API namespace for the application database (app-db). It has a few different functions you might need: - A connectible for the app-db [[app-db]] and [[data-source]] - Information about the app-db: [[db-is-set-up?]], [[db-type]], [[quoting-style]] - a few other random functions that have built up for different purposes. Namespaces outside of src/metabase/db/ should not use any metabase.db.* namespace but use this api namespace. | (ns metabase.db (:require [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.db.connection :as mdb.connection] [metabase.db.connection-pool-setup :as mdb.connection-pool-setup] [metabase.db.data-source :as mdb.data-source] [metabase.db.encryption :as mdb.encryption] [metabase.db.env :as mdb.env] [metabase.db.jdbc-protocols :as mdb.jdbc-protocols] [metabase.db.liquibase :as liquibase] [metabase.db.setup :as mdb.setup] [metabase.db.spec :as mdb.spec] [potemkin :as p])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(p/import-vars [mdb.connection application-db data-source db-type quoting-style unique-identifier] [mdb.connection-pool-setup recent-activity?] [mdb.data-source broken-out-details->DataSource] [mdb.env db-file] [mdb.jdbc-protocols clob->str] [mdb.encryption decrypt-db encrypt-db] [mdb.setup migrate! quote-for-application-db] [mdb.spec make-subname spec] [liquibase changelog-by-id]) | |
True if the Metabase DB is setup and ready. TODO -- consider whether we can just do this automatically when | (defn db-is-set-up? [] (= @(:status mdb.connection/*application-db*) ::setup-finished)) |
Mark the bound Metabase DB as set up and ready. | (defn finish-db-setup [] (reset! (:status mdb.connection/*application-db*) ::setup-finished)) |
The Application database. A record, but use accessors [[db-type]], [[data-source]], etc to access. Also implements [[javax.sql.DataSource]] directly, so you can call [[.getConnection]] on it directly. | (defn app-db ^metabase.db.connection.ApplicationDB [] mdb.connection/*application-db*) |
Do general preparation of database by validating that we can connect. Caller can specify if we should run any pending
database migrations. If DB is already set up, this function will no-op. Thread-safe.
Callers must explicitly decide whether or not to create sample content during migrations with the
| (defn setup-db! [& {:keys [create-sample-content?]}] {:pre [(some? create-sample-content?)]} (when-not (db-is-set-up?) ;; It doesn't really matter too much what we lock on, as long as the lock is per-application-DB e.g. so we can run ;; setup for DIFFERENT application DBs at the same time, but CAN NOT run it for the SAME application DB. We can just ;; use the application DB object itself to lock on since that will be a different object for different application ;; DBs. (locking mdb.connection/*application-db* (when-not (db-is-set-up?) (let [db-type (db-type) data-source (data-source) auto-migrate? (config/config-bool :mb-db-automigrate)] (mdb.setup/setup-db! db-type data-source auto-migrate? create-sample-content?)) (finish-db-setup)))) :done) |
Wait up to | (defn release-migration-locks! [timeout-seconds] (if (db-is-set-up?) :done (mdb.setup/release-migration-locks! (data-source) timeout-seconds))) |
Like [[clojure.core/memoize]], but only memoizes for the current application database; memoized values will be
ignored if the app DB is dynamically rebound. For TTL memoization with [[clojure.core.memoize]], set
| (defn memoize-for-application-db [f] (let [f* (memoize (fn [_application-db-id & args] (apply f args)))] (fn [& args] (apply f* (unique-identifier) args)))) |
Increment the [[unique-identifier]] for the Metabase application DB. This effectively flushes all caches using it as a key (including things using [[mdb/memoize-for-application-db]]) such as the Settings cache. Should only be used for testing. Not general purpose. | (defn increment-app-db-unique-indentifier! [] (assert (or (not config/is-prod?) (config/config-bool :mb-enable-test-endpoints))) (alter-var-root #'mdb.connection/*application-db* assoc :id (swap! mdb.connection/application-db-counter inc))) |
Impl for [[with-application-db]] macro. | (defn do-with-application-db [application-db thunk] (binding [mdb.connection/*application-db* application-db] (thunk))) |
Bind the current application database and execute body. | (defmacro with-application-db {:style/indent [:defn]} [application-db & body] `(do-with-application-db ~application-db (^:once fn* [] ~@body))) |