Commands for loading data from an H2 file into another database. Run this with

clojure -M:run load-from-h2


java --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -jar metabase.jar load-from-h2

Test this as follows:

# Postgres psql -c 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS metabase;' psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE metabase;' MBDBTYPE=postgres MBDBHOST=localhost MBDBPORT=5432 MBDBUSER=camsaul MBDBDBNAME=metabase clojure -M:run load-from-h2

# MySQL mysql -u root -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS metabase; CREATE DATABASE metabase;' MBDBTYPE=mysql MBDBHOST=localhost MBDBPORT=3305 MBDBUSER=root MBDBDBNAME=metabase clojure -M:run load-from-h2

(ns metabase.cmd.load-from-h2
   [metabase.cmd.copy :as copy]
   [metabase.cmd.copy.h2 :as copy.h2]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [ :as search]))

Transfer data from existing H2 database to a newly created (presumably MySQL or Postgres) DB. Intended as a tool for upgrading from H2 to a 'real' database.

Defaults to using [[metabase.db.env/db-file]] as the source H2 database if h2-filename is nil.

(defn load-from-h2!
   (load-from-h2! (mdb/db-file)))
   (let [h2-filename    (str h2-filename ";IFEXISTS=TRUE")
         h2-data-source (copy.h2/h2-data-source h2-filename)]
     (copy/copy! :h2 h2-data-source (mdb/db-type) (mdb/data-source))