Implementations of [[]] and [[next.jdbc]] protocols for the Metabase application database. These
handle type mappings for setting parameters and for reading results from the DB — mainly by automatically converting
CLOBs to Strings and using new | (ns metabase.db.jdbc-protocols (:require [ :as jdbc] [clojure.string :as str] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.db.connection :as mdb.connection] [metabase.util :as u] [ :as] [metabase.util.log :as log] [methodical.core :as methodical] [next.jdbc.prepare] [ :as]) (:import ( BufferedReader) (java.sql PreparedStatement ResultSet ResultSetMetaData Types) (java.time Instant LocalDate LocalDateTime LocalTime OffsetDateTime OffsetTime ZonedDateTime))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(defn- set-object [^PreparedStatement stmt ^Integer index object ^Integer target-sql-type] (.setObject stmt index object target-sql-type)) | |
(extend-protocol jdbc/ISQLParameter ;; DB's don't seem to handle Instant correctly so convert it to an OffsetDateTime with zone offset = 0 Instant (set-parameter [t stmt i] (jdbc/set-parameter (t/offset-date-time t (t/zone-offset 0)) stmt i)) LocalDate (set-parameter [t stmt i] (set-object stmt i t Types/DATE)) LocalDateTime (set-parameter [t stmt i] (set-object stmt i t Types/TIMESTAMP)) LocalTime (set-parameter [t stmt i] (set-object stmt i t Types/TIME)) OffsetDateTime (set-parameter [t stmt i] (if (= (mdb.connection/db-type) :mysql) ;; Regardless of session timezone it seems to be the case that OffsetDateTimes get normalized to UTC inside MySQL ;; ;; Since MySQL TIMESTAMPs aren't timezone-aware this means comparisons are done between timestamps in the report ;; timezone and the local datetime portion of the parameter, in UTC. Bad! ;; ;; Convert it to a LocalDateTime, in the report timezone, so comparisions will work correctly. ;; ;; See also — (let [offset (.. (t/zone-id) getRules (getOffset (t/instant t))) t (t/local-date-time (t/with-offset-same-instant t offset))] (set-object stmt i t Types/TIMESTAMP)) ;; h2 and Postgres work as expected (set-object stmt i t Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE))) ;; MySQL, Postgres, and H2 all don't support OffsetTime OffsetTime (set-parameter [t stmt i] (set-object stmt i (t/local-time (t/with-offset-same-instant t (t/zone-offset 0))) Types/TIME)) ;; Similarly, none of them handle ZonedDateTime out of the box either, so convert it to an OffsetDateTime first ZonedDateTime (set-parameter [t stmt i] (jdbc/set-parameter (t/offset-date-time t) stmt i)) ;; JDBC drivers don't know about Clojure ratios. So just set them as a double instead. That should be ok enough for ;; now. clojure.lang.Ratio (set-parameter [ratio stmt i] (jdbc/set-parameter (double ratio) stmt i))) | |
Convert an H2 clob to a String. | (defn clob->str ^String [^org.h2.jdbc.JdbcClob clob] (when clob (letfn [(->str [^BufferedReader buffered-reader] (loop [acc []] (if-let [line (.readLine buffered-reader)] (recur (conj acc line)) (str/join "\n" acc))))] (with-open [reader (.getCharacterStream clob)] (if (instance? BufferedReader reader) (->str reader) (with-open [buffered-reader (BufferedReader. reader)] (->str buffered-reader))))))) |
(extend-protocol jdbc/IResultSetReadColumn org.postgresql.util.PGobject (result-set-read-column [clob _ _] (.getValue clob)) org.h2.jdbc.JdbcClob (result-set-read-column [clob _ _] (clob->str clob)) org.h2.jdbc.JdbcBlob (result-set-read-column [^org.h2.jdbc.JdbcBlob blob _ _] (.getBytes blob 0 (.length blob)))) | |
(defmulti ^:private read-column {:arglists '([rs rsmeta i])} (fn [_ ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta ^Integer i] (.getColumnType rsmeta i))) | |
(defmethod read-column :default [^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i] (.getObject rs i)) | |
(defmethod read-column Types/TIMESTAMP [^ResultSet rs ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta ^Integer i] (case (mdb.connection/db-type) :postgres ;; for some reason postgres `TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE` columns still come back as `Type/TIMESTAMP`, which seems ;; like a bug with the JDBC driver? (let [^Class klass (if (= (u/lower-case-en (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta i)) "timestamptz") OffsetDateTime LocalDateTime)] (.getObject rs i klass)) :mysql ;; MySQL TIMESTAMPS are actually TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE, i.e. they are stored normalized to UTC when stored. ;; However, MySQL returns them in the report time zone in an effort to make our lives horrible. ;; ;; Check and see if the column type is `TIMESTAMP` (as opposed to `DATETIME`, which is the equivalent of ;; LocalDateTime), and normalize it to a UTC timestamp if so. (when-let [t (.getObject rs i LocalDateTime)] (if (= (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta i) "TIMESTAMP") (t/with-offset-same-instant (t/offset-date-time t (t/zone-id)) (t/zone-offset 0)) t)) ;; h2 (.getObject rs i LocalDateTime))) | |
(defmethod read-column Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE [^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i] (.getObject rs i OffsetDateTime)) | |
(defmethod read-column Types/DATE [^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i] (.getObject rs i LocalDate)) | |
(defmethod read-column Types/TIME [^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i] (case (mdb.connection/db-type) :postgres ;; Sometimes Postgres times come back as strings like `07:23:18.331+00` (no minute in offset) and there's a bug in ;; the JDBC driver where it can't parse those correctly. We can do it ourselves in that case. (try (.getObject rs i LocalTime) (catch Throwable _ (when-let [s (.getString rs i)] (log/tracef "Error in Postgres JDBC driver reading TIME value, fetching as string '%s'" s) ( s)))) ;; H2 & MySQL work as expected (.getObject rs i LocalTime))) | |
(defmethod read-column Types/TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE [^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i] (.getObject rs i OffsetTime)) | |
Default | (defn read-columns [rs rsmeta indexes] (mapv (fn [i] (-> (read-column rs rsmeta i) (jdbc/result-set-read-column rsmeta i))) indexes)) |
[[next.jdbc]] and Toucan 2 mappings | |
(extend-protocol next.jdbc.prepare/SettableParameter ;; DB's don't seem to handle Instant correctly so convert it to an OffsetDateTime with zone offset = 0 Instant (set-parameter [t stmt i] (jdbc/set-parameter (t/offset-date-time t (t/zone-offset 0)) stmt i)) ZonedDateTime (set-parameter [t stmt i] (next.jdbc.prepare/set-parameter (t/offset-date-time t) stmt i)) clojure.lang.Ratio (set-parameter [ratio stmt i] (next.jdbc.prepare/set-parameter (double ratio) stmt i))) | |
(methodical/defmethod [:default :default java.sql.Types/OTHER] "Read Postgres `citext` columns out as Strings." [^java.sql.Connection conn model ^java.sql.ResultSet rset ^java.sql.ResultSetMetaData rsmeta ^Long i] (if (= (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta i) "citext") (fn get-citext-as-string [] (.getString rset i)) (next-method conn model rset rsmeta i))) | |