Generates a docs page with an example configuration file for Metabase. The example config includes all configurable settings and their default values.

(ns metabase.cmd.config-file-gen
   [clj-yaml.core :as yaml]
   [ :as io]
   [metabase.cmd.env-var-dox :as dox]))

Get settings and their default values

Some default values require resetting. For example, the saml-attribute-email is a link, which fails an email validation check when Metabase loads the config file.

(def settings-to-reset

Sets certain default values to nil.

(defn reset-default-values
  (reduce (fn [settings k] (assoc settings k nil)) settings settings-to-reset))

Gets valid config settings.

(defn settings
  (dox/filter-env-vars (dox/get-settings)))

Get a setting's name and its default.

(defn get-name-and-default
  [{:keys [munged-name default]}]
  {(keyword munged-name) default})

Add settings to YAML template

Creates a sorted map of settings from their names and defaults.

(defn create-settings-map
  (->> settings
       (map get-name-and-default)
       (into (sorted-map))))

Preps settings for the configuration file.

(defn- config-settings
  (-> (settings)

Adds settings to the configuration template.

(defn- add-settings
  (assoc-in config [:config :settings] (config-settings)))

Build Markdown file

Used as header for config file doc.

(def markdown-intro

Used as footer for config file doc.

(def markdown-outro

Take a YAML string and builds a Markdown page for docs on a configuration file.

(defn- build-markdown-page
  (str (slurp (io/resource markdown-intro))
       (slurp (io/resource markdown-outro))))

Takes configuration map that includes settings data and preps YAML for embedding in Markdown doc.

(defn- format-yaml
  (yaml/generate-string config-with-settings :dumper-options {:flow-style :block}))

Generates a configuration file Markdown doc with config template for Metabase with settings and their default values.

(defn- create-config-doc
  (-> yaml-template

Docs location for the config file template.

(def config-file-path

Base template that we'll add the settings to.

(def yaml-template

Generates a configuration file doc with template and saves to docs directory.

(defn generate-config-file-doc!
  (println "Creating config file doc with template...")
  (spit (io/file config-file-path) (create-config-doc yaml-template))
  (println (str "Config doc file created: `" config-file-path "`.")))