Functions for getting the application database connection type and JDBC spec, or temporarily overriding them. | (ns metabase.db.connection (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as a.impl.dispatch] [metabase.db.connection-pool-setup :as connection-pool-setup] [metabase.db.env :as mdb.env] [methodical.core :as methodical] [potemkin :as p] [toucan2.connection :as t2.conn] [toucan2.jdbc.connection :as t2.jdbc.conn] [toucan2.pipeline :as t2.pipeline]) (:import (java.util.concurrent.locks ReentrantReadWriteLock))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
Counter for [[unique-identifier]] -- this is a simple counter rather that [[java.util.UUID/randomUUID]] so we don't waste precious entropy on launch generating something that doesn't need to be random (it just needs to be unique) | (defonce application-db-counter (atom 0)) |
(p/defrecord+ ApplicationDB [^clojure.lang.Keyword db-type ^javax.sql.DataSource data-source ;; used by [[metabase.db/setup-db!]] and [[metabase.db/db-is-set-up?]] to record whether ;; the usual setup steps have been performed (i.e., running Liquibase and Clojure-land data ;; migrations). ^clojure.lang.Atom status ;; A unique identifier generated for this specific application DB. Use this as a ;; memoization/cache key. See [[unique-identifier]] for more information. id ;; Reentrant read-write lock for GETTING new connections. Lock doesn't track whether any ;; existing connections are open! Holding the write lock will however prevent any NEW ;; connections from being acquired. ;; ;; This is a reentrant read-write lock, which means any number of read locks are allowed at ;; the same time, but the write lock is exclusive. So if you want to prevent anyone from ;; getting new connections, lock the write lock. ;; ;; The main purpose of this is to power [[metabase.api.testing]] which allows you to reset ;; the application DB with data from a SQL dump -- during the restore process it is ;; important that we do not allow anyone to access the DB. ^ReentrantReadWriteLock lock] javax.sql.DataSource (getConnection [_] (try (.. lock readLock lock) (.getConnection data-source) (finally (.. lock readLock unlock)))) (getConnection [_ user password] (try (.. lock readLock lock) (.getConnection data-source user password) (finally (.. lock readLock unlock))))) | |
(alter-meta! #'->ApplicationDB assoc :private true) (alter-meta! #'map->ApplicationDB assoc :private true) | |
(def ^:private initial-db-status nil) | |
Create a new Metabase application database (type and [[javax.sql.DataSource]]). For use in combination with [[application-db]]: (binding [mdb.connection/application-db (mdb.connection/application-db :h2 my-data-source)] ...) Options:
| (defn application-db ^ApplicationDB [db-type data-source & {:keys [create-pool?], :or {create-pool? false}}] ;; this doesn't use [[schema.core/defn]] because [[schema.core/defn]] doesn't like optional keyword args {:pre [(#{:h2 :mysql :postgres} db-type) (instance? javax.sql.DataSource data-source)]} (map->ApplicationDB {:db-type db-type :data-source (if create-pool? (connection-pool-setup/connection-pool-data-source db-type data-source) data-source) :status (atom initial-db-status) ;; for memoization purposes. See [[unique-identifier]] for more information. :id (swap! application-db-counter inc) :lock (ReentrantReadWriteLock.)})) |
Type info and [[javax.sql.DataSource]] for the current Metabase application database. Create a new instance with [[application-db]]. | (def ^:dynamic ^ApplicationDB *application-db* (application-db mdb.env/db-type mdb.env/data-source :create-pool? true)) |
Keyword type name of the application DB. Matches corresponding db-type name e.g. | (defn db-type [] (.db-type *application-db*)) |
HoneySQL quoting style to use for application DBs of the given type. Note for H2 application DBs we automatically uppercase all identifiers (since this is H2's default behavior) whereas in the SQL QP we stick with the case we got when we synced the DB. | (defn quoting-style [db-type] (case db-type :postgres :ansi :h2 :h2 :mysql :mysql)) |
Get a data source for the application DB, derived from environment variables. Usually this should be a pooled data source (i.e. a c3p0 pool) -- but in test situations it might not be. TODO -- you can just use [[application-db]] directly, we can probably get rid of this and use that directly instead | (defn data-source ^javax.sql.DataSource [] (.data-source *application-db*)) |
Unique identifier for the Metabase application DB. This value will stay the same as long as the application DB stays the same; if the application DB is dynamically rebound, this will return a new value. For normal memoization you can use [[memoize-for-application-db]]; you should only need to use this directly for TTL memoization with [[clojure.core.memoize]] or other special cases. See [[metabase.driver.util/database->driver*]] for an example of using this for TTL memoization. I didn't call this | (defn unique-identifier [] (.id *application-db*)) |
(methodical/defmethod t2.conn/do-with-connection :default [_connectable f] (t2.conn/do-with-connection *application-db* f)) | |
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *transaction-depth* 0) | |
(defn- do-transaction [^java.sql.Connection connection f] (letfn [(thunk [] (let [savepoint (.setSavepoint connection)] (try (let [result (f connection)] (when (= *transaction-depth* 1) ;; top-level transaction, commit (.commit connection)) result) (catch Throwable txn-e (try (.rollback connection savepoint) (catch Exception rollback-e (throw (ex-info (str "Error rolling back after previous error: " (ex-message txn-e)) {:rollback-error rollback-e} txn-e)))) (throw txn-e)))))] ;; optimization: don't set and unset autocommit if it's already false (if (.getAutoCommit connection) (try (.setAutoCommit connection false) (thunk) (finally (.setAutoCommit connection true))) (thunk)))) | |
(comment ;; in toucan2.jdbc.connection, there is a 'defmethod' for t2.conn/do-with-transaction java.sql.Connection ;; since we don't want our implementation to be overwritten, we need to require it here first before defininng ours t2.jdbc.conn/keepme) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2.conn/do-with-transaction java.sql.Connection "Support nested transactions without introducing a lock like `next.jdbc` does, as that can cause deadlocks -- see Use `Savepoint`s because MySQL only supports nested transactions when done this way. See also Note that these \"nested transactions\" are not the real thing (e.g., as in Oracle): - there is only one commit, meaning that every transaction in a tree of transactions can see the changes other transactions have made, - in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent threads running nested transactions, the effects of rollback are not well defined - a rollback will undo all work done by other transactions in the same tree that started later." [^java.sql.Connection connection {:keys [nested-transaction-rule] :or {nested-transaction-rule :allow} :as options} f] (assert (#{:allow :ignore :prohibit} nested-transaction-rule)) (cond (and (pos? *transaction-depth*) (= nested-transaction-rule :ignore)) (f connection) (and (pos? *transaction-depth*) (= nested-transaction-rule :prohibit)) (throw (ex-info "Attempted to create nested transaction with :nested-transaction-rule set to :prohibit" {:options options})) :else (binding [*transaction-depth* (inc *transaction-depth*)] (do-transaction connection f)))) | |
(methodical/defmethod t2.pipeline/transduce-query :before :default "Make sure application database calls are not done inside core.async dispatch pool threads. This is done relatively early in the pipeline so the stacktrace when this fails isn't super enormous." [_rf _query-type₁ _model₂ _parsed-args resolved-query] (when (a.impl.dispatch/in-dispatch-thread?) (throw (ex-info "Application database calls are not allowed inside core.async dispatch pool threads." {}))) resolved-query) | |