Implementation for the | (ns metabase.cmd.endpoint-dox (:require [ :as classpath] [ :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [ :as ns.find] [metabase.config :as config] [metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader] [metabase.util :as u])) |
API docs intro | |
Exists just so we can write the intro in Markdown. | (defn- api-docs-intro [] (str (slurp "src/metabase/cmd/resources/") "\n\n")) |
API docs page title | |
Some paid endpoints have different formatting. This way we don't combine the api/table endpoint with sandbox.api.table, for example. | (defn- handle-enterprise-ns [endpoint] (if (str/includes? endpoint "metabase-enterprise") (str/split endpoint #"metabase-enterprise.") (str/split endpoint #"\."))) |
Used to format initialisms/acronyms in generated docs. | (def initialisms '["SSO" "SAML" "GTAP" "LDAP" "SQL" "JSON" "API" "LLM" "SCIM"]) |
Converts initialisms to upper case. | (defn capitalize-initialisms [name initialisms] (let [re (re-pattern (str "(?i)(?:" (str/join "|" (map #(str % "\\b") initialisms)) ")"))] (str/replace name re u/upper-case-en))) |
Creates a name for endpoints in a namespace, like all the endpoints for Alerts. Handles some edge cases for enterprise endpoints. | (defn- endpoint-ns-name [endpoint] (-> (:ns endpoint) ns-name name handle-enterprise-ns last u/capitalize-first-char (str/replace #"(.api.|-)" " ") (str/replace ".api" "") ; account for `serialization.api` namespace (capitalize-initialisms initialisms) (str/replace "SSO SSO" "SSO"))) |
Used for formatting YAML string punctuation for frontmatter descriptions. | (defn- handle-quotes [s] (-> s (str/replace #"\"" "'") str/split-lines (#(str/join "\n " %)))) |
Formats description for YAML frontmatter. | (defn- format-frontmatter-description [desc] (str "|\n " (handle-quotes desc))) |
Used to grab namespace description, if it exists. | (defn- get-description [ep ep-data] (let [desc (-> ep-data first :ns meta :doc u/add-period)] (if (str/blank? desc) (u/add-period (str "API endpoints for " ep)) desc))) |
Formats frontmatter, which includes title and summary, if any. | (defn- endpoint-page-frontmatter [ep ep-data] (let [desc (format-frontmatter-description (get-description ep ep-data))] (str "---\ntitle: \"" ep "\"" "\nsummary: " desc "\n---\n\n"))) |
Creates a page title for a set of endpoints, e.g., | (defn- endpoint-page-title [ep-title] (str "# " ep-title "\n\n")) |
API endpoint description | |
If there is a namespace docstring, include the docstring with a paragraph break. | (defn- endpoint-page-description [ep ep-data] (let [desc (get-description ep ep-data)] (if (str/blank? desc) desc (str desc "\n\n")))) |
API endpoints | |
Creates a name for an endpoint: VERB /path/to/endpoint. Used to build anchor links in the table of contents. | (defn- endpoint-str [endpoint] (-> (:doc endpoint) (str/split #"\n") first str/trim)) |
Decorates endpoints with strings for building API endpoint pages. | (defn- process-endpoint [endpoint] (assoc endpoint :endpoint-str (endpoint-str endpoint) :ns-name (endpoint-ns-name endpoint))) |
Regular expression to match endpoints. Needs to match namespaces like: - - metabase-enterprise.serialization.api - metabase.api.api-key | (def api-ns (re-pattern "^metabase(?:-enterprise\\.[\\w-]+)?\\.api(?:\\.[\\w-]+)?$")) |
(defn- api-namespaces [] (for [ns-symb (ns.find/find-namespaces (classpath/system-classpath)) :when (and (re-find api-ns (name ns-symb)) (not (str/includes? (name ns-symb) "test")))] ns-symb)) | |
Gets a list of all API endpoints. | (defn collect-endpoints [] (for [ns-symb (api-namespaces) [_sym varr] (do (classloader/require ns-symb) (sort (ns-interns ns-symb))) :when (:is-endpoint? (meta varr))] (meta varr))) |
Builds a list of endpoints and their parameters.
Relies on docstring generation in | (defn- endpoint-docs [ep-data] (str/join "\n\n" (map #(str/trim (:doc %)) ep-data))) |
Is the endpoint a paid feature? | (defn- paid? [ep-data] (or (str/includes? (:endpoint-str (first ep-data)) "/api/ee") ;; some ee endpoints are inconsistent in naming, see #22687 (str/includes? (:endpoint-str (first ep-data)) "/api/mt") (= 'metabase-enterprise.sandbox.api.table (ns-name (:ns (first ep-data)))) (str/includes? (:endpoint-str (first ep-data)) "/auth/sso") (str/includes? (:endpoint-str (first ep-data)) "/api/moderation-review"))) |
Adds a footer with a link back to the API index. | (defn endpoint-footer [ep-data] (let [level (if (paid? ep-data) "../../" "../")] (str "\n\n---\n\n[<< Back to API index](" level ""))) |
Build API pages | |
Builds a page with the name, description, table of contents for endpoints in a namespace, followed by the endpoint and their parameter descriptions. | (defn endpoint-page [ep ep-data] (apply str (endpoint-page-frontmatter ep ep-data) (endpoint-page-title ep) (endpoint-page-description ep ep-data) (endpoint-docs ep-data) (endpoint-footer ep-data))) |
Creates a filepath from an endpoint. | (defn- build-filepath [dir endpoint-name ext] (let [file (-> endpoint-name str/trim (str/split #"\s+") (#(str/join "-" %)) u/lower-case-en)] (str dir file ext))) |
Creates a link to the page for each endpoint. Used to build links
on the API index page at | (defn build-endpoint-link [ep ep-data] (let [filepath (build-filepath (if (paid? ep-data) "api/ee/" "api/") ep ".md")] (str "- [" ep (when (paid? ep-data) "*") "](" filepath ")"))) |
Creates a string that lists links to all endpoint groups, e.g., - Activity. | (defn- build-index [endpoints] (str/join "\n" (map (fn [[ep ep-data]] (build-endpoint-link ep ep-data)) endpoints))) |
Creates a sorted map of API endpoints. Currently includes some endpoints for paid features. | (defn- map-endpoints [] (->> (collect-endpoints) (map process-endpoint) (group-by :ns-name) (into (sorted-map-by (fn [a b] (compare (u/lower-case-en a) (u/lower-case-en b))))))) |
Page generators | |
Creates an index page that lists links to all endpoint pages. | (defn- generate-index-page! [endpoint-map] (let [endpoint-index (str (api-docs-intro) (build-index endpoint-map))] (spit (io/file "docs/") endpoint-index))) |
Takes a map of endpoint groups and generates markdown pages for all API endpoint groups. | (defn- generate-endpoint-pages! [endpoints] (doseq [[ep ep-data] endpoints] (let [file (build-filepath (str "docs/" (if (paid? ep-data) "api/ee/" "api/")) ep ".md") contents (endpoint-page ep ep-data)] (io/make-parents file) (spit file contents)))) |
Is it a markdown file? | (defn- md? [file] (= "md" (-> file str (str/split #"\.") last))) |
Used to clear the API directory for rebuilding docs from scratch so we don't orphan files as the API changes. | (defn- reset-dir [file] (let [files (filter md? (file-seq file))] (doseq [f files] (try (io/delete-file f) (catch Exception e (println "File:" f "not deleted") (println e)))))) |
Builds an index page and sub-pages for groups of endpoints.
Index page is | (defn generate-dox! [] (when-not config/ee-available? (println (u/colorize :red (str "Warning: EE source code not available. EE endpoints will not be included. " "If you want to include them, run the command with" \newline \newline "clojure -M:ee:doc api-documentation")))) (let [endpoint-map (map-endpoints)] (reset-dir (io/file "docs/api")) (generate-index-page! endpoint-map) (println "API doc index generated at docs/") (generate-endpoint-pages! endpoint-map) (println "API endpoint docs generated in docs/api/{endpoint}."))) |