(ns metabase.config
   #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]}
   [cheshire.core :as json]
   [clojure.java.io :as io]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [environ.core :as env]
   [net.cgrand.macrovich :as macros])
   (clojure.lang Keyword)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Indicates whether Enterprise Edition extensions are available

this existed long before 0.39.0, but that's when it was made public

(def ^{:doc  :added "0.39.0"} ee-available?
    #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:metabase/modules]}
    (require 'metabase-enterprise.core)
    (catch Throwable _

Whether code from ./test is available. This is mainly to facilitate certain things like test QP middleware that we want to load only when test code is present.

(def tests-available?
    #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:metabase/modules]}
    (require 'metabase.test.core)
    (catch Throwable _

Are we running on a Windows machine?

(def ^Boolean is-windows?
  #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-var]}
  (str/includes? (str/lower-case (System/getProperty "os.name")) "win"))

Global application defaults

(def ^:private app-defaults
  {:mb-run-mode                     "prod"
   ;; DB Settings
   :mb-db-type                      "h2"
   :mb-db-file                      "metabase.db"
   :mb-db-automigrate               "true"
   :mb-db-logging                   "true"
   ;; Jetty Settings. Full list of options is available here: https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/blob/master/ring-jetty-adapter/src/ring/adapter/jetty.clj
   :mb-jetty-port                   "3000"
   :mb-jetty-join                   "true"
   ;; other application settings
   :mb-password-complexity          "normal"
   :mb-version-info-url             "https://static.metabase.com/version-info.json"
   :mb-version-info-ee-url          "https://static.metabase.com/version-info-ee.json"
   :mb-ns-trace                     ""                      ; comma-separated namespaces to trace
   :max-session-age                 "20160"                 ; session length in minutes (14 days)
   :mb-colorize-logs                (str (not is-windows?)) ; since PowerShell and cmd.exe don't support ANSI color escape codes or emoji,
   :mb-emoji-in-logs                (str (not is-windows?)) ; disable them by default when running on Windows. Otherwise they're enabled
   :mb-qp-cache-backend             "db"
   :mb-jetty-async-response-timeout (str (* 10 60 1000))})  ; 10m

separate map for EE stuff so merge conflicts aren't annoying.

(def ^:private ee-app-defaults
  {:embed-max-session-age "1440"}) ; how long a FULL APP EMBED session is valid for. One day, by default
(alter-var-root #'app-defaults merge ee-app-defaults)

Retrieve value for a single configuration key. Accepts either a keyword or a string.

We resolve properties from these places:

  1. environment variables (ex: MBDBTYPE -> :mb-db-type)
  2. jvm options (ex: -Dmb.db.type -> :mb-db-type)
  3. hard coded app-defaults
(defn config-str
  (let [k       (keyword k)
        env-val (k env/env)]
    (or (when-not (str/blank? env-val) env-val)
        (k app-defaults))))

Fetch a configuration key and parse it as an integer.

These are convenience functions for accessing config values that ensures a specific return type

TODO - These names are bad. They should be something like int, boolean, and keyword, respectively. See https://github.com/metabase/metabase/wiki/Metabase-Clojure-Style-Guide#dont-repeat-namespace-alias-in-function-names for discussion

Fetch a configuration key and parse it as a Long.

Fetch a configuration key and parse it as a boolean.

Fetch a configuration key and parse it as a keyword.

(defn config-int   ^Integer [k] (some-> k config-str Integer/parseInt))
(defn config-long      ^Long    [k] (some-> k config-str Long/parseLong))
(defn config-bool   ^Boolean [k] (some-> k config-str Boolean/parseBoolean))
(defn config-kw     ^Keyword [k] (some-> k config-str keyword))

The mode in which Metabase is being run

(def run-mode
  (config-kw :mb-run-mode))

Are we running in dev mode (i.e. in a REPL or via clojure -M:run)?

Are we running in prod mode (i.e. from a JAR)?

Are we running in test mode (i.e. via clojure -X:test)?

(def ^Boolean is-dev?   (= :dev  run-mode))
(def ^Boolean is-prod?                        (= :prod run-mode))
(def ^Boolean is-test?             (= :test run-mode))

Version stuff

(defn- version-info-from-properties-file []
  (when-let [props-file (io/resource "version.properties")]
    (with-open [reader (io/reader props-file)]
      (let [props (java.util.Properties.)]
        (.load props reader)
        (into {} (for [[k v] props]
                   [(keyword k) v]))))))

Information about the current version of Metabase. Comes from version.properties which is generated by the build script.

mb-version-info -> {:tag: "v0.11.1", :hash: "afdf863", :date: "2015-10-05"}

TODO - Can we make this ^:const, so we don't have to read the file at launch when running from the uberjar?

(def mb-version-info
  (or (version-info-from-properties-file)
      ;; if version info is not defined for whatever reason
      {:tag "vLOCAL_DEV"
       :hash "06d1ba2ae111e66253209c01c244d6379acfc6dcb1911fa9ab6012cec9ce52e5"}))

A formatted version string representing the currently running application. Looks something like v0.25.0-snapshot (1de6f3f nested-queries-icon).

(def ^String mb-version-string
  (let [{:keys [tag hash]} mb-version-info]
    (format "%s (%s)" tag hash)))

A formatted version string including the word 'Metabase' appropriate for passing along with database connections so admins can identify them as Metabase ones. Looks something like Metabase v0.25.0.RC1.

(def ^String mb-app-id-string
  (str "Metabase " (mb-version-info :tag)))

Detect major version from a version string. ex: (major-version "v1.50.25") -> 50

(defn major-version
  (some-> (second (re-find #"\d+\.(\d+)" version-string))

Returns the major version of the running Metabase JAR. When the version.properties file is missing (e.g., running in local dev), returns nil.

(defn current-major-version
  (major-version (:tag mb-version-info)))

Returns the minor version of the running Metabase JAR. When the version.properties file is missing (e.g., running in local dev), returns nil.

(defn current-minor-version
  (some-> (second (re-find #"\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)" (:tag mb-version-info)))

This UUID is randomly-generated upon launch and used to identify this specific Metabase instance during this specifc run. Restarting the server will change this UUID, and each server in a horizontal cluster will have its own ID, making this different from the site-uuid Setting.

  (str (random-uuid)))

A string that contains identifying information about the Metabase version and the local process.

  (format "%s [%s]" mb-app-id-string local-process-uuid))

Default user details provided as a JSON string at launch time for first-user setup flow.

(defn mb-user-defaults
  (when-let [user-json (env/env :mb-user-defaults)]
    (json/parse-string user-json true)))

The user-id of the internal metabase user. This is needed in the OSS edition to filter out users for setup/has-user-setup.

(def ^:const internal-mb-user-id

Whether to disable database cache. Here for loading circularity reasons.

(def ^:dynamic *disable-setting-cache*

Load sample content on fresh installs? Using this effectively means MB_LOAD_SAMPLE_CONTENT defaults to true.

(defn load-sample-content?
  (not (false? (config-bool :mb-load-sample-content))))

A unique identifier for the current request. This is bound by metabase.server.middleware.request-id/wrap-request-id.

(def ^:dynamic *request-id*

Sort of like [[macros/case]] but emits different code for dev or release builds. Useful if you want macros to emit extra stuff for debugging only in dev builds -- for example [[metabase.util.log]] macros emit extra code for capturing logs in tests only in :dev builds.

Accepts the following keys:

  • :clj/dev -- form will only be emitted if this is a Clj dev build (running from the REPL or running tests).

  • :cljs/dev -- form will only be emitted if this is a Cljs dev build (running Cljs REPL or tests, or was triggered by a yarn build command other than build-release.

  • :dev -- form will only be emitted if this is a Clj or Cljs dev build. Cannot be used in combination with :clj/dev or :cljs/dev.

  • :clj/release -- form will only be emitted for non-dev Clj builds (i.e. the uberjar or clj -M:run) -- whenever dev/test code is not available on the classpath)

  • :cljs/release -- form will only be emitted for release Cljs builds (i.e., yarn build-release and friends)

  • :release -- form will be emitted if this is a Clj or Cljs release build. Cannot be used in combination with :clj/release or :cljs/release.

(defmacro build-type-case
  {:style/indent 0}
  [& {:keys [dev release], cljs-dev :cljs/dev, cljs-release :cljs/release, clj-dev :clj/dev, clj-release :clj/release}]
  (assert (not (and dev (or clj-dev cljs-dev)))
          "Cannot specify dev in combination with clj-dev/cljs-dev")
  (assert (not (and release (or clj-release cljs-release)))
          "Cannot specify release in combination with clj-release/cljs-release")
  (let [build-type (macros/case :clj  (if tests-available?
                                :cljs (case (:shadow.build/mode &env)
                                        :dev     :cljs/dev
                                        :release :cljs/release))]
    (case build-type
      :clj/dev      (or dev clj-dev)
      :cljs/dev     (or dev cljs-dev)
      :clj/release  (or release clj-release)
      :cljs/release (or release cljs-release))))