(ns metabase.channel.template.handlebars-helper
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [hash])
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date]
   [metabase.util.urls :as urls])
    Options Handlebars Helper Handlebars$SafeString)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Get the block body.

(defn option-block-body
  [^Options option]
  (.fn option))

Get the else block.

(defn option-else-block
  [^Options option]
  (.inverse option))

A wrapper of Handlebars.SafeString

(defn safe-str
  [& text]
  (Handlebars$SafeString. (apply str text)))

Define a helper function.

Helper is a function that takes 4 arguments: context, params, hash, and options.

(defhelper format-name "Format a name with title and uppercase options." [name _params {:keys [title uppercase] :or {title "Mr."}} _options] (if uppercase (str title (u/upper-case-en name)) (str title name)))

(defmacro defhelper
  [helper-name description argvec & body]
  (let [helper-fn-name (symbol (str helper-name \*))
        description#   description]
    (assert (= 4 (count argvec)) "Helper function must have 4 arguments: context, params, hash, and options")
       (defn ~helper-fn-name
       (def ~(vary-meta helper-name
                        {:doc        description
                         :is-helper? true})
         (reify Helper (apply [_# context# option#]
                         (~helper-fn-name context# (.params option#) (update-keys (.hash option#) keyword) option#)))))))

Register a helper.

(defn register-helper
  [^Handlebars hbs ^String name ^Helper helper]
  (.registerHelper hbs name helper))

Register a list of helpers.

(defn register-helpers
  [^Handlebars hbs helpers]
  (doseq [[name helper] helpers]
    (register-helper hbs name helper)))

---------------- Predefined helpers ----------------;;

Return true if two values are equal.

{{if (equals product.name "Hot Dog")}} Hot Dog {{else}} Not Hot Dog {{/if}}


(defhelper equals
  [x [y] _kparams _options]
  (= x y))

Format date helper.

{{format-date '2000-30-01''dd-MM-YY'}} ;; => 30-01-00

date can be either a string or a date time object.

(defhelper format-date
  [date [fmt] _kparams _options]
  (assert (string? fmt) "Format must be a string")
  (u.date/format fmt
                 (if (string? date)
                   (u.date/parse date)

Get the current date and time. Returned object is a java.time.Instant

(defhelper now
  [_context _params _kparams _options]

Metabase specifics

Return an appropriate URL for a Card with ID.

{{card-url 10}} ;; => "http://localhost:3000/question/10"

(defhelper card-url
  [id _params _kparams _options]
  (urls/card-url id))

Return the URL to trash page.

(defhelper trash-url
  [_ _params _kparams _options]

Return an appropriate URL for a Dashboard with ID.

{{dashboard-url 10}} -> "http://localhost:3000/dashboard/10"

(defhelper dashboard-url
  [id [parameters] _kparams _options]
  (urls/dashboard-url id (map #(update-keys % keyword) parameters)))

A list of default helpers.

(def default-helpers
  {"equals"        equals
   "format-date"   format-date
   "now"           now
   "card-url"      card-url
   "dashboard-url" dashboard-url})