(ns metabase.db.encryption
   [metabase.util.encryption :as encryption]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
   [metabase.util.json :as json]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Encrypt or decrypts the db using the current MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY to read data.

The passed make-encrypt-fn is used to generate the encryption/decryption function to use by passing versions of encryption/maybe-encrypt to it.

(defn- do-encryption
  [db-type data-source encrypting? make-encrypt-fn]
  (let [encrypt-str-fn (make-encrypt-fn encryption/maybe-encrypt)
        encrypt-bytes-fn (make-encrypt-fn encryption/maybe-encrypt-bytes)]
    (t2/with-transaction [conn {:datasource data-source}]
      (doseq [[id details] (t2/select-pk->fn :details :model/Database)]
        (when (encryption/possibly-encrypted-string? details)
          (throw (ex-info (trs "Can''t decrypt app db with MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY") {:database-id id})))
        (t2/update! :conn conn :metabase_database
                    {:id id}
                    {:details (encrypt-str-fn (json/encode details))}))
      (doseq [[key value] (t2/select-fn->fn :key :value :model/Setting)]
        (case key
          "settings-last-updated" (let [current-timestamp-as-string-honeysql (h2x/cast (if (= db-type :mysql) :char :text)
                                                                                       [:raw "current_timestamp"])]
                                    (t2/update! :conn conn :setting {:key key} {:value current-timestamp-as-string-honeysql}))
          "encryption-check" (t2/update! :conn conn :setting {:key key} {:value (if encrypting? (encrypt-str-fn (str (random-uuid))) "unencrypted")})
          (t2/update! :conn conn :setting
                      {:key key}
                      {:value (encrypt-str-fn value)})))
      ;; update all secret values according to the new encryption key
      ;; fortunately, we don't need to fetch the latest secret instance per ID, as we would need to in order to update
      ;; a secret value through the regular database save API path; instead, ALL secret values in the app DB (regardless
      ;; of whether they are the "current version" or not), should be updated with the new key
      (doseq [[id value] (t2/select-pk->fn :value :model/Secret)]
        (when (encryption/possibly-encrypted-string? value)
          (throw (ex-info (trs "Can''t decrypt secret value with MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY") {:secret-id id})))
        (t2/update! :conn conn :secret
                    {:id id}
                    {:value (encrypt-bytes-fn value)}))
      (t2/delete! :conn conn :model/QueryCache))))

Encrypt the db using the current MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY to read existing data, and the passed to-key to re-encrypt. If passed to-key is nil, it encrypts with the current MBENCRYPTIONSECRET_KEY value.

(defn encrypt-db
  [db-type data-source to-key]
  (when (and (not (nil? to-key)) (empty? to-key))
    (throw (ex-info "Cannot encrypt database with an empty key" {})))
  (do-encryption db-type data-source true (fn [maybe-encrypt-fn]
                                             (nil? to-key) maybe-encrypt-fn
                                             (partial maybe-encrypt-fn (encryption/validate-and-hash-secret-key to-key))))))

Decrypts the database using the current MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY to read existing data

(defn decrypt-db
  [db-type data-source]
  (do-encryption db-type data-source false (constantly identity)))