof "Rolling back app database schema to version %d" target-version)
       (.rollback liquibase (count ids-to-drop) "")))))

Gets the latest version applied to the database.

(defn latest-applied-major-version
  [conn ^Database database]
  (when-not (fresh-install? conn database)
    (let [changeset-query (format "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE id LIKE 'v%%' ORDER BY ORDEREXECUTED DESC LIMIT 1"
                                  (.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName database))
          changeset-id (last (map :id (jdbc/query {:connection conn} [changeset-query])))]
      (some-> changeset-id extract-numbers first))))

Get the latest version that Liquibase would apply if we ran migrations right now.

(defn latest-available-major-version
  [^Liquibase liquibase]
  (->> liquibase
       (map #(.getId ^ChangeSet %))