Custom implementation of the Liquibase H2 adapter that uppercases all identifiers. See #20611 for more details.

(ns metabase.db.liquibase.h2
   [metabase.util :as u])
   (liquibase.database.core H2Database)
   (liquibase.database.jvm JdbcConnection)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn- upcase ^String [s]
  (some-> s u/upper-case-en))
(defn- h2-database* ^H2Database []
  (proxy [H2Database] []
    (quoteObject [object-name object-type]
      (let [^H2Database this this]
        (proxy-super quoteObject (upcase object-name) object-type)))
    (mustQuoteObjectName [_object-name _object-type]

HACK! Create a [[java.lang.Package]] for the proxy class if one does not already exist. This is needed because:

  1. Liquibase will throw an NPE if the package for the class does not exist -- see and

  2. In Java 9+, the JVM will automatically define a package when a class is created; in Java 8, it does not.

  3. The Clojure DynamicClassLoader does not create a Package -- see

This only does anything in REPL-based development; in the uberjar the proxy class will be AOT'ed and will have a package defined for it when it's loaded by the normal JVM classloader rather than the Clojure DynamicClassLoader

(let [klass (class (h2-database*))]
  (when-not (.getPackage klass)
    (let [method       (.getDeclaredMethod
                        (into-array Class [String String String String String String String]))
          class-name   (.getName klass)
          ;; e.g. metabase.db.liquibase.h2.proxy$liquibase.database.core
          package-name (.substring class-name 0 (.lastIndexOf class-name "."))]
      (doto method
        (.setAccessible true)
        (.invoke (.getClassLoader klass) (into-array Object [package-name nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]))
        (.setAccessible false))
      (assert (.getPackage klass) (format "Failed to create package for proxy class %s." class-name)))))

A version of the Liquibase H2 implementation that always converts identifiers to uppercase and then quotes them.

(defn h2-database
  ^H2Database [^JdbcConnection conn]
  (doto (h2-database*)
    (.setConnection conn)))