Custom liquibase migrations, so we can manipulate data with Clojure. We prefer to use SQL migrations in most cases because they are likely to be more performant and stable. However, there are some cases where we need to do something that is not possible or very difficult with SQL, such as JSON manipulation. Migrations demand a higher level of reliability than normal code, so be careful about what these migrations depend on. If the code the migration depends on changes, the migration could corrupt app dbs and be very difficult to recover from. If you need to use code from elsewhere, consider copying it into this namespace to minimize risk of the code changing behaviour. | (ns metabase.db.custom-migrations (:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]] [clojure.edn :as edn] [ :as io] [clojure.pprint :as pprint] [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.walk :as walk] [ :as jobs] [clojurewerkz.quartzite.scheduler :as qs] [clojurewerkz.quartzite.triggers :as triggers] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.db.connection :as mdb.connection] [metabase.db.custom-migrations.metrics-v2 :as metrics-v2] [metabase.db.custom-migrations.pulse-to-notification :as pulse-to-notification] [metabase.db.custom-migrations.util :as custom-migrations.util] [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader] [metabase.task.bootstrap] [ :as] [metabase.util.encryption :as encryption] [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.log :as log] [toucan2.core :as t2] [toucan2.execute :as t2.execute]) (:import (java.util Locale) (javax.sql DataSource) (liquibase Scope) (liquibase.change Change) (liquibase.change.custom CustomTaskChange CustomTaskRollback) (liquibase.exception ValidationErrors) (liquibase.util BooleanUtil) (org.mindrot.jbcrypt BCrypt))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Check if the change is supposed to be executed. This is a work around. The rollback method is called twice: once for generating MDC data and once for actually making the change. The same problem has been fixed for forward changes in Liquibase but for rollback it has not. | (defn should-execute-change? [] (BooleanUtil/isTrue (.get (Scope/getCurrentScope) Change/SHOULD_EXECUTE true))) |
Define a reversible custom migration. Both the forward and reverse migrations are defined using the same structure, similar to the bodies of multi-arity Clojure functions. Example: ```clj (define-reversible-migration ExampleMigrationName (migration-body) (reverse-migration-body))) ``` | (defmacro define-reversible-migration [name migration-body reverse-migration-body] `(defrecord ~name [] CustomTaskChange (execute [_# database#] (t2/with-transaction [_conn#] ~migration-body)) (getConfirmationMessage [_#] (str "Custom migration: " ~name)) (setUp [_#]) (validate [_# _database#] (ValidationErrors.)) (setFileOpener [_# _resourceAccessor#]) CustomTaskRollback (rollback [_# database#] (t2/with-transaction [_conn#] (when (should-execute-change?) ~reverse-migration-body))))) |
No-op logging rollback function | (defn no-op [n] (log/info "No rollback for: " n)) |
Define a custom migration without a reverse migration. | (defmacro define-migration [name & migration-body] `(define-reversible-migration ~name (do ~@migration-body) (no-op ~(str name)))) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HELPERS | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
metabase.util/upper-case-en | (defn- upper-case-en ^String [s] (when s (.toUpperCase (str s) Locale/US))) |
metabase.util/lower-case-en | (defn- lower-case-en ^String [s] (when s (.toLowerCase (str s) Locale/US))) |
Default in function for columns given a Toucan type | (defn json-in [obj] (if (string? obj) obj (json/encode obj))) |
(defn- json-out [s keywordize-keys?] (if (string? s) (try (json/decode s keywordize-keys?) (catch Throwable e (log/error e "Error parsing JSON") s)) s)) | |
Should mirror [[metabase.models.interface/encrypted-json-in]] | (def ^:private encrypted-json-in (comp encryption/maybe-encrypt json-in)) |
Should mirror [[metabase.models.interface/encrypted-json-out]] | (defn- encrypted-json-out [v] (let [decrypted (encryption/maybe-decrypt v)] (try (json/decode+kw decrypted) (catch Throwable e (if (or (encryption/possibly-encrypted-string? decrypted) (encryption/possibly-encrypted-bytes? decrypted)) (log/error e "Could not decrypt encrypted field! Have you forgot to set MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY?") (log/error e "Error parsing JSON")) ; same message as in `json-out` v)))) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MIGRATIONS | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(def ^:private base-path-regex #"^(/db/\d+(?:/schema/(?:(?:[^\\/])|(?:\\/)|(?:\\\\))*(?:/table/\d+?)?)?/)((native/)|(query/(segmented/)?))?$") | |
Converts v1 data permission paths into v2 data and query permissions paths. This is similar to | (defn- ->v2-paths [v1-path] (if-let [base-path (second (re-find base-path-regex v1-path))] ;; For (almost) all v1 data paths, we simply extract the base path (e.g. "/db/1/schema/PUBLIC/table/1/") ;; and construct new v2 paths by adding prefixes to the base path. [(str "/data" base-path) (str "/query" base-path)] ;; For the specific v1 path that grants full data access but no native query access, we add a ;; /schema/ suffix to the corresponding v2 query permission path. (when-let [db-id (second (re-find #"^/db/(\d+)/schema/$" v1-path))] [(str "/data/db/" db-id "/") (str "/query/db/" db-id "/schema/")]))) |
(define-reversible-migration SplitDataPermissions (let [current-perms-set (t2/select-fn-set (juxt :object :group_id) :permissions {:where [:or [:like :object (h2x/literal "/db/%")] [:like :object (h2x/literal "/data/db/%")] [:like :object (h2x/literal "/query/db/%")]]}) v2-perms-set (into #{} (mapcat (fn [[v1-path group-id]] (for [v2-path (->v2-paths v1-path)] [v2-path group-id])) current-perms-set)) new-v2-perms (into [] (set/difference v2-perms-set current-perms-set))] (when (seq new-v2-perms) (t2.execute/query-one {:insert-into :permissions :columns [:object :group_id] :values new-v2-perms}))) (t2.execute/query-one {:delete-from :permissions :where [:or [:like :object (h2x/literal "/data/db/%")] [:like :object (h2x/literal "/query/db/%")]]})) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Quartz Scheduler Helpers | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(defn- set-jdbc-backend-properties! [] (metabase.task.bootstrap/set-jdbc-backend-properties! (mdb.connection/db-type))) | |
(define-migration DeleteAbandonmentEmailTask (classloader/the-classloader) (set-jdbc-backend-properties!) (let [scheduler (qs/initialize)] (qs/start scheduler) (qs/delete-trigger scheduler (triggers/key "metabase.task.abandonment-emails.trigger")) (qs/delete-job scheduler (jobs/key "metabase.task.abandonment-emails.job")) (qs/shutdown scheduler))) | |
(define-migration FillJSONUnfoldingDefault (let [db-ids-to-not-update (->> (t2/query {:select [:id :details] :from [:metabase_database]}) ;; if json-unfolding is nil it's treated as if it were true ;; so we need to remove databases that have it set to false (filter (fn [{:keys [details]}] (when details (false? (:json-unfolding (json/decode+kw details)))))) (map :id)) field-ids-to-update (->> (t2/query {:select [] :from [[:metabase_field :f]] :join [[:metabase_table :t] [:= :f.table_id]] :where (if (seq db-ids-to-not-update) [:and [:not-in :t.db_id db-ids-to-not-update] [:= :f.base_type "type/JSON"]] [:= :f.base_type "type/JSON"])}) (map :id))] (when (seq field-ids-to-update) (t2/query-one {:update :metabase_field :set {:json_unfolding true} :where [:in field-ids-to-update]})))) | |
(defn- update-legacy-field-refs-in-viz-settings [viz-settings] (let [old-to-new (fn [old] (match old ["ref" ref] ["ref" (match ref ["field-id" x] ["field" x nil] ["field-literal" x y] ["field" x {"base-type" y}] ["fk->" x y] (let [x (match x [_x0 x1] x1 x x) y (match y [_y0 y1] y1 y y)] ["field" y {:source-field x}]) ref ref)] k k))] (m/update-existing viz-settings "column_settings" update-keys (fn [k] (-> k json/decode vec old-to-new json/encode))))) | |
(define-migration MigrateLegacyColumnSettingsFieldRefs (let [update! (fn [{:keys [id visualization_settings]}] (t2/query-one {:update :report_card :set {:visualization_settings visualization_settings} :where [:= :id id]}))] (run! update! (eduction (keep (fn [{:keys [id visualization_settings]}] (let [parsed (json/decode visualization_settings) updated (update-legacy-field-refs-in-viz-settings parsed)] (when (not= parsed updated) {:id id :visualization_settings (json/encode updated)})))) (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :visualization_settings] :from [:report_card] :where [:or ;; these match legacy field refs in column_settings [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"fk->%"] ;; MySQL with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES disabled: [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"fk->%"]]}))))) | |
(defn- update-legacy-field-refs-in-result-metadata [result-metadata] (let [old-to-new (fn [ref] (match ref ["field-id" x] ["field" x nil] ["field-literal" x y] ["field" x {"base-type" y}] ["fk->" x y] (let [x (match x [_x0 x1] x1 x x) y (match y [_y0 y1] y1 y y)] ["field" y {:source-field x}]) _ ref))] (->> result-metadata json/decode (map #(m/update-existing % "field_ref" old-to-new)) json/encode))) | |
(define-migration MigrateLegacyResultMetadataFieldRefs (let [update! (fn [{:keys [id result_metadata]}] (t2/query-one {:update :report_card :set {:result_metadata result_metadata} :where [:= :id id]}))] (run! update! (eduction (keep (fn [{:keys [id result_metadata]}] (let [updated (update-legacy-field-refs-in-result-metadata result_metadata)] (when (not= result_metadata updated) {:id id :result_metadata updated})))) (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :result_metadata] :from [:report_card] :where [:or [:like :result_metadata "%field-id%"] [:like :result_metadata "%field-literal%"] [:like :result_metadata "%fk->%"]]}))))) | |
Removes options from the | (defn- remove-opts [field_ref & opts-to-remove] (match field_ref ["field" id opts] ["field" id (not-empty (apply dissoc opts opts-to-remove))] _ field_ref)) |
(defn- remove-join-alias-from-column-settings-field-refs [visualization_settings] (update visualization_settings "column_settings" (fn [column_settings] (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] (match (vec (json/decode k)) ["ref" ["field" id opts]] [(json/encode ["ref" (remove-opts ["field" id opts] "join-alias")]) v] _ [k v])) column_settings))))) | |
(defn- add-join-alias-to-column-settings-refs [{:keys [visualization_settings result_metadata]}] (let [result_metadata (json/decode result_metadata) visualization_settings (json/decode visualization_settings) column-key->metadata (group-by #(-> (get % "field_ref") ;; like the FE's `getColumnKey` function, remove "join-alias", ;; "temporal-unit" and "binning" options from the field_ref (remove-opts "join-alias" "temporal-unit" "binning")) result_metadata)] (json/encode (update visualization_settings "column_settings" (fn [column_settings] (into {} (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (match (vec (json/decode k)) ["ref" ["field" id opts]] (for [column-metadata (column-key->metadata ["field" id opts]) ;; remove "temporal-unit" and "binning" options from the matching field refs, ;; but not "join-alias" as before. :let [field-ref (-> (get column-metadata "field_ref") (remove-opts "temporal-unit" "binning"))]] [(json/encode ["ref" field-ref]) v]) _ [[k v]])) column_settings))))))) | |
(define-reversible-migration AddJoinAliasToVisualizationSettingsFieldRefs (let [update-one! (fn [{:keys [id visualization_settings] :as card}] (let [updated (add-join-alias-to-column-settings-refs card)] (when (not= visualization_settings updated) (t2/query-one {:update :report_card :set {:visualization_settings updated} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :visualization_settings :result_metadata] :from [:report_card] :where [:and [:or [:= :query_type nil] [:= :query_type "query"]] [:or [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] ; MySQL with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES disabled [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]] [:like :result_metadata "%join-alias%"]]}))) (let [update! (fn [{:keys [id visualization_settings]}] (let [updated (-> visualization_settings json/decode remove-join-alias-from-column-settings-field-refs json/encode)] (when (not= visualization_settings updated) (t2/query-one {:update :report_card :set {:visualization_settings updated} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :visualization_settings] :from [:report_card] :where [:and [:or [:= :query_type nil] [:= :query_type "query"]] [:or [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]] [:like :visualization_settings "%join-alias%"]]})))) | |
(defn- update-card-row-on-downgrade-for-dashboard-tab [dashboard-id] (let [tab+cards (->> (t2/query {:select [:report_dashboardcard.* [:dashboard_tab.position :tab_position]] :from [:report_dashboardcard] :where [:= :report_dashboardcard.dashboard_id dashboard-id] :left-join [:dashboard_tab [:= :report_dashboardcard.dashboard_tab_id]]}) (group-by :tab_position) ;; sort by tab position (sort-by first)) cards->max-height (fn [cards] (apply max (map #(+ (:row %) (:size_y %)) cards)))] (loop [position+cards tab+cards next-tab-row 0] (when-let [[tab-pos cards] (first position+cards)] (if (zero? tab-pos) (recur (rest position+cards) (long (cards->max-height cards))) (do (t2/query {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:row [:+ :row next-tab-row]} :where [:= :dashboard_tab_id (:dashboard_tab_id (first cards))]}) (recur (rest position+cards) (long (+ next-tab-row (cards->max-height cards)))))))))) | |
(define-reversible-migration DowngradeDashboardTab (log/info "No forward migration for DowngradeDashboardTab") (run! update-card-row-on-downgrade-for-dashboard-tab (eduction (map :dashboard_id) (t2/reducible-query {:select-distinct [:dashboard_id] :from [:dashboard_tab]})))) | |
Perform the best effort to destructure card sizes in revision. The card in revision contains legacy field name and maybe even lacking fields. | (defn- destructure-revision-card-sizes [card] {:size_x (or (get card :size_x) (get card :sizeX) 4) :size_y (or (get card :size_y) (get card :sizeY) 4) :row (or (get card :row) 0) :col (or (get card :col) 0)}) |
Mirror of the forward algorithm we have in sql. | (defn- migrate-dashboard-grid-from-18-to-24 [card] (let [{:keys [row col size_x size_y]} (destructure-revision-card-sizes card)] ;; new_size_x = size_x + ((col + size_x + 1) // 3) - ((col + 1) // 3) ;; new_col = col + ((col + 1) // 3) ;; need to wrap it a try catch in case anything weird could go wrong, for example ;; sizes are string (try (merge (dissoc card :sizeX :sizeY) ;; remove those legacy keys if exists {:size_x (- (+ size_x (quot (+ col size_x 1) 3)) (quot (inc col) 3)) :col (+ col (quot (inc col) 3)) :size_y size_y :row row}) (catch Throwable _ card)))) |
Mirror of the rollback algorithm we have in sql. | (defn- migrate-dashboard-grid-from-24-to-18 [card] (let [{:keys [row col size_x size_y]} (destructure-revision-card-sizes card)] ;; new_size_x = size_x - ((size_x + col + 1) // 4 - (col + 1) // 4) ;; new_col = col - (col + 1) // 4 (try (merge card {:size_x (if (= size_x 1) 1 (- size_x (- (quot (+ size_x col 1) 4) (quot (inc col) 4)))) :col (- col (quot (inc col) 4)) :size_y size_y :row row}) (catch Throwable _ card)))) |
(define-reversible-migration RevisionDashboardMigrateGridFrom18To24 (let [migrate! (fn [revision] (let [object (json/decode+kw (:object revision))] (when (seq (:cards object)) (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode (update object :cards #(map migrate-dashboard-grid-from-18-to-24 %)))} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]}))))] (run! migrate! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:= :model "Dashboard"]}))) (let [roll-back! (fn [revision] (let [object (json/decode+kw (:object revision))] (when (seq (:cards object)) (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode (update object :cards #(map migrate-dashboard-grid-from-24-to-18 %)))} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]}))))] (run! roll-back! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:= :model "Dashboard"]})))) | |
(define-migration RevisionMigrateLegacyColumnSettingsFieldRefs (let [update-one! (fn [{:keys [id object]}] (let [object (json/decode object) updated (update object "visualization_settings" update-legacy-field-refs-in-viz-settings)] (when (not= updated object) (t2/query-one {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode updated)} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :object] :from [:revision] :where [:and [:= :model "Card"] [:or ;; these match legacy field refs in column_settings [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"fk->%"] ;; MySQL with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES disabled: [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"fk->%"]]]})))) | |
(define-reversible-migration RevisionAddJoinAliasToColumnSettingsFieldRefs ;; This migration is essentially the same as `AddJoinAliasToColumnSettingsFieldRefs`, but for card revisions. ;; We can't use the same migration because cards in the revision table don't always have `result_metadata`. ;; So instead, we use the join aliases from card's `dataset_query` to create field refs in visualization_settings. ;; There will inevitably be extra entries in visualization_settings.column_settings that don't match field refs in result_metadata, but that's ok. (let [add-join-aliases (fn [card] (let [join-aliases (->> (get-in card ["dataset_query" "query" "joins"]) (map #(get % "alias")) set)] (if (seq join-aliases) (update (get card "visualization_settings") "column_settings" (fn [column_settings] (let [copies-with-join-alias (into {} (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (match (vec (json/decode k)) ["ref" ["field" id opts]] (for [alias join-aliases] [(json/encode ["ref" ["field" id (assoc opts "join-alias" alias)]]) v]) _ '())) column_settings))] ;; existing column settings should take precedence over the copies in case there is a conflict (merge copies-with-join-alias column_settings)))) card))) update-one! (fn [revision] (let [card (json/decode (:object revision))] (when (not= (get card "query_type") "native") ; native queries won't have join aliases, so we can exclude them straight away (let [updated (add-join-aliases card)] (when (not= updated (get "visualization_settings" card)) (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode (assoc card "visualization_settings" updated))} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]}))))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:and ;; only include cards with field refs in column_settings [:or [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]] ;; only include cards with joins [:like :object "%joins%"] [:= :model "Card"]]}))) ;; Reverse migration (let [update-one! (fn [revision] (let [card (json/decode (:object revision))] (when (not= (get card "query_type") "native") (let [viz-settings (get card "visualization_settings") updated (remove-join-alias-from-column-settings-field-refs viz-settings)] (when (not= updated viz-settings) (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode (assoc card "visualization_settings" updated))} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]}))))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:and [:or [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]] [:like :object "%join-alias%"] [:= :model "Card"]]})))) | |
(define-migration MigrateLegacyDashboardCardColumnSettingsFieldRefs (let [update-one! (fn [{:keys [id visualization_settings]}] (let [parsed (json/decode visualization_settings) updated (update-legacy-field-refs-in-viz-settings parsed)] (when (not= parsed updated) (t2/query-one {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:visualization_settings (json/encode updated)} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :visualization_settings] :from [:report_dashboardcard] :where [:and [:<> :card_id nil] [:or ;; these match legacy field refs in column_settings [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"fk->%"] ;; MySQL with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES disabled: [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"fk->%"]]]})))) | |
(define-reversible-migration AddJoinAliasToDashboardCardColumnSettingsFieldRefs (let [update-one! (fn [{:keys [id visualization_settings result_metadata]}] (let [updated (add-join-alias-to-column-settings-refs {:visualization_settings visualization_settings :result_metadata result_metadata})] (when (not= visualization_settings updated) (t2/query-one {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:visualization_settings updated} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [ :dc.visualization_settings :c.result_metadata] :from [[:report_card :c]] :join [[:report_dashboardcard :dc] [:= :dc.card_id]] :where [:and [:or [:= :c.query_type nil] [:= :c.query_type "query"]] [:or [:like :dc.visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] ; MySQL with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES disabled [:like :dc.visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]] [:like :c.result_metadata "%join-alias%"]]}))) (let [update! (fn [{:keys [id visualization_settings]}] (let [parsed (json/decode visualization_settings) updated (remove-join-alias-from-column-settings-field-refs parsed)] (when (not= parsed updated) (t2/query-one {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:visualization_settings (json/encode updated)} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update! (t2/reducible-query {:select [ :dc.visualization_settings] :from [[:report_card :c]] :join [[:report_dashboardcard :dc] [:= :dc.card_id]] :where [:and [:or [:= :c.query_type nil] [:= :c.query_type "query"]] [:or [:like :dc.visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] [:like :dc.visualization_settings "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]] [:like :dc.visualization_settings "%join-alias%"]]})))) | |
(define-migration RevisionMigrateLegacyDashboardCardColumnSettingsFieldRefs (let [update-one! (fn [{:keys [id object]}] (let [object (json/decode object) updated (update object "cards" (fn [cards] (map #(update % "visualization_settings" update-legacy-field-refs-in-viz-settings) cards)))] (when (not= updated object) (t2/query-one {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode updated)} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :object] :from [:revision] :where [:and [:= :model "Dashboard"] [:or ;; these match legacy field refs in column_settings [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"fk->%"] ;; MySQL with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES disabled: [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-id%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field-literal%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"fk->%"]]]})))) | |
(define-reversible-migration RevisionAddJoinAliasToDashboardCardColumnSettingsFieldRefs (let [add-join-aliases (fn [dashcard] (if-let [{:keys [dataset_query]} (t2/query-one {:select [:dataset_query] :from [:report_card] :where [:and [:or ;; native queries won't have join aliases, so we can exclude them [:= :query_type nil] [:= :query_type "query"]] [:= :id (get dashcard "card_id")] ;; only include cards with joins [:like :dataset_query "%joins%"]]})] (if-let [join-aliases (->> (get-in (json/decode dataset_query) ["query" "joins"]) (map #(get % "alias")) set seq)] (m/update-existing-in dashcard ["visualization_settings" "column_settings"] (fn [column_settings] (let [copies-with-join-alias (into {} (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (match (vec (json/decode k)) ["ref" ["field" id opts]] (for [alias join-aliases] [(json/encode ["ref" ["field" id (assoc opts "join-alias" alias)]]) v]) _ '())) column_settings))] ;; existing column settings should take precedence over the copies in case there is a conflict (merge copies-with-join-alias column_settings)))) dashcard) dashcard)) update-one! (fn [revision] (let [dashboard (json/decode (:object revision)) updated (update dashboard "cards" (fn [dashcards] (map add-join-aliases dashcards)))] (when (not= updated dashboard) (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode updated)} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:and [:= :model "Dashboard"] ;; only include cards with field refs in column_settings [:or [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]]]}))) ;; Reverse migration (let [update-one! (fn [revision] (let [dashboard (json/decode (:object revision)) updated (update dashboard "cards" (fn [dashcards] (map #(update % "visualization_settings" remove-join-alias-from-column-settings-field-refs) dashcards)))] (when (not= updated dashboard) (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode updated)} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:and [:= :model "Dashboard"] [:or [:like :object "%ref\\\\\",[\\\\\"field%"] [:like :object "%ref\\\\\\\",[\\\\\\\"field%"]] [:like :object "%join-alias%"]]})))) | |
(define-reversible-migration MigrateDatabaseOptionsToSettings (let [update-one! (fn [{:keys [id settings options]}] (let [settings (encrypted-json-out settings) options (json-out options true) new-settings (encrypted-json-in (merge settings options))] (t2/query {:update :metabase_database :set {:settings new-settings} :where [:= :id id]})))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :settings :options] :from [:metabase_database] :where [:and [:not= :options ] [:not= :options "{}"] [:not= :options nil]]}))) (let [rollback-one! (fn [{:keys [id settings options]}] (let [settings (encrypted-json-out settings) options (json-out options true)] (when (some? (:persist-models-enabled settings)) (t2/query {:update :metabase_database :set {:options (json/encode (select-keys settings [:persist-models-enabled])) :settings (encrypted-json-in (dissoc settings :persist-models-enabled))} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! rollback-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :settings :options] :from [:metabase_database]})))) | |
Fix click through migration | |
Fixes click behavior settings on dashcards, returns nil if no fix available. Format changed from:
at the top level and
{... viewas linktemplate link_text ...} to at the column_settings level. Scours the card to find all click behavior, reshapes it, and deep merges it into the reshapen dashcard. scour for all links in the card, fixup the dashcard and then merge in any new click_behaviors from the card. See extensive tests for different scenarios. We are in a migration so this returns nil if there is nothing to do so that it is filtered and we aren't running sql statements that are replacing data for no purpose. Merging the following click behaviors in order (later merges on top of earlier): - fixed card click behavior - fixed dash click behavior - existing new style dash click behavior | (defn- fix-click-through [{id :id card :card_visualization dashcard :dashcard_visualization}] (let [remove-nil-keys (fn [m] (into {} (remove #(nil? (val %)) m))) existing-fixed (fn [settings] (-> settings (m/update-existing "column_settings" (fn [column_settings] (m/map-vals #(select-keys % ["click_behavior"]) column_settings))) ;; select click behavior top level and in column settings (select-keys ["column_settings" "click_behavior"]) (remove-nil-keys))) fix-top-level (fn [toplevel] (if (= (get toplevel "click") "link") (assoc toplevel ;; add new shape top level "click_behavior" {"type" (get toplevel "click") "linkType" "url" "linkTemplate" (get toplevel "click_link_template")}) toplevel)) fix-cols (fn [column-settings] (reduce-kv (fn [m col field-settings] (assoc m col ;; add the click stuff under the new click_behavior entry or keep the ;; field settings as is (if (and (= (get field-settings "view_as") "link") (contains? field-settings "link_template")) ;; remove old shape and add new shape under click_behavior (assoc field-settings "click_behavior" {"type" (get field-settings "view_as") "linkType" "url" "linkTemplate" (get field-settings "link_template") "linkTextTemplate" (get field-settings "link_text")}) field-settings))) {} column-settings)) fixed-card (-> (if (contains? dashcard "click") (dissoc card "click_behavior") ;; throw away click behavior if dashcard has click ;; behavior added (fix-top-level card)) (update "column_settings" fix-cols) ;; fix columns and then select only the new shape from ;; the settings tree existing-fixed) fixed-dashcard (update (fix-top-level dashcard) "column_settings" fix-cols) final-settings (->> (m/deep-merge fixed-card fixed-dashcard (existing-fixed dashcard)) ;; remove nils and empty maps _AFTER_ deep merging so that the shapes are ;; uniform. otherwise risk not fully clobbering an underlying form if the one going on top ;; doesn't have link text (walk/postwalk (fn [form] (if (map? form) (into {} (for [[k v] form :when (if (seqable? v) ;; remove keys with empty maps. must be postwalk (seq v) ;; remove nils (some? v))] [k v])) form))))] (when (not= final-settings dashcard) {:id id :visualization_settings final-settings}))) |
(defn- parse-to-json [& ks] (fn [x] (reduce #(update %1 %2 json/decode) x ks))) | |
This was previously a data migration, hence the metadata. The metadata is unused but potentially useful as documentation. | (defn- migrate-click-through! {:author "dpsutton" :added "0.38.1" :doc "Migration of old 'custom drill-through' to new 'click behavior'; see #15014"} [] (transduce (comp (map (parse-to-json :card_visualization :dashcard_visualization)) (map fix-click-through) (filter :visualization_settings)) (completing (fn [_ {:keys [id visualization_settings]}] (t2/update! :report_dashboardcard id {:visualization_settings (json/encode visualization_settings)}))) nil ;; flamber wrote a manual postgres migration that this faithfully recreates: see ;; (t2/query {:select [ [:card.visualization_settings :card_visualization] [:dashcard.visualization_settings :dashcard_visualization]] :from [[:report_dashboardcard :dashcard]] :join [[:report_card :card] [:= :dashcard.card_id]] :where [:or [:like :card.visualization_settings "%\"link_template\":%"] [:like :card.visualization_settings "%\"click_link_template\":%"] [:like :dashcard.visualization_settings "%\"link_template\":%"] [:like :dashcard.visualization_settings "%\"click_link_template\":%"]]}))) |
(define-migration MigrateClickThrough (migrate-click-through!)) | |
Removing admin from group mapping migration | |
Get raw setting directly from DB. For some reasons during data-migration [[metabase.models.setting/get]] return the default value defined in [[metabase.models.setting/defsetting]] instead of value from Setting table. | (defn- raw-setting [k] (t2/select-one-fn :value :setting :key (name k))) |
(defn- remove-admin-group-from-mappings-by-setting-key! [mapping-setting-key] (let [admin-group-id (t2/select-one-pk :permissions_group :name "Administrators") mapping (try (json/decode (raw-setting mapping-setting-key)) (catch Exception _e {}))] (when-not (empty? mapping) (t2/update! :setting {:key (name mapping-setting-key)} {:value (->> mapping (map (fn [[k v]] [k (filter #(not= admin-group-id %) v)])) (into {}) json/encode)})))) | |
(defn- migrate-remove-admin-from-group-mapping-if-needed {:author "qnkhuat" :added "0.43.0" :doc "In the past we have a setting to disable group sync for admin group when using SSO or LDAP, but it's broken and haven't really worked (see #13820). In #20991 we remove this option entirely and make sync for admin group just like a regular group. But on upgrade, to make sure we don't unexpectedly begin adding or removing admin users: - for LDAP, if the `ldap-sync-admin-group` toggle is disabled, we remove all mapping for the admin group - for SAML, JWT, we remove all mapping for admin group, because they were previously never being synced if `ldap-sync-admin-group` has never been written, getting raw-setting will return a `nil`, and nil could also be interpreted as disabled. so checking `(not= x \"true\")` is safer than `(= x \"false\")`."} [] (when (not= (raw-setting :ldap-sync-admin-group) "true") (remove-admin-group-from-mappings-by-setting-key! :ldap-group-mappings)) ;; sso are enterprise feature but we still run this even in OSS in case a customer ;; have switched from enterprise -> SSO and stil have this mapping in Setting table (remove-admin-group-from-mappings-by-setting-key! :jwt-group-mappings) (remove-admin-group-from-mappings-by-setting-key! :saml-group-mappings)) | |
(define-migration MigrateRemoveAdminFromGroupMappingIfNeeded (migrate-remove-admin-from-group-mapping-if-needed)) | |
Each unified column is 3 items sequence [table-name, column-name, is-nullable?] | (defn- db-type->to-unified-columns [db-type] (let [query (case db-type :postgres {:select [:table_name :column_name :is_nullable] :from [:information_schema.columns] :where [:and [:= :data_type "timestamp without time zone"] [:= :table_schema :%current_schema] [:= :table_catalog :%current_database]]} :mysql {:select [:table_name :column_name :is_nullable] :from [:information_schema.columns] :where [:and [:= :data_type "datetime"] [:= :table_schema :%database]]} :h2 {:select [:table_name :column_name :is_nullable] :from [:information_schema.columns] :where [:= :data_type "TIMESTAMP"]})] (->> (t2/query query) (map #(update-vals % (comp keyword lower-case-en))) (remove (fn [{:keys [table_name]}] (or (#{:databasechangelog :databasechangeloglock} table_name) ;; excludes views (str/starts-with? (name table_name) "v_")))) (map #(update % :is_nullable (fn [x] (= :yes x)))) (map (juxt :table_name :column_name :is_nullable))))) |
(defn- alter-table-column-type-sql [db-type table column ttype nullable?] (let [ttype (name ttype) db-type (if (and (= db-type :mysql) (with-open [conn (.getConnection (mdb.connection/data-source))] (= "MariaDB" (.getDatabaseProductName (.getMetaData conn))))) :mariadb db-type)] (case db-type :postgres (format "ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ALTER COLUMN \"%s\" TYPE %s USING (\"%s\"::%s), ALTER COLUMN %s %s" table column ttype column ttype column (if nullable? "DROP NOT NULL" "SET NOT NULL")) :mysql (format "ALTER TABLE `%s` MODIFY `%s` %s %s" table column ttype (if nullable? "NULL" "NOT NULL")) ;; maridb will automatically add extra on update set current_timestamp if you don't have a default value for not ;; nullable columns. ;; We don't want this property for created_at columns. so adding a default value here to avoid that default extra :mariadb (format "ALTER TABLE `%s` MODIFY `%s` %s %s" table column ttype (if nullable? "NULL" "NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")) :h2 (format "ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ALTER COLUMN \"%s\" %s %s" (upper-case-en table) (upper-case-en column) ttype (if nullable? "NULL" "NOT NULL"))))) | |
(defn- unify-time-column-type! [direction] (let [db-type (mdb.connection/db-type) columns (db-type->to-unified-columns db-type) timestamp-type (case db-type (:postgres :h2) "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" :mysql "TIMESTAMP(6)") datetime-type (case db-type (:postgres :h2) "TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE" :mysql "DATETIME") target-type (case direction :up timestamp-type :down datetime-type)] (doseq [[table column nullable?] columns ;; core_user.updated_at is referenced in a view in postgres, and PG doesn't allow changing column types if a ;; view depends on it. so we need to drop the view before changing the type, then re-create it again :let [is-pg-specical-case? (= [db-type table column] [:postgres :core_user :updated_at])]] (when is-pg-specical-case? (t2/query [(format "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_users;")])) (t2/query [(alter-table-column-type-sql db-type (name table) (name column) target-type nullable?)]) (when is-pg-specical-case? (t2/query [(slurp (io/resource "migrations/instance_analytics_views/users/v1/postgres-users.sql"))]))))) | |
(define-reversible-migration UnifyTimeColumnsType (unify-time-column-type! :up) (unify-time-column-type! :down)) | |
(defn- mariadb? [ds] (with-open [conn (.getConnection ^DataSource ds)] (= "MariaDB" (.getDatabaseProductName (.getMetaData conn))))) | |
Like [[metabase.connection/db-type]] but distinguishes between mysql and mariadb. | (defn- db-type* [] (let [db-type (mdb.connection/db-type)] (if (= db-type :mysql) (if (mariadb? (mdb.connection/data-source)) :mariadb :mysql) db-type))) |
(define-reversible-migration CardRevisionAddType (case (db-type*) :postgres ;; postgres doesn't allow `\u0000` in text when converting to jsonb, so we need to remove them before we can ;; parse the json. We use negative look behind to avoid matching `\\u0000` (metabase#40835) (t2/query ["UPDATE revision SET object = replace(jsonb_set( (regexp_replace(object, '(?<!\\\\)\\\\u0000', '286b707c-e895-4cd3-acfc-569147f54371', 'g'))::jsonb, '{type}', to_jsonb(CASE WHEN ((regexp_replace(object, '(?<!\\\\)\\\\u0000', '286b707c-e895-4cd3-acfc-569147f54371', 'g'))::jsonb->>'dataset')::boolean THEN 'model' ELSE 'question' END)::jsonb, true)::text, '286b707c-e895-4cd3-acfc-569147f54371', '\\u0000') WHERE model = 'Card' AND ((regexp_replace(object, '(?<!\\\\)\\\\u0000', '286b707c-e895-4cd3-acfc-569147f54371', 'g'))::jsonb->>'dataset') IS NOT NULL;"]) :mysql (t2/query ["UPDATE revision SET object = JSON_SET( object, '$.type', CASE WHEN JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(object, '$.dataset')) = 'true' THEN 'model' ELSE 'question' END) WHERE model = 'Card' AND JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(object, '$.dataset')) IS NOT NULL;;"]) ;; json_extract on mariadb throws an error if the json is more than 32 levels nested. See #41924 ;; So we do this in clojure land for mariadb (:h2 :mariadb) (let [migrate! (fn [revision] (let [object (json/decode+kw (:object revision)) new-object (assoc object :type (if (:dataset object) "model" "question"))] (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode new-object)} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]})))] (run! migrate! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:= :model "Card"]})))) (case (db-type*) :postgres (t2/query ["UPDATE revision SET object = jsonb_set( object::jsonb - 'type', '{dataset}', to_jsonb(CASE WHEN (object::jsonb->>'type') = 'model' THEN true ELSE false END)) WHERE model = 'Card' AND (object::jsonb->>'type') IS NOT NULL;"]) :mysql (do (t2/query ["UPDATE revision SET object = JSON_SET( object, '$.dataset', CASE WHEN JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(object, '$.type')) = 'model' THEN true ELSE false END) WHERE model = 'Card' AND JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(object, '$.type')) IS NOT NULL;"]) (t2/query ["UPDATE revision SET object = JSON_REMOVE(object, '$.type') WHERE model = 'Card' AND JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(object, '$.type')) IS NOT NULL;"])) (:h2 :mariadb) (let [rollback! (fn [revision] (let [object (json/decode+kw (:object revision)) new-object (-> object (assoc :dataset (= (:type object) "model")) (dissoc :type))] (t2/query {:update :revision :set {:object (json/encode new-object)} :where [:= :id (:id revision)]})))] (run! rollback! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:*] :from [:revision] :where [:= :model "Card"]}))))) | |
(define-migration DeleteScanFieldValuesTriggerForDBThatTurnItOff ;; If you config scan field values for a DB to either "Only when adding a new filter widget" or "Never, I’ll do this manually if I need to" ;; then we shouldn't schedule a trigger for scan field values. Turns out it wasn't like that since forever, so we need ;; this migraiton to remove triggers for any existing DB that have this option on. ;; See #40715 (when-let [;; find all dbs which are configured not to scan field values dbs (seq (filter #(and (-> % :details encrypted-json-out :let-user-control-scheduling) (false? (:is_full_sync %))) (t2/select :metabase_database)))] (classloader/the-classloader) (set-jdbc-backend-properties!) (let [scheduler (qs/initialize)] (qs/start scheduler) (doseq [db dbs] (qs/delete-trigger scheduler (triggers/key (format "metabase.task.update-field-values.trigger.%d" (:id db))))) ;; use the table, not model/Database because we don't want to trigger the hooks (t2/update! :metabase_database :id [:in (map :id dbs)] {:cache_field_values_schedule nil}) (qs/shutdown scheduler)))) | |
Hashes a given plaintext password using bcrypt. Should be used to hash
passwords included in stored user credentials that are to be later verified
using | (defn- hash-bcrypt [password] (BCrypt/hashpw password (BCrypt/gensalt))) |
(defn- internal-user-exists? [] (pos? (first (vals (t2/query-one {:select [:%count.*] :from :core_user :where [:= :id config/internal-mb-user-id]}))))) | |
(define-migration CreateInternalUser ;; the internal user may have been created in a previous version for Metabase Analytics, so don't add it again if it ;; exists already. (when (not (internal-user-exists?)) (let [salt (str (random-uuid)) password (hash-bcrypt (str salt (random-uuid))) user {;; we insert the internal user ID directly because it's ;; deliberately high enough to not conflict with any other :id config/internal-mb-user-id :password_salt salt :password password :email "" :first_name "Metabase" :locale nil :last_login nil :is_active false :settings nil :type "internal" :is_qbnewb true :updated_at nil :reset_triggered nil :is_superuser false :login_attributes nil :reset_token nil :last_name "Internal" :date_joined :%now :sso_source nil :is_datasetnewb true}] (t2/query {:insert-into :core_user :values [user]})) (let [all-users-id (first (vals (t2/query-one {:select [:id] :from :permissions_group :where [:= :name "All Users"]}))) perms-group {:user_id config/internal-mb-user-id :group_id all-users-id}] (t2/query {:insert-into :permissions_group_membership :values [perms-group]})))) | |
Loads edn from an EDN file. Parses values tagged with #t into the appropriate | (defn- load-edn [file-name] (with-open [r (io/reader (io/resource file-name))] (edn/read {:readers {'t}} ( r)))) |
If there is a user that is not the internal user, we know it's not a fresh install. | (defn- no-user? [] (zero? (first (vals (t2/query-one {:select [:%count.*] :from :core_user :where [:not= :id config/internal-mb-user-id]}))))) |
We check there is no database is not present, because the sample database could have been installed from a previous version and be out of date. In that (rare) case we will be conservative and not add the sample content. | (defn- no-db? [] (nil? (t2/query-one {:select [:*] :from :metabase_database}))) |
If true, we create sample content in the | (def ^:dynamic *create-sample-content* true) |
(define-migration CreateSampleContent) | |
Does nothing. This is left in so we do not alter the liquibase migration history. See: [[CreateSampleContentV2]]. | |
(defn- replace-temporals [v] (if (isa? (type v) java.time.temporal.Temporal) :%now v)) | |
(defn- table-name->rows [data table-name] (->> (get data table-name) ;; We sort the rows by id and remove them so that auto-incrementing ids are ;; generated in the same order. We can't insert the ids directly in H2 without ;; creating sequences for all the generated id columns. (sort-by :id) (map (fn [row] (-> row (update-vals replace-temporals) (dissoc :id)))))) | |
(define-migration CreateSampleContentV2 ;; Adds sample content to a fresh install. Adds curate permissions to the collection for the 'All Users' group. (when *create-sample-content* (when (and (config/load-sample-content?) (not (config/config-bool :mb-enable-test-endpoints)) ; skip sample content for e2e tests to avoid coupling the tests to the contents (no-user?) (no-db?)) (let [table-name->raw-rows (load-edn "sample-content.edn") example-dashboard-id 1 example-collection-id 2 ;; trash collection is 1 expected-sample-db-id 1 dbs (table-name->rows table-name->raw-rows :metabase_database) _ (t2/query {:insert-into :metabase_database :values dbs}) db-ids (set (map :id (t2/query {:select :id :from :metabase_database})))] ;; If that did not succeed in creating the metabase_database rows we could be reusing a database that ;; previously had rows in it even if there are no users. in this rare care we delete the metabase_database rows ;; and do nothing else, to be safe. (if (not= db-ids #{expected-sample-db-id}) (when (seq db-ids) (t2/query {:delete-from :metabase_database :where [:in :id db-ids]})) (do (doseq [table-name [:collection :metabase_table :metabase_field :report_card :parameter_card :report_dashboard :dashboard_tab :report_dashboardcard :dashboardcard_series :permissions_group :data_permissions]] (when-let [values (seq (table-name->rows table-name->raw-rows table-name))] (t2/query {:insert-into table-name :values values}))) (let [group-id (:id (t2/query-one {:select :id :from :permissions_group :where [:= :name "All Users"]}))] (t2/query {:insert-into :permissions :values [{:object (format "/collection/%s/" example-collection-id) :group_id group-id :perm_type "perms/collection-access" :perm_value "read-and-write" :collection_id example-collection-id}]})) (t2/query {:insert-into :setting :values [{:key "example-dashboard-id" :value (str example-dashboard-id)}]}))))))) | |
(comment ;; How to create `resources/sample-content.edn` used in `CreateSampleContent` ;; We know this won't work for binning on a computed column, there may be other limitations as well. ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Check out a fresh metabase instance on the branch of the major version you're targeting, ;; and without the :ee alias so instance analytics content is not created. ;; 1. create a collection with dashboards, or import one with (metabase.cmd/import "<path>") ;; 2. execute the following to spit out the collection to an EDN file: (defn- pretty-spit [file-name data] (with-open [writer (io/writer file-name)] (binding [*out* writer] #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-var]} (pprint/pprint data)))) (defn gather-sample-coll-edn-data [] (let [columns-to-remove [:view_count]] (into {} (for [table-name [:collection :metabase_database :metabase_table :metabase_field :report_dashboard :report_dashboardcard :report_card :parameter_card :dashboard_tab :dashboardcard_series :data_permissions] :let [query (cond-> {:select [:*] :from table-name} (= table-name :collection) (assoc :where [:and ;; exclude the analytics namespace [:= :namespace nil] ;; exclude personal collections [:= :personal_owner_id nil]]))]] [table-name (->> (t2/query query) (map (fn [x] (into {} (apply dissoc x columns-to-remove)))) (remove (fn [x] (and (= table-name :collection) (= (:type x) ;; avoid requiring `metabase.models.collection` in this ;; namespace to deter others using it in migrations #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unresolved-namespace]} metabase.models.collection/trash-collection-type)))) (sort-by :id))])))) (pretty-spit (gather-sample-coll-edn-data) "resources/sample-content.edn")) | |
(make sure there's no other content in the file)
3. update the EDN file:
- add any columns that need removing to | |
This was renamed to TruncateAuditTables, so we need to delete the old job & trigger | (define-migration DeleteTruncateAuditLogTask (custom-migrations.util/with-temp-schedule! [scheduler] (qs/delete-trigger scheduler (triggers/key "metabase.task.truncate-audit-log.trigger")) (qs/delete-job scheduler (jobs/key "metabase.task.truncate-audit-log.job")))) |
(define-migration DeleteSendPulsesTask (custom-migrations.util/with-temp-schedule! [scheduler] (qs/delete-trigger scheduler (triggers/key "metabase.task.send-pulses.trigger")) (qs/delete-job scheduler (jobs/key "metabase.task.send-pulses.job")))) | |
If someone upgraded to 50, then downgrade to 49, the send-pulse triggers will run into an error state due to jobclass not found. And when they migrate up to 50 again, these triggers will not be triggered because it's in an error state. See So we need to delete this on migrate down, so when they migrate up, the triggers will be recreated. | (define-reversible-migration DeleteSendPulseTaskOnDowngrade (log/info "No forward migration for DeleteSendPulseTaskOnDowngrade") (custom-migrations.util/with-temp-schedule! [scheduler] (qs/delete-job scheduler (jobs/key "metabase.task.send-pulses.send-pulse.job")))) |
The InitSendPulseTriggers is a migration in disguise, it runs once per instance To make sure when someone migrate up -> migrate down -> migrate up again, this job is re-run on the second migrate up. | (define-reversible-migration DeleteInitSendPulseTriggersOnDowngrade (log/info "No forward migration for DeleteInitSendPulseTriggersOnDowngrade") (custom-migrations.util/with-temp-schedule! [scheduler] (qs/delete-job scheduler (jobs/key "metabase.task.send-pulses.init-send-pulse-triggers.job")))) |
when card display is area or bar, 1. set the display key to :stackable.stack_display value OR leave it the same 2. when series settings exist, remove the diplay key from each map in the series_settings list | |
(defn- area-bar-stacked-viz-migration [{display :display viz :visualization_settings :as card}] (if (and (#{:area :bar "area" "bar"} display) (:stackable.stack_type viz)) (let [actual-display (or (:stackable.stack_display viz) display) new-viz (m/update-existing viz :series_settings update-vals (fn [m] (dissoc m :display)))] (assoc card :display actual-display :visualization_settings new-viz)) card)) | |
(defn- combo-stacked-viz-migration [{display :display viz :visualization_settings :as card}] (if (#{:combo "combo"} display) (let [{series-settings :series_settings} viz series-displays (map :display (vals series-settings)) new-display (if (and (every? some? series-displays) (= 1 (count (distinct series-displays))) (#{:area :bar "area" "bar"} (first (distinct series-displays)))) (first series-displays) :combo)] (if (not (#{:combo "combo"} new-display)) ;; we've effectively converted a :combo chart into :area or :bar since every series is shown the same way (area-bar-stacked-viz-migration (assoc card :display new-display)) ;; Not all series are the same, so we keep it combo and remove the :stackable.stack_type (let [new-viz (dissoc viz :stackable.stack_type)] (assoc card :visualization_settings new-viz)))) card)) | |
(defn- stack-viz-settings-cleanup-migration [card] (update card :visualization_settings #(dissoc % :stackable.stack_display))) | |
(defn- update-stacked-viz-cards [partial-card] (-> partial-card area-bar-stacked-viz-migration combo-stacked-viz-migration stack-viz-settings-cleanup-migration)) | |
(define-migration MigrateStackedAreaBarComboDisplaySettings (let [update! (fn [{:keys [id display visualization_settings] :as card}] (t2/query-one {:update :report_card :set {:visualization_settings visualization_settings :display display} :where [:= :id id]}))] (run! update! (eduction (keep (fn [{:keys [id display visualization_settings]}] (let [parsed-viz (json/decode+kw visualization_settings) partial-card {:display display :visualization_settings parsed-viz} updated-partial-card (update-stacked-viz-cards partial-card)] (when (not= partial-card updated-partial-card) (let [{updated-display :display updated-viz :visualization_settings} updated-partial-card] {:id id :display (name updated-display) :visualization_settings (json/encode updated-viz)}))))) (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :display :visualization_settings] :from [:report_card] :where [:like :visualization_settings "%stackable%"]}))))) | |
(define-reversible-migration MigrateMetricsToV2 (metrics-v2/migrate-up!) (metrics-v2/migrate-down!)) | |
(defn- raw-setting-value [key] (some-> (t2/query-one {:select [:value], :from :setting, :where [:= :key key]}) :value encryption/maybe-decrypt)) | |
(define-reversible-migration MigrateUploadsSettings (do (when (some-> (raw-setting-value "uploads-enabled") parse-boolean) (when-let [db-id (some-> (raw-setting-value "uploads-database-id") parse-long)] (let [uploads-table-prefix (raw-setting-value "uploads-table-prefix") uploads-schema-name (raw-setting-value "uploads-schema-name")] (t2/query {:update :metabase_database :set {:uploads_enabled true :uploads_table_prefix uploads-table-prefix :uploads_schema_name uploads-schema-name} :where [:= :id db-id]})))) (t2/query {:delete-from :setting :where [:in :key ["uploads-enabled" "uploads-database-id" "uploads-schema-name" "uploads-table-prefix"]]})) (when-let [db (t2/query-one {:select [:*], :from :metabase_database, :where :uploads_enabled})] (let [settings [{:key "uploads-database-id", :value (encryption/maybe-encrypt (str (:id db)))} {:key "uploads-enabled", :value (encryption/maybe-encrypt "true")} {:key "uploads-table-prefix", :value (encryption/maybe-encrypt (:uploads_table_prefix db))} {:key "uploads-schema-name", :value (encryption/maybe-encrypt (:uploads_schema_name db))}]] (->> settings (filter :value) (t2/insert! :setting))))) | |
(define-migration DecryptCacheSettings (let [decrypt! (fn [k] (t2/update! :setting :key k {:value (raw-setting-value k)}))] (run! decrypt! ["query-caching-ttl-ratio" "query-caching-min-ttl" "enable-query-caching"]))) | |
Computes a modern viz setting column key for a | (defn- column->column-key [{name "name"}] (when name (json/encode ["name" name]))) |
Computes a legacy viz setting column key for a | (defn- column->legacy-column-key [{name "name" field-ref "field_ref" :as column}] (let [field-ref (or field-ref (when name ["field" name nil])) [ref-type field-id-or-name ref-options] field-ref field-ref (if (and (#{"field" "expression" "aggregation"} ref-type) ref-options) [ref-type field-id-or-name (not-empty (dissoc ref-options "binning" "temporal-unit"))] field-ref)] (cond (or (and (= ref-type "field") (string? field-id-or-name)) (= ref-type "aggregation")) (column->column-key column) field-ref (json/encode ["ref" field-ref])))) |
Updates | (defn- update-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings [viz-settings result-metadata old-key-fn new-key-fn] (let [key->column (m/index-by old-key-fn result-metadata)] (m/update-existing viz-settings "column_settings" update-keys (fn [key] (if-let [column (get key->column key)] (or (new-key-fn column) key) key))))) |
Migrates legacy | (defn- migrate-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings [viz-settings result-metadata] (update-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings viz-settings result-metadata column->legacy-column-key column->column-key)) |
Rollbacks changes to | (defn- rollback-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings [viz-settings result-metadata] (update-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings viz-settings result-metadata column->column-key column->legacy-column-key)) |
(defn- json-column-key-like-clause [key column] [:or [:like column (str "%\\\\\ key "\\\\\"%")] ;; MySQL with NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES disabled: [:like column (str "%\\\\\\\ key "\\\\\\\"%")]]) | |
Updates | (defn- update-legacy-column-keys-in-card-viz-settings [column-key-tag update-viz-settings-fn] (let [update-one! (fn [{id :id viz-settings :visualization_settings result-metadata :result_metadata}] (let [viz-settings (json/decode viz-settings) result-metadata (json/decode result-metadata) updated-viz-settings (update-viz-settings-fn viz-settings result-metadata)] (when (not= viz-settings updated-viz-settings) (t2/query-one {:update :report_card :set {:visualization_settings (json/encode updated-viz-settings)} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :visualization_settings :result_metadata] :from [:report_card] :where [:and [:not= :result_metadata nil] [:like :visualization_settings "%column_settings%"] (json-column-key-like-clause column-key-tag :visualization_settings)]})))) |
(define-reversible-migration MigrateLegacyColumnKeysInCardVizSettings (update-legacy-column-keys-in-card-viz-settings "ref" migrate-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings) (update-legacy-column-keys-in-card-viz-settings "name" rollback-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings)) | |
Updates | (defn- update-legacy-column-keys-in-dashboard-card-viz-settings [column-key-tag update-viz-settings-fn] (let [update-one! (fn [{id :id viz-settings :visualization_settings result-metadata :result_metadata}] (let [viz-settings (json/decode viz-settings) result-metadata (json/decode result-metadata) updated-viz-settings (update-viz-settings-fn viz-settings result-metadata)] (when (not= viz-settings updated-viz-settings) (t2/query-one {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:visualization_settings (json/encode updated-viz-settings)} :where [:= :id id]}))))] (run! update-one! (t2/reducible-query {:select [ :dc.visualization_settings :c.result_metadata] :from [[:report_card :c]] :join [[:report_dashboardcard :dc] [:= :dc.card_id]] :where [:and [:not= :c.result_metadata nil] [:like :dc.visualization_settings "%column_settings%"] (json-column-key-like-clause column-key-tag :dc.visualization_settings)]})))) |
(define-reversible-migration MigrateLegacyColumnKeysInDashboardCardVizSettings (update-legacy-column-keys-in-dashboard-card-viz-settings "ref" migrate-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings) (update-legacy-column-keys-in-dashboard-card-viz-settings "name" rollback-legacy-column-keys-in-viz-settings)) | |
(defn- last-stage-number [outer-query] (loop [query (:query outer-query), i 0] (if-let [source-query (:source-query query)] (recur source-query (inc i)) i))) | |
(defn- set-target-stage-number [mapping last-stage] (if-let [target (:target mapping)] (cond-> mapping (and (vector? target) (= (get target 0) "dimension")) (assoc-in [:target 2 :stage-number] last-stage)) mapping)) | |
(defn- set-parameter-stage-numbers [record last-stage] (when-let [orig-pmappings (some-> record :parameter_mappings json/decode+kw)] (let [pmappings (map #(set-target-stage-number % last-stage) orig-pmappings)] (when (not= pmappings orig-pmappings) pmappings)))) | |
(defn- card->last-stage [record] (if (= (:c_type record) "model") ;; models are not transparent 0 ;; questions and metrics are (-> record :dataset_query json/decode+kw last-stage-number))) | |
(defn- add-stage-numbers-to-parameter-mapping-targets [] (let [prev-card-last-stage (volatile! nil)] (run! (fn [record] (let [card-id (:c_id record) [prev-card-id prev-last-stage] @prev-card-last-stage last-stage (if (= card-id prev-card-id) prev-last-stage (let [ls (card->last-stage record)] (vreset! prev-card-last-stage [card-id ls]) ls))] (when-let [new-mappings (set-parameter-stage-numbers record last-stage)] (t2/query {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:parameter_mappings (json/encode new-mappings)} :where [:= :id (:dc_id record)]})))) (t2/reducible-query {:select [[ :c_id] [:c.type :c_type] :c.dataset_query [ :dc_id] :dc.parameter_mappings] :from [[:report_card :c]] :inner-join [[:report_dashboardcard :dc] [:= :dc.card_id]] :where [:!= :dc.parameter_mappings "[]"] :order-by []})))) | |
(defn- remove-target-stage-number [mapping] (if-let [target (:target mapping)] (cond-> mapping (and (vector? target) (= (get target 0) "dimension")) (update :target subvec 0 2)) mapping)) | |
(defn- remove-parameter-stage-numbers [record] (when-let [orig-pmappings (some-> record :parameter_mappings json/decode+kw)] (let [pmappings (map remove-target-stage-number orig-pmappings)] (when (not= pmappings orig-pmappings) pmappings)))) | |
(defn- remove-stage-numbers-from-parameter-mapping-targets [] (run! (fn [record] (when-let [new-mappings (remove-parameter-stage-numbers record)] (t2/query {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:parameter_mappings (json/encode new-mappings)} :where [:= :id (:id record)]}))) (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :parameter_mappings] :from [:report_dashboardcard] :where [:!= :parameter_mappings "[]"]}))) | |
(define-reversible-migration AddStageNumberToParameterMappingTargets (add-stage-numbers-to-parameter-mapping-targets) (remove-stage-numbers-from-parameter-mapping-targets)) | |
(defn- dimension? [x] (and (vector? x) (< 1 (count x) 4) (= (get x 0) "dimension"))) | |
(defn- update-parameter-mapping-target-dimension [parameter-mapping-entry update-fn] (let [parameter-mapping (val parameter-mapping-entry) target (:target parameter-mapping) dimension (:dimension target) new-dimension (cond-> dimension (and (= (:type target) "dimension") (dimension? dimension)) update-fn)] (if (not= new-dimension dimension) (let [new-dimension-str (json/encode new-dimension) new-dimension-key (keyword new-dimension-str)] [new-dimension-key (-> parameter-mapping (assoc :id new-dimension-str) (update :target assoc :id new-dimension-str :dimension new-dimension))]) parameter-mapping-entry))) | |
This can update any map containing :clickbehavior and is called with visualizationsettings too. | (defn- update-column-settings-target-dimensions [column-settings click-behavior->update-fn] (let [click-behavior (:click_behavior column-settings) update-fn (click-behavior->update-fn click-behavior)] (cond-> column-settings (and update-fn (= (:linkType click-behavior) "question") (-> click-behavior :parameterMapping map?)) (update-in [:click_behavior :parameterMapping] (fn [mappings] (into {} (map #(update-parameter-mapping-target-dimension % update-fn)) mappings)))))) |
(defn- update-viz-settings-target-dimensions [viz-settings click-behavior->update-fn] (cond-> viz-settings (-> viz-settings :column_settings map?) (update :column_settings update-vals #(update-column-settings-target-dimensions % click-behavior->update-fn)))) | |
(defn- set-viz-settings-parameter-stage-numbers [orig-viz-settings card-id->last-stage] (let [add-stage-number (fn [click-behavior] (when-let [last-stage (-> click-behavior :targetId card-id->last-stage)] #(assoc % 2 {:stage-number last-stage}))) viz-settings (-> orig-viz-settings (update-viz-settings-target-dimensions add-stage-number) (update-column-settings-target-dimensions add-stage-number))] (when (not= viz-settings orig-viz-settings) viz-settings))) | |
(defn- question-target-card-ids [viz-settings] (keep (fn [viz-or-column-settings] (let [click-behavior (:click_behavior viz-or-column-settings)] (when (= (:linkType click-behavior) "question") (:targetId click-behavior)))) (cons viz-settings (-> viz-settings :column_settings vals)))) | |
(defn- add-stage-numbers-to-viz-settings-parameter-mapping-targets [] (let [id-viz-settings ; based on Hosting Insights, a few hundred records are expected (into [] (map (juxt :id (comp json/decode+kw :visualization_settings))) (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :visualization_settings] :from [:report_dashboardcard] :where [:and [:like :visualization_settings "%\"click_behavior\"%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%[\"dimension\"%"]]})) target-card-ids ; this is not expected much more either (into #{} (comp (map second) (mapcat question-target-card-ids)) id-viz-settings) card-query-batch-size 1000 card-id->last-stage ; this is expected to make just a few queries (one in known cases) (into {} (comp (partition-all card-query-batch-size) (mapcat #(t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :dataset_query [:type :c_type]] :from [:report_card] :where [:in :id %]})) (map (juxt :id card->last-stage))) target-card-ids)] (run! (fn [[id viz-settings]] (when-let [new-viz-settings (set-viz-settings-parameter-stage-numbers viz-settings card-id->last-stage)] (t2/query {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:visualization_settings (json/encode new-viz-settings)} :where [:= :id id]}))) id-viz-settings))) | |
(defn- remove-viz-settings-parameter-stage-numbers [record] (let [orig-viz-settings (some-> record :visualization_settings json/decode+kw) remove-stage-numbers (constantly #(subvec % 0 2)) viz-settings (-> orig-viz-settings (update-viz-settings-target-dimensions remove-stage-numbers) (update-column-settings-target-dimensions remove-stage-numbers))] (when (not= viz-settings orig-viz-settings) viz-settings))) | |
(defn- remove-stage-numbers-from-viz-settings-parameter-mapping-targets [] (run! (fn [record] (when-let [new-mappings (remove-viz-settings-parameter-stage-numbers record)] (t2/query {:update :report_dashboardcard :set {:visualization_settings (json/encode new-mappings)} :where [:= :id (:id record)]}))) (t2/reducible-query {:select [:id :visualization_settings] :from [:report_dashboardcard] :where [:and [:like :visualization_settings "%\"click_behavior\"%"] [:like :visualization_settings "%[\"dimension\"%"]]}))) | |
(define-reversible-migration AddStageNumberToVizSettingsParameterMappingTargets (add-stage-numbers-to-viz-settings-parameter-mapping-targets) (remove-stage-numbers-from-viz-settings-parameter-mapping-targets)) | |
Migrate alerts to notifications on migrate up: - migrate alerts from pulse table to notification table - And then on startup new send notification triggers are created by running [[metabase.task.notification/init-send-notification-triggers!]] | (define-migration MigrateAlertToNotification (pulse-to-notification/migrate-alerts!)) |