Functions for commands that can be ran from the command-line with the Clojure CLI or the Metabase JAR. These are ran as follows:

for example, running the migrate command and passing it force can be done using one of the following ways:

clojure -M:run migrate force java --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -jar metabase.jar migrate force

Logic below translates resolves the command itself to a function marked with ^:command metadata and calls the function with arguments as appropriate.

You can see what commands are available by running the command help. This command uses the docstrings and arglists associated with each command's entrypoint function to generate descriptions for each command.

(ns metabase.cmd
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [load import])
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [ :as cli]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.encryption :as encryption]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Command processing and option parsing utilities, etc.

Proxy function to System/exit to enable the use of with-redefs.

(defn- system-exit!
  (System/exit return-code))

Looks up a command var by name

(defn- cmd->var
  (ns-resolve 'metabase.cmd (symbol command-name)))

Resolves enterprise command by symbol and calls with args, or else throws error if not EE

(defn- call-enterprise
  [symb & args]
  (let [f (try
            (classloader/require (symbol (namespace symb)))
            (or (resolve symb)
                (throw (ex-info (trs "{0} does not exist" symb) {})))
            (catch Throwable e
              (throw (ex-info (trs "The ''{0}'' command is only available in Metabase Enterprise Edition." (name symb))
                              {:command symb}
    (apply f args)))
(defn- get-parsed-options
  [iref options]
  (:options (cli/parse-opts options (:arg-spec (meta iref)))))

Command implementations

Run database migrations. Valid options for direction are up, force, down, print, or release-locks.

(defn ^:command migrate
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.migrate)
  ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.migrate/migrate!) direction))

Transfer data from existing H2 database to the newly created MySQL or Postgres DB specified by env vars.

(defn ^:command load-from-h2
   (load-from-h2 nil))
   (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2)
   ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2/load-from-h2!) h2-connection-string)))
(defn ^:command dump-to-h2
  {:doc "Transfer data from existing database to newly created H2 DB with specified filename.
         Target H2 file is deleted before dump, unless the --keep-existing flag is given."
   :arg-spec [["-k" "--keep-existing" "Do not delete target H2 file if it exists."
               :id :keep-existing?]
              ["-p" "--dump-plaintext" "Do not encrypt dumped contents."
               :id :dump-plaintext?]]}
  [h2-filename & opts]
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.dump-to-h2)
    (let [options (get-parsed-options #'dump-to-h2 opts)]
      ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2!) h2-filename options)
      (println "Dump complete")
      (system-exit! 0))
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e "Failed to dump application database to H2 file")
      (system-exit! 1))))

Reset the password for a user with email-address.

(defn ^:command reset-password
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.reset-password)
  ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.reset-password/reset-password!) email-address))

Show this help message listing valid Metabase commands.

(defn ^:command help
   (let [{:keys [doc arg-spec arglists]} (meta (cmd->var command-name))]
     (doseq [arglist arglists]
       (apply println command-name arglist))
     (when doc
       (doseq [doc-line (str/split doc #"\n\s+")]
         (println "\t" doc-line)))
     (when (seq arg-spec)
       (println "\t" "Options:")
       (doseq [opt-line (str/split (:summary (cli/parse-opts [] arg-spec)) #"\n")]
         (println "\t" opt-line)))))
   (println "Valid commands are:")
   (doseq [[symb varr] (sort (ns-interns 'metabase.cmd))
           :when       (:command (meta varr))]
     (help symb)
   (println "\nSome other commands you might find useful:\n")
   (println "java -cp metabase.jar -url jdbc:h2:/path/to/metabase.db")
   (println "\tOpen an SQL shell for the Metabase H2 DB")))

Print version information about Metabase and the current system.

(defn ^:command version
  (println "Metabase version:" config/mb-version-info)
  (println "\nOS:"
           (System/getProperty "")
           (System/getProperty "os.version")
           (System/getProperty "os.arch"))
  (println "\nJava version:"
           (System/getProperty "")
           (System/getProperty "java.version"))
  (println "\nCountry:"       (System/getProperty ""))
  (println "System timezone:" (System/getProperty "user.timezone"))
  (println "Language:"        (System/getProperty "user.language"))
  (println "File encoding:"   (System/getProperty "file.encoding")))

Generate a markdown file containing documentation for all API endpoints. This is written to a file called docs/

(defn ^:command api-documentation
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.endpoint-dox)
  ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.endpoint-dox/generate-dox!)))

Generates a markdown file containing documentation for environment variables relevant to configuring Metabase. The command only includes environment variables registered as defsettings. For a full list of environment variables, see

(defn ^:command environment-variables-documentation
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.env-var-dox)
  ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.env-var-dox/generate-dox!)))

Generates a markdown file with some documentation and an example configuration file in YAML. The YAML template includes Metabase settings and their defaults. Metabase will save the template as docs/configuring-metabase/

(defn ^:command config-template
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.config-file-gen)
  ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.config-file-gen/generate-config-file-doc!)))

Print a list of all multimethods available for a driver to implement, optionally with their docstrings.

(defn ^:command driver-methods
   (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.driver-methods)
   ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.driver-methods/print-available-multimethods) false))
   (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.driver-methods)
   ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.driver-methods/print-available-multimethods) true)))
(defn ^:command load
  {:doc "Note: this command is deprecated. Use `import` instead.
         Load serialized Metabase instance as created by [[dump]] command from directory `path`."
   :arg-spec [["-m" "--mode (skip|update)" "Update or skip on conflicts."
               :default      :skip
               :default-desc "skip"
               :parse-fn     mbql.u/normalize-token
               :validate     [#{:skip :update} "Must be 'skip' or 'update'"]]
              ["-e" "--on-error (continue|abort)"  "Abort or continue on error."
               :default      :continue
               :default-desc "continue"
               :parse-fn     mbql.u/normalize-token
               :validate     [#{:continue :abort} "Must be 'continue' or 'abort'"]]]}
  [path & options]
  (log/warn (u/colorize :red "'load' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please migrate to 'import'."))
  (call-enterprise 'metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd/v1-load! path (get-parsed-options #'load options)))
(defn ^:command ^:requires-init import
  {:doc "Load serialized Metabase instance as created by the [[export]] command from directory `path`."
   :arg-spec [["-e" "--continue-on-error" "Do not break execution on errors."]
              [   "--full-stacktrace"   "Output full stacktraces on errors."]]}
  [path & options]
  (call-enterprise 'metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd/v2-load! path (get-parsed-options #'import options)))
(defn ^:command dump
  {:doc "Note: this command is deprecated. Use `export` instead.
         Serializes Metabase instance into directory `path`."
   :arg-spec [["-u" "--user EMAIL"         "Export collections owned by the specified user"]
              ["-s" "--state (active|all)" "When set to `active`, do not dump archived entities. Default behavior is `all`."
               :default      :all
               :default-desc "all"
               :parse-fn     mbql.u/normalize-token
               :validate     [#{:active :all} "Must be 'active' or 'all'"]]
              [nil "--include-entity-id"   "Include entity_id property in all dumped entities. Default: false."]]}
  [path & options]
  (log/warn (u/colorize :red "'dump' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please migrate to 'export'."))
  (call-enterprise 'metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd/v1-dump! path (get-parsed-options #'dump options)))
(defn ^:command export
  {:doc      "Serialize Metabase instance into directory at `path`."
   :arg-spec [["-c" "--collection ID"            "Export only specified ID(s). Use commas to separate multiple IDs. Pass either PKs or entity IDs."
               :id        :collection-ids
               :parse-fn  (fn [raw-string] (->> (str/split raw-string #"\s*,\s*")
                                                (map (fn [v]
                                                         (str/starts-with? v "eid:") v
                                                         (= (count v) 21)            v
                                                         :else                       (parse-long v))))))]
              ["-C" "--no-collections"           "Do not export any content in collections."]
              ["-S" "--no-settings"              "Do not export settings.yaml"]
              ["-D" "--no-data-model"            "Do not export any data model entities; useful for subsequent exports."]
              ["-f" "--include-field-values"     "Include field values along with field metadata."]
              ["-s" "--include-database-secrets" "Include database connection details (in plain text; use caution)."]
              ["-e" "--continue-on-error"        "Do not break execution on errors."]
              [   "--full-stacktrace"          "Output full stacktraces on errors."]]}
  [path & options]
  (call-enterprise 'metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd/v2-dump! path (get-parsed-options #'export options)))

Add entity IDs for instances of serializable models that don't already have them.

(defn ^:command seed-entity-ids
  (when-not (call-enterprise 'metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd/seed-entity-ids!)
    (throw (Exception. "Error encountered while seeding entity IDs"))))

Drop entity IDs for instances of serializable models. Useful for migrating from v1 serialization (x.46 and earlier) to v2 (x.47+).

(defn ^:command drop-entity-ids
  (when-not (call-enterprise 'metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd/drop-entity-ids!)
    (throw (Exception. "Error encountered while dropping entity IDs"))))

Rotate the encryption key of a metabase database. The MBENCRYPTIONSECRET_KEY environment variable has to be set to the current key, and the parameter new-key has to be the new key. new-key has to be at least 16 chars.

(defn ^:command rotate-encryption-key
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.rotate-encryption-key)
    ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.rotate-encryption-key/rotate-encryption-key!) new-key)
    (log/info "Encryption key rotation OK.")
    (system-exit! 0)
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e "ERROR ROTATING KEY.")
      (system-exit! 1))))

Decrypts data in the metabase database. The MBENCRYPTIONSECRET_KEY environment variable has to be set to the current key

(defn ^:command remove-encryption
  (classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.remove-encryption)
  (when-not (encryption/default-encryption-enabled?)
    (log/error "MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY environment variable has not been set")
    (system-exit! 1))
    ((resolve 'metabase.cmd.remove-encryption/remove-encryption!))
    (log/info "Encryption removed OK.")
    (system-exit! 0)
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e "ERROR REMOVING ENCRYPTION.")
      (system-exit! 1))))

------------------------------------------------ Validate Commands ----------------------------------------------

(defn- arg-list-count-ok? [arg-list arg-count]
  (if (some #{'&} arg-list)
    ;; subtract 1 for the & and 1 for the symbol after &
    ;; e.g. [a b & c] => 2
    (>= arg-count (- (count arg-list) 2))
    (= arg-count (count arg-list))))
(defn- arg-count-errors
  [command-name args]
  (let [arg-lists (-> command-name cmd->var meta :arglists)]
    (when-not (some #(arg-list-count-ok? % (count args)) arg-lists)
      (str "The '" command-name "' command requires "
           (when (> 1 (count arg-lists)) "one of ")
           "the following arguments: "
           (str/join " | " (map pr-str arg-lists))
           ", but received: " (pr-str (vec args)) "."))))

------------------------------------------------ Running Commands ------------------------------------------------

Returns [error-message] if there is an error, otherwise [nil command-fn]

(defn- validate
  [command-name args]
  (let [varr (cmd->var command-name)
        {:keys [command arg-spec]} (meta varr)
        err  (arg-count-errors command-name args)]
      (not command)
      [(str "Unrecognized command: '" command-name "'")
       (str "Valid commands: " (str/join ", " (map key (filter (comp :command meta val) (ns-interns 'metabase.cmd)))))]
      (:errors (cli/parse-opts args arg-spec)))))
(defn- requires-init?
  (-> command-name cmd->var meta :requires-init))
(defn- fail!
  [& messages]
  (doseq [msg messages]
    (println (u/format-color 'red msg)))
  (System/exit 1))

Run cmd with args. This is a function above. e.g. clojure -M:run metabase migrate force becomes (migrate "force").

(defn run-cmd
  [command-name init-fn args]
  (if-let [errors (validate command-name args)]
      (when (cmd->var command-name)
        (println "Usage:")
        (help command-name))
      (apply fail! errors))
      (when (requires-init? command-name)
      (apply @(cmd->var command-name) args)
      (catch Throwable e
        (when (:cmd/exit (ex-data e)) ;; fast-track for commands that have their own error handling
          (System/exit 1))
        (.printStackTrace e)
        (fail! (str "Command failed with exception: " (.getMessage e))))))
  (System/exit 0))